fix articles 678, hall Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : hall


Venice local, Mike Hall, was murdered June 25, 2021 (tags)

A houseless man was murdered on Venice Beach. There needs to be truth about what’s happening there.

May Day, May Day. The LA Right Cry For An Opened Southland (tags)

May Day Covid Anti-lockdown Protesters call for an Opened California at LA City Hall

May Day, May Day. The LA Right Cry For An Opened Southland (tags)

May Day Covid Anti-lockdown Protesters call for an Opened California at LA City Hall

May Day, May Day. The LA Right Cry For An Opened Southland (tags)

May Day Covid Anti-lockdown Protesters call for an Opened California at LA City Hall

May Day, May Day. The LA Right Cry For An Opened Southland (tags)

May Day Covid Anti-lockdown Protesters call for an Opened California at LA City Hall

Los Angeles Youth Climate Strike (tags)

LA Youth Raise Their Voices For The Future

Los Angeles Youth Climate Strike (tags)

LA Youth Raise Their Voices For The Future

Los Angeles Youth School Strike For The World Climate Crises (tags)

LA Youth Raise Their Voices For The Future

Rights instead of Alms (tags)

It is time to champion a basic right to housing and ensure its reality. "An authentic faith that is never comfortable and individualistic always includes the deep desire to change the world," wrote Pope Francis.

"Families Belong Together" March, Pasadena (tags)

Report back on the march in Pasadena, one of at least 70 in California and 400+ in the US.

Join The Protest Rally in Glendale on April 10, 2018! (tags)

Join The Protest at Glendale City Hall on April 10, 2018! Glendale is planning a $500 million expansion of the Grayson Power Station that will increase emissions by 415,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide annually, increase ozone and particulate pollution, and generate electricity to sell to other cities.

Join The Protest Rally in Glendale on April 10, 2018! (tags)

JOIN US on Tuesday, April 10 at 5:30pm at Glendale City Hall for a rally to stop the Grayson Expansion! Spread the message! Tell your friends!

 Women of LA Rise Again to Denounce Trump Photoset 4 (tags)

The Los Angeles left show their teeth in defiance of Trump in the Second Women’s March

Women of LA Rise Again to Denounce Trump Photoset 3 (tags)

The Los Angeles left show their teeth in defiance of Trump in the Second Women’s March

Resistance Recess (tags)

I wanted to share this MoveOn email. Resistance must be our response to the one-hour press conference and the "fine-tuned machine" where 3 billion live on $2 a day and 6 million children die before their fifth birthday!

Camp 120 Will Hold Space in Front of City Hall Until Inauguration Day to Protest the Inac (tags)

Camp 120 Will Hold Space in Front of City Hall Until Inauguration Day to Protest the Inac

NYC Councilwoman sponsors ground-breaking bill prohibiting wild and exotic animal displays (tags)

Animal Defenders International calls for support from New York animal lovers. ADI General Counsel Christina Scaringe is available for interview in New York about the evidence supporting a ban on wild animals in circuses.

Los Angeles Sit-In to Fight Voter Suppression (tags)

Protest and Occupation of LA City Hall to Oppose Vote Suppression

Brendon Glenn Dies and Venice S/Weeps (tags)

Righteous Anger at LAPD and Councilman Mike Bonin at Venice Town Hall on Fatal Police Shooting of Unarmed African American now begets retribution and More Venice Homeless Sweeps?

A Call to Action: End the Siege on Black Lives (tags)

Black History Month Community Meeting

Free Internet Book: After Neolib eralism: The Kilburn Manifesto (tags)

Although the neoliberal economic settlement is unravelling, its political underpinning remains largely unchallenged. Our manifesto calls into question the neoliberal order itself, and argues that we need radical alternatives to its foundational assumptions.

Radical Women Study Group (tags)

Community Protests Demolition of Historic Great Hall/Long Hall in Plummer Park W.Hollywood (tags)

National Registered Historic Great Hall/Long Hall in Plummer Park is slated for immediate demolition by the City of West Hollywood despite fervent, two year community protest.

Community Protests Demolition of Historic Great Hall/Long Hall in Plummer Park W.Hollywood (tags)

National Registered Historic Great Hall/Long Hall in Plummer Park is slated for immediate demolition by the City of West Hollywood despite fervent, two year community protest.

Students threatened at UC Davis event (tags)

The UC are failing our students

failed protest at Disney hall (tags)

A scheduled protest of the israeli Philharmonic drew only a dozen participants

Chalking & the Disruption of Business as Usual in DTLA: (tags)

Chalking & the Disruption of Business as Usual in DTLA: It has never been about the sidewalk chalk on the sidewalks, that's a simplified interpretation of a more sinister picture.

Philippine communist army owns up to grenade attack in Davao City (tags)

Manila: The communist New Peoples’ Army (NPA) has owned up to the September 1 grenade attack at a village fiesta gathering in Davao City that injured at least 37 people.

Venice is changing soon to be known as Silicon Beach ... (tags)

Venice Town Hall: Silicon Beach - Thursday, April 12 come all who care about this 'town' to hear, talk, and discuss what is happening in your neighborhood or maybe just 'nearby' could happen to you too ... iNIMBY is not the same story

YES !! it's us = ROSE PARADE 99% (tags)

Repeat as prior Pubishing did not provide paragraph spacing for proper reading !!! was "Indy system failure " ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Occupiers are active in this Rose Parade, with a float, with occupiers, with BIG B&W signs, with notable speakers, with OUR PRESENCE telling those who glorify corporate-sponsored-paid-for floats that there is MORE than just commercials in a city parade ...'for the people"....not to just passively watch on TV but to become actually Present and Involved !

ROSE PARADE 99% (tags)

Occupiers are active in this Rose Parade, with a float, with occupiers, with BIG B&W signs, with notable speakers, with OUR PRESENCE telling those who glorify corporate-sponsored-paid-for floats that there is MORE than just commercials in a city parade ...'for the people"....not to just passively watch on TV but to become actually Present and Involved !

Occupy War - Stay After the Rose Parade to Hear Cindy Sheehan Speak (tags)

Looking forward to Monday's occupy event at the Rose Parade, focusing on Cindy Sheehan's speech. Argues the wars should be a top priority of the Occupy movement. Provides information about participating in the Occupy LA contingent for the parade.

Occupy LA defies eviction order (tags)

Sunday, November 27-Monday, November 28, 2011
LOS ANGELES - Following Mayor Villaraigosa's eviction notice to the occupants of Solidarity Park, formerly known as City Hall Park, we received the call to support Occupy LA in case the eviction were actually carried forth.

Protesters outside police line marching on 1st & Alameda (tags)

Caller at the scene reports those protesters held back from city hall area are marching around the police perimeter. They are now at 1st & Alameda

Urgent Call To Save the Occupation: Stay Up All Night (tags)

Occupiers call for all-night block party and vigil tonight to save the Occupation


PRESS RELEASE: Occupy L.A. to Host Free Foreclosure Workshop (tags)

Occupy L.A. will host a free “Foreclosure” workshop.

