fix articles 67623, historical Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : historical


Present and history (tags)

Postmodern consciousness is completely absorbed in the present, the point of the now, indeed is eager to be absorbed in it - a state of affairs that manifests itself in the fact that all thought and action relates solely to it: There is the present - and nothing else. Or to be more precise: there is the present of the now (which continues indefinitely) and the past presents.

The population is deeply alienated from the leadership (tags)

Russian culture is deeply individualistic. It has a very low level of trust. People can't trust each other, they can't trust their fellow human beings, and they can't trust their leaders. It's like Solzhenytsin's famous formula: trust no one, fear no one, and demand nothing from no one.

FemApocalypse - How underprivileged is the institutionalized woman? (tags)

"Meglio un asino vivo che un dottore morto"... Before I join the canon, for the sake of my sexuality, that puts forward women's rights for Ilse Koch (Witch of Buchenwald), I am of the opinion that the issue of gender equality requires an objective analysis, because not only women and women, men and men, Men and women but according to Dr. Edith Butler up to 16 genders have different views on this dualistic construct at first sight. Before equality between men and women, however, for logic reasons, equality between men should first be achieved.

Boris Johnson and the Long Shadow of Stalinism (tags)

The capitalist bourgeoisie needs and defends democracy as a form of social freedom only as long as it is useful to its own class rule. Their understanding of democracy & freedom is structurally limited. The 26 community centers in Vancouver could revive freedom and democracy.

Of The Mythical 3,000 Year Conflict In Palestine (tags)

[Painting, early depiction of the historical Saint Nicholas.]

Dwell Time...A Conversation With Eric Foner (tags)

A brief, breezy look at historian Eric Foner

(A-Radio): Interview on Brazil before the World Cup 2014 (tags)

The Anarchist Radio Berlin ( has made an interview with an activist from Brazil, a member of the Comité Popular da Copa in Sao Paulo, who explains the historical and social context of the protests around the World Cup. Length: 32 minutes (this audio is in Spanish with an English voice-over)

Inside the Whale: On the Origin of the Democratic Consensus (tags)

In his 1940 short story "Inside the Whale," George Orwell satirizes the focus in Henry Miller's Tropic of Cancer. Miller's characters are protected by the fat of the whale and never discuss the challenges and tasks of their historical time. In his poem Is this an apt characterization of our time?

Christopher Dorner's Manifesto, Annotated (tags)

On the one month anniversary of Christopher Dorner’s death: a new, heavily annotated edition of his manifesto. 127 footnotes provide extensive historical context for Dorner’s grievances with, and criticisms of, the Los Angeles Police Department.

Solidarity with Villa Amalias Squat , Athens/Greece (tags)

Is Happiness History? (tags)

Colin Quinn was performing his brilliant one man show "Long Story Short" (directed by Jerry Seinfeld) to a sold-out crowd. In addition to nonstop laughs on historical topics, the show offered profound insights. I was particularly intrigued by Colin’s observation that (the pursuit of) “happiness” is part of Declaration of Independence, yet “no other country has made it their policy to cheer people up.” How ironic, I thought.

Sherman Alexie "Arizona has made our books sacred documents now." (tags)

One of the most powerful written responses to bigots Tom Horne and John Huppenthal's book banning in Arizona

John Balian?s ?Novel Approach? Brings the Armenian Saga to the Masses (tags)

Armenians often wish for a tale about the Armenian Genocide and its aftermath that would make a blockbuster film and draw attention to their cause. John Balian?s new book, Gray Wolves and White Doves, may be that tale.

Why Debate the War? The Real Reason We Are in Afghanistan (tags)

"The president succumbed to the dominant assumptions of the last two decades... Our think tanks and governments have also developed their own metaphysical structures, labeling them "failed states," or "counter-insurgency.."


After more than a century of brutal colonization of the Philippines, U.S. troops continue to battle Moro insurgents and the New People's Army guerillas to protects its investments, support the bloody oligarchs headed by the Arroyo clique, and preserve its neocolonial stranglehold. The U.S. public should wake up to demand that Obama stop its support of the Arroyo regime and withdraw U.S. troops. E. San Juan's two books might help inform the US public of what's going on in the Philippines today.

