fix articles 6879, increase Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : increase


When will we finally end the party of the arms companies? (tags)

The people, however, want the opposite. They are afraid of war. They want peace and civil conflict resolution. They want social welfare and a decent standard of living.That is what politics should focus on. Unfortunately, in the current hysterical mood, there are only a few who have the courage to be pilloried as "party crashers", pro-Putin, pro-Hamas, pro-Mullah and other autocrats

The inflation debate and The inflation conundrum (tags)

If inflation is the result of a distributional conflict, it can be deliberately stopped by governments. Governments could skim off the higher profits through a tax in order to subsidize energy costs for consumers. Governments could also raise taxes (on the rich).

Corona crisis turns into social crisis and The Taboo in Glasgow (tags)

"We are about to drive the world to the wall at full speed." Glasgow creates only lukewarm symptom therapy The example shows that hardly anyone dares to seriously name and research the basic problems of economic growth and population growth.

Collective working-time reduction is long overdue (tags)

The overall economic fact is further that from 1960 to 2019 the volume of work (despite reunification) increased only from 56.2 to 62.6 billion hours (by 11.4%), while the potential labor force grew from 26.3 to 46.5 million persons, i.e. by 76.8%.

Five reasons for an "investing initiative" (tags)

Public investments not only bring more employment in the short term, they also increase public wealth and thus enhance the quality of life of the population. Accordingly, they form an important basis for sustainable prosperity and well-being. Investment at the federal level is already on the rise,

New Prosperity. Is a paradigm-shift necessary given the limits of economic growth? (tags)

Politicians and economists have adhered to the principle of steady growth. One possible explanation may be that "central areas of society, politics and the economy.... are existentially dependent on constant growth"

Corona contsainment could cause more suffering than it prevents (tags)

UNICEF calculated that an additional 150 million children were pushed into poverty as a result of the economic collapse provoked by the quasi-global lockdown in spring. Already in July, experts from the World Food Program (WFP) warned that the Corona crisis could threaten an additional 130 million people

New corona measures. We need "Sweden light," instead of "lockdown light" (tags)

COVID-19 is currently responsible for 1,2% of deaths in Sweden, but probably gets 99% of the attention. We need to maintain some perspective. Sebastian Rushworth, MD

More pragmatism in dealing with Corona (tags)

It is more important than ever that we are not only stubbornly clinging to concepts, but that we are prepared to break new ground. Also new ways of communication. A Corona traffic light would make both possible as a first step.

Less is more and Tightening the rules for the unemployed (tags)

Gainful employment is just one form of work alongside others such as care work or voluntary work. Here I would like to endorse the model of the 30-hour week... There is a need to expand investment-based active labor market policy.

Join The Protest Rally in Glendale on April 10, 2018! (tags)

Join The Protest at Glendale City Hall on April 10, 2018! Glendale is planning a $500 million expansion of the Grayson Power Station that will increase emissions by 415,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide annually, increase ozone and particulate pollution, and generate electricity to sell to other cities.

Join The Protest Rally in Glendale on April 10, 2018! (tags)

JOIN US on Tuesday, April 10 at 5:30pm at Glendale City Hall for a rally to stop the Grayson Expansion! Spread the message! Tell your friends!

Working Digitally in Just Economies (tags)

Reducing working hours is an attractive scenario, an optimistic picture of a possible future of society. Less than 2% of German workers labor in agriculture, down from 40% in the 19th century. The future of work is person-related work. The state must intervene with subsidies.

Zombie Capitalism (tags)

"We live in an unstable world, and the instability is going to increase. it is a world where a billion people feel hungry everyday, and the hunger is going to increase. In mid 2007, a number of banks suddenly discovered they could not balance their books and stopped lending..."

Trumponomics: Failure Pre-Programmed (tags)

Macro-economic and ecological connections are simply ignored with the concentration on short-term profit. The planned reduction of corporate taxes from the current 35% to 15 or 20% recalls the Laffer-curve as the basis of Reagan's fiscal policy error.