Occupy Los Angeles Marches for Bank Transfer Day (tags)

Diversified, Angry , Nonviolent. PhotoSet 3 of 3

Occupy Los Angeles Marches for Bank Transfer Day (tags)

Diversified, Angry , Nonviolent. Photo Set 2 of 3

Occupy Los Angeles Marches for Bank Transfer Day (tags)

Diversified, Angry , Nonviolent. PhotoSet 1 of 3

OccupyLA Still Here, and Coming Soon to a Hood Near You (tags)

In spite of some people's best efforts, OccupyLA has managed to re-create all the ills of the society we purport to change, right down to the do-gooders who want to tweak our system to make the problems less visible.

Protect Plummer Park Protest Rally (tags)

Join residents, community members and their supporters to protest the City of West Hollywood's $41 Million renovation of historic, neighborhood, Plummer Park

DAY 22, OCCUPY LA (tags)

DAY 22, OCCUPY LA As of October 22, 2011 there were 350 tents around Los Angeles City Hall with an average of 2 people by tents.

Occupying LaLa Land (tags)

--where the illusion meets the road

Occupying LaLa Land (tags)

--where the illusion meets the road

Smiley and West Buoy the 99 % at Occupy LA Rally (tags)

Dr. Cornel West and Tavis Smiley address the folks at Occupy LA.

Occupy LA Day 3 UTLA Teach In and City Hall Photos Set 2 (tags)

Photos from Occupy Los Angeles Utla Teach In Protest and early evening City Hall Shots by Robert Lowden for Set 2 of 2


Occupy Los Angeles, October 1, 2011 / Occupy Wall Street In response to the on going Occupy Wall Street activists organized for a solidarity encampment at LA City Hall, Saturday, October 1st

Occupy LA, Day 1 (tags)

October 1, 2011 Three to Five thousand people gathered in Pershing Square in Downtown LA, at 10 am to march to City Hall. The purpose, to occupy City Hall in Solidarity with the Occupy Wall Street Movement that is in its twelfth day in New York City.

OCCUPY L.A. - Legal Info for Los Angeles protest at City Hall (tags)

OCCUPY L.A. - Legal Info for Los Angeles protest at City Hall, October 1. L.A. Municipal Code pertinent parts in everyday language.

Occupy Los Angeles, Occupy Wall Street Solidarity (tags)

Report from the #occupyLA meeting and march. There's another meeting tonight at City Hall's south steps at 6pm. Go if you want to support the NYC occupation, and join an LA solidarity group.

Solidarity Hall Matching Fund (tags)

Local person offers to match donations to IMC with a larger donation to Solidarity Hall.

KPFK TOWN HALL meeting for all Sept 18 (tags)

KPFK?s Local Station Board is organizing a Town Hall Meeting for Sunday, September 18, 2011. 3pm ? 6pm Location: Forshay Lodge 9635 Venice Blvd., Los Angeles, California 90232

KPFK opportunity to talk to staff finally (tags)

PRESS RELEASE: Town Hall Meeting On Court-Based Mediation For Homeowners (tags)

Are you one of the thousands of homeowners who is walking in circles with the Banks that refuse to help you and reject any attempts to modify your mortgage loan? Come learn more on "loan modification" and what homeowners advocates are doing to help you!

Queer Democrats Warned About Threats to Reproductive Choice (tags)

The predominantly Queer San Diego Democratic Club heard two presentations at its June 23 meeting: a report on the likely strike by the United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) against southern California?s three largest grocery chains ? Ralph?s, Albertson?s and Vons ? and a warning about the potentially devastating effects of Republican and radical-Right policies against women?s rights to reproductive choice. Though the struggles of women to maintain safe and legal access to contraception and abortion may seem to have little in common with those of workers for decent pay, access to health care and other benefits, speakers on both issues noted how the radical Right has effectively linked them in the service of a paternalistic agenda that regards workers as mere cogs in a capitalist economy, and women as mere vessels for giving birth to the next generation.

Cops can't park worth shit! (tags)

You probably see cops illegally parked all the time. Why is it that cops always seem to illegally park their cars a 1000 times worse then us civilians do?

Chandler Arizona City Councilmen and Councilwomen (tags)

These are the Chandler elected officials who let their cops park anywhere they want at the Chandler City Hall building

May Day 2011 Celebration and Film Showing at Solidarity Hall, Friday, May 6, 7:00 pm (tags)

The Power of a General Strike to stop the war, to tax the rich, to save jobs, education & services

Controversy Comes to Villa Park (tags)

Protesters demonstrate against Anti-Muslim statements made by Villa Park Councilwoman Deborah Pauly.

Assemblymember Atkins Warns Queer Democrats on State Budget Cuts (tags)

California State Assemblymember Toni Atkins spoke to the predominantly Queer San Diego Democratic Club February 24 and warned of two approaching deadlines coming up in the state legislature's budget deliberations: March 6, the ending of the special budget session called by former Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger; and March 10, the last day the legislature can vote to call a special election to extend the current state sales tax rates and vehicle licensing fees so that current Governor Jerry Brown's budget, which calls for $12.5 billion in spending cuts, can be enacted. Without that — and so far the Republican minority in the legislature has held firm to block any vote on the tax issue, which requires support from 2/3 of both houses of the legislature even to make it to the ballot — Brown and the Democratic majority will have to make $12.5 billion more in spending cuts, which will virtually end California state spending on health and welfare and eviscerate the state's already underfunded education system.

The ABCs of Marx’s Capital (tags)

Every day when you go to work your labor creates wealth, but you’re still broke. Why? Karl Marx answers that question in Capital, his book that demystifies capitalist economics.

New Film About The Angola 3 Showing Oct. 27 (tags)

"In The Land of the Free..." will be showing in Beverly Hills at 5:30 pm, on Wednesday, October 27 at the Laemmle Music Music Hall 3 Theatre, 9036 Wilshire Blvd.

Venice Homeless Harassed by LAPD, CD11 Rosendahl, backed by City Attorneys Office (tags)

Venice, Homeless, RVs, Harassment, or Town Hall,

Bill Rosendahl Helps Homeless Haters Win in Venice (tags)

Councilman Bill Rosendahl, the LAPD, the City Attorney's Office, the Department of Transportation, and LASHA hosted a town hall of hate for homeless people in Venice. Mainstream media is nothing more than a bunch of paparazzi.

LAPD Brutality and Racism (tags)

(jim lafferty has heroic dedication to justice. i hope he doesn't mind that i republish this amazing story from the NLG LA email. it is important that we address police brutality and racism as well as government cover-ups. i am so proud to have met him and become familiar with the los angeles lawyers guild and their tremendous work.)

75-100 Rally Against SB1070 in Pomona (tags)

75-100 people rally outside of Pomona city hall to demand the removal of Arizona's SB1070

JFAV /AWARE Marked the 65th Year victory at the Battle of Bessang Pass in Los Angeles (tags)

Scores of veterans and widows, advocates and guests marked the 65th year victory at the Battle of Bessang Pass, June 14, 1945 with a simple program, Monday, June 14, 2010. The rites was held at the Church of the Nazarene Hall Social Hall at 3401 W.3rd St Los Angeles, CA 90020 at around 9:00 AM. After the opening invocation given by Pastor Sonny River, the guests of honor , the Philippine Consul General Los Angeles, Mary Jo B. Aragon spoke about the significance of the Battle of Bessang Pass. The Consul General Aragon pointed out “ The Battle of Bessang Pass in June 14, 1945 is the only military victory of the Filipinos Arms against the Japanese imperial forces in World War II. The division size all Filipino forces was led by five American officers.”

