fix articles 6758, on november Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : on november

on november

Travail de l'idéologie (tags)

Nous ne faisons que répéter ce que d'autres ont dit avant nous...

Joe Biden and the Gaza war (tags)

This Netanyahu, supported by the extremists in his cabinet and among his followers, disavows the US President at every opportunity. Recently, there have been repeated signs that he is not at all opposed to the idea of a "second Nakba" - a forced emigration of the Gaza population to Egypt and elsewhere. "Hamas must be destroyed, Gaza must be demilitarized."

Plunder less and do more to preserve the one world (tags)

It is downright absurd that in our latitudes, half a century after "Limits to Growth" and a cascade of catastrophic ecological reports, every dip in economic growth rates is perceived as negative, even dramatic. Immediately shore up, revive, that's what politicians and the media agree on.

Against all reason and The Afghan Debacle (tags)

Like the chaotic flight of the U.S. Army from Vietnam in 1975, the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021 highlights the failure of the geopolitically based "war and nation-building concept" of the U.S. and NATO countries.

How are the Children? - Silent Screams (tags)

How could adults do this to them when the risk of contracting Covid-19 is extremely low compared to other risks in life? A lost generation is growing up under our eyes. Those who remain silent and only watch are sinning against growing, still malleable souls and against the future of all of us.

Journalism reeks of betrayal of democracy (tags)

A "new normality" has taken root in our society. A climate of fear and severe, permanent encroachments on fundamental rights are shaping politics and social life. From the beginning of the pandemic, the media and politics have created a reality that almost treats the principles of democracy with contempt.

Bolivia - the left returns to power (tags)

The Bolivian people have proven that reason, dignity and fighting spirit cannot be suppressed either by a military coup or by government repression. The election result has implications not only for Bolivia, where it is an important step towards the restoration of democracy, but for the entire Latin American region.

The New Deal and Self-destructive Donald Trump (tags)

From 1929 to 1932 industrial production halved and in a chain reaction over 5000 banks went bankrupt. Farmers' incomes shrank by 70 percent, unemployment rose to 25 percent, and there were no welfare state measures to cushion the misery.

Trump's fight against the law (tags)

Trump stands for the rejection of the universalist traditions of the US, for the abolition of the rule of law and the reign of the lie.

Dedication of french yellow vests to the uprisen people in the world (tags)

On the occasion of the first anniversary of our movement on November 16th & 17th, we dedicate our celebration to all the popular risings in the world.

Woolsey Fire: Worst News of 2018? (tags)

Was SoCal's Woolsey fore the worst news of 2018

Did Woolsey Fire Cause Radioactive Fallout? (tags)

Did the Woolsey Fire release radioactivity from the Still contaminated Santa Susanna Field Lab?

Black Ops Which Involved Us In War (tags)

War profiteer networks, CIA and Pentagon hawks, and egodriven presidents have caused many immoral wars and illegal invasions of other countries.

Ed Lee, Occupy SF and the Triumph of the Frisco 5 (tags)

Ed Lee as mayor of San Francisco quickly changed from a progressive to an agent of repression

The Right to the City and the Greed of the Rich (tags)

Thanks to everyone who resisted the GOP tax giveaway! Unlike the security state, the constitutional state should mean compromises, negotiations, concessions, and countermeasures to reverse exploding inequality and precarious work.

Report Back on November 18th Counter Demonstration Against Anti-Muslim March (tags)

Community counters anti-Muslim march in San Bernardino

Report Back on November 18th Counter Demonstration Against Anti-Muslim March (tags)

Community counters anti-Muslim march in San Bernardino

The Systemic MURDER Of Philando Castile: One Yr. Later (tags)

To believe Jeronimo Yanez, you would have to believe that Philando Castile, a law-abiding, peaceful cafeteria manager at a local elementary school who had a concealed-carry permit, was for some unknown reason bent on murdering the police officer who had pulled him over because of an alleged faulty brake light. You would also have to believe that Castile, having decided to shoot Yanez, thought it was a good idea to calmly announce, "Sir, I have to tell you that I do have a firearm on me." On June 16th this year, 12 White jurors decided to believe Yanez.

Fukushima quake rock's Japan's and the globe's (tags)

A report on the 11-22-16 Fukushima earthquake.


On the 100th anniversary of the start of the Irish Revolution that freed most of the country from 800 years of British tyranny, the author's 1988 report about British terror tactics and peoples resistance in the small border city of Strabane.

Request for public integrity investigation of Detective Posada, Brownsville, Texas PD (tags)

See how the fbi corrupts police across the nation.

Portrait of an Irish Republican (tags)

The author's visit to Occupied Ireland is recounted on the 30th anniversary of the event.

Philippines: Climate Focus - Time to act is now on energy transformation (tags)

What could possibly be so urgent and life-threatening to drive leaders of people from a small and barely reachable island off the coast of Mindoro to leave their homes and travel 285 kilometers by land and sea over the period of five days just to reach Metro Manila? On November 27, a day before the biggest climate justice march in the country, they have reach the Presidential Palace.

Nuclear Shutdown News, November 2015 (tags)

Nuclear Shutdown News chronicles the decline and fall of the US and global nuclear industry. In addition, it highlights the efforts of those who are working to create a nuclear free world. Here's our November report.

fbi and police engage in unstoppable crimes (tags)

See the data in this report that suggest the formation of a police state in USA and the actual results of such a state on the people.

Midtown Apartments Rent Strike Going Strong (tags)

On November 14, residents of the Midtown Park Apartments in San Francisco's Western Addition and their supporters gathered for a fundraiser and BBQ. The tenants have been on Rent Strike since June against their landlord, the City of San Francisco. which is trying to kick them out.

Philippines: Unions decry deceptive, vague ‘labor agenda’ of APEC (tags)

ORGANIZED workers sneered at the so-called labor agenda in the upcoming Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit in Manila next month by describing it as deceptive and vague, which merely reaffirms APEC’s ideology based on the primacy of corporate power and profits over labor and trade union rights.

Turkey: Class War against Capitalism! (tags)

On Saturday, October 10th, a terrible bombing attack struck the event organized by the “pro-Kurdish” HDP opposition party as a part of the election campaign

Nazism in Israel (tags)


Illegitimate Show Trial Sentences Gaddafi's Son to Death (tags)


Russian Travel Blacklist: Critics Ignore Their Own Policies (tags)


Defiant Charlie Hebdo (tags)

police state

Soros and Yatsenyuk: Partners in Crime (tags)

police state

Paris Killings: Terrorism or False Flag? (tags)

false flag

US Coup in Ukraine: Oliver Stone's Documentary (tags)


Who'll Sanction the Sanctioner? (tags)


Hard Truths in Occupied Palestine Media Scoundrels Ignore (tags)


Obama v. Venezuela's Maduro (tags)


Political Prisoners in America and Israel (tags)

police state

Aryan Nuremberg Laws in Israel (tags)


Protesting Hewlett-Packard on Black Friday (tags)

Demonstrations against Hewlett-Packard in Atwater Village, West LA, and Long Beach. Mostly positive and receptive responses. HP visited at least one store ahead of the demos to warn it.

Ukraine: Waging War During Economic Crisis Conditions (tags)


Washington Covertly Arming Ukraine (tags)


Heading for Possible Global War (tags)


Unaccountable Israeli Settler Criminality (tags)


Deadlocked Iran Nuclear Talks (tags)


Albert Woodfox: 41 Years in Solitary Unjustly (tags)

police state

Biden in Ukraine (tags)


MH17 Coverup (tags)



What US nuclear plants have been shutting down and why? And did you know that nuke plants may release the most radiation when they are purposely shut down?

Kiev Plans Full-Scale War (tags)


US-Led NATO Risks Global War (tags)


Dueling Ideologies: Russia v. America (tags)


Kangaroo Court Justice for Hassan Diab (tags)

police state

Justifiable Rage in Palestine (tags)


Kiev Plans Escalated Aggression (tags)


Duplicitous US State of Emergency with Iran (tags)


NYT: Propaganda Bullhorn Rag Sheet (tags)


Rasmea Odeh's Politicized Persecution (tags)

police state

Recognizing Palestinian Self-Determination (tags)


Obamacare Designed as a Scam (tags)


Kiev's War Without Mercy (tags)


Institutionalized Israeli State Terror (tags)


Obama at APEC (tags)


Putin Prioritizes Strong Sino/Russian Ties (tags)


Israel Plans Annexing West Bank Territory (tags)


Lavrov and Kerry in Beijing (tags)


Stop the Wall Activism (tags)


Fbi operative stalks, tortures, attempts murder (tags)

See evidence of the very dirty character of fbi operative who often posts on this forum and who is a serial torturer.

Mission Creep in Iraq (tags)


Palestinian Solidarity Day of Rage (tags)


Israeli Iron Fist Ruthlessness (tags)


ICC Whitewashes Israeli Mass Murder (tags)


US Electoral Postmortems (tags)


Blaming Victims: Official Israeli Policy (tags)


HRW and AI Blast Israeli War Crimes (tags)


NTO Wants More Troops to Counter Nonexistent Russian Threat (tags)


Lawless Israeli House Demolitions (tags)


Kiev Reneges on Donbas Self-Rule Status (tags)


Hard Truths v. Obama Big Lies (tags)


Southeastern Ukrainian Elections: Scoundrel Media Misreporting (tags)


Serial Killer Netanyahu Calls for Calm (tags)


Southeastern Ukrainians Vote (tags)


Philippine activists start 1,000-km march for climate justice (tags)

MANILA, Philippines-- Climate change advocates from various sectors urged world governments to “walk their climate talk” as they launched the Climate Walk, dubbed as “A People’s Walk for Climate Justice.”

Washington's Bloated Defense Budget (tags)


Sweden Recognizes Palestinian Statehood (tags)


Lunch with Lynne and Ralph (tags)

police states

Abbas Scuttles Fatah/Hamas Unity (tags)


Elizabeth Warren: Hold the Cheers (tags)


Hunger Striking for Liberation and Justice (tags)


PLO/Hamas Detente? (tags)


Duplicitous Obama Civil Rights Hyperbole (tags)


Palestinian Children's Day 2014 (tags)


Palestine to Join 15 UN Bodies and Treaties (tags)


Jonathan Pollard's Imminent Release? (tags)


UN Human Rights Committee Denounces US Human Rights Record (tags)

police state

Anti-Russian Propaganda Rages (tags)


Iran's 35th Islamic Revolution Anniversary (tags)


Kerry and Lavrov in Munich (tags)


Good News and Bad from Palestine (tags)


Book Review: "The Greatest Predatory Attack of History" (tags)

The 1933 Glass-Steagal law created a firewall between commercial and investment banks and prevented speculators from gambling with the money of savers. Restoring Glass-Steagal would restore trust and public spirit. Profit-making is not profit-maximizing; speculating is not investing.

America's Imperial Agenda (tags)


Israel's War on Asylum Seekers (tags)


Exonerate Edward Snowden Unconditionally! (tags)


Lynne Stewart Coming Home (tags)

Lynne Stewart

2014 Predictions (tags)


Israel Bombs Gaza - Again (tags)


Hail to the Thief (tags)

grand theft


This story is important in and of itself, but also because it once again unearths the region’s role in the birth of the atomic age, and also highlights the radioactive legacy that continues to haunt us.

