fix articles 68076, sachs Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : sachs


What Russia proposed in Istanbul in March 2022 (tags)

Sachs writes that Russia has proposed negotiating security arrangements with the US for the fifth time since 2008. NATO, led by the US, has steadily expanded its alliance to the east, which has contributed to the current crisis in Ukraine. Putin's fourth offer of negotiations came in March 2022, which led to Russia and Ukraine almost concluding a peace agreement.

Steve Mnuchin Who Steals From Widows, Made Off With Madoff Loot (tags)

Steve Mnuchin's Purloining Path To Riches Steve Mnuchin, Trump nominee for Secretary of the Treasury, former Goldman Sachs partner, is one of the very few who profited from his association with Bernie Madoff. Estimates range from 2 milliont o over 100 million. He now heads Dune Capital Management.

Washington moves to silence WikiLeaks (tags)

The cutting off of Internet access for Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, is one more ugly episode in a US presidential election campaign that has plumbed the depths of political degradation.

61 Reasons To Vote Against Hillary Clinton (tags)

California's primary can change the world.

The 12 Wars And Bombed Countries of Clinton and Obama (tags)

The California primary can change the destiny of the planet. Please vote against Clinton and Trump.

A Case Against Hillary Clinton, Candidate Of Endless War (tags)

More hawkish than Obama, more willing to murder prisoners than her husband, a tyrant who woudl force parents to submit their chidlren to toxic vaccines, Clinton is tied to the military industrial complex

Hillary Clinton Flunks Animal Rights And Environmental Issues (tags)

More hawkish even than Obama, Clinton has approved the bombing of animals as well as people in the 7 illegal and immoral wars he is waging now, bombs which kill soldiers, civilian adults and children, mammals, birds, reptiles, bees, trees etc.

44 Reasons To Say No To Hillary Clinton (tags)

The Huffington Post has reported that 33% of Sanders voters will not vote for Clinton. Some will vote third party. Some will vote for Trump. Some will not vote. Bernie Sanders has won 19 states. In May he won West Virginia by 15%. Please help elect him president

Hillary's Guns, Hillary's Consequences (tags)

Should someone you love die in Hillary's illegal immoral bankrupting wars Hillary Clinton has spread poverty in the US by promoting the diversion of money from schools, hospitals, bridges, firefighting planes, etc. to endless war in 7 illegal war zones

18 Reasons To Vote Against Henhawk Hillary (tags)

Hillary Clinton voted for the Iraq War fiasco which has created incredible suffering for soldiers and civilians, a war which has cost trillions Its only consequence has been to multiply hatred of Americans around the world and to spawn ISIL

Hillary Clinton Has Helped Kill A Lot Of Animals (tags)

Hillary Clinton is aligned to the world's biggest animal killers

Ted Cruz 5 Times Went Before The US Supreme Court To Argue For Texecutions (tags)

Ted Cruz, aggressive supporter of Texecutions, war, concealed carry. Friend of Goldman Sachs, the 2nd amendment

Nature "Conservancy" Continues Mammal Murder And Environmental Destruction (tags)

A coup d'etat at Nature Conservancy has helped environment-raping big business execs take over NC land holdings

Mitch McConnell Has Left A Trail Of Suffering For Humans And Animals (tags)

McConnell has orchestrated war votes, helped corporations move offshore, institutionalized animal suffering

The New Walking Dead (tags)

2012 can not bring anything good having put wolves caring the hen house.

The New Walking Dead (tags)

They created the crisis and they offers now as the saviors. 2012 can not bring anything good having put wolves caring the hen house.

The new Walking Dead (tags)

El 2012 no puede traer nada bueno habiendo puesto a lobos cuidando del gallinero.

How Goldman Sachs Rules the World (tags)

Hank Paulsen had famous examples: Robert Rubin, Treasury secretary under Bill Clinton, also changed from Goldman Sachs into politics. Europe and the US are firmly in the grip of Goldman Sachs.