Nazis attack antiracists in Riverside (tags)

Saturday, May 29, 2010
RIVERSIDE, California - In the latest anti-fascist action to occur in this conservative inland city , a small group of anti-fascists planned to out Jeff Hall, the California "commander" of the Michigan-based National Socialist Movement (NSM), outside of his house. They were violently confronted by about thirty Nazis, who brandished firearms and threatened the safety of the demonstrators.

Riverside May 29th Anti-Nazi Rally Update!!! (tags)

UPDATE - Ant-Fascist Rally in Riverisde (Memorial Weekend) (tags)

The previous post had the INCORRECT date. The date for this event is MAY 29th, **NOT** May 22nd.

Anti-Fascist Rally in Riverside, CA (tags)

Nazi rally at LA City Hall turns bloody (tags)

Downtown Los Angeles, April 17, 2010, Nazis, white supremacists rally at Los Angeles City Hall turns bloody

Nazis Hold Rally At Los Angeles City Hall (tags)

Out of Shape National Socialists Enrage and Unify Los Angeles Anti Racist Factions / photo Set 1 of 1

Short report on the Downtown Anti-Nazi protest (tags)

LOS ANGELES, April 17, 2010 – Neo-Nazi groups staged a demonstration today on the steps of City Hall. About 25 Nazis in full uniform and with Swastika flags marched to City Hall under the escort of hundreds of police. Police created a wide buffer zone between the Nazi rally and a large crowd of counter protesters estimated at around 500 people.

Take Public Transit to the Anti-Nazi Rally (tags)

Don't even bother trying to park down there.

Video: UCLA Students Murphy Hall Sit-in (tags)

LOS ANGELES, UCLA CAMPUS – March 4, 2010 – 1:00 pm PST - At least 200 Students marched into Murphy Hall in an attempt to deliver to UCLA chancellor Gene Block a list of demands. Instead they were greeted by UCPD offices who prevented access into the chancellor’s office. Undaunted, the Students then read their demands via megaphone outside in hopes that those inside would hear them. Still with no response the Students declared a sit-in until the chancellor would come to meet with them. Uploaded is video from the action.

UCLA Students Sit-In at Murphy Hall -updated 2:21 (tags)

Students sit in to demand to meet with the Chancellor of UCLA.

Caravan to Rio Tinto to support miners locked out (tags)

On February 24th, a caravan of four big rig trucks and around 150 cars carried over 200 people and $30,000 in food to support the Rio Tinto miners in Boron, California.

Nazi nat'l rally planned on LA racial fault line (tags)

The Nazis are holding a national gathering in LA in April, complete with a rally they've been permitted to have on the LA City Hall Lawn. Embedded powerful video highlights the stronghold Nazis have on the US.


Burning the bridges of the corruption.


Delicious news.

Maryland’s Marty O’Gov Turns His Back on Fallen Mayor Dixon! (tags)

As a result of a plea deal, Baltimore’s Mayor Sheila Dixon will leave office, on Feb. 4, 2010. She was recently found guilty of stealing $530 worth of gift cards intended “for the poor.” Before the ink was dry on the agreement, however, Dixon’s ex-crony, the former mayor, and now Maryland Governor, Martin O’Malley, was pretending that she no longer existed. Appropriately, the French philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre said, “Hell is other people.”


The Association of Widows, Relatives and Advocates for Equality (AWARE) based in Los Angeles marked the 68th year of the start of the Second World War and Pearl Harbor Day , December 7, 1841 with the induction of their new set of officers last December 8, 2009 The induction and dance party was held at the Filipino American Community of Los Angeles (FACLA) Social Hall last December 8, 2009 at 12;00 noon. AWARE,was formed with the help of JFAV.

Jury Gives Mayor Sheila Dixon a “Go to Jail” Card! (tags)

Baltimore’s Mayor Sheila Dixon was convicted on Dec. 1, 2009, by a jury of her peers, of stealing gift cards, worth about $525, intended for the “poor and needy.” As a result, she will forfeit her office, lose her $83,000 a year pension, and could go to jail. Her crime paled in significance to the massive wrongdoings of the Wall Street Mob, but, the State Prosecutor underscored to the jury: The Mayor was stealing “from the children of Baltimore!”

Thirteen new photos from inside occupied Carter-Huggins Hall (UCLA/Campbell Hall) (tags)

Thirteen new pictures shed light on the written expressions of the opening hours of the UCLA insurgency from last week

Report Back From Inside the Occupation of Campbell Hall, UCLA (tags)

LOS ANGELES – November 21, 2009 – Just after midnight in the early hours of Thursday November 19th a group of about 30 students seized Campbell Hall on the UCLA campus and began their occupation of the building. The building was renamed Carter Higgins Hall in honor of the two black liberation activists who were assassinated by the FBI on the UCLA campus during the sixties. The takeover was in response to the current budget crisis and to quote from the students’ statement; “reaches beyond the Regents, beyond the criminal budget cuts in Sacramento, beyond the economic crisis, to the very foundations of our society”.

Campbell Hall de-occupied last night at 6pm (tags)

Witness at the scene last night reports that the occupation of Campbell Hall ended last night at about 6 pm.

Students occupy Campbell Hall at UCLA (tags)

Students have taken over Campbell Hall at UCLA in protest of police brutality and privatization.

MP3 AUDIO – Interview with UCLA Student on Protesting the Regents (tags)

LOS ANGELES, November 18, 2009 - UC Regents held their second day of meetings on the UCLA campus today. Demonstrations both inside the meeting and outside the building went on throughout the day. At one point civil disobedience action inside brought a temporary halt to the meeting. At least a dozen students were arrested today during the protests.

It’s Baltimore, Hon!: Did Mayor Dixon Steal from the Poor? (tags)

High comedy will hit Baltimore, on Monday, Nov. 9, 2009. Mayor Sheila Dixon’s trial on theft charges begins. She’s accused of stealing about $1,500 of gift cards slated for the poor. The Mayor denies any wrongdoing. There’s an ex-boyfriend, a developer, in the mix. He’s already copped a plea in another City Hall corruption case and plans to testify against the Mayor. Oh, where is the iconic film maker John Waters when we need him the most?

Sit-in at Chancellor Yang's office to protest closure of Ventura Campus (tags)

November 3, 2009 SANTA BARBARA -- In response to a call from working class students attending UC Santa Barbara's Ventura campus, a group of protesters sat in at UCSB Chancellor Yang's office to demand that the university fulfill its obligation to students of the satellite location.

Requião and John "Maddog" Hall open Latinoware 2009 and advocate the end of the (tags)

Citing the trajectory of John "Maddog" Hall, creator of Linux, the governor rejected the criticisms to the adoption of open software. "I watched an interview with this brilliant man, whose name means mad dog, and today met him in this event. Let them call us, too, mad dogs, because here we are transforming ideas into action. Let each of you to be a mad dog: libertarian and intelligent, "said Requião.

Report Back from Healthcare Town Hall Meeting with Diane Watson (tags)

The Town Hall Meeting with Diane Watson at the Ward African Methodist Episcopal Church in South Central last Thursday night was actually very organized and productive. Missing were the right-wing crazies, wielding posters depicting comparisons of Obama and Hitler that we have seen at previous town halls.