1,000 Days and Counting (tags)


Obama Violates Geneva Agreement (tags)


Venezuelan v. US Budget Priorities (tags)


Honoring Lynne Stewart (tags)

police state

Britain's War on Press Freedom (tags)


France Lies for Israel (tags)


Fact Check on Venezuela's Economy (tags)


Israeli Judaization Master Plans (tags)


Healthcare.Gov Still Troubled (tags)


Global Protests Against Bedouin Ethnic Cleansing (tags)


Contesting Stolen Honduran Election (tags)


Proposed Senate Bill Risks Undermining Geneva (tags)


US/Israeli Iran Policy Remains Unchanged (tags)


US Saber Rattling Diplomacy (tags)


Provoking Iran (tags)


TPP Protesters Greet President Obama in Beverly Hills — in Pictures (tags)

[This is a subset of the full article, which was posted to LA Progressive. ]

Fraud, Intimidation and Vote Buying in Honduras (tags)


Hunger in America (tags)


Israeli Police State Lawlessness (tags)


Ukraine Dodged a Bullet (tags)


Rigged Honduran Elections (tags)


Undermining Geneva (tags)


Iran Nuclear Deal Bashing (tags)


ACLU v. Clapper (tags)


Israel's War on Palestinian Children (tags)


Deal in Geneva: Hold the Cheers (tags)


Obamacare Restricts Choice of Hospitals and Doctors (tags)


Life in Occupied Gaza (tags)


Israel Wants Walls, not Peace (tags)


No Breakthrough in Geneva (tags)


Longstanding Anti-Iranian Sentiment (tags)


Remembering Jack Kennedy (tags)


Modern Day Slavery in Qatar (tags)


Targeting Iran in Beirut (tags)


Massive Pentagon Waste, Fraud and Grand Theft (tags)


Israeli Unaccountability (tags)


Sabotaging Rapprochement with Iran (tags)


Israeli Rabbinical Scandals (tags)


TPP: NAFTA on Steroids (tags)


Anti-Iranian Israeli/Saudi Alliance (tags)


Double Injustice (tags)

police state

America and Israel: Police States Writ Large (tags)

police state

Obama's Healthcare Fix (tags)


Former Fed Official Apologizes (tags)


Dead in the Water Peace Talks (tags)


Oil Espionage: Targeting OPEC (tags)


US Atrocities in Afghanistan (tags)


Judaizing Palestine (tags)


Vilifying Venezuela's Maduro (tags)


Waging Economic War on Venezuela (tags)


Palestine's Land Defense Coalition (tags)


Scuttling Middle East Peace (tags)


Challenging Wrongful Convictions (tags)

police state


Rio de Janeiro, Lisbon, New Delhi, Mumbai, Berlin, München, Window Rock, Washington, New York City - The International Uranium Film Festival (IUFF) is travelling around the world with dozens of atomic & nuclear films. Next IUFF starts November 27 in New Mexico, Albuquerque.

Veterans Day Hypocrisy (tags)


No Deal in Geneva (tags)


Overtime in Geneva (tags)


Reported Iranian Nuclear Deal: Hold the Cheers (tags)


Israel Killed Arafat (tags)


Netanyahu Launches Anti-Iranian Twitter Campaign (tags)


Whitewashing Crime in Israel (tags)


Kerry in Cairo (tags)


NSA Spying: Get It All (tags)


Sham Israeli/Palestinian Peace Talks Continue (tags)


Two Editorials Fall Short (tags)


Police State Britain (tags)

police state

Iraq Today: America's Genocidal Legacy (tags)


Gaza Running Out of Fuel and Medicines (tags)


Georgia's Saakashvili (tags)

police state

Maintaining Iran Sanctions (tags)


America's Economic Dark Side (tags)

class war

War on Terror Advocate to Head Homeland Security (tags)

police state

Palestinians' Right to Resist (tags)


Remembering Edward Said (tags)

Edward Said

Merkel's Germany (tags)

class war

Senator v. President Obama on War and Peace (tags)


NSA Bugs UN Headquarters (tags)


NYPD Stop and Frisk Ruled Unconstitutional (tags)

police state

Israeli Occupation Harshness Prevents Peace (tags)


Lawless NSA Global Spying (tags)

police state

Obama Wants Whistleblowers Silenced (tags)

police state

Evidence of Israeli Mass Murder (tags)


Israeli Pillar of Cloud War Crimes (tags)


BBC's Longstanding Pro-Israeli Bias (tags)


Google Recognizes Palestinian Statehood (tags)


Free Lynne Stewart Now (tags)

police state

Globalized Torture (tags)


Iranian Nuclear Talks (tags)


Austerity When Stimulus Is Needed (tags)

class war

Israeli Gaza Airstrikes Violated Laws of War (tags)


Medical Neglect in Israeli Prisons (tags)


Israel's Likely Coalition Partner Government Threatens Humanity (tags)


US Law Prohibits Transferring Guantanamo Prisoners to America (tags)


Washington Post Supports Israeli Settlements (tags)


Venezuela's Future (tags)


The Gatekeepers: Exposing Israel's Dark Side (tags)


Cold War Politics Heats Up (tags)


Israel's Long Arm (tags)


Bahraini State Terror (tags)


Four More Years of War (tags)


Odd Man Out (tags)


Palestinian Hunger Striking Steadfastness (tags)


Premeditated Israeli Violence (tags)


Gun Violence in America (tags)


Holding Israel Accountable (tags)


America and Israel Wage War on Humanity (tags)


Syria: Tightening the Noose (tags)


Abbas: Betrayal Pays Well (tags)


Philippine Statements on the International Human Rights Day (tags)

1) Akbayan on the Observance of the International Human Rights Day 2) Workers hold Jericho March at San Miguel in celebration of human rights day 3) Pahayag sa Pandaigdigang Araw ng Karapatang Pantao 4) Another World is Possible! Reject the Policies of Neoliberalism! Protect the Working Class!

Middle East on the Boil (tags)


Israel: Heading for a Political Cliff? (tags)


Venezuelans Vote Again (tags)


Waging War n Palestine (tags)


Susan Rice's Imperial Credentials (tags)


Palestine UN Vote Postmortems (tags)


Obama Wants State-Sponsored Murder Legalized (tags)


Israel's Genocidal War on Palestine (tags)


Austerity — the 1%’s Global Battle Cry (tags)

Whether we are left with the Fiscal Cliff or a Grand Bargain, workers in the U.S. face massive cuts to programs such as Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, unemployment insurance, Food Stamp assistance and other needed social safety nets. This is an example of “austerity” which has largely been pursued in the U.S. until now, on a statewide and local level.

Arafat's Body Exhumed (tags)


Bangladesh Sweatshop Fire (tags)

class war

Abbas Submits Weak UN Status Bid (tags)


Israel Signals Hardline Policy Intentions (tags)


Gaza Still Boils (tags)


Netanyahu Plans More War (tags)


Is the Philippines child-friendly? (tags)

Manila, Philippines – The ultimate test of determining the child-friendliness of the country is to ask the children themselves, this according to Anna Lindenfors, Country Director of Save the Children in the Philippines.

Abbas: Collaborating with the Enemy (tags)


Drums of More War (tags)


Israel's War on Palestine (tags)


Righteous Indignation of Israeli Mass Murder (tags)


Gaza Postmortems (tags)


Gaza: Victimized by Israeli Terror Bombing (tags)


Israeli Terror Attacks: Day 8 (tags)


Israeli Terror Attacks: Day 7 (tags)


Israeli Aggression: Dress Rehearsal for Iran? (tags)


Israeli Terror Attacks: Day 6 (tags)


Onyx Friday: a black friday alternative (tags)

Onyx Friday: a black friday alternative Friday, November 23rd, 2012 Starts at 8am (PST)! Get your holiday shopping done at home AND support fine artists and craftspeople all over the country.

Did Israel Overstep This Time? (tags)


Israeli Terror Attacks: Day 5 (tags)


Straight Talk on Gaza (tags)


Bahrain Cracks Down on Freedom (tags)

police state

Targeting Civilians: Israel's Specialty (tags)


Media Cover for Israeli Crimes (tags)


Naked Israeli Aggression (tags)


Israel's Operation Pillar of Cloud (tags)


Israeli Threat to Annul Oslo (tags)


Pro-Israeli Media Coverage (tags)


Syrian Opposition Unity Deal (tags)


Israel Shells Syria and Gaza (tags)


Waging War Without Declaring It (tags)


Grand Bargain Betrayal Coming (tags)

class war

Obama/Netanyahu Post-Election Reset (tags)


Obama's Post-Election Militancy (tags)

police state

Bradley Manning Seeks Plea Deal (tags)

police state

Greece: Profile of a Failed State (tags)


Haaretz on Obama's Reelection (tags)


New York Times Opposes Palestinian Self-Determination (tags)


Union Loss in Bend, Oregon (tags)

The game is rigged, but not the fight.

Money Party Wins US Election (tags)


Torturer Lawsuits: Some Good News (tags)


Turkey Tries IDF Commanders in Absentia (tags)


Overreach: America's Imperial Waterloo? (tags)


Abbas Ill-Serves and Insults Palestinians (tags)


Public Banking Works (tags)


Vote Independent or Stay Home (tags)


Good News and Bad (tags)

police state

Caught in the Act (tags)


Profile of a Police State (tags)

police state

Predicting Protracted Hard Times (tags)

class war

Big Week for Justice Department Vigilantes (tags)

police state

Iran's NNC News Interviews Lendman (tags)


American-Style Fascism (tags)


Venezuelan Electoral Postmortems (tags)


Chicago's War on Education (tags)


Romney/Ryanism in Tampa (tags)


International Law Revisionism (tags)


Israel Likely Killed Arafat (tags)


Lynne Stewart Loses Appeal (tags)

police state

Cold War Politics Redux (tags)


Baghdadi Mahmoudi Faces Torture and Death in Libya (tags)


Viktor Bout: Victimized by US Injustice (tags)


Draconian Cybersecurity Bills (tags)

police state

ICC Absolves Israeli Lawlessness (tags)


Owens Lake Reminders for SNWA Pipeline’s Water Grab from Northern Aquifers (tags)

The recent decision by the NV State Engineer to support the SNWA's proposed pipeline follows the same tactics used by San Fernando Valley developers who removed water from Owens Lake and Valley by using deception and purchasing land and favors from government officials.

Targeted Killings: US and Israeli Specialties (tags)

rogue states

Israeli Buffer Zone State Terror (tags)


Palestinian Oppression: Official Israeli Policy (tags)


Looting the Seas (tags)


Khader Adnan's Struggle Continues (tags)


Say No to War (tags)


Walid Hanatsheh: Palestinian Prisoner of Conscience (tags)


Philippines: The blunder of an Arroyo lawyer, Hitler fan (tags)

Ignoring a constitutional ban against making “midnight” appointments in the last months of her presidency, Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo (GMA) went ahead and appointed her personal manicurist, Nitz Carpon, as director of a government housing agency, and her personal gardener, Armando Macapagal, as Deputy Director of the Luneta Park Administration. For good measure and insurance, she also appointed her former legal counsel, Associate Justice Renato Corona, as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.

SOPA Censorship Bill Creates Corporatist Media Monopoly (tags)

The SOPA and PIPA Bills are attempts by the corporatists to control the dialogue under the guise of stopping "piracy". On the one hand the proponents of SOPA claim the need for jobs and then pass a law that will silence free exchange of ideas that can lead to independent innovations. However, passing SOPA will place a gag order on free speech activists and only allow government approved corporatist propaganda to get time over the internet. VOTE NO ON SOPA!!