Occupy the Ports - A Day without Goldman Sachs (tags)

December 12, 2011
LONG BEACH, California - Heeding the call of Occupy Oakland, who called for a shutdown of west coast ports in response to the brutal eviction of occupy encampments nationwide, and in solidarity with expolited port workers and truckers, about 500 militant occupiers and their friends shut down Terminal J of the Port of Long Beach, the home of SSA Marine, an investment of the criminal enterprise Goldman Sachs and the main stakeholder of the US government.



Queer Democrats Back State Party on Redistricting (tags)

Choosing the interests of party over voters, the predominantly Queer San Diego Democratic Club overwhelmingly voted at their July 22 meeting to support the state Democratic Party's attempt to destroy the legislative redistricting commission before it even has a chance to meet, and return to the old, corrupt system under which legislators get to draw their own district lines, thereby preserving incumbents and eliminating any real competition for legislative seats.

California Governor’s Race: Democrats, Republicans and Socialists Take on Meg Whitman (tags)

Last month, Goldman Sachs was hit with fraud and corruption charges by the SEC and top board members of the Wall Street financial giant had to testify before Congress. Republican gubernatorial candidate Steve Poizner has been exposing Whitman’s ties to Goldman Sachs while many Democrats, unions, labor groups and concerned citizens are demanding that Whitman share her involvement in the Goldman Sachs scandal; Whitman has remained silent.

Governor Candidate Ask: Is Wall Street in the California Governor’s Race? (tags)

Two California governor candidates, Republican Candidate Steve Poizner and PFP Candidate Stewart Alexander are sharing the concerns of millions of Californians; how deep was Meg Whitman’s involvement during the period when she serve on the board of Goldman Sachs. Stewart Alexander says “California is in a deep financial crisis and Californians need to know how much did Goldman Sachs contributed to the state’s financial crisis and what part did Meg Whitman play.”

Governor Candidate Stewart Alexander Question Whitman’s Ties to Goldman Sachs (tags)

Alexander says Californians need to pause and examine Meg Whitman’s business dealing with Goldman Sachs considering the alleged fraud by Goldman Sachs occurred on Whitman’s watch with the investment bank; “Only Washington has the resources to launch an immediate investigation during the final months before the November Election.”

Goldman Sachs: Master of the Universe (tags)

Don't bet against Goldman

Attac France on the Stiglitz Report (tags)

If the world really lives through a systemic crisis, solutions must also be sou9ght on this plane. Regrettably the mandate limits the commission to reform the international monetary system. The UN is the only institution with a democratic legitimacy.

The Goldman Sachs Coup D'etat (tags)

is nearly complete

Barely Contained Outrage: What the Europeans Really Think (tags)

What the Europeans really think about America's regulatory blunders

Banks dictate conditions of US financial bailout (tags)

The 936 point rise on the US stock market yesterday was the American ruling elite’s initial verdict on the extraordinarily favorable terms the government is granting to financial firms in the $700 billion bailout passed by Congress on October 3. Far from heralding improving economic conditions for working people, the Wall Street surge reflects the financial establishment’s success in extorting massive sums of money from taxpayers.

Queer Democrats Endorse Aguirre for San Diego City Attorney (tags)

The predominantly Queer San Diego Democratic Club, which had endorsed moderate Democrat Scott Peters over progressive incumbent Mike Aguirre for city attorney in the primary campaign, reversed itself and voted to endorse Aguirre over Republican Jan Goldsmith at its June 26 meeting — but not before an intense debate in which the club president threatened to eject two members to keep the meeting orderly.

What is Progress? (tags)

Progress is understood today as the approach to European norms and the standard of life of Europeans. The new Bolivians demonstrated their emancipation with sentences like We don't want your progress of assets accumulation. We want harmony with pachamamma, mother earth.

Fund AIDS NOT Foreign Debt (tags)

African governments should fund programs to combat HIV before they service foreign debts, U.N. special adviser Jeffrey Sachs said on Saturday at an Earth Summit panel discussion.

Sachs says: 'Forget Debt, Spend on AIDS' (tags)

Columbia University economist Jeffrey Sachs says poor countries should simply stop making debt service payments and spend that money on health & education instead. As Jubilee South says, "Don't Owe, Won't Pay."

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