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tom clancy

The attacks on Nord Stream and the elephant in the room (tags)

In an interview with Berliner Zeitung, U.S. economist Jeffrey Sachs said that destroying Nord Stream would be contrary to Russia's interests; the country would lose "income, financial assets & bargaining power." The U.S., would "benefit strategically and financially."

Long Beach Mayor Vows to Close Main Library (tags)

Long Beach Mayor Claims that City Will Save Millions by Closing Main Library and keeping branch libraries for longer hours.

Long Beach Public LIbrary Trashes Collection (tags)

Prominent U.S. Jews, Israel blamed for start of Iraq war (tags)

WASHINGTON - As the argument in the United States over the necessity of the war in Iraq and the manner in which it was waged intensifies, and as the presidential election date draws nearer, those who have tried to accuse Israel or the U.S. Jews of pushing the administration into battle are once again sounding their voices. In the American Jewish community, they warn it could get worse.

"A Shadow on the Land" (tags)

LOS ANGELES, May 24, 2004 ( -- They've brought America to its knees. They're a ruthless band of fundamentalist religious fanatics that respect no international laws and seem destined to cause only death, misery, and destruction.

Tom Clancy Criticizes War, Almost Punches Richard Perle (tags)

"(Perle) was saying how Colin Powell was being a wuss because he was overly concerned with the lives of the troops, And I said, 'Look..., he's supposed to think that way!' -- People like (Perle) worry me."


Steve Cooley FBI report. From a viable source. Cooley's ties to terrorism. No justice for cooley vote him out in the primary election march 2 2004. Let alone failing to convict jeremy morse of assualting a handcuffed child with videotape evidence, he has set poison to his running mates in the election. From an FBI Source.

us prefers extrajudicial kilings (tags)

if the dead were CIA men, dn the killles were al-quaeda, this weld be called a terrorist act

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