Teenagers Get False Messages to increase the use o Drugs. (tags)

In the past year's studies o drug use among teenagers, new rends are showing up,

Behind every refugee stands an arms trader (tags)

Humankind has abolished slavery, absolute monarchy, cannibalism and, in principle, child labor. To solve, or at least reduce, the mounting refugee problem, we should begin to discuss how to increase human civilization by criminalizing arms trade and by abolishing war.

BDS Effect on Israel's Economy (tags)


Israel Wants 50% Increase in US Provided Military Aid (tags)


Commander: "Turkey delivered weapons to terrorists in Yemen in guise of humanitarian aid" (tags)

"Yemeni Major General Khalid al-Barayemi said that the revolutionary forces found the chemical weapons in several Saudi trucks bound for areas under terrorists' control. [...] Al-Barayemi also said there is sufficient evidence that Turkish planes have recently delivered weapons into Yemen's soil under the cover of humanitarian aid, implying that the chemical weapons substances might have been transited from Turkey."

Twitter Censoring www Political Speech is Not IPO Concern$.. (tags)

Until Twitter owners allow individuals the realistic opportunity of building their own larger followers base without using paid program APT$ to delete those who un>follow Twitter users,they will never retain long time users ..

The Great Tax-Cut Experiment and Corporate Taxes as % of Profits (tags)

Comparisons with Other Countries: Americans pay a smaller proportion of total income in taxes than do people in any other advanced capitalist economy. as in Western European countries.

Phoenix City Council member Sal DiCiccio - Phoney baloney Libertarian (tags)

Phoenix City Council member Sal DiCiccio likes to paint himself as a conservative Libertarian, but he isn't any more of a Libertarian then Hitler.

Climate Change Policy Gap Between USA and Europe Grows, as Norway Sets New Carbon Tax (tags)

Ignored in the Presidential debates -- climate change policies in the USA and Europe are diverting - wildly. Norway just set a new national carbon tax, while the US House of Representatives recently voted to ban CO2 regulations. Like we live on different planets.

Califorina ~ Pan African Trade Grows Jobs and Profits (tags)

Can Califorina Pan African Trade and Commerce quantify and expand job creation and economic development? The South African effort in California is worthy of support.

Settler Attacks on Palestinians (tags)


Income Inequality Undermining American Democracy (tags)

This is NOT a study of my own, merely a pointer to a piece published by the New York Times, dealing with growing income inequality, undermining US democracy.

Why Blade Runner? Your Thoughts and Memories Are Not Your Own (tags)

While we may not have been directly implanted with Eldon Tyrell's niece's memories, our DNA reeks of Horatio Alger and our own bootstraps.

Philippines: Education underspending is not "straight path" (tags)

Statement of the Student Council Alliance of the Philippines (SCAP) on the 2012 Proposed Budget

Need overwhelms Southern California food pantries (tags)

Los Angeles and Orange Counties, long known as centers of Southern California wealth and glamour, are now home to more than half a million people seeking help from food pantries.

California State University System Raises Tuition (tags)

While Elliot Hirshman, the new president of San Diego State University, receives a $400,000 compensation package, the California State University?s (CSU) Board of Trustees voted on Tuesday 13 to 2 in favor of increasing tuition by an additional 12 percent for the 23-campus system. Students will be paying about $6,422, double the amount required in 2007.

U.S. House of Representatives: Stupid? Crooks? or Stupid Crooks? (tags)

Some of our representatives are just plain dumb as box of shale. They may even believe that American oil can be sold at Mom and Pop's Gas-It-Up.

PHILIPPINES: Employers win again: P22 COLA too little, too late (tags)

?If the objective is to increase the capacity of workers and their families to weather economic woes, an increase of P22 a day at this point is simply too little, too late,? Akbayan Representative Walden Bello said on Tuesday morning following the announcement of a P22-increase in minimum wage earners? cost of living allowance (COLA).

