fix articles 68447, heather wilson
Environment-Hating-Congresspeople's List (tags)
This is from the League of Conservation Voters. It shows the percentage of votes "for" the environment of members of the US House of Representatives that are morally bankrupt and do what the corporations want them to do in return for the campaign contributions they were given.
Attorney general: Bush blocked eavesdropping-program probe (tags)
President Bush personally blocked a Justice Department investigation of the anti-terror eavesdropping program that intercepts Americans' international calls and e-mails, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales said Tuesday.
Democrats, Like Cheney, Are Shooting Their Own (tags)
Cheney can’t tell a quail from a Republican, which may be understandable from an intellectual point of view, but the Democratic Party’s killing off of progressive Congressional candidates is something more treacherous: suicide.