Cruel and Unusual Punishment (tags)

police state

Waging Covert War on Iran (tags)


Racist Discrimination Against Israeli Arabs (tags)


Targeting Journalists Covering OWS Protests (tags)

police state

Promoting War on Iran (tags)


Money Power Runs America (tags)

class war

Proposed FCC Media Consolidation Rules (tags)


Copyright Hypocrisy and the Assault on the Internet (tags)

When the producers of the hit film "The Adjustment Bureau" tried to stiff the daughters of Philip K. Dick, who wrote the story on which the film was based, out of their rights payments on the ground that the story's copyright was invalid, they unwittingly exposed the hypocrisy surrounding the entertainment industry's aggressive attempts to stop so-called "Internet piracy." Bills like the SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act) in the House and PROTECT IP in the Senate would destroy Internet freedom and turn ISP's into content police in the name of continuing a copyright system that is no longer technologically sustainable.

Escalating Anti-Iranian Tensions (tags)


Wrecking America's Postal Service (tags)


Legislating Tyranny in America (tags)


Critical Health Issues in Gaza (tags)


Occupy Los Angeles: A Stroy in Photos (tags)

A photostory looking inside Occupy Los Angeles from its beginning to its end

Occupy Los Angeles: A story in Photos (tags)

A photostory looking inside Occupy Los Angeles from its beginning to its end

Israeli-Style Justice (tags)

police state

America Lurches Toward Full-Blown Tryanny (tags)


US/Pakistan's Toxic Alliance (tags)

war on terror

International Solidarity Day with Palestine (tags)


Palestinian Unity: A Threat, Says Israel (tags)


Target Syria (tags)


Israel: Profile of a Rogue State (tags)

state terror

Two Hard Cases, Two Bad Laws (tags)

The November 14 decision by the U.S. Supreme Court to consider the constitutionality of so-called "Obamacare" and the November 17 decision of the California Supreme Court that the proponents of Proposition 8 have legal standing to appeal it all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court are both disasters for the progressive community. But they also highlight the conflict between general principles of justice progressives should support and tactical positions in specific cases that may work to our short-term advantage but cause us problems later on.

Rage for Change in Egypt (tags)


Tierra y Libertad: Occupy Los Angeles, Day 57 (tags)

November 26th marked the 57th day of Occupy Los Angeles, which is the largest standing Occupy encampment in the nation. The occupation is located at Solidarity Park (formerly known as City Hall Park) in downtown Los Angeles.

US Higher Education in Crisis (tags)

class war

Bipartisan Deal to Slash Medicare and Medicaid (tags)

class war

Another New York Bomb Plot: Real or Fake? (tags)

police state

Gaza: Good News and Bad (tags)


Palestinian Settlers Attack Palestinians with Impunity (tags)


MF Global Looted Customer Accounts (tags)

grand theft

Egyptian Military Power Grab (tags)


Israel Steps Up Police State Crackdowns (tags)


Eurozone Doomsayer Got it Right (tags)


America's Student Loan Debt Bondage (tags)

class war

America's Media War on OWS (tags)


Criminalizing OWS Protesters (tags)

class war

America's Media War on Syria (tags)


Deepening Debt Contagion (tags)


Targeting Iran and Syria (tags)


Gaza's Suffocating Siege (tags)


Rogue Israeli Lawlessness (tags)

state terror

Occupy America for Change (tags)

class war

Israeli Anti-Democratic Legislation (tags)


America's New World Order Agenda (tags)


Financial Terrorism Rules Eurozone (tags)


War of Words on Iran (tags)


The Russell Tribunal on Palestine: South Africa Session (tags)


Iran: WMDs Redux (tags)


Washington and Israel v. Iran and Flotilla Activists (tags)


Fabricated IAEA Report on Iran Released (tags)


Kicking the Cannes Down the Road (tags)


War Winds Target Iran (tags)


Israel Assaults Freedom Waves to Gaza Activists (tags)


Non-Violent November Fifth followed by a Forceful November Sixth (tags)

"This isn't about (political) parties," states one protestor firmly. "We're just angry citizens who don't like what we see is happening and we want to change it."

Spoiling for Another Fight? (tags)


America v. Paul Bergrin in Court (tags)


America's Imperial Arrogance (tags)


Washington and Israel: Rogue State Partners (tags)


Solidarity to Occupy Oakland General Strike (tags)

The Philippine Airlines Employees’ Association (PALEA), the union of the ground staff of Philippine Airlines, and Partido ng Manggagawa (Labor Party-Philippines), the independent party of the working class in the Philippines, stand shoulder to shoulder with the Occupy Oakland protesters. We too struggle against corporate greed and capitalist globalization with its destructive impact on the workers and the youth. Truly the movement against corporate greed and capitalist globalization is international in scope.

Washington's Man in Libya (tags)


Dissing Europe's Flawed Bailout Scheme (tags)

class war

Israel Called Biggest Threat to World Peace (tags)


Washington and Israel: Partners in State Terror (tags)

state terror

Netanyahu Threatens Gazans with Death (tags)


Eurozone Bailout Deal (tags)

class war

Democracy Now! Co-Host Gonzalez Speaks in San Diego (tags)

"Democracy Now!" co-host Juan Gonzalez spoke in San Diego October 24 as part of a whirlwind tour in support of his new book, "News for All the People: The Epic Story of Race and the American Media." He made two main points in his talk: that there are three "strains" of American media — the corporate mainstream, the white alternative or "rebel" press, and media owned and controlled by people of color; and that since the 1840's the U.S. government has regulated every technological change in the media in a way that favors the interests of giant corporations over ordinary people.

Israeli-Style Peace and Justice (tags)


Philippines: Communist Rebels Target Civilians (tags)

(New York,) ? The rebel New People?s Army (NPA) in the Philippines should immediately end unlawful killings and detention of civilians, Human Rights Watch said today. The NPA, the armed wing of the Communist Party of the Philippines, has admitted to gunning down civilians and detaining others in recent months.

Planned Peacekeeper Occupation of Libya (tags)


America's Barbaric Death Penalty (tags)


Palestinian Divisions on Statehood (tags)


Internet Censorship Bill Introduced (tags)


International Day of Action in Solidarity with San Juan Copala (tags)

International Day of Action in Solidarity with the Autonomous Municipality of San Juan Copala, Oaxaca, Mexico

Netanyahu Spurns Peace (tags)


America's Appalling Human Rights Record (tags)

human rights

Troy Anthony Davis: Unjustly Sentenced to Death (tags)


US Intervention in Syria (tags)


Professor Hassan Diab: Unjustly Victimized (tags)


Seventh Annual Israel Anti-Apartheid Week (tags)


Venezuela’s Social Movements: Autonomy’s Difficult Path (tags)

* On November 2010, in the Spanish city of Cordoba, during the celebrations of the Centennial of the historical anarcho-syndicalist union, the Confederacion Nacional del Trabajo (CNT), a Round Table discussion about Latin America’s social movements took place. A representative of El Libertario was present and delivered the following report.

"Globalize the Struggle, Globalize the Hope!" (tags)

No to market-based business deals proposed by the governments of industrialized countries and transnational corporations, the thousands of solutions to the climate crisis are in the hands of the people.

Abusing Palestinian Children (tags)


Chicago's Mayoral Election: Rahm Emanuel's Eligibility At Issue (tags)

city politics

Obama Embraces Military Commissions Injustice (tags)

rigged trials

Annabel Melongo: Victimized and Imprisoned (tags)

another political prisoner

Obama Year Two: Continued Betrayal and Failure (Part II) (tags)

government betrayal

NV; Fatality from Ruby Pipeline Construction (tags)

El Paso corporation's rush to complete the Ruby Pipeline in northern Nevada resulted in a worker's fatality as safety procedures were skipped and work continued despite the frigid temps and icy surfaces. The time required to complete this project is being shortened by the corporate profit motive, and the human nature to make serious mistakes is increased as workers grow weary from long hours and colder temperatures.

Obama Tortures Bradley Manning; Where are CCR & ACLU lawsuits? (tags)

Democrat Obama is now torturing whistleblower Bradley Manning by keeping him in solitary confinement 23 hours per day, with no news contacts and no pillow or sheets allowed so he is now on anti-depressants. Where are the CCR (Center for Constitutional Rights) & ACLU lawsuits?

On the Chopping Block: Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid (tags)

cutting entitlements

The Fix Is In: Expect Democrats to Buckle (tags)

Democrats will cave

FBI Sting Entraps Another Victim (tags)

another likely victim of US injustice

Haitians Protest Sham Elections (tags)

they want democracy

Flotilla Support for Gaza (tags)

coming until siege ends

Honduras: Latin America's Murder Capital (tags)

murders in fascist Honduras

NGO Monitor Targets Truth for Israel (tags)

Israel's war against truth

WikiLeaks Reveals Diplomatic Cables on Aafia Siddiqui (tags)

No smoking guns

International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People (tags)

a day to observe and honor

The New York Times Endorses Haiti's Coup d'Etat "Elections" (tags)

a sham election

Massive Fraud in Haiti's Sham Elections (tags)

sham elections

The New York Times Again Censoring WikiLeaks (tags)

willful New York Times censorship

Mohamed Osman Mohamud: Terrorist or Victim? (tags)

another likely victim

The New York Times: What Passes for Journalism in the Newspaper of Record (tags)

corporate journalism

Enhanced Airport Screening Controversy (tags)

violating civil liberties

Haiti's Deepening Cholera Crisis (tags)

an imperial crime

Haiti's Sham Elections: Solidifying Imperial Control (tags)

no democracy in Haiti

Remembering Chalmers Ashby Johnson (8/6/31 - 11/20/10) (tags)

a powerful voice silenced

Nov 22, 1963 to Nov 22, 2010: JFK Assassination to Airport Fascism (tags)

It is now 47 years since the CIA murdered President Kennedy on November 22, 1963, an event easily remembered by all of us over 57, down to the pecise moment we got the news. That Reichstag Fire is now the paradigm for blowing the whistle on all such attacks on all of us to enrich the rich, including but not limited to the 9/11 Inside Job, the underwear bomber and all the other staged events. The good news is the American people are fighting back with a National Opt Out Day on November 24, 2010 to stop the police state at the airports.

Destructive Neoliberal Austerity (tags)

austerity, not stimulus coming

Haiti's Cholera Epidemic: Mounting Illnesses and Deaths, Inadequate Aid (tags)

Washington provided virtually no aid

Global Warfare: After NATO Summit, U.S. To Intensify Military Drive Into Asia (tags)

"No fewer than 38 European nations have supplied NATO troops for the Afghanistan-Pakistan war as well as providing training grounds and transport centers to support the war effort. As envisioned for at least a century, through peaceful means or otherwise, Europe has been united, not so much by the European Union as under the NATO flag and on the killing fields of Afghanistan. It is now relegated to the role of pre-deployment training area and forward operating base for military campaigns downrange: The Middle East, Africa and Asia."

Unrecognized Palestinians: Illegally Demolishing Their Homes and Villages (tags)

actions against Israeli citizens

Ethnically Cleansing East Jerusalem (tags)

Judaizing East Jerusalem

America's Gulf: An Ongoing Catastrophic Disaster (tags)

Obama complicity in worst ever environmental crime

A Bribe too Good to Refuse (tags)

Obama offering weapons for peace

Haiti's Cholera Epidemic Sparks Outrage (tags)

anger over mistreatment

Washington Backing Indonesian State Terror (tags)

funding state terror

Openly Gay Fort Worth City Councilmember Headlines Queer Democrats' Freedom Awards (tags)

As a boy, openly Gay Fort Worth City Councilmember Joel Burns was bullied by schoolmates and driven to thoughts of suicide. One of his friends, a boy from Oklahoma, actually did kill himself. As an elected official, Burns spoke October 12 in the Fort Worth City Council chambers and talked about his past in a speech that was heard 'round the world through YouTube and the power of the Internet. On November 13 Burns came to San Diego as the keynote speaker for the 35th Annual Freedom Awards of the predominantly Queer San Diego Democratic Club and talked about teen suicide and the need for renewed commitment on the part of Queer Democrats and progressives to elect officials whose actions will make Queer teens safer.