HR 676 Cosponsors (tags)

Healthcare Town Meeting -- Congresswoman Diane Watson (tags)

Health Care - Tell Your Story - Kill the Rumors on Thursday, August 27th at 6:30pm. Congresswoman Diane E. Watson and Speaker of the House Karen Bass will highlight how the Healthcare Reform will impact us.

Obama vs Insurance:Pillow fights (tags)

Obama and the health insurance companies are pillow fighting. Ready to concede, the Democrats are already saying the ya-hoo attended townhalls have stopped them from passing through legislation, what about the townhalls against the war(s)? This fight is stopping because it never really was meant to win. Just another pillow fight with big business. The media wants us to believe that there is some sort of mass movement out there that is opposed to any sort of health care that is not run by the private sector.

Alhambra Health Care Town Hall (tags)

A summary of what I saw in Alhambra. Little political content, fyi.

June 12th, 2009: South Central Farmers rally at City Hall 8:00 am (tags)

South Central Farmers Return to City Hall! Friday, June 12, 9:00 a.m. Press Conference at City Hall Saturday, June 13, 6:00-11:30 p.m. Reunion at the Farm LOS ANGELES--On Friday June 12, at 8:00 a.m. the South Central Farmers and their supporters will return to City Hall to demand fair and equitable treatment for South Central residents and Farmers in the face of continuing City privileges for developer Ralph Horowitz. The following day, Farmers and Farm supporters will hold a reunion on the third anniversary of the destruction of the Farm for all interested in restoring the South Central Farm.

ALL OUT THE STREET! May Day 2009 National Immigrant Workers Mobilization! (tags)

We are calling A national day of multi-ethnic unity with youth, labor, peace and justice communities in solidarity with immigrant workers and building new immigrant rights & civil rights movement!


Excuse me, but is this REALLY "free speech"?

photos from so cal immigration coalition march on city hall (tags)

pics from the southern california immigration coalition march on city hall demanding full legalization now! & stop the ice raids!


More than 200 people attended the successful Town Hall meeting “Subsidizing Poverty” last Thursday, February 26, from 5:00 to 7:00 Pm at the CSULB Karl Anatol Center. The community event was sponsored by the long Beach Coalition for Good jobs and a Health Community, the CSULB College of Liberal Arts, The Progressive Student Alliance and other community organizations.


More than 200 people attended the successful Town Hall meeting “Subsidizing Poverty” last Thursday, February 26, from 5:00 to 7:00 Pm at the CSULB Karl Anatol Center. The community event was sponsored by the long Beach Coalition for Good jobs and a Health Community, the CSULB College of Liberal Arts, The Progressive Student Alliance and other community organizations.


The Filipino American Community of Los Angeles (FACLA) held an “Affair to Remember” in commemoration of Valentine’s Day last February 14 from 6:00 PM to 12:00 PM at the FACLA Social Hall. The program was capped by the coronation of Mrs. Valentine- Mrs. Alicia Albano Parino; Miss Valentine Ms. Carolyn Pesquiza Sabas and Miss Teen Valentine Ms. Kimberly Padua Esliza.

San Diego ACLU Addresses Repressive Ballot Initiatives (tags)

The San Diego chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) held its annual membership meeting February 13 and gave over the program to Delores Jacobs of the San Diego Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Community Center and Vince Hall of Planned Parenthood to discuss the long-term implications of Propositions 4 and 8 on last year's ballot. The measures attacked women's reproductive choice and Queer rights, respectively, and Jacobs and Hall noted that the radical Right uses proposals like these not only to gain membership and contributions but to drain the coffers of progressive organizations so they have less money to provide services to women and Queers.


The NUHW or the National Union of Health Workers formed last week by leaders of the United healthcare Workers-West on Monday, asked state officials to conduct elections at 64 healthcare facilities represented by Oakland-based UHW who wanted to join the new group. More than 10,000 workers from UHW placed under the control of the SEIU International after the UHW leadership refused to sign over 65,000 of their members to be moved to a new local that will be formed to represent the health care workers in California.


This mob, thirty, maybe forty strong, mostly very nicely dressed white men for this side of struggling Oakland, was led by a young female lawyer – there were a couple of nasty ex-cops in tow, just in case. They used bolt-cutters to get through the parking-lot gates in back; they smashed their way through a second floor window, then pushed their way to the front, where they opened the doors, let in the rest of the mob in and then ended the occupation – evicting the (former) members of United Healthcare Workers-West (UHW) from their union hall, their house. “Who’s House, Our House!” No more.

Los Angeles Activists Attend International Gathering (tags)

From January 31 to February 8, 2009, KPFK Reporter Margaret Prescod and local activists from the Global Women's Strike and Women of Color in the Global Women's Strike will be meeting in London with women from Bolivia, Canada, China, Greece, Guyana, Haiti, India, Iraq, Ireland, Italy, Palestine, Peru, Scotland, Tanzania, Turkey, Uganda, US, Venezuela, and Wales for an International Gathering of the Global Women's Strike and the International Women Count Network. See current schedule of events below. See current schedule of speakers below. To interview one of the speakers, contact womensstrike8m (at) server101 (dot) com.


Less than a hundred Filipino American composed of community leaders, Balitang America viewers and experts on the economy, immigration, and Filipino World War II veterans and their advocates held a year end-Community town hall meeting last December 10, 2008 and after a spirited discussion read a letter to be sent to the President –elect Barack Obama who will assume office on January 20, 2009.

Filipino Americans Hold Town hall meeting (tags)

More than a hundred Filipino American community leaders held a year end-Community town hall meeting last December 10, 2008 and after a spirited discussion read a letter to be sent to the President –elect Barack Obama who will assume office on January 20, 2009. In a belated telecast on December 31, 2008 and January 1-2, 2009 of the community town hall meeting held at the ABS -CBN Broadcast Center at Redwoods City south of San Francisco, the Filipino American leaders were united and were filled with optimism with the coming New Year despite the threats of global recession.

PHOTOS: March for the Right to Marry (tags)

LOS ANGELES, November 15, 2008 – Thousands of people rallied and marched for the right to marry for all people today in downtown Los Angeles. Early estimates have the demonstration at its peak at 8,000 to 10,000. The demonstration may well have been larger than these initial estimates. The march was at least seven full blocks long when it left City Hall with more still arriving.

SAT 11/15/2008 mass No H8 demo 10:30 am LA City Hall (tags)

part of a coordinated nationwide demo

this Sat 11/15/2008 10:30 am L.A. City Hall Massive No H8 Demo (tags)

this Sat 11/15/2008 10:30 am L.A. City Hall Massive No H8 Demo

DNC in DNV: Dispatch #3 (tags)

Dispatch #3 - via txt msg

Save the Farm. Deadline: Wednesday, July 23, 2008 (tags)

On July 2, Angelinos overcame the City-planned divides between rich and poor, cultural differences, and even broke through language barriers in the fight to restore the South Central Farm. When the developer proposed a diesel-spewing warehouse distribution center for the site, Farmers and Farm supporters threw a wrench in the cogs of City Hall and won a round in the fight to force Horowitz to do an Environmental Impact Report: they forced a twenty-one day delay for more public comments, and gained a glimmer of hope to restore the Farm. The fight between the people and developers' grip on City Hall could be decided by this Wednesday, July 23, 2008, the new deadline for public comments and the second hearing, a week or two later on the tenth floor of City Hall, in front of a small advisory board.