The Philippine Government Has Failed to Address Poverty in its First Year in Office (tags)

The latest Social Weather Station (SWS) survey showing an increase in hunger is a major concern that must be taken seriously and not brushed off in a squabble over statistics. According to the March 4-7 poll 20.5% of respondents -- or an estimated 4.1 million families -- have gone hungry at least once in the past three months. This is up from the estimated 3.4 million families recorded in November 2010, i.e., almost one million extra families are going hungry today due to poverty. Along with the other examples of poverty and marginalization – such as the shocking deaths of up to 30 people in Palawan, including children, due to easily preventable ailments such as diarrhea – this demonstrates that the situation of the masses is deteriorating.

IMF Working Paper: "Inequality, Leverage and Crises" (tags)

"A financial crisis can reduce leverage if it is very large and not accompanied by a real contraction. But restoration of the lower income group's bargaining power is more effective."

Does Money Buy Happiness? (tags)

A new article in Science Daily says money does not by happiness.

do you support raising Collage tuitions Mike Tully (tags)

do you support raising Collage tuitions Mike Tully

Potential Impact of Health Reform on the (tags)

Potential Impact of Health Reform on the Cost of Private Health Insurance

LA Housing and Community Activists Protest Eric Garcetti (tags)

June 17th march and protest about the LA rent freeze.

Los Angeles Right to Housing Collective Fights for Tenant Rights (tags)

City Council made tenants wait over five hours before declining to vote on a moratorium against rent increases.When tenants voiced their anger, frustration and disappointment by chanting loudly in Council Chambers, Acting President Dennis Zine ordered Los Angeles Police Department to remove tenants from council. About 30 LAPD officers began roughly forcing tenants out of Council chambers.


Meditations on the "drip blood" TV journalism.

Debt to the rescue (tags)

Elite democracy leads to corruption of wealth distribution, language and community. "We must be wounded to be healed" (Dorothee Soelle).

Taxing the Rich Wins in Oregon (tags)

Victory! Thousands of Oregon workers fought valiantly over the past weeks to ensure that corporations and the rich will see their taxes raised, so that social services, health care, and education could be saved. Massive phone banking operations, door-to-door canvassing, and rallies were used by union and community members to educate the public about a progressive tax measure used to offset the state’s dire budget situation.

The crisis in Venezuela: understanding the causes, assigning blame and suggesting solution (tags)

* The public pronouncement from the Editorial Collective of El Libertario in mid-January 2010 on the current situation in Venezuela.

UC Strike - UCLA Nov.19th (tags)

Strike at UCLA, November 18th against UC Regent's decision to raise student fee by 32% and budget cut.

The tax that no one is talking about! (tags)

The tax that no one is talking about!

California to withhold a bigger chunk of paychecks (tags)

The tax that no one is talking about!

BTL:New U.S. Military Bases in Colombia Will Increase Regional Tensions (tags)

BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine

Saifee Durbar: Increasing African Self Sufficiency (tags)

Saifee Durbar has a plan to increase Africa’s self sufficiency.

Cash for Geezers: Retirement for Boomers at 55 (tags)

Beloved Air America host in the mornings, Thom Hartmann and Eduardo Galeano could turn our days to light.

New UC Chancellors hired for $400,000+ during Budget Crisis (tags)

Susan Desmond-Hellman was named the new chancellor of UC San Francisco with a salary of $450,000, a nearly 12 percent increase over her predecessor. Earlier this month, she informed students and staff that the budget crisis in the state would force sharp cuts in university programs and services.

Unconditional Basic Income for All (tags)

Laziness at everyone's expense is the argument brought by opponents of basic income because they haven't understood the cause.. The work incentive will change. One will work to increase quality of life and for the meaning of work itself.

China to take over IMF (tags)

Obama sent to beg China not to pull the bond rug out from underneath it.

3/22/09: Now that Michelle Obama has put a White House Garden come support a local one. (tags)

Now that Michelle Obama has put up her garden at the white house it is time you come support a local one. The rebirth and regeneration of Proyecto Jardín, a communal garden in the heart of Boyle Heights, will be marked by a community-wide open house that aims to increase neighborhood awareness about and access to the garden.