Obama Team's Deficit Cutting Proposal: Benefit the Few, Harm the Many (tags)

Obama's Robin Hood economics

Lurching Toward Gomorrah: Growing Israeli Fascism (tags)

many in Israel are worried.

World Geopolitics and The Battle for the Mediterranean (tags)

"If one were to live in a city where the only form of employment was a coal mine and there was no means to leave the city then one would have no choice but to work at the coal mine. Control of labour movement is a cornerstone to the socio-economic objectives of the U.S., the E.U., the World Bank, and a league of associated international financial institutions (IFIs). By rendering work forces immobile in any given geographic locality the rights of employment choice and occupational alternatives are removed and a new form of monopoly is established — a forced acceptance of work on whole pools of individuals. Rising fuel prices are also adding to the erosion of mobility rights.??The security agenda behind controlling movements is heavily tied to economic objectives, as are the international disease scares like avian influenza (bird flu) and the swine flue that lock up human movement. Control of mobility in the oceans and international waters of the world is also part of this objective. The internationally illegal Proliferation Security Initiative (PSI) was initiated by the U.S. government, with the support of the E.U., in 2003 as part of the “Global War on Terror.” The Proliferation Security Initiative is presented as a means to prevent the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (WMDs), however it can be applied to bring about a hold over global maritime mobility. The strategy is a threat to international movement on the high seas and maritime trade. There is good reason why it is illegal under international law and the 1982 U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea.??Industrial De-location in the European Union and the Global Economic Crisis??This process of industrial de-location has already been underway in the E.U. for years, under which industries have been relocated to Eastern Europe and other global regions. Under this neo-liberal paradigm jobs and industries can gradually be removed from wealthier E.U. states to Southern Mediterranean nations, where cheap and immobile labour forces will be awaiting."

Cholera Outbreak Hits Port-au-Prince (tags)

an epidemic threatens Haiti

Obama's Fake Muslim Outreach (tags)

Obama's agenda belies his rhetoric

Open Season on Muslims in America (tags)

targeting innocent Muslims

Quantitative Easing: Elixir or Poison? (tags)

QE indeed poison as being used

US Elections: America's Right Turn (tags)

misguided voters

The Socialist Party Los Angeles County Local Endorses Prop. 19 Socialist Leaders Urge Cali (tags)

As the Socialist Party USA opposes America's phony "War on Drugs", the potential passage of California's Prop 19 provides an excellent opportunity for a closer legislative alignment with the Socialist Party's platform. The Party explicitly calls for the decriminalization of drug use and the redirection of funds spent on the so-called "War on Drugs" to comprehensive community-based rehabilitation programs.

America's Gulf: Ongoing Coverup and Denial (tags)

covering up the greatest ever environmental crime

UN Peacekeepers Complicit in Sex Trade (tags)

peacekeepers are predatory

Israel Shooting and Electric-Shocking Palestinian Children (tags)

Israel torturing Palestinian children

From "Hizzhonor" to Dishonor (tags)

Rahm Emanuel will likely enter Chicago mayoral race

The Repressive Citizenship and Entry into Israel Law (tags)

more evidence of Israeli lawlessness


Thank you for your public announcement of your support for equity! I would like to properly address your questions during our meeting last Friday, July 16th in your district office in my attempt to further elucidate the case of equity for Filipinos and provide an educational tool for your fellow legislators and the American public as we further gather support now for your anticipated sponsorship of a bill on January of 2011.

Marie Mason: Victimized by Green Scare State Terrorism (tags)

fighting for justice in America now criminalized

Stanley Sporkin: BP's Ombudsman Fixer (tags)

corruption in high places

In Flight From Reality (tags)

"America's current dependence on energy imports and its rising levels of indebtedness due to the pursuit of wars of choice in Iraq and Afghanistan to secure a position of advantage in the competition for access to the energy resources of the Middle East, the Persian Gulf..."

Vilifying Justice Goldstone (tags)

Israel attacks truth

Ahmed Abu Ali: Guilty of Being Muslim in America at the Wrong Time (tags)

Muslims are target one in America for their faith and ethnicity

Clouds of Chimerica (tags)

Dependence paralyzes superpowers. Washington urges Peking to upgrade its currency which China's economy cannot handle. China-bashing is an absolute necessity in the upcoming election campaigns.

Congressional Climate Bills: Stealth Schemes to Raise Energy Prices and Enrich Wall Street (tags)

climate bills are solely for profit

University of Ottawa Activist Student Persecutions: The Case of Marc Kelly (tags)

accelerating fascism at University of Ottawa

The Death of Populism in America (tags)

Obama's destructive health care legislation


Millions of US taxpayers' money are supporting de facto President Arroyo's despotic rule in the Philippines. The continuing torture of 43 health workers may be an alibi to cover up the horrendous Ampatuan massacre and numerous corruption scandals, a preparation for martial rule by May 20. Fascist violence will surely be met by the enraged mobilization of the masses. The US public needs to protest the use of their taxdollars to fund Arroyo's extrajudicial killings, torture, and forced disappearances of thousands of Filipino civilians.

Global Sweatshop Wage Slavery (tags)

Worker exploitation in America and globally

The Fateful Geological Prize Called Haiti (tags)

"A US military occupation of Haiti under the guise of earthquake disaster ‘relief’ would give Washington and private business interests tied to it a geopolitical prize of the first order. Prior to the January 12 quake, the US Embassy in Port-au-Prince was the fifth largest US embassy in the world, comparable to its embassies in such geopolitically strategic places as Berlin and Beijing.[17] With huge new oil finds off Cuba being exploited by Russian companies, with clear indications that Haiti contains similar vast untapped oil as well as gold, copper, uranium and iridium, with Hugo Chavez’ Venezuela as a neighbor to the south of Haiti, a return of Aristide or any popular leader committed to developing the resources for the people of Haiti, -- the poorest nation in the Americas -- would constitute a devastating blow to the world’s sole Superpower. The fact that in the aftermath of the earthquake, UN Haiti Special Envoy Bill Clinton joined forces with Aristide foe George W. Bush to create something called the Clinton-Bush Haiti Fund ought to give everyone pause. According to Marguerite Laurent ('Ezili Dantò') of the Haitian Lawyers’ Leadership Network, under the guise of emergency relief work, the US, France and Canada are engaged in a balkanization of the island for future mineral control. She reports rumors that Canada wants the North of Haiti where Canadian mining interests are already present. The US wants Port-au-Prince and the island of La Gonaive just offshore – an area identified in Aristide’s development book as having vast oil resources, and which is bitterly contested by France. She further states that China, with UN veto power over the de facto UN-occupied country, may have something to say against such a US-France-Canada carve up of the vast wealth of the nation."

Israeli Prohibitions Against Free Expression and "Enemy Alien" Contacts (tags)

Erosion of civil liberties in Israel

The Recession Is Over, the Depression Just Beginning (tags)

America's economy is dire and worsening

Israel's East Jerusalem Linked Settlement Expansion (tags)

continued land theft

Kevin Cooper: Victimized by American Injustice (tags)

an innocent man on death row

Reform: The Making of a Philippine Presidential Campaign (tags)

There is real possibility for a significant leap in the reform process in the Philippines after the 2010 elections. If, as seems likely at this time, Noynoy Aquino wins the presidency, a number of converging developments could produce the conditions necessary for change. The first is Noynoy himself, who has successfully embodied the political legacy of his mother Cory, and his father Ninoy. This, in turn, has introduced a new dimension of enthusiastic voluntarism to the election campaign. Finally, the people running Noynoy’s campaign constitute the leading core of an enlarged reform constituency.

Targeting Lawyers - The Case of Paul Bergrin (tags)

police state targeting of lawyers

The Great Game: U.S., NATO War In Afghanistan: Is the Entire World the Target? (tags)

"The longest war in American history prior to the current one was that in Vietnam. U.S. military advisers were present in the country from the late 1950s onward and covert operations were carried on in the early 1960s, but only in the year after the contrived Gulf of Tonkin incident - 1965 - did the Pentagon begin major combat operations in the south and regular bombing raids in the north. The last American combat unit left South Vietnam in 1972, seven years later. The U.S. (and Britain) began bombing the Afghan capital of Kabul on October 7, 2001 with Tomahawk cruise missiles launched from warships and submarines and bombs dropped from warplanes and shortly thereafter American special forces began ground operations, a task that has been conducted since by regular Army and Marine units. The bombing and the ground combat operations continue more than eight years later and both will be intensified to record levels in short order."

Abolish the Fed and Return Money Creation Power to Congress (tags)

Only Congress empowered to create money

More Arrests in America's War on Islam (tags)

America's political persecution continues

New Study Shows Ten States Face Fiscal Crisis (tags)

Crises in states worsen

AF3IRM/GABNet/Mariposa Alliance Statement: 16 DAYS OF RAGE; 365 OF ACTIVISM (tags)

Nov 25-Dec 10: AF3IRM/GABNet to participate in the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence to affirm that women's' rights are human rights!

Targeting Muslim Charities in America (tags)

the face of a police state

Lynne Stewart: Heroic Human Rights Lawyer Jailed (tags)

The US criminal justice system betrayed this heroic woman

Media Disseminated Myths about Obamacare (tags)

lies and deceit about health care reform

Planting Bio-fuelds, in Rwanda, while Rwandans go hungry (tags)

On November 9, 2009, Benoit Ndagijimana, Deputy Secretary General of the United Democratic Forces of Rwanda, a.k.a., the UDF-IINKINGI, a dissident Rwandan political party, protested the Rwandan government's dedication of 10,000 hectares of land, in Eastern Rwanda, to produce bio-fuels, in a consortium with U.S.-based Eco-Fuel Global and UK-based Eco-Fuel Positive.

Universal Single-Payer Healthcare Coverage: An Economic Stimulus Plan (tags)

Imagine - doing the right thing is economically beneficial.

UCLA CRISIS FEST: Protest for education (tags)

n November 18th, hundreds of union members and students from all over California will converge on UCLA in the leadup to the system-wide protest of the Regents meeting. With the support of union and student groups, there will be a day and night Tent City outside of Pauley Pavillion to house our convergence!

The Struggle for Net Neutrality (tags)

struggle for a free and open Internet

JOEL SCHALIT - San Francisco radio interview: Are US-Israel Relations at a Turning Point? (tags)

Are U.S.-Israel Relations supposedly at a Turning Point? On November, 11, 2009, the San Francisco radio program, KALW's (91.7fm) "Your Call" radio show, was joined by Joel Schalit, Israeli-American Jew, author of Israel Versus Utopia, to discuss the future of Israel. Israel is the number one recipient of U.S. military and economic aid (receiving more U.S. economic aid than the entire African continent), but its right-wing Likud government, and it's current prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, like all its other prime ministers, has bluntly rejected the Obama Administration's (peudo) calls (but no economic/military aid threats) for an "end" to internationally-illegal Jewish Israeli settlements. Meanwhile, the J Street (so-called, "liberal") Zionist lobbying project is setting, supposedly, "a new course" for the Jewish-American relationship with Israel. Could a new U.S.-Israeli relationship emerge? And will any of it make real change, or any real positive difference at all, for the Palestinian people?