City Hall Scandal Hits Baltimore After “The Wire” Exits (tags)

There is never a dull moment in Baltimore, Maryland. It seems as soon as HBO’s “The Wire” program left town, our Mayor, Sheila Dixon, became the subject of a state corruption probe. It’s all mostly about two fur coats and some travel trips with an ex-boyfriend. At the time, he was a developer doing business with the city. Does it add up to bribery or is it a tempest in a teapot? The Grand Jury holds the answer to that question. Stay tuned.

SF Tenants Rally Against Prop 98, Then Vote Against It (tags)

Hundreds of San Francisco tenants rallied against Prop 98 at City Hall today, then went inside to vote against it. Prop 98 is on the June 3 ballot. It would outlaw rent control statewide, and strip away other tenant protections as well.

5:00pm Bomb scare: Police are sealing off an area near City Hall (tags)

5:00pm Bomb scare: Police are sealing off an area near City Hall for investigation of a suspect package. An MTA bus has been halted and passengers taken off as part of the police action in this area.

Town hall calls for impeachment to save the Constitution (tags)

A regional town hall on the subject "Are Peace and Impeachment Possible?" was held in Oakland to reaffirm the need and political viability of impeaching Vice President Dick Cheney and President George W. Bush. It enjoined the audience to support new candidates running against Democratic Party leaders who have declined to challenge the Bush administration for its violations of the Constitution and international law.

"Encounter Point" film screening with Director Ronit Avni (tags)

Levantine Cultural Center and the Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Ethics, along with a dozen NGOs whose Southern California members work on peace and interfaith issues year-round, have joined forces to present a director's screening of ENCOUNTER POINT, featuring a Q & A with co-director Ronit Avni on April 3, 2008, 7 pm at Laemmle's Music Hall.

A Thousand Spirited Protesters Fill Streets of Austin (tags)

A Second-Line style music parade on Feb. 15, 2008 in Austin, Texas expressing opposition to the War in Iraq drew over 1,000 musician and activists.

"The Best of Mexico & USA" Concert (tags)

Santa Cecilia Orchestra under the baton of Music Director/Conductor Sonia Marie De Leon de Vega will perform an orchestra concert at Occidental College, Thorne Hall, Sunday, February 10, 2008 at 4:00 p.m.

McCarthy Building Contractors building new UC Berkeley vivisection lab (tags)

McCarthy Building Companies, with offices in Southern California, has plans to build a new vivisection lab in Berkeley. This would lead to a 70 percent expansion of Berkeley's Northwest Animal Facility.

Protest Pro-war Congresswoman Jane Harman this Saturday (tags)

Protest Pro-war Congresswoman Jane Harman at town hall meeting this Saturday

Talking Impeachment to Los Angeles City Council (tags)

LANIC (Los Angeles National Impeachment Center) & PDLA (Progressive Dems of LA) strike again @ High Noon in Los Angeles. On Aug 17th a contingent of approximately 45 concerned citizens of LA went to the Los Angeles City Hall.

2:00 PM Immigration Rights March now at City Hall (tags)

2:00 PM March arrived at city hall about 20 minutes ago. Rally with speeches has started. Caller estimates 750 to 1,000 there now.

LA City Council to Consider Bush Impeachment Resolution this Friday (tags)

A rally at the L.A. city council will take place this Friday, August 17th, at 9:30 a.m. at L. A. City Hall near Temple & Main downtown. The council could pass a resolution to impeach Bush and Cheney if we show support.

MacLaren Hall Survivors Weigh In On The Site's Future (tags)

We, the actual survivors of MacLaren Hall's horror *know* that the buildings and land at MacLaren Hall are haunted by brutalized children's souls, every day and night. MacLaren Hall was a battle zone for thousands of children who survived and still remember what happened...

JFAV Marks RP Independence Day/Battle of Bessang Pass with the Induction of the SGSI in LA (tags)

The Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV)/ People’s Community Organization for Reform and Empowerment (People’s CORE ) and the Echo Park Community Coalition (EPCC) cordially invites the general public to commemorate the 109th Philippine Independence Day and the 62nd Anniversary of the Battle of Bessang Pass with the induction of the new set of officers of the Society of Guerillas and Scouts Inc. (SGSI) on June 12, 2007 at 12:00 PM the Los Angeles City Hall. The SGSI induction ceremonies will be held at the Mayor Tom Bradley Room or the City Tower at the 26th Floor, Los Angeles City Hall at 200 N. Spring St. Los Angeles, CA 90012 Council Member Herb J. Wesson Jr. of the 10th Council District will be the guest speaker and the induction officer of the SGSI officers and board of directors. Some of the incoming SGSI officers are Commander Jack Vergara, Deputy Commanders Nick Gadia Adriano Carino and General Secretary Arturo P. Garcia.

Kimberly-Clark Nominated to Hall of Shame (tags)

Vote Kimberly-Clark into the Corporate Hall of Shame

JFAV Marks June 12 RP Independence Day/Battle of Bessang Pass (tags)

The Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) and People’s Community Organization for Reform and Empowerment ( People’s CORE ) and the Echo Park Community Coalition (EPCC) will commemorate the 109th Philippine Independence Day and the 62nd Anniversary of the Battle of Bessang Pass with the induction of the new set of officers of the Society of Guerillas and Scouts Inc. (SGSI) on June 12, 2007 at 12:00 PM the Los Angeles City Hall. The SGSI induction ceremonies will be held at the Mayor Tom Bradley Room or the City Tower at the 26th Floor, Los Angeles City Hall at 200 N. Spring St. Los Angeles, CA 90012

JFAV Marks RP Independence Day/Battle of Bessang Pass with the Induction of the SGSI (tags)

The Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) and People’s Community Organization for Reform and Empowerment (People’s CORE ) will commemorate the 109th Philippine Independence Day and the 62nd Anniversary of the Battle of Bessang Pass with the induction of the new set of officers of the Society of Guerillas and Scouts Inc. (SGSI) on June 12, 2007 at 12:00 PM the Los Angeles City Hall. The SGSI induction ceremonies will be held at the Mayor Tom Bradley Room or the City Tower at the 26th Floor, Los Angeles City Hall at 200 N. Spring St. Los Angeles, CA 90012

May 9 Town Hall Meeting on Philippine Overseas Election Held in Los Angeles (tags)

Los Angeles—The first town hall meeting in Historic Filipinotown Los Angeles on the May 14 Philippine overseas voting was held last Wednesday, May 9 at 6;30 PM at the SIPA Multi-Purpose Hall, 3200 W. Temple St. The Historic Filipinotown hall meeting was attended by the Philippine consulate officials and a modest crowd of Filipino Americans. Consul General May Jo Aragon, Consuls Helen Barber and San Agustin who heads the overseas voting at the Los Angeles consulate. They clarified and answered many questions about overseas voting from the interested multi-ethnic crowd.

Children March Against Racist Deportations and Immigration Laws (tags)

African American Women Protest (Town Hall Meeting) ...Respect Me (tags)

African American women must be respected

Virginia Tech Vigil @ CSUN Today! (tags)

CSUN will host a vigil in memory of lives lost in the Virginia Tech tragedy.