VIDEO: Lessons of the Great Depression (tags)

Output per worker, efficiency or productivity, increased 25% from 1923-1930 while wages only increased 4%. The first problem is that people can't afford what they produce. The second problem is that we've been consuming the planet

3 Recent Graphical Economic Indicators (tags)

Three major indicators were publish recently. The US economy is slowing down gravely and the signs are definitely showing the de-acceleration.

Understanding the origin of public insecurity (tags)

* Article originally published in spanish language in El Libertario, Venezuela, # 54, September-October 2008, that analyzes and goes over the problem of criminal violence through its social impact on contemporary Venezuela.

International WS:Back to paste the increase of productivity to increase in wages (tags)

Back to paste the increase of productivity to increase in wages. It is mandatory global cooperation so that the crisis is overcome. Need to overcoming politicaly and intellectualy neo-liberalism. Emphasize the value of work. Neo Progressive Keynesiasm

US diplomacy tainted by 'militarization' (tags)

"Since the fall of the Berlin Wall [in 1989], the diplomatic capacity of the United States has been hollowed out," according to the 26-page report, "A Foreign Affairs Budget for the Future", which said a continuation of the status quo cannot continue without serious damage to the US's "vital interests".

Excesses of Supply Theory (tags)

In Germany, the competitiveness of businesses is still set above strengthening domestic demand. Therefore Germany could skid into a recession. In the US, trickle-down economics, tax cuts benefiting the top 1% and military Keynesianism make the economic future ominous.

Number of Pets Abandoned up 22%, BUT the Number of Pets KILLED UP 37% (IN 2008) (tags)

ED BOKS Claims that LA is 95% No-Kill, IN SPITE of a 37% Increase in KILLING!

LAAS is NOT 95% No-Kill (tags)

The GM of LA Animal Services, Ed Boks, is claiming that LAAS is 95.75% no-kill, in spite of the fact that Boks admits that killing at LAAS is up 37% in 2008.

Democrat's Reality Check: Obama Provides No Hope of Change of the Permanent War Economy (tags)

The Obama campaign reply to the Corsi smear book, Obama Nation, "Unfit for Publication: An Investigative Report on the Lies in Jerome Corsi's `Obama Nation,'" leaves no doubt: Obama has no intention of reversing America's permanent war economy.

California budget compromise takes from the poor, gives to the rich (tags)

Finally an article about California. Reprint from It is good somebody somewhere is writing something about here.

Israel "Reassures West": No Iran Attack in 2008 (tags)

"The immediate effect of his statement was a record increase in oil prices - The immediate effect of his statement was a record increase in oil prices - The immediate effect of his statement was a record increase in oil prices - The immediate effect of his statement was a record increase in oil prices - The immediate effect of his statement was a record increase in oil prices - The immediate effect of his statement was a record increase in oil prices" "Iran realizes that the West is sensitive to pain and money, and won't embark on an operation that would significantly boost oil prices," - "Iran realizes that the West is sensitive to pain and money, and won't embark on an operation that would significantly boost oil prices," - "Iran realizes that the West is sensitive to pain and money, and won't embark on an operation that would significantly boost oil prices," - "Iran realizes that the West is sensitive to pain and money, and won't embark on an operation that would significantly boost oil prices," Interesting to note that most of the criminal politicians starting these illegal wars draw most of their profits from the oil and defence industries ...

The Great Oil Swindle (tags)

The great oil crunch is another fabricated crisis, another smoke and mirrors fiasco, another Enron-type shell game engineered by banksters and hedge fund managers. There are three things driving up the price of oil: the falling dollar, speculation and buying on margin.

LA TRASH Fees ROCKETING again (tags)

LA Mayor and Council want to AGAIN raise solid-waste-trash-collection fees, a 'hidden indirect tax". This is an OPEN letter to them. Copy it or write your own, please. Don't stay mute and be beaten down, like trash.

New Energy Bill- Working People will Pay (tags)

The Democrats and Republicans have made it clear that they are the corporate parties and they only represent the interests of the capitalists and the billionaires. The new energy bill is another long term payment plan that will be required of working class people while the billionaires continue to collect.