Fort Hood Tragedy Sparks Islamophobic Response (tags)

shameful media response

Suspected Hemorrhagic Pneumonia Outbreak Hits Ukraine (tags)

Ukraine situation may head everywhere

Honduran Accord Solidifies Coup E'Etat Rule (tags)

democracy subverted


The Philippine Peasant Support Network (PESANTE)-USA support Hacienda Luisita farmers in their dispute as Cojuangco family's deadline for them to cultivate the lands,. Pesante is solidly behind the United Luisita Workers' Union (Ulwu) and Alyansa ng Manggagawang Bukid sa Asyenda Luisita (Ambala) who are beefing up its forces as they anticipate displacement measures of the Hacienda Luisita, Inc.

AARP's Tradition of Betrayal (tags)

they choose profits over member interests

Martial Law Alert Over Swine Flu (tags)

Potential draconian laws coming over swine flu

America's "Bases of Empire" (tags)

imperial America's global face

Iran's Election and US - Iranian Relations (tags)

evidence US instigating protests and violence

Economic Crisis and the Crisis of Neoliberal Ideology (tags)

The crisis has his origins in the "real" economy. Inequality is the ideological motor of neoliberfalism. German president Kohler described the financial markets as a monster. The metaphor has changed from market as rational subject to monster.

Filipino peasant leader ambushed! (tags)

Renato Peñas, Vice-President of PAKISAMA (National Movement of Peasant Organizations), was ambushed dead by unidentified gunmen at 11:00 PM Friday, 5 June 2009, on the way to his farm in Sumilao, Bukidnon.

Obama Administration Targets Environmental and Animal Rights Activists As Eco-Terrorists (tags)

for Obama, activism = terrorism

Remembering Father Gerry (tags)

honoring a remarkable man

A Look at our anti-Terrorism abilities (tags)

Terrorists have been able to develop their own sources of financing, which range from charities to illegal enterprises such as growing, producing and trafficking in narcotics, extortion, kidnapping and smuggling drugs and humans.

Stifling Pro-Israel Views at UC Berkeley (tags)

More anti-Semitism at the University of California

"Hizzhonor:" Chicago Politics Under Richard M. Daley (tags)

last of the big city bosses

"Spinning" the U.S. Passport (tags)

The Public Relations arm of the U.S. government takes a "stab" at your travel documents.


On November 1, 2005, Nicole, a 22-year-old Filipina, was observed being dumped out of a van in a semi-unclothed and semi-conscious state. The van contained three U.S. troops who were in the Philippines for the annual joint military exercises with the Philippine Armed Forces. Lance Cpl. Daniel Smith was subsequentlly charged with rape before the Philippine courts. He was found guilty and sentenced to 40 years. After spending 30 days in a Philippine jail, he was spirited out at midnight to the U.S. embassy where he is said to remain while his case goes through the Court of Appeals. This month, Nicole signed an affidavit saying she might have given the wrong signals to Cpl. Smith. She was given an immigration visa for the U.S. The Filipino people are demanding that the Visiting Forces Agreement signed by President Bush and President Estrada, who was overthrown in 2001, be abrogated for its onerous provisions against the sovereignty of the Philippines.

Oakland's NOFA funds are sought to settle OCHI's legal issues (R) (tags)

Oakland's NOFA building renovation process has been tainted by developers and the City!

Free the "SOA6" - human rights activists sentenced to federal prison (tags)

Shut Down the School of the Americas (SOA/WHINSEC)

Pancho Villa’s Last Surviving Son (tags)

The last surviving son of Pancho Villa meets the grandson of Eustorgio Ramón, captain of los Pronunciados de Don Catarino Garza

Support the "SOA 6" who will put the School of the Americas on trial (tags)

Support the "SOA 6"

The Massacre in Palestine and the Threat of a Wider War (tags)

Yet another Israeli-led and U.S.-backed massacre is taking place as the world watches in horror. The western media, desperately trying to peddle the puny rockets of Hamas as bullying, does journalistic back flips in avoiding the utter carnage brought down by the much more powerful –- U.S. made and paid for — Israeli missiles.

The Massacre in Palestine and the Threat of a Wider War (tags)

Yet another Israeli-led and U.S.-backed massacre is taking place as the world watches in horror. The western media, desperately trying to peddle the puny rockets of Hamas as bullying, does journalistic back flips in avoiding the utter carnage brought down by the much more powerful — U.S. made and paid for — Israeli missiles. In an effort to target Hamas, the Israeli military has massively bombed over 300 sites and counting, including a five story building that was demolished at a university campus. As of this writing, 391 Palestinians have been officially counted as dead with nearly 2000 wounded. The number of dead is certainly undercounted, as bodies still lie under mountains of rubble (the number of dead Israelis is five). To say that only “Hamas militants” are being targeted is a most shameful lie.

Israel's Wanton Aggression On Gaza (tags)

Israel's crimes of war and against humanity

The Federal Reserve Abolition Act (tags)

Abolishing the Fed.

The Persecution of Syed Fahad Hashmi (tags)

Muslim persecution continues

Obama's Economic Dream Team? (tags)

indeed for Wall Street bankers

The Bailout Intensifies (tags)

Even through its muffled language, it was obvious that the typically non-alarmist New York Times was having trouble digesting the latest government announcements. On November 26, the Treasury and Fed revealed it would spend 800 billion more tax dollars towards new “lending” programs. That day, the Times concluded that the government was “sending a message that they will print as much money as needed to revive the crippled banking system.”[!] Later in the article we learn that “the government has assumed at least $7 trillion [!!] in direct and indirect financial obligations in the form of Wall Street bailouts, emergency lending and government guarantees on bank deposits, inter-bank loans and home mortgages.” The term “blank check” doesn’t begin to describe the vast amounts being tossed about.

Criminal Injustice Against the Holy Land Foundation Charity (tags)

targeting innocent Muslims

Media Compromises Civil Rights (tags)

Media bias helps deny civil rights and takes away the right to be innocent till proved guilty in a fair court of law.

Media Response to Venezuelan elections (tags)

one-sided and inaccurate as usual

Controversial KPFK Talk Show Host Ian Masters Admits Reliance on Main Steam Media (tags)

Masters admitted on the air what his critics have long charged: he continues to rely on the main stream media, after progressive audiences had to switch to the internet and foreign press to find any.

Israel's Slow-Motion Genocide in Occupied Palestine (tags)

a decades long policy

Lurching Toward Gomorrah: More Signs of An Unstoppable Economic Meltdown (tags)

a deepening economic crisis

Worse Than the Great Depression? (tags)

a distinct possibility

Right to Marry rally Nov 8 - audio montage (tags)

Five minute audio montage - sounds from the Nov 8 rally in Los Angeles against prop 8 and for the rights of all to marry (4.6 MB)

The Wages of Sin (tags)

The deepening economic crisis.


“Despite delays in passing the Filipino Veterans benefits and equity bill in the US Congress this year, the Filipino American community is highly hopeful the reconciled bill will pass this year. This will be the focus of the Veterans Day commemoration nationwide from Hawaii to Washington DC ” JFAV National Coordinator Arturo P. Garcia boldly announced this optimistic prediction.


The Los Angeles Shambhala Center presents a public talk and Zen archery workshop given by Kanjuro Shibata Sensei over the weekend, Oct 30 and November 1st and 2nd.

Subverting Democracy Through Electoral Fraud (tags)

Rigged election show democracy is pure fantasy.

Peace Mom v. Guardian of Power (tags)

Challenging entrenched power in Congress.

Republicans Face Election Debacle (tags)

The Congressional elections on November 4 seem already decided. Republicans face an historical disaster given the rotten mood in the country and new scandals.

Francis Boyle's "Palestine Palestinians and International Law" (tags)

Boyle's powerful case for Palestinian self-determination.

Torture As Official US Policy (tags)

America's darkest hour.

Robert Reich's "Super-Capitalism: How the Economy Undermines Democracy" (tags)

When everyone talks about stocks and consumption, what happens to social responsibility and public welfare? We suffer under a schizophrenia. The consumer in us opposes the worker. Businesses cannot be socially-responsible because they serve only one goal-maximization of profit.

Sixty Years of Palestinian Displacement, Occupation and Suffering (tags)

On May 14, remember the Nakba.

Green Scare State Terrorism (tags)

Targeting environmental and animal rights activists.

Ex-PUP president and FQS Activist Nemesio Prudente dies at 81 (tags)

Nemesio Prudente, the former president of the Polytechnic University of the Philippines and human rights advocate, died early Friday in a Cavite hospital. He was 81. One of the more prominent political prisoners of the martial law regime of the late dictator Ferdinand Marcos, Prudente died following almost a month of confinement at the De La Salle Medical Center in Dasmariñas, Cavite, his nephew Dante said.

Violation of Human Rights in CA: Interview with UN International Attorney, Karen Parker (tags)

A raging human rights battle is brewing between the Department of Energy and the people of the greater San Francisco/San Jose area. Citizen activists and environmental rights groups are up in arms over the right of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) to explode toxic and radioactive materials into California’s air.

Israeli Extra-Judicial Executions (tags)

Israeli crimes of genocide

Francis A. Boyle's "Protesting Power - War, Resistance and Law (tags)

International law supports the right to resist state crimes.

Only Tigers Survive: Scientology (tags)

As Erich Fromm would say, scientology fits in the world of the marketing character and the "unproductive I-orientation." Scientology is the glorification of an American ego-trip. Life is a game! Everyone plays for himself! Everyone can be a winner! Wars are only part of this game!

Using Bhutto for Imperial Gain (tags)

Bhutto killed for imperial gain

Police State America - A Look Back and Ahead (tags)

An analysis of how post-9/11 the republic was destroyed.

FCC Proposes Greater Media Consolidation (tags)

FCC proposal will harm independent journalism

The war in Iraq and the assassination of Kennedy (tags)

AT 44 years since the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, the war in Iraq and the Bush family saga have magnified the need to declassify documents related to the November 22, 1963 attack that affected not only the United States but, to a surprising degree, Cuba, and the rest of the world.

Another CIA sponsored Coup D'Etat? Venezuela’s D-Day (tags)

Apart from the deep involvement of the US, the primary organization of the Venezuelan business elite (FEDECAMARAS), as well as all the major private television, radio and newspaper outlets have been engaged in a vicious fear and intimidation campaign. Food producers, wholesale and retail distributors have created artificial shortages of basic food items and have provoked large scale capital flight to sow chaos in the hopes of reaping a ‘no’ vote.

Reese Erlich: Stopping the War on Iran (tags)

Journalist Reese Erlich, author of "The Iran Agenda," spoke to a San Diego audience November 17 about the prospects for a U.S. attack on Iran. He exposed the lies being told to justify sucn an attack but also suggested the U.S. government might be backing away from the brink.

Independent Journalist Dahr Jamail Speaks on Iraq (tags)

Anti-war journalist Dahr Jamail spoke at the First Unitarian-Universalist Church in San Diego November 15 to promote his new book, "Beyond the Green Zone," about his experiences as an unembedded reporter in Iraq over eight months from November 2003 to February 2005. His most moving stories were about the two U.S. sieges of Falloujah in April and November 2004.

Coup E'Etat Rumblings in Venezuela (tags)

The Bush administration aims to crush democracy in Venezuela.