Ucla--Protest Against Racist, War Cheerleader (tags)

Ucla--Protest Against Racist War Cheerleader

Minutemen Demo in LA (tags)

Downtown Los Angeles, March 25, 2007--The Minutemen March then hold a rally in front of LA City Hall.

Chris Rock, Patti Smith Relishes the N-word (tags)

Chris Rock has demonstrated repeatedly that in his role as a Steppin Fetchit that he has no racial pride and totally disrespects his forefathers as a result his name has been placed on a Benedict Arnold Hall of Shame list.

Labor Union Resources and Labor News (tags)

Labor Union Resources is designed to provide help to U.S. Workers in their efforts at organizing themselves and their co-workers into labor unions. It is also a resource for Union Leaders to assist in their operations, organizing, and bargaining efforts.

Mark Bryan and Garry Eister's "The Screaming Bunny" Performance Carlotta's Passi (tags)

Mark Bryan and Garry Eister's "The Screaming Bunny" Performance 3/17 at Carlotta's Passion Fine Art A Benefit for "The World Can't Wait - Drive Out The Bush Regime"

UCSB Students Rise Up, Strike Against War & Block Freeway (tags)

Nearly 1,500 UCSB students, staff, faculty members, and local residents participated in a powerful and transformative strike against war on February 15th. The day culminated with a mass sit-in on Highway 217 -- the main freeway leading to campus -- that blocked traffic for roughly two hours, followed by a lock-down of the campus administration building, Cheadle Hall.

Minutemen and Apocalypto at City Hall (tags)

BREAKING INTEL ALERT: Foreign Tampering of USA Election (tags)


Bus Riders Union at City Hall (tags)

Audio clips from today's action at City Hall.

L.A.'s MacLaren Hall Survivors Become Family (tags)

I am asking that any of you that are from this child protection institution/foster care “aging out” past reach out to others with shared pasts, as your brothers and sisters, as family and reach out to local kids JUST ABOUT TO “AGE OUT,” and let them know there is a family of survivors out here...


West Hollywood Sheriff's have started asking for ID from customers at West Hollywood coffee shop frequented by transgenders.

Saturday, 12:20pm - Protests Happening Now In Maywood (tags)

Caller reports an estimated 200 immigrants rights supporters, counter-protesters confronting anti-immigrant group of about 30 SOS-MM.

August 2006: National Immigrant Solidarity Network Monthly News Digest (tags)

No Immigrant Bashing! Support Immigrant Rights!

L.A. Child Protection: Children Who Are Forbidden To Cry (tags)

Beating kids stops crying. What a statement, eh? You would think beating children would make them cry. But if the beatings are severe enough, they make children NOT cry. We see this in concentration camps, in war, in child protection institutions and foster care...

CUBA/USA Solidarity in action... (tags)

Cuban US and Honduran Doctors Work Together on Medical Brigades to Honduras...

Take Back the Farm (tags)

Here are the main points in the continuing fight to save the South Central Farm:

today at city council with south central farmers (tags)

strong and united front at city hall today in defense of the south central farm

Pathetic Turnout of Minutemen/SOS (tags)

This mostly humourous piece focuses on the tiny turnout at the MInutemen's "parade", and describes the uncomfortable situation the MInutemen were put in by the placement of the porta-san restrooms on the side filled by counter-protestors.

Hope Springs . . . at the South Central Farm (tags)

Last month, the Trust for Public Land negotiated purchase option with developer Ralph Horowitz that depended on the City coming up with a $5M match for $6M raised by the South Central Farm. Five days ago, the City reneged on the deal. Friday, with three days left, the Farmers and their supporters, ever hopeful, demanded that Mayor Villaraigosa step up to support the Farm.



MacLaren Hall and The Lost Orphans (tags)

Survivors of MacLaren Hall describe horror. “Children with burnt skin, black eyes, arms in slings and legs in casts, were familiar sights.” We are the survivors of Mac Hall, this is our story...

SOS/Nazis will be in Downtown L.A. Sun 5/21 at 11 am (tags)

Oppose the Nazis and Unlce Ted

Detailed account of police harassment at City Hall - PHOTOS/VIDEO (tags)

Photos, video and text account of police harassment operation to clear the park around City Hall after the Mayday march for immigrants rights.


live event for local singer/song writer

STUDENTS UP THE ANTE: Amnesty's the new agenda (tags)

Student protestors march on City Hall. "Compromise" is off the table--the word today was "Amnesty."

North High Students March to City Hall (tags)

Students from at least 7 different schools speak out at Riverside City Hall with support of Principal [North High School].

La Gran Walkout, to City Hall (tags)

Students poured out of school today. Most of them slowed traffic on the 101. The ones I met went back to City Hall.

City Hall: School Walk Out (tags)

City Hall: School Walk Out

March 25th Coalition (tags)

Millions Nationally Will Hear Historic Call to March Against Sensenbrenner Bill and for the Legalization of 12 Million Undocumented. In an Unprecedented Display of Unity, Spanish Language Morning Radio Show Personalities Have Come together in Defense of their people. March 25th Coalition Against Sensenbrenner Bill-HR4437 Will Coordinate Media Event at LA City Hall.

Farmers Fight To Win (tags)

Community pressure moves the Farmers cause forward step by step.

SCFs, Zack de La Rocha, Julia Butterfly, and supporters at City Hall tomorrow 9am (tags)

SCFs, Zack de La Rocha, Julia Butterfly, and supporters at City Hall tomorrow 9am....

The Farmers Hold Their Ground (tags)

and tell the Mayor and City Council, "Thanks, but no thanks" to private buyers

The Farmers Hold Their Ground (tags)

and tell the Mayor and City Council, "Thanks, but no thanks" to private buyers

The Farmers Hold Their Ground (tags)

and tell the Mayor and City Council, "Thanks, but no thanks" to private buyers

Second Annual Irish Cultural Festival at Loyola Marymount University (tags)

An article on the upcoming (March 2006) "Second Annual Irish Cultural Festival at Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles.

South Central Farmers to address City Council this Friday (tags)

Join the delegation of the South Central Farmers for Public Comments at:

MacLaren Hall & L.A. County's Child Abuse (tags)

MacLaren Hall was a child abuse institution, run by L.A. County, that was closed in 2003. At this point, thousands of us live with adult trauma from severe child abuse in MacLaren Hall, at the hands of L.A. County as children and we want an apology, a public hearing and restitution.

Dec. 2 Activists Vow Downtown “Tent City” Will Now Battle Against LA’s Newest Evictions (tags)

Ongoing tent city --starting at LA's City Hall lawn on Dec 2 --to now up the protest ante against LA's new, and raging, low-income evictions.

Ralph Nader lecture at Caltech Sunday, October 16 (tags)

Ralph Nader will be giving a lecture at Caltech on Sunday, October 16, 2005 at 8:00 PM in Baxter Lecture Hall.

Phone Jam to Shut Down the Minutemen Recruiting Drive! (tags)

HATE GROUP TO MEET IN BABYLON, NEW YORK! Phone Jam to Shut Down the Minutemen Recruiting Drive!

CodePink Activists Confront Rumsfeld at Speech (tags)

CodePink Activists Confront Rumsfeld at Speech

Report From Protest Against Rumsfeld (tags)

Approximately 45 people protested Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld's appearance at the Beverly Hilton hotel today.