Climate Disasters Have Increased 4 X in Past 20 Yrs (tags)

The Oxfam International Organization has released a new report:

U.S. Secret Air War Pulverizes Afghanistan and Iraq (tags)

News from the 4th Reich military forces: According to Associated Press, there has been a five-fold increase in the number of bombs dropped on Iraq during the first six months of 2007 over the same period in 2006. More than 30 tons of those have been cluster weapons, which take an especially heavy toll on civilians. Balad, which currently conducts 10,000 air operations a week, is strengthening runways to handle the increase in air activity.

Israel Voices Satisfaction with U.S. Aid Increase (tags)

Prime Minister Ehud Olmert voiced satisfaction July 29 over Washington’s intention to offset a package of arms sales to Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states with increased military aid for Israel.

The AIPAC got the dosh,again. (tags)

Now we finance this terrorist entity for another decade

Presidential Hopeful Alexander wants $10 Minimum Wage (tags)

The Democratic control Congress recently passed a minimum wage increase tied to a Bush-Iraq War spending bill for $120 billion; within the next two years America’s lowest paid wage earners will receive a $2.10 pay increase. Presidential hopeful Stewart A. Alexander says, “It’s not enough.”

The G-8 Meeting... (tags)

Perhaps someone with one of those new computer programs developed by Bill Gates could calculate the resources being used for war expenses at the cost of education, healthcare and culture for humanity...

MTA Fare Increase footage from May 24th (tags)

Video from the may 24th fare increase public hearing by the mta. See how much they care about us!

The Battle for Mass Transit in Los Angeles (tags)

Scenes and public commentary from the MTA's public hearing on the recent fare hike, as well as general commentary on the event and a discussion as to what prevents Los Angeles from creating the mass transit system it direly needs.

EPCC Joins Bus Riders Protest against Racist MTA Bus Fare Hike; How About Our Iraq Money? (tags)

Last May 24, scores of Filipinos belonging to the Echo Park Community Coalition (EPCC) and People’s CORE from Historic Filipinotown came to the MTA headquarters at the Union Station s to protest the proposed 200% MTA bus fare hike. They were in solidarity with the Bus Riders Union (BRU) and the hundreds of Angelinos who expressed their outrage over the bus fare increase.

Bratton's history in Boston, NY and LA (tags)

The attacks on May Day at MacArthur Park are consistent both with ICE/vigilante attacks on immigrants and Bratton's long history of attacks on poor and oppressed people in the interests of global capital, colonialism and gentrification.

Help the Bus Riders Keep Fares Low (tags)

The BRU is protesting the proposed MTA fare hikes. We're in the middle of a war for oil, and they want to cut back, discourage, and raise fares. The working class economy sucks, and they want to suck the money from our purses. How about they do the right thing, and get rid of the SUV subsidy? Protest!

Carbon dioxide rate is at highest level for 650,000 years (tags)

[Here's another article from Europe that won't get any print in the US.]

Brazil: To whom belongs the future? (tags)

In socially mature countries , consolidated and really sovereign, the prospections of the future are made by groups of university thinkers, of governmental and enterprise institutions, as well as groups associated to national NGOS.

President Bush has his head in the sand! (tags)

U.S. should boost size of Army and Marines, Bush says

Former Secretary of State Colin Powell said America losing war (tags)

the United States is losing the "civil war" in Iraq

Pentagon: Up ante in Iraq (tags)

Looks like Emperor Bush just wants to keep his head in the sand!!!!

The War on Journalism (tags)

6 min video of me getting attacked by NYPD



War Monger George W. Hitler out of touch with the public. (tags)

Bush favors temporary rise in GIs in Iraq

Arizona to implement full tobacco tax hike despite ballot error (tags)

The state plans to implement a voter-approved tobacco tax increase at the 80 cents per pack of cigarettes, even though erroneous ballot wording indicated the increase would only be less than a penny a pack.