Thanksgiving Hypocrisy (tags)

Exposing the Thanksgiving myth

White Supremacist Lou Dobbs Confronted At UC San Diego (tags)

Report from Lou Dobbs protest at UC San Diego

Iran granted a pardon to the yung homosexual Makvan (tags)

The petition for the life of Makvan and the “Flowers for Life in Iran Campaign” – promoted by Gruppo EveryOne and backed by Irqo, the International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission and Amnesty International – have obtained a memorable result. “A sensational victory for human rights”, say Malini Pegoraro, Picciau (Gruppo EveryOne) and Paula Ettelbrick of the International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission. The Iranian judge who annulled the death sentence defined the previous sentence “a violation of Islamic precepts and human ethics”.

The USA PATRIOT Act: Redefining American Principles (tags)

What is the USA PATRIOT Act doing to our country? It is obvious that the Democratically lead Congress will not stop the Administration. It is time for the citizens of the United States of America to start fighting for what is rightfully theirs: their freedom.

Campesino Activist Assassinated in Brazil by Syngenta's Hired Thugs (tags)

Brazil's Movement of Landless Workers & La Via Campesinos activist camp attacked by hired assassins after protesting Syngenta's GMO/GE biotech crop monopolies..

Eric McDavid Update and Court Report from 9/12 (tags)

Report of court proceedings from 9/12

Leonard Peltier: Silence Screama (tags)

Leonard Peltier has spent more than 31 years in prison.

No Borders Camp: A Call to Resistance Against the Border Regime (tags)

This is an invitation to all people of goodwill, to all who are fighting for dignity, freedom, human rights and autonomy. The regime of terror and the homeland security apparatus will not collapse on its own – it must be challenged. We call on you to join us in opposition to the border regime. Between November 7th and 11th, 2007, thousands of people will gather at the line between Calexico, California and Mexicali, Baja California. Throughout this week of action we will engage in opposition to the infrastructure of repression and that of neo-liberal globalization. Together we will create an autonomous zone free of borders and the lies they perpetuate.

Luis Posada Carriles, the White House terrorist (tags)

In an article published on April 10, 2007, president Fidel Castro declared, “Orders for Kathleen Cardone’s decision could only have come from the White House. President Bush constantly avoided the issue of the criminal and terrorist character of the accused. He was protected and charged with a simple immigration violation.”

The Earth as a Weapon (tags)

Please past this information to all who will listen before it is too late.

Tracking Torture (tags)

"They Want to Keep Others from Doing What We Did. They Want to Shut Down Protest." To follow the progress of the trial of Jesuit Fr. Steve Kelly and Franciscan Fr. Louis Vitale, and/or to help, go to

End LAPD Brutality: Remove LA Prosecutor Steve Cooley & Fire Bratton (tags)

With substantial support from George W. Bush and the local forces of the extreme right, the LAPD and its financed-DA (Steve Cooley - Republican) have succeeded in transforming Los Angeles County to a well-engineered police state.

2001 - 2007: LAPD's Reign of Terror Unchecked (tags)

The brutal rampage by LAPD in McArthur Park on May 1, 2007 was culmination of a 6-year old secrete but intricate policy by the Bush administration and local forces of the extreme right in reversing attempts to reform LAPD after Rodney King and Rampart Scandal.

NLG calls for investigation re: UCLA Campus Police Tasers Student (tags)

The National Lawyers Guild (NLG) calls for an independent investigation into the use of a Taser by the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) Police Department against 23-year-old student Mostafa Tabatabainejad on November 14, 2006. The Guild rejects the use of, and threats to use, Tasers as an excessive use of force and urges an investigation into the incident and UCLA's Taser policy.

Letter from APPO political prisoners at Tlacolula (tags)


The Coming Attack on Iran (tags)

Is Bush's War Winding Down or Heating Up? The Coming Attack on Iran On January 7 the London Times reported that it has learned from "several Israeli military sources" that "Israel has drawn up secret plans to destroy Iran’s uranium enrichment facilities with tactical nuclear weapons."

Peace Initiatives for the Middle East (tags)

For decades, the Israeli and Palestinian people have lived as neighbors. Cooperation and joint development are possible. Instead their life is poisoned by war and violence. The Israeli occupation is the essential evil.

9th & 10th Days in Oaxaca - A Report (tags)

started Nov 21, finished Nov 22, 2006 As I write this I sit outside the first aid station at Radio Universidad. For the first time since I arrived in Oaxaca I am a little frightened. I don't know what is going to happen tonight, but there are some rumors of police gathering nearby the university. But maybe all will be fine. Vamos a ver (We'll see)


Those of us who are from the Alliance for a Just and Lasting Peace in the Philippines (AJLPP) are especially proud to celebrate the 143rd birth anniversary of the great Supremo (Supreme Leader) Andres Bonifacio, the founder of the Katipunan, which ended over 300 years of Spanish colonial rule over the Philippines. On November 30, 1964, on his very 101st birthday, the organization of the Kabataang Makabayan (KM – Patriotic Youth), meanwhile, was founded. Subsequently, various other youth-student organizations and those in the community, such as the Samahang Demokratiko ng Kabataan (SDK), Katipunan ng Kabataang Demokratiko (KKD), Samahang Molabe (SM), Kamanyang and others, were also founded in different parts of the Philippines.

US Marines' Gang-rape of a Filipina: A Violation of a Woman’s Right ... (tags)

On November 27, the Philippine Court will release a verdict on the following four US Marine “visiting troops” charged with gang-raping a 22-year old Nicole and a fresh graduate from a Catholic University: Lance Corporals Daniel Smith (principal accused), Dominic Duplantis, Keith Silkwood and Staff Sergeant Chad Carpentier. The latter three were reportedly at the scene cheering while the principal suspect was raping Nicole inside a cruising van at Subic Bay Freeport, which used to be part of the biggest US military naval base in the last Philippines, last Nov. 1, 2005.

Students suspended from LACC in retaliation to standing up to Sheriffs (tags)

On November 1st Los Angeles Community College students from SER (Students for Education Reform?) occupied the campus sheriff's office after a rape investigator investigating a rape stated that 80% of rape claims were "illegitimate" made by " women who got drunk the night before and regretted having sex. The students have demanded the termination of detective Spelatz. He is a threat to women and potential victims everywhere. The LACC administration has refused to terminate the rape investigator for his views and have instead attacked SER members involved.

A New Approach to Justice From The Doors Of A Mexican Consulate: From Portland to Oaxaca (tags)

Oaxaca occupies a sacred place in my heart; her mountains, coast, mole and native corns nourished my spirit for a good part of the years I lived in Mexico and her people—mis companeros/as—have been my teachers and friends. But this has been a sad couple of weeks. October 31 I found myself locked to the front door of the Mexican Consulate in Portland, Oregon to protest the violent repression against the People’s Popular Assembly of Oaxaca (APPO), a peaceful resistance movement in Oaxaca.



Upcoming Events and Worldwide Direct Action in Support of Oaxaca on November 20th (tags)

"On November 20, blockades will be set up to show the Mexican government we mean business. We are calling upon YOU to join in these blockades. That could mean blockading the consulates’ websites, jamming their phone lines with calls about the conflict in Oaxaca, occupying the offices of the consuls, or shutting down the roads around the consulates in whatever way you see fit." - EZLN

please add more events as a comment

Donate in Solidarity with Oaxaca

Oaxaca is calling for US to get Organized

Global Solidarity with Oaxaca



An open letter to Christians who vote (tags)

Millions of American Christians have had enough of watching our faith being hijacked and warped for partisan political gain, and watching as "Christian" leaders annihilate Christ's message of love, compassion and peacemaking to replace it with a message of fear, arrogance, greed and warmongering. On November 7th, we'll reject the tactics of fear, hatred and deceit, and we'll vote Christ's values: love, compassion, gentleness, caring (including caring for gays and for women's medical privacy!), humility and peacemaking.

The US, Israel and Lebanon: Historical Roots and Patterns of Conflict (tags)

The destructive and lethal forces unleashed this past summer by the United States and Israel upon Lebanon are not surprising in light of their historical roots in at least four patterns of conflict:

Beyond the Border, Sharing Responsibility for Immigration (tags)

A public forum designed to empower and inspire people to take responsibility for creating a fair, sustainable, environmentally friendly development plan with Mexico. Doing so addresses a solution to the root cause of illegal immigration.

California Election Protection Volunteers Needed (tags)

As you're probably aware, voting rights are still under attack, and we need your help more than ever this year. Many states experienced widespread voter suppression problems in 2004 -- and another election of national significance is just around the corner on November 7.

The Filipino American Community Problems on the Pilipino Language (tags)

August is usually the National Language Week ( Linggo ng Wika) in the Philippines. Pesante-USA presented this paper this week for Filipinos in the Philippines and America to ponder. Its an irony while the Philippine government ( US-Arroyo regime) is reverting to the colonial mendicancy of propagating English to compete in the international market for labor exports, Filipinos abroad and Filipino Americans in the U.S are advancing the propagation of Pilipino in the United States. This is an important development we should monitor and work on. The more than 3 million Filipinos in the United States might be away from their homeland but their patriotism is afire and will never forget their roots.

Total TIA Data Theft (tags)

level 7

data theft huge and wholesale, and oth crimes ... - and - ... waves ... (tags)

the unprecedented physical theft of personal data by a U.S. intelligence operation to populate Total Information Awareness (TIA) surveillance databases ...



1886 The Haymarket Riot (tags)

Source: John J. Flinn. "History of the Chicago Police from the Settlement of Community to the Present Time" Chicago, Police Book Fund, 1887. Municipal Reference Collection, Chicago Public Library. "The police followed the retreating anarchists and sent deadly volleys into their midst (p.319)"

May Day and the Haymarket Martyrs - Historia del Primero de Mayo (tags)

To Albert Parsons, August Spies, George Engel, Adolph Fischer, Louis Lingg, Michael Schwab, Samuel Fielden and Oscar Neebe. Your courage and sacrifice for the emancipation of labor - without borders - will never be forgotten.


An account of Israeli oppression against the Palestinian people

Trump Seeks Widdow's Home Demolished (tags)

Donald Trump Wants Vera Cooking's Home Demolished To Make Room For Limousines To Turn Around Easily; Atlantic City Wants Him To Get His Way

Haiti: $100,000 NED Grant to Batay Ouvriye- Anti-Aristide "leftists" (tags)

Recently declassified National Endowment for Democracy (NED) documents reveal that a "leftist" workers' organization, Batay Ouvriye (BO), which promoted and called for the overthrow of the constitutionally elected government of President Jean-Bertrand Aristide, was the targeted beneficiary of a US $99,965 NED grant routed through the AFL-CIO's American Center for International Solidarity (ACILS). Listed in NED's "Summary of Projects Approved in FY 2005" for Haiti, the grant states, "ACILS will work with the May 1st Union Federation- Batay Ouvriye [ESPM-BO] to train workers to organize and educate fellow workers."

The Best Housing & Poverty Review of 2005 (tags)

The Nation's Housing Policies Are A Complete Disaster!

Bush administration finalizes military attack on Iran (tags)

Bush administration finalizes military attack on Iran

Enmity=Money X Change2 (tags)

I always liked the way Einstein said it: “In my opinion, only two things are infinite. The universe and human stupidity, but I’m not sure about the first.”

Sub-Committee Hears Legislation That Could Dismantle Community Access TV. (tags)

House Subcommittee on Commerce hears legislation that could severely damage local community access TV. Community media advocates call for intensification, in the coming weeks, of efforts to defeat this legislation.

UFOetry recieves "Music Video of the Year Award (tags)

"We Never Went to the Moon" directed by John Lee recieve the award for "Music Video of the Year" at the 15th Annual Los Angeles Music Awards.