60th Anniversary of the Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki (tags)


Maxine Waters teaches about the Downing Street Memo (tags)

Washington, DC - Today, Congresswoman Maxine Waters (CA-35) announced that she will be the featured speaker at a town hall meeting and teach-in on the third anniversary of the Downing Street Memo this Saturday, July 23rd at the Covenant Worship Center, 425 S. La Brea Avenue in Inglewood, California from noon until 3:00 pm.

Press release about 7/23 Downing Street Teachin (tags)

Congresswoman Maxine Waters Featured Speaker at Teach-In On Downing Street Memo This Saturday

Over 150 Events Planned on 3rd Anniversary of Downing Street Memo (tags)

Rep. Maxine Waters will host an Out-of-Iraq teach-in on July 23 in Inglewood to commemorate the 3rd anniversary of the Downing Street Memo. Hear about the Out of Iraq Caucus & Resolution of Inquiry in Congress. Learn how to protect our youth from military recruiters. Join a cell phone call-in demanding journalists tell the truth re: Downing Street Memo. This will be one of 150 events around the country organized by

KPFK 90.7FM TOWN HALL (tags)


Villaraigosa has made a point of stressing his interest in governing from the center (tags)

Villaraigosa's associates say he too will cultivate a network of well-respected advisors outside City Hall to guide him on such issues as education reform, transportation planning and economic development. Among them are likely to be former Assembly speaker and mayoral candidate Bob Hertzberg, former Metropolitan Transportation Authority board member Nick Patsaouras and entrepreneur and former national Democratic Party official Ari Swiller.

Cuba: The Dream and the Drama - CSULA, 5/17 (tags)

Not just another talk about Cuba's last 45 years of history, but also a musical salsa parade!

4/18 C-Span Explodes 9/11 News Blackout (tags)

C-Span will challenge the official version of the 9/11 "terrorist attacks" with a nationwide delayed broadcast of a talk by David Ray Griffin at University of Wisconsin-Madison Monday 4/18/05, 7:30 p.m., in 272 Bascom Hall. The public is invited to attend, and admission is free

Documentary on Argentine Factory Occupations Opens in Los Angeles (tags)

A new Canadian documentary on worker takeovers of idled factories in Argentina opens Friday in Los Angeles.

Two Powerful, Political Book Readings at UCLA (tags)

Some great SF authors come to LA to kick it.

Premier Film Screening Makeda’s Daughters (tags)

Friday April 15, 2005, 7:30 p.m. in South Los Angeles, Radical Women screen a new documentary that chronicles the artistic achievements of five Black women artists

Stream Restoration Film 3/18 (tags)

One year ago Northeast Trees sponsored a series of art and education events about the buried streams of the Arroyo Seco watershed and their potential for restoration. Local filmmaker David Gottlieb documented the series, providing a window into the history of the neighborhoods, as well as outlining some solutions. It will be screened tonight 3/18 at Flor y Canto

Hypocrisy at Long Beach Library (tags)

Mountebank administrators install filters on internet computers, urge staff to turn in the names of Arab patrons to the cops, then congratulate themselves for being against censorship.

Transitioning Health Care (tags)

Town Hall Meeting on healthcare and coverage for transgender people



Chavez in Madrid-The working class must be the vanguard of the revolution (tags)

Bolivarian Revolution

East LA - on the March for Immigrant Rights (tags)

East Los Angeles October 16, 2004 Marching from Cinco Puntos west on Cesar Chavez Boulevard a community brings the message of equal rights for all to City Hall.

Images - East LA Immigrants Rights March (tags)

Saturday October 16, 2004 - Thousands marched down Cesar Chavez Avenue this morning, calling for respect and rights for immigrants. (Community/Labor march, not the a.n.s.w.e.r. march up broadway.)

Ralph Nader & Peter Camejo in Los Angeles, Patriotic Hall, Tues. Oct. 12th, 7-9 pm (tags)

Come hear Presidential candidate Ralph Nader and Vice-Presidential Candidate Peter Miguel Camejo explain why they are running!

Help Save the Belmont Graffiti Art Hall of Fame from Developers! (tags)

Currently there is a battle being waged between developers and local grass-roots organizations to preserve the Toluca Subway Tunnel and Belmont Graffiti Art Hall of Fame from becoming a large scale apartment complex. This site has been used in countless films and music videos over the decades.

Long Beach Municipal Govenment conducts vicious campaign against the homeless (tags)

LB attempts to ban homeless people from city hall, library in attempt to lure yuppies.

Beware in Long Beach (tags)

Ask a question at City Hall and you may wind up in Guantanimo, especially if you have a dark complexion.

LaborTECH/Access2004 Conf In April (tags)

On April 2,3 & 4 labor media communication activists from around the world will meet at Stanford University to learn, discuss and plan the use of telecommunication technology in the struggles of labor.

A Transman Meets Dennis Kucinich (tags)

Here is an article I wrote about what happened when I met Congressman Dennis Kucinich. Please vote for Dennis for President tomorrow, Super Tuesday!

MacClaren Hall: Child Protection or Asylum? (tags)

MacClaren Hall is a "protective custody institution" for children in Los Angeles county. I was held there at age 8, and it was like an asylum. Run like a jail, kids are punished for their parents' crimes, and leave with more trauma than they came in with...

Long Beach All ages Venue under threat by LBPD (tags)

Long Beach Police AT IT AGAIN!!! (tags)


Artists hold Protest at U.K. Tate Gallery (tags)

Artist activists gather in the Turbine Hall of the Tate Modern art gallery's exhibition of Olaf Eliasson's "The Weather Project" in central London, Tuesday Nov. 18, 2003, to spell out the message 'Bush Go Home Now!' (AP Photo/Johnny Green-PA)

Tell Alhambra to Support the Strikers (tags)

Support strikers in the SGV. There's a resolution up at the Alhambra City Council tonight that needs your bodily support.


This native painter of ASPE (Spain) it made a long stay in MADRID: the richnesses contained with the Museum of Prado were for him an illumination and the memory of the large Masters continues it during its displacements in the Iberian peninsula.

police brutality against homeless kid!! (tags)

santa monica police break homeless kid(phase)'s leg, mostly because he was homeless and black... he was lying down on some steps on then promenade and cops decided that was enough of "tolerating" homeless... come to the protest tomorrow, monday, oct. 6 at santa monica city hall, on main, right near colorado, take, 720 bus....

Hate Attack on Black Student in Murrieta (tags)

Sam Farr got beat up at school by two white students because he's black. The Deep South? South Central LA? No, Murrieta Valley High School.

Unionists launch drive to win White House (tags)

DES MOINES – Nearly 1,000 union leaders and activists from the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees got a close-up look at the Democratic presidential candidates at the union’s first-time Presidential Town Hall here on May 16 and 17. In his opening remarks AFSCME President Gerald McEntee blasted the Bush White House, calling the 2004 elections “critical for AFSCME members and all of America’s working families.”

Today Show Goes Dark On Tim Robbins (tags)

A conversation about free speech. An anchor asking reasonable questions. A guest responding in equally reasonable tones. No attempt to close out the discussion - to say "Well thank you Tim". This was not a filibuster. Robbins was not hogging the spotlight. Someone in the control room simply decided that it was time to pull the plug.