Meth Law Could Double Neb. Prison System (tags)

Victimless drug war crimes continue to be the main reason the Amerikan police state jails people. - Nebraska will have to double the size of its prison system to accommodate inmates caused by the state's new methamphetamine law


by Leuren Moret

A Review of Immigration Proposals in Congress (tags)

A Choice Between Bad and Worse: Why We Can't Compromise on Immigration Legislation

What Californians Should Do About the High Price of Gas (tags)

How should a democratic, relatively educated, supposedly enlightened society react to ever increasing gasoline prices? A proposal in the context of what is politically possible in California.

Max Mayfield-Natl Hurricane Center-Lies About Global Warming (tags)

During a Congressional Hearing on Predicting Hurricanes, Max Mayfield (hurricane guru) was asked if he believes the increase in number and intensity of hurricanes are due to global warming.

Silence=Complicity:Israel’s Silent Nuclear Attack Revealed (tags)

The uranium level in El-Khalil valley reaches 237 becquerel (bcq) per kilogram3, which equals about 10 times the permitted concentration, which is 25 bcq. The Thorium 232 (Th) level reaches 152 bcq where the permitted concentration level is also 25 bcq. The readings on Cesium 137 (Cs), another radio-active isotope that only emerges from nuclear explosions or nuclear activities is equivalently high.

The Solution to the Gasoline Crisis and Other Problems (tags)

An article which discusses the current gasoline crisis and proposes a solution within the context of what is politically possible in California. Incorporates quotes and statistics provided by the California Energy Commission and the BP Statistical Review of World Energy.

Vancouver Canada Bus Riders Union Oppose Fair Increase (tags)

Vancouver Jan 7, 2005: Bus Riders Union Members Opposes Lower Mainland Fare Increase. This is a short photo documentary about how the Bus Riders Union used the Dec 8, 2004 Translink Meeting to voice ther oppoisition to increase fares. The link for the documentary is below.

The increase of the oil price (tags)

The increase of the oil price is essentially due to the war that George W. Bush leads in Iraq.

US Economy as an Accelerated War Economy (tags)

"A recovery based on job losses, wage cuts, increased health care costs, an incomparable increase in student fees and growing poverty is not John Kerry's idea of an American economy that works for America's workers.."

Are We Out of Gas? (tags)

IRAN:The End of Election Show (tags)

The results of this “election show” has confirmed that Iran people suffering poverty, dictatorship, corruption, increase of professionals immigration and injustice, have no tolerance to continue such miseries.

Demonstrations against the FTAA in the entire continent will increase (tags)

The possibility of create an opposition front to the FTAA that includes some Latin-American governments and the increase of popular demonstrations will be main issues of discussion in the 3rd Hemispheric Encounter against the FTAA, that is having place in Havana, Cuba.

Protest LA Auto Show (tags)

Our over reliance on cars endangers us all. Pollution from our primitive, gas-guzzling vehicles poisons our air and damages our health. The economy shudders with every increase in fuel costs.

Let'em Eat Cake - Citizens Ripped-Off Big Time (tags)

"Let'em Eat Cake", that's the message from Washington/AARP, now identified as, American Association of Repugnant Pimps; per the Bill written-of, for, and by the pharmaceutical companies.   I take exception to the fact that we are paying the salaries of legislators and for the upkeep of the marbled halls of corporate government. The executive board rooms of the pharmaceuticals, oil, gas, electric etc., would be better suited to the privatization of government on all levels. Let them pay for the heating, lights and perks.

Wal-Mart in Rosemead (tags)

A public scoping meeting about Wal Mart is happening at the Rosemead Doubletree over by the MTC.

Conservative-Libertarian Split: Liberals Get It, Conservatives Don't (tags)

The left is aware of the emerging conservative-libertarian schism while the right for the most part remains in denial.

Worth reading (tags)

Interesting article from the Asia Times. A different perspective than the usual propaganda from our Wall Street-controlled media.

Students sue UC over fee increase (tags)


Social Misery Increase In Direct Proportion to the Size of the State. (tags)

War is the health of the State. War centralizes the State.

Multimillion-Dollar Psy Ops Facility Opens In Fort Bragg (tags)

"Over the past few years, the military and the rest of the world has realized the importance of Psy Ops and how it's a major factor in winning the wars we get involved in," said Sgt. Dan Millbauer, an Army broadcast journalist.