Thousands Walk out of L.A. highschools (tags)

High school students in L.A. were part of the marches in the 1990s against the anti-immigrant Proposition 187 and the East L.A. protests against the Vietnam War in the '60s. But Nov. 2 was on a whole different level. In response to the call from The World Can't Wait, thousands of youth--many from proletarian neighborhoods--left school to take political action and make their voices heard. At Los Angeles High School alone, more than 1,000 students--the majority of the school -- walked out, and more than 500 marched to Wilshire Blvd.

Delgadillo: The Plot Thickens (tags)

Rocky’s office politics may have led to bungling of case against child predator: L.A. Weekly

National Stand Down Day (tags)


Nov 10 - Ogoni Day - solidarity against petroleum pollution (tags)

This Nov 10th people can remind both Chevron-Texaco and BP Shell that we won't forget the murder of Ken Saro-Wiwa and other Ogoni activists ten years ago by the Nigerian government who choose petroleum profit bribes over human rights and the Niger delta ecosystem..

November 2nd World Can't Wait (tags)

On November 2nd, in over 60 cities across the country including high schools and colleges in many of these cities, The World Can’t Wait Drive Out the Bush Regime launches the first national movement in American history dedicated to driving a sitting president out of office.

“Snowstorm” Planned to Highlight Support for Access TV. (tags)

In a defiant gesture intended to highlight the danger three Bills now in Washington pose to access TV, the Alliance for Community Media (ACM) has called for a nationwide access TV “snowstorm”.

World Can't Wait White House Encampment and Countdown to Nov. 2nd (tags)

The World Can’t Wait, Drive Out the Bush Regime! says,“Your government, on the basis of outrageous lies, is waging a murderous and utterly illegitimate war in Iraq, with other countries in their sights.” oin us! We are here from 10 am- 7 pm EVERY DAY. And at NOON each day, we cross the street, on the sidewalk in front of the White House, and directly serve notice about the number of the days til the beginning of the end of the Bush Regime.

Shays Fought the Revolution's Final Battle (tags)

Shays Fought the Revolution's Final Battle, and We Lost

Corruption in "Good Ol" North Carolina? (tags)

Is there a “Good Ol Boy” Network in North Carolina?

Legal status of Guantanamo victimns (tags)

Another problem with the US treatment of the Guantanamo Bay prisoners, is that most of them were captured and transferred to the camp from non-US soil. International laws regarding warfare would allow the US to do so, but only if the persons can be classified as prisoners of war. If they can not, the actions are kidnappings.

PHOTOS: At Philly City Hall for Mumia (tags)

On Thursday, June 16, supporters of journalist and former Black Panther Mumia Abu-Jamal gathered outside Philadelphia City Hall in response to a recent decision by Judge Pamela Dembe which prohibits him from entering in 2 new pieces of evidence. That day, members of the Ossining, NY chapter of the NAACP and others visited both Mayor Street’s and Pamela Dembe’s office in downtown Philadelphia. Others conducted a “Honk for Mumia” outside of City Hall as the day’s traffic passed.

A Network At War (tags)

Since ostensiblly winning a campaign to recapture the small progressive Pacifica network that spanned years, involving at one time three seperate lawsuits, and 10's of thousands of its active listerners, the tiny network is once again at war with itself.....Having, along with senior producer Ryme Kakthouda, joined in filing complaints of discrimination on basis of national origin and ethnicity at the last meeting of our national board in NYC, ( and with women angry about sexism, and the networks failure to do anything more than deny its existence, planning an actual march on Berkley to file similar complaints next month, all matters likely to head into litigation within a matter of weeks now, this seemed like a good time to carve up all the sacred cows.

Sex Discrimination Suit Filed Against Pacifica Station KPFA (tags)

Sex Discrimination Suit Filed Against KPFA > > Community radio station KPFA was served on Monday with a lawsuit filed by Noelle Hanrahan, former producer and co-host of Flashpoints, the station’s drive-time public affairs broadcast. Also named in the complaint are Pacifica Foundation, Flashpoints executive producer Dennis Bernstein, and ex-general manager, Jim Bennett. > > Among the charges in the complaint are sexual harassment and sex discrimination, retaliation, wrongful termination, and intentional infliction of emotional distress.

Weak Dollar and Strong Bush: China and US Debts (tags)

To stabilize the value of the dollar, the US needs a daily currency inflow of $1.8 billion.. The budget plan of the White House rests on unrealistic assumptions.. The Bush administration assumes higher revenues by means of the tax cuts.

Pedophile Investigation is Huge! (tags)

Preacher, teacher, politician, musician, el creepo, leave those kids alone!

The Other Tsunami: Man-Made Catastrophes (tags)

Victims of a mammoth natural disaster are worthy victims while victims of man-made imperial catastrophes are unworthy.. The massive assistance for the tsunami victims ovvered by common people is a spectacular reemergence of public spirit.

LawSuit to e-Vict Secret Vote Counting & Hasten Death of DRE'$ (tags)

DemocracyRE'scue - LawSuit to e-Vict Corp.TresPassers, Secret Vote Counting & Hasten Death of DRE'$ - CounTy, by CounTy by financiaLLy-$trapped COUNTy, to $ave moNeY, proTecT the Future and purrCHASE FREEd-ohmm! The man who knows what Freedom means will find a way to be FREE. e-Voting = e -VictSHUN. When it comes to something as fundamental as democracy, the government lacks the power, through contract, to cede that power of vote counting in a democracy to a multinational corporation or to any individual to operate in secret, because vote counting is a Public democratic Right. It is a Public Right for which the government has literally never been GIVEN the power to give away. The government, Plainly and Simply, combined with ALL of the world's corporations, UTTERLY LACK THE POWER to Privatize Our Votes. We ought not legitimize that privatization in ANY way by assuming it has any validity, because it is Void Ab Initio (from the beginning). Most importantly, (to put it plainly but crudely) WE DON'T NEED TO PROVE SHIT, THE VOTING MACHINE COMPANIES MUST SIMPLY GET THE HELL OUT of our democracy. Period. UNPRECENDENTED in American history for government to claim, assume THE Inalienable rights to rig, run, ruin and OWN YOUR LIFE! and help dig your grave , how are you and WE going to rescue our country and humanity from this dangerous abyss? Lets get real and ON THE BALL, pick it up a notch, for..., We have lost the ability to replace our government by the ballot box, (our creation) claims they don't need The people's consent anymore. We must talk and act on this affront DAILY. Lawyers have few higher callings than bringing the people together to discuss democracy. What happened to the AmeriCaN Dream? SORRY-thats classified. ReVeal NOT CONceal, People~over~Profit$, The Right OR Civil RIGHTS? DRE'$ = Democracy Reduction EnTiTies. Secret Vote Counting Delays OUR Dreams. ##############################

Must! Do NOW !-1 Focus 1 Mission 1 Goal 1 RESULT=NewVote by J20 (tags)

HOW DARE THEE? Democracy IS Deliberatley Criminally, Hastily being frog-marched to the GallOWs. Adding insult to injury it's Horribly OutRageous that, Insidiously it is and OFFICIAL State-Secret! The powers that be have coldly calculated that America and Americans will lie to themselves, tell themselves lies and Live with a Lie. For the most part they may be right, many are physically & emotionally energy-sapped, distracted, conTrolled, apathetic, demoralized and even Zombified. Many millions though, are ascending to that MounTain Top where the view is so grand, omnicient and the scent wafting from the grounds of our election system, smells FOUL with falseness, fraud and an unholy alliance of corporations, judges and elected? officials AND money twisting, unsportsmanlike a process requiring fairness, transparency, integrity into an abomination- a crime syndicate having undue control of the Public and Human right to Vote. The basic Way to petition Our Servant, elected governments, for a redress of grievances. This Liberty Lover has written a Paul Revere-esque chain letter, a powerful invocation to Clot the Bleeding Wound inflicted by a felonius assault on Democracy. We will NOT or canNot Live within a comfortable, despicable LIE. If you say it's crazy to expect a NewVote, take your lazy negativeness over to Ukraine, the real loser over there needs supprters. You know whats crazy, Bush's approval rating hac been at 48%-for months, 50% of 118million voters is 59mil, partisan claims of 60.7mil are being bandied about in the cuckoos-nest money-motivated manipulated Media.48% =56.6mil! It's ENABLING to Allow the habitual theft to happen over and over. Whats really crazy is snuffing out the life of an 180-pound Human with a 500-pound missile! (excerpt); America faces an apocalyptic moment. On November 2nd, at least thirty three million Americans (John Conyers estimates more than half of all who voted) lost their right to vote; their votes are indeterminate since they cannot be verified by hand count! This is an amazing and historically disastrous fact! Most of us were forced to vote on computers lacking paper evidence of who we voted for. Can any election be more than a sham under such a condition? Even worse, our votes could have been secretly and invisibly changed to favor George Bush or other Republican congressional candidates by the Republican owned business entities that secretly counted them. And all this after publicly promising their Republican associates they'd win! The bottom line: we really cannot know which Congressman, Senator or President was actually elected on November 2, for the vote-counting was able to be secretly and privately manipulated and then blocked from audit because there were no paper trails required. Thus, the entire national election of November 2 was fundamentally and uncorrectably flawed! Below is a letter I'm sending to one hundred non-profit organizations who represent the best of America's thinkers and doers. I'm asking them to be the Paul Reveres of this country and save us from the corporations now in control attempting to turn America into the largest, most powerful fascist nation the world has ever experienced. The American people don't want that. They abhor it and won't stand for it. I urge each of you to spread this letter as far and as wide as you can. It is a matter of life and death. The life of a democracy that began the 4th of July 1776 but which will die on January 20th 2005 unless we demand and achieve a new, honest election before that date. The People are Coming! The People are Caring! The People are CaaaaRRRinG! LET FREEDOM RING! Let My People GO! *****

Are you ready for the Government Domestic Detention Camps? (tags)

This was just recently posted at and it clearly details WHAT our so-called "government" has in store of a select few of we citizens. I've posted it in it's entire length, and while it will take a while to read, it is well worth the effort to become DULY INFORMED. It is so comprehensive that I doubt even serious trolls/debunkers will try to refute it, but nonetheless, let the trolls begin their debunking....

Ledge Sit and Hunger Strike in DC Government Building Needs Support (tags)

Help Support DC fight for shelter. A homeless activist is currently doing a hunger strike while sitting on a 5-story ledge in the Wilson Building (city hall and mayor's offices), until there is shelter in SW DC. Join the fight


"In Iraq, US forces and their Iraqi surrogates are no longer bothering to conceal attacks on civilian targets and are openly eliminating anyone - doctors, clerics, journalists - who dares to count the bodies." Of particular concern was the word "eliminating". "In Iraq, US forces and their Iraqi surrogates are no longer bothering to conceal attacks on civilian targets and are openly eliminating anyone - doctors, clerics, journalists - who dares to count the bodies." Of particular concern was the word "eliminating".

Arresting Vanunu While Burying Arafat (tags)

"Mr. Vanunu, who is a Christian and who claims his faith profoundly directed and sustained him during the worse of his imprisonment, gives much credit to the spiritual teachings of Jesus Christ."

"Democracy Now" Propaganda for Electoral Fraud and Fallujah Massacre, by Scott L (tags)

Amy Goodman and 'Democracy Now' never have appeared more like CIA assets than in the aftermath of the November 2nd, 2004 "election".

The Will of the People Was NOT Expressed In This Election (tags)

On November 3rd, George Bush called up the newly elected Republican senators who believe in such things as the death penalty for abortion providers and banning gays from teaching and said: “It’s time to get the job done.” Capitalism personified, Bush told the press “Let me put it to you this way: I earned political capital in the campaign and now I intend to spend it”. He is full of himself—on a mission to take this whole nightmare to an even more intense, more repressive level.