Hey Teachers! Leave them kids alone! (tags)

Professors Protest as Students Debate

Contact Oakland Mayor Jerry Brown and the City Council re: police brutality (tags)

Contact Mayor Jerry Brown and the City Council and tell them what you think about their police department shooting at peaceful anti-war protestors

Speech: Habibi Ali, antiwar activist (tags)

mp3 speech of habibi Ali, Philadelphia speaker, at Philly peace action 2/15: City Hall, Philadelphia PA

Long Beach Activists March on International Day of Action (tags)

Long Beach, the "International City" marches to City Hall, on the "International Day of Action," saying "No War" and delivers to the City Council their proposed "No War On Iraq" Resolution.

Measure EE Update & Tenant Info (tags)

Renters across the nation are fighting against high rents & unfair landlords! We want to hear from you about your tenant/landlord stories.


Please join Congresswoman Maxine Waters on Saturday, October 5, 2002 from 2pm to 5pm at the First Church of God, 9550 Crenshaw Blvd. in Inglewood to seek answers to many questions before committing to another war in the Middle East.

South Gate: Where City Hall's a Mix of Soap Opera and Bad Joke (tags)

Government: Officials are looking into suspected corruption. Council-watchers enjoy 'the meow lady.'

Memorial Concert at Patriotic Hall for Nazi William Pierce Tuesday Sept 10 (tags)

This is from the Stormfront email list run by former Klansman Don Black.

Houses demolished in Tijuana (tags)

On Wednesday, August 7th, the city of Tijuana bulldozed the houses of the community of "Cerro Maravilla, Puerto al Futuro" (Magnificent Hill, Door to the Future). I have been with them 24/7, both at city hall and on their land, and seen first-hand the destruction wrought by the demolition. Below is an account of the past week's events, as well as a few still photos I grabbed from the video I shot.

Call for Humanitarian Aid for Tijuana's Cerro Maravilla Community (tags)

A call for humanitarian aid for a community in Tijuana that has had its homes bulldozed by the city government.


On the 4th of July, 2002 in Philadelphia, supporters of Mumia Abu-Jamal gathered at City Hall for a rally and then marched down Market St. to the Liberty Bell to protest Colin Powell receiving the “Liberty Award”. Part one of this two-part photo-essay by Hans Bennett, documents the beginning of the day at City Hall. Part two (to be released tomorrow) documents the action at the Liberty Bell. Part two will also feature an original essay about the day including transcripts of Pam Africa and others’ speeches.

Strikers as Terrorists? (tags)

June 27, 2002 A CounterPunch Exclusive Strikers as Terrorists? Ridge Calls Longshoremen's Chief by Alexander Cockburn and Jeffrey St. Clair

Homeland Security & Union Busting (tags)

In a CounterPunch exclusive, Alexander Cockburn shows how the Bush Administration's phony and fascist "War on Terrorism" is being waged against decent working people here at home.

Town Hall and March on Welfare Reform (tags)

1,000 LA Low-Income Family Members and Supporters to Gather for Town Hall and March on Welfare Reform Legislation Pending in Congress

Artwork about April 29th, 1992 uprising. (tags)

I did this Oil Painting based upon what I witnessed in the immediate aftermath of the "not guilty" verdicts for the LAPD Officers who nearly beat Rodney King to death. The April 29th, 1992 acquittal lead to the bloodiest riots in United States history.

PHOTO. Warren Keith Watts. (tags)


1.5 Hours to Vote in California (tags)

You have 1.5 hours to vote. It is election day in California, March 5, 2002. If you have not voted, grab your voter's pamphlets and run to your polling place right now. Your polling place is stated on your mailing label on your County booklet. You can also vote at City Hall or County Registrar of Voters. Your City Hall is listed in your phone book and usually, so is your county registrar. The county registrar is also listed in your California voter pamphlet, pp. 56-57 and at

3/5 California Election Day (tags)

It is election day in California, March 5, 2002. If you have not voted, grab your voter's pamphlets and run to your polling place right now. Your polling place is stated on your mailing label on your County booklet. You can also vote at City Hall or County Registrar of Voters. Your City Hall is listed in your phone book and usually, so is your county registrar. The county registrar is also listed in your California voter pamphlet, pp. 56-57 and at

Lower the Voting Age to 16 (tags)

This peice was not paid for by MTV.


Protest fascists, racists, nazis and immigrant bashers this Saturday in Anaheim

Protest Anaheim Racists/August Shack anti-nazi Protest (tags)

OK, these pictures are old, from August, but I'm poor and couldn't afford to develop them until now! They are from the protest of the nazi recruitment show at the Shack. The yuppie nazi groups American Patrol and the California Coalition for Immigrant Reform will be protesting for racism in Anaheim Dec. 4 and 8, something that needs to be counterprotested!

Protesting Nazis in Orange County at the Shack & Upcoming Anaheim Protest (tags)

OK, these pictures are old, from August, but I'm poor and couldn't afford to develop them until now! They are from the protest of the nazi recruitment show at the Shack. The yuppie nazi groups American Patrol and the California Coalition for Immigrant Reform will be protesting for racism in Anaheim Dec. 4 and 8, something that needs to be counterprotested!

Anti-Immigrant Extremist Groups Plan Protest in Anaheim (tags)

Those crazy Orange County racists are at it again...

Town Hall Meeting on 9-11, tonight at 7pm (tags)

Come to tonight's town hall meeting at the Immanuel Presbytarian church at 3300 Wishire Blvd, in the Chi Chester Chapel, at 7pm.

300 workers and MIWON Present Platform to Politicos (tags)

MIWON and 300 workers present a platform

Vancouver Stops Water Privatization Scheme (tags)

Read below.

Shut the LA City Council Down (tags)

Thge corruption of the LA City Council will be on flagrant display Tuesday. Come on down and see how they are throeing your money away in corporate welfare while destroying coastal wetlands.

Shut the LA City Council Down (tags)

Thge corruption of the LA City Council will be on flagrant display Tuesday. Come on down and see how they are throeing your money away in corporate welfare while destroying coastal wetlands.

The labyrith of the Riverside County Hall of Injustice (tags)

The Hall of Injustice in Riverside County sucks thousands of people inside its doors each year. For 20 activists prosecuted for shutting down and praying on the 91 freeway, it was an education in the dysfunctional legal system in this country.

Highland woman shot by police had much to live for, friends say (tags)

18 year old Ginenne Stover was full of talent, and had her whole life ahead of her, so why was she shot to death by a police officer within several minutes of his arrival at her house?

Pres. Vicente Fox at UCLA tomorrow (tags)

Greet Mexican President Vicente Fox and California Governor Davis at their invite-only "town hall" at UCLA tomorrow.

Helicopter Circling Patriot Hall (tags)

A Police Helicopter circled Patriot Hall multiple times at low altitude late Tuesday evening. The Los Angeles Independent Media Center is at this location and the Shadow Convention is being held here.

Activists Pollute Bay, Hijack Ship (Satire) (tags)

November 28th, 1773 Web posted at: 2:54 p.m. EDT (1854 GMT)

update on bomb scare (tags)

more info on bomb scare.

evacuating patriotic hall (tags)

Police claim to suspect that an IMC radio crew is holding a bomb in their van, and are attempting to evacuate the ground floor of patriotic hall.


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