JFAV and Critics Laud Withdrawal of SF Presidio Art Museum Proposal (tags)

Critics of a highly controversial proposal by Gap Founder Donald Fisher to build a contemporary art museum on the Presidio of San Francisco's historic (c. 1776) Main Post lauded Fisher's withdrawal of his plan today. For the Justice for Filipino Veterans (JFAV) based in San Francisco, although the Presidio was the staging ground for the American colonization of the Philippines, it is still proper that it should be preserved historically and not be a private museum. It is a historical landmark for the advance of US imperialism and thus be shown to succeeding generations of Americans and Filipino Americans. Environmental, historical, neighborhood and military groups joined with thousands of citizens and San Francisco City agencies to fight the art museum being built in this national park, part of the Golden Gate National Recreation Area (GGNRA). Serious questions remain regarding the Presidio Trust's proposals to build new structures (a hotel/restaurant and movie multiplex) in the park, a National Historic Landmark. The Trust is a federal agency that manages the Presidio's real estate within the constraints of various Federal laws including the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA), and the Presidio Trust Act.



The Dark Night or NeoCon Artist: (tags)

One wonders why so many in the media and film industry are in such frenzy over Christopher Nolan’s film “The Dark Night”? Granted the movie is good, and in some ways great, but still the plot is really no more ingenious that what passes for standard fare on Law and Order. So why is it that the Powers-that-Be is such a tizzy? No doubt a fair share has to do with it portending to hold a mirror up to post-9/11 society—with a major theme of how terror can corrupt those that fear and fight terrorism.

Iraqi archivist demands US return seized documents (tags)

Millions of historical documents seized by US occupation forces from Iraqi archives remain held in the United States by the CIA and the Pentagon and must, under international law, be returned to Iraq, Dr. Saad Eskander, the director of the Iraqi National Library and Archive in Baghdad, told an audience at Columbia University in New York City on November 12.

Urgent petition save graffiti memorial Carlo Giuliani & Davide Dax Cesare... (tags)

Milan, Italy In memory of Carlo Giuliani, murdered on July, 21th of 2001 during the repression of the protests against the G8 summit in Genova, has been realized in Milan a "No Justice, No Peace" graffiti.

In Our Own Words: Youth Tours of South L.A. (tags)

Walking Tours of South L.A., Saturday June 9 and 16: Youth from South L.A will lead tours of the Vermont Corridor, focusing on cultural landmarks and significant historical changes.


Filipinos in the U.S. today comprise the largest community of Asians in the U.S. But knowledge about Filipinos is scarce; instead, trivialities, cliches, and stereotypes are disseminated by Filipino historical associations. This review calls attention to one serious effort to approach Filipinos from a historical-materialist point of view.

Party and Class (tags)

A party lives when there is the existence of a doctrine and a method of action. A party is a school of political thought and consequently an organisation of struggle. The first characteristic is a fact of consciousness, the second is a fact of will, or more precisely of a striving towards a final end.

The US, Israel and Lebanon: Historical Roots and Patterns of Conflict (tags)

The destructive and lethal forces unleashed this past summer by the United States and Israel upon Lebanon are not surprising in light of their historical roots in at least four patterns of conflict:

camp campaign + Guantanamo Bay (tags)

"...Guantanamo Bay is only a more acute or extreme version of what is taking place around us in the name of security. And our campaign attempts to draw out those connections and link them to historical precedents as well as everyday phenomenon ."

Will Debunking the Exodus “Myth” be Hollywood’s Next Hit? (tags)

Hollywood’s version of “The Da Vinci Code” is out. Many Christians consider it a sacrilege. The Vatican and the Opus Dei organization are the bad guys in the flick, which claims Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene and had a child by him. Interestedly, there is also plenty of evidence that the Exodus story is a fantasy concocted by Jewish scribes. Question: Do you think Hollywood will ever do a movie debunking Israel’s claim to the lands of the Palestinians?


Opening Reception Saturday June 17, 2006 7:00-10:00 p.m

Challenging religious theocracy from USA to Iran (tags)

Theocratic governments that appear from the Bush regime in the US to Zionist Israel to Islamist fascism in Iran, Saudi Arabia and Khartoum (Sudan) are based on patriarchal myths and fallacy..