Unemployment rate at 6.4%. Highest in 9 years. (tags)

In a bleak start to the Fourth of July holiday weekend, the government reported today that the nation's unemployment rate climbed to its highest level in more than nine years during June.

Tax Cuts and Class Warfare (tags)

An argument against the beneficial results of tax cuts for the wealthy and trickle-down economics.

Happy New Year: MTA VOTES FARE INCREASES FOR 2004. (tags)

Los Angeles County's transit board voted 9-4 on May 22 to raise the cost of monthly bus and rail transit passes and fares. The hikes,will take effect Jan. 1, are expected to provide about $40 million in additional revenues .

Bus Riders Oppose MTA Fare Increase (5/22/03) (tags)

Overflow crowd of bus riders, led by the Bus Riders Union, plus labor activists and other mass transit activists testifies against MTA fare increase, but MTA passes the increase anyway by one vote.

Mad Libs for the New World Order (tags)

When we were kids, we played a fun game called Mad Libs where you'd answer some questions, and the answers would be put into an essay. The combinations were often funny, and sometimes profound. I made up a Mad Lib about the American Empire. Let's go!

Fox Wins the Media War Going Away (tags)

Who won the US media war?

Republican Party Behind California's Budget Woes (tags)

Republican Party's behind California's budget problems leading to major assaults on education, particularly at community colleges

LAPD Chief of Police Bad News(amsellem) (tags)

On the past and recent record of LAPD chief of police William J Bratton

EMERGENCY: Protest in Long Beach over Student tuition increase (tags)

Protest in Long Beach. 8 a.m. on Monday, December 16 at the Chancellor’s Office located at 400 Golden Shore Avenue in downtown Long Beach.

Productive Actions You Can Take to Assist Big Brother (tags)

The Rebel Intelligence Unit has detected flaws in the technologies employed by the Information Awareness Office.

Muslim Public Affairs Council's Profiles of California Candidates (tags)

MPAC cannot endorse candidates, but it will provide a profile of the candidates running for constitutional offices in the state of California. The profiles include races for Governor, Lt. Governor, Attorney General, and Superintendent for Public Instruction. MPAC analysts took a close look on the candidates' stands on civil liberties, education, homelessness, and labor:

Breast Cancer Scandal (tags)

So, Zeneca, the originator of Breast Cancer Awareness month is the manufacturer of carcinogenic petrochemicals, carcinogenic pollutants and a breast cancer drug that causes at least four different types of cancer in women, including  breast cancer.  I ask you to stop and think,  "Is something wrong with this picture?"

Gov Davis Joins Fascist Bandwagon for Illegal Pledge of Allegiance (tags)

KPFA Morning News reported on June 28, 2002 that Democratic Gov Gray Davis is having the California attorney general file a brief opposing the excellent Church/State separation ruling tossing the religious, fascist Pledge of Allegiance. DO NOT EVER VOTE FOR THIS FASCIST GOVERNOR.

The Shortwave Report 12/21/01 ¡LISTEN GLOBALLY! (tags)

A 30 minute review of news and opinions recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files- broadcast-13.7MB & quick/streaming-3.4MB. With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast upon notification. Netherlands, Germany, Russia, Spain, Cuba

burning tires outside Guatemalan congress REUTERS/Jorge Silva (tags)

Guatemalan students wear masks as they walk past burning tires outside Guatemalan congress during a protest against tax increase, Guatemala City July 26, 2001. Guatemalan President Alfonso Portillo put security forces on "permanent alert" this week as Congress prepared to debate a controversial Value-Added-Tax increase from 10 to 12 percent today. Guatemala's fiscal revenue accounted for 9.4 percent of Gross Domestic Product in 2000, the second lowest tax-take in Latin America, just after impoverished Haiti. REUTERS/Jorge Silva

Californians Get Shocked with Electricity Rate Increase (tags)

The California Public Utilities Commission, in a 3-2 vote, passed a rate hike of up to 47%

Make the LAPD pay! (tags)

How would you like to increase the lapd's expenses?

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