Artist's Call: Art of California Labor (tags)

This information on the Artist's Call for: Art of California Labor, was taken from artist Mark Vallen's weblog:


About ten million Filipinos are now scattered in the U.S. and around the world, chiefly as exploited migrant labor. Meanwhile, 85 million Filipinos--with the exception of a tiny privileged minority--are sufffering and resisting the current repressive regime in a rapidly deteriorating neocolonized social order. The Philippines has one of the most durable and vibrant revolutionary traditions in the whole world--the first Asian people to revolt against Western colonialism. 4.1 million Filipinos died opposing U.S. domination in the Filipino-American War at the turn of the last century. Today Filipinos are engaged in a popular democratic revolutionary process against U.S. imperialism and its local agents. Can overseas Filipinos contribute to the radical transformation of a world afflicted by the atrocities and terrors of global capitalism?

Caracas Libertarian Declaration // January 26, 2006 (tags)

Between January 23 – 29, 2006, anarchist activists gathered in Caracas for the Alternative Social Forum, coming from Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, France, Germany, Italy, Mexico, Russia, Spain, United Kingdom, United States, Uruguay and Venezuela. We consider it important to establish a specifically anarchist position that speaks to our experiences and exchanges. In such a spirit we declare the following:

California Racism and Stolen Legacy (tags)

Destruction of Black Civilization in Gold Rush California.

Blacks in America and Jews (tags)

History: Jews and the Black Holocaust

Against Rightwing Demagogues (tags)

Migrants did not only serve Nazis as scape-goats. As the fascists declared the Jews scapegoats, their grandchildren today blame foreigners for unemployment and social cuts. We need a literacy campaign against the social demagogues of the right wing.

Economics for a Shrinking Planet (tags)

The expansion of humanity's ecological impact on the planet cannot continue much longer without violating natural thresholds. To survive, we must develop a new way of thinking about our economic activities. This article briefly describes the author's approach to such a new mode of thought.

The Passion of the Christ (tags)

A Muslim view on The Passion of the Christ.

Controversy has raged for (tags)

Controversy has raged for years over the sinking of the Liberty, a signals intelligence ship, in international waters by Israeli jets and torpedo boats in which 34 US sailors were killed and 171 wounded. Israel

Moab, mother of all religious fundamentalism (tags)

What is the fundamentalist connection to Mother of all bombs?

Does Bush guilt over His Auishwitz profits inheritance effect his policy on Isreal ? (tags)

There are six million skeletons in the Thyssen family closet, and a myriad of criminal and historical questions to be answered about the Bush family's complicity.


TO BE SOCIALIST, TODAY Subjects of interest yesterday as today that they can be found in Join in this site some of the works and articles, published and unknown, that the author of these pages had chance to write in these last sixteen years. 1- TO BE SOCIALIST, TODAY 2 - TOPICS FOR A PHILOSOPHY OF THE WORK IN PROUDHON

Just Spam (tags)

Yes, a dire warning of genocide in a Marxist state should be considered as nothing other than spam.

FARC-EP Historical Outline and links to literature (tags)

This book gives a historical account of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia-Peoples Army (FARC-EP), one of the main insurgencies in Colombia, from the civil war of 1948 to the present. It also includes political and programmatic documents that outline the FARC-EP's vision of a new Colombia, without exploiters or exploited.

Conspiracy Theories and Clandestine Politics (tags)

A useful analysis of distinctions which should be maintained between "conspiracy theory" (a pathological orientation) and "clandestine [or "deep"] politics". From Lobster #29, June 1995.

The Role of cultural producers during war (tags)

Panel Discussion at CalArts focuses on role of art and artists in “Post-9-11” World

Peace Activist Brian Willson on S11 and its context (tags)

Brian Willson offers his analysis of S11 and its context at (where you can find links to the seven lengthy essays listed below). Here is his brief introductory statement on S11:

AntiRacist Mobilization Against Columbus Day and Genocide in America (tags)

There will be a massive mobilization against Columbus day in Colorado - the state where columbus day originated. Christopher Columbus was directly responsible for the deaths of over 10 million people, and is symbolic of the ongoing genocide against indigenous peoples that has claimed an estimated 98-99 million lives, the largest Genocide in all of human history. It is absolutely essential that this mobilization - more than any other in recent memory - be a success!

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