Bush Regime Maintains Power Through Electoral Fraud (tags)

Whither Democracy In The United States?

Amy Goodman Speaking in San Diego Nov. 5th (tags)

On November 5, 2004, San Diego will welcome acclaimed independent journalist Amy Goodman as she speaks on "Media and Activism in Times of War." Goodman, the celebrated host of Pacifica Network's "Democracy Now!," a nationally-broadcast daily independent radio program, will include San Diego on her tour promoting her book "The Exception to the Rulers." Known for her fearless and spirited approach to truly independent reporting, Goodman embodies the challenges and commitment of a truly unembedded journalist.


Why we should hold our noses and vote for Kerry to engage a potentially more moderate administration.

Rhine Capitalism, Anglo-Saxon Capitalism and Redistribution (tags)

Anglo-Saxon capitalism is an unbridled capi-talism whose profit logic overrules all social and environmental interests. Rhine capitali-sm has a social net so workers are not redu-ced to cost factors. "The Cold War against the social state leaves..another republic."

The resistance opposing prison isolation continues into its 5th year! (tags)

The calendar was set at October 20, 2000. The political prisoners decided to resist the state of Turkey's project to set up isolation prisons. In the face of the state's uncompromising attitude, the prisoners started the Death Fast (a form of hunger strike). Because isolation and torture mean death. The prisoners preferred death while resisting to surrender.



{Znet} Stateless and Deported - Palestinian Refugees in Montreal (tags)

An Interview with the Coalition Against the Deportation of Palestinian Refugees

Some Figures On US Aid To Israel (tags)

The Federal Reserve Is a Debt-Making and Constitution-Destroying Institution.

FTAA Indymedia: The Miami Model (tags)

On Friday 16th April there will be a screening of the documentary The Miami Model. Produced by the FTAA Indymedia Video Collective, it is an exploration of the extreme police brutality that took place against activists opposing the FTAA and NAFTA in Miami last November.

David Corn's Private Idaho (tags)

David Corn, Washington editor of The Nation, has adopted positions -- based, apparently, on thin air -- that exonerate the Bush administration from involvement in criminal conspiracies and mystify many of his progressive readers.

The Los Angeles Supermarket Strike of 2003-2004 (tags)

Media coverage was eclipsed by Hollywood’s Academy Awards, but on Sunday, Feb. 29, Southern California supermarket workers voted 86% to end their five-month old strike, accepting a contract that amounts to a serious, if not total, victory for a determined employer offensive with national implications.Thus one of the most important strikes in the U.S. in years has ended in defeat.

Marxism or Nationalism-For a Class Policy! (tags)

Marxism or Nationalism

How to defeat Bushism in 2004. (tags)

The defeat of Bush will require an international effort.

Bush the Deserter (tags)

When are they going to hang this guy?

Greensweek - A national Green bulletin - Tuesday, January 20, 2004 (tags)

Greensweek Contents: Green news; Upcoming events; Green Action: call Congress; write a letter; Good reads

911 Truth Movement gathers momentum (tags)

The truth cannot be suppressed by a handful of criminals, there time is just about up!!

Anti Defamation League (ADL) #7 (tags)

Freedom of Information Act records show that the ADL played a major role in the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s co/intell/pro racial matters' and white hate groups' operations targeting the civil rights movement as well as its opponents.

The Forbidden Truths of two recent george bush speeches (tags)

A Forbidden Truth rewrite of two recent public speeches made by the supreme leader of amerikkka.

ANOTHER VICTIM OF TORTURE!!!!!!!!!!!! (tags)


ANOTHER VICTIM OF TORTURE!!!!!!!!!!!! (tags)


What Right Do Zionist Jews Have To Palestine? (tags)

What title-deeds do the Jews of today actually have to the land of 'Israel'? The idea that a people can possess some kind of ethnic ancestral right to a territory supposedly vacated by their forebears some millenia previously, implying a right in perpetuity, can have no legal basis. Or otherwise Americans of European ancestry, to name just one group of people, will have to pack their bags.

CHERYL SEAL ALERT: Bush Pentagon Plans to Orbit Monstrous Space Bomber (tags)

While America's is diverted by the Bush UK visit and the Energy and Medicare bills crises, Bush, aided and abetted by NASA and Boeing, are laying plans to create a fleet of space bombers

The bombings in Istanbul-The reactionary face of terrorism (tags)


Al-Qaeda are the US govts greatest ally (tags)

The Bali bombings, the first WTC, the Karachi hotel bombings, the Kandahar hijacking, 9-11.nothing. Al-Qaeda just don't do that. They don't admit they have done anything. Well not until recently, well..not until the US bombed Afghanistan and 'destroyed Al-Qaeda's communications capability'. Not until, Al-Qaeda's network has been dismantled, and the cells under close watch, and all communications between Bin Ladin and his followers, is now being made via messenger boys on donkeys.

Dangerous New Law Targets Women's Rights (tags)


5 PM Friday: Humanitarian Travelers to Iraq (tags)

Support Local Civilians Who Have Traveled to Iraq for Humanitarian Purposes Fight U.S. Government's Pursuit of Charges Against Those Making Similar Trips 5:00 PM, Friday, November 14th

Activists of YFIS-Pakistan suffer brutal attack (tags)


50 False News Stories By Bush Propaganda Machine (tags)

Lies, damned lies, and Bush. The Bush War Machine seems to be less on Speaking Terms with the truth than Clinton was. What a memorable accomplishment.


Please join efforts with international and domestic organizations on November 9, 2003 to demand that Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon takes down his apartheid wall.

Walk Out at Santa Monica College (tags)

Hundereds of students walkout November 3 against the adminstration and the president because of the distribution of money, elimination of programs, layoffs of hundereds of faculty workers, and semi-corruption taking place with the school funds.

Target: InterContinental - Make Them Pay for Hosting FTAA (tags)

Target: InterContinental Hotel Make Them Pay for Hosting the FTAA!!!!! Days of Action: November 19-21, 2003

The Bush Family Connections to the Nazis (tags)

The mainstream media only gets half of the story about Prescott Bush’ Nazi connections.

Report from Chicago FTAA Consulta (tags)

*** Report from the Chicago Consulta on the FTAA *** On October 11 and 12 over 75 people representing 18 geographic locations came together to help form a strategy to shut down the FTAA Ministerial meetings taking place this November in Miami.

The Terror Enigma: Israel and the September 11 Connection (tags)

Vehicle possibly related to New York terrorist attack. White, 2000 Chevrolet van with New Jersey registration with “Urban Moving Systems” sign on back seen at Liberty State Park, Jersey City, NJ, at the time of first impact of jetliner into World Trade Center. Three individuals with van were seen celebrating after initial impact and subsequent explosion. FBI Newark Field Office requests that, if the van is located, hold for prints and detain individuals.

U.S. Hands Off North Korea! (tags)

With Over 7,000 Civilians Killed in the U.S./British War on Iraq and thousands more civilians dead in Afghanistan, War Crazed Imperialists Scope Out Next Victims!

George Bush, Pedophiles & The CIA (tags)

There have been other reports suggestive of a connection between child abuse and top officials. On June 29, 1989, the Washington Times, shook the Bush White House to its very roots with the front page headline "Call Boys Took Midnight Tour of White House.'' The paper reported, ``A homosexual prostitution ring is under investigation by federal and District authorities and includes among its clients key officials of the Reagan and Bush administrations, military officers, congressional aides and U.S. and foreign businessmen with close ties to Washington's political elite.''

In The Beginning there was Terror (tags)

So, with the suppression of the actual History of the founding of Israel come the PR Flacks retelling a more palatable and "heroic" beginning. However, is the new revised story true?

McCarthy's "Witches" (tags)

Witchhunt? The high-profile cases cited by McCarthy — Owen Lattimore, John Stewart Service, and Philip C. Jessup — all ended with the senator’s charges being validated. the end of 1954, 81 of those on McCarthy’s list had either resigned from their government posts or been dismissed.

Lebanese groups issue human rights warnings against Syria (tags)

Three human rights groups issued a joint communique stating that Syrian authorities continue to deny the imprisonment of Lebanese citizens, despite the findings of several international organizations. Now they fear Syria may be hiding mass graves...

Pattern of Megalomania: The Bush Record (tags)

"There exists a chilling pattern of events surrounding the Bush regime’s rise to power and the emergence of Napoleon and Hitler."

Gold Fillings, Auschwitz & George Bush (tags)

The reader should also be aware that two Americans were present during the secret meeting of the German elite that brought Hitler to power. Those two Americans were John Foster and Allen Dulles.

U.S. Hands Off North Korea! (tags)

With 9,000 Civilians Killed in the U.S./British Wars on Iraq and Afghanistan, War Crazed Imperialists Scope Out Next Victims!

George Bush, The CIA, Mind Control & Child Abuse (tags)

Not only did King’s pedophile ring lead to the top echelons of the Republican Party it also lead to the top of the Bush administration and the Oval Office. Several of the children in Kings prostitution ring recount stories of seeing George Bush at some of King’s Parties. While an outsider would not suspect anything amiss, the children in the ring would know what was taking place. At least one of King’s young prostitutes reported that at one party, she saw George Bush pay King and then depart with a young black man.

Shi'a Will To Power - Downfall of Bush, And The Neocons? (tags)

ronically, the Bushites will eventually regret getting rid of Saddam Hussein. In short order, Iraq will turn from a Ba'athist dictatorship into a Muslim theocracy.

Jonestown the LIE (tags)

The often told story of death by Kool Aid is another sick and evil lie.

Doing the US's Dirty Work: The Colombian Paramilitaries and Israel (tags)

''I copied the concept of paramilitary forces from the Israelis.'' -Carlos Castano, Mi Confesion, 2002

A War in the Planning for Four Years (tags)

Zbigniew Brzezinski and the CFR Put War Plans In a 1997 Book - It Is "A Blueprint for World Dictatorship," Says a Former German Defense and NATO Official Who Warned of Global Domination in 1984, in an Exclusive Interview With FTW

One Rule for Them (tags)

Who does doublespeak and double standards better than the US?

Full Text of Speech by Sen. Ted Kennedy on 1/29/03 (tags)

Full text of speech by Sen. Ted Kennedy (D.Mass) on 1/29/03

Chomsky interview about Haiti (tags)

On November 8th, 2002 Faiz Ahmad sat down with Noam Chomsky, MIT professor and world renowned critic of American foreign policy, to discuss the current situation in Haiti.

The US Press And The (tags)

A educated American pro-life activist was surprised to disbelief when I told him that the Israeli death losses run about one-fourth the number or Palestinians killed by Israelis. He thought the statistics were reversed

Rumsfeld offered help to Saddam (tags)

The Reagan administration and its special Middle East envoy, Donald Rumsfeld, did little to stop Iraq developing weapons of mass destruction in the 1980s, even though they knew Saddam Hussein was using chemical weapons "almost daily" against Iran.

Tyranny in Tekirdag Prison, Turkey (tags)

This is a report by the TAYAD prisoners' support organisation in Turkey. It is based on an account by a prisoner held in Tekirdag F-Type (Isolation) Prison and describes both major and petty abuse of prisoners by guards and officials.

Baltimore Report Back from Bogota (tags)

What we learned during this trip was shocking, moving, and inspiring. Let us dedicate ourselves to the same fight whether it is stopping the Iraq war fighting racism fighting against State budget cuts or building solidarity for our sisters and brothers in Colombia. Stop plan Colombia! End U.S. imperialism! Justice for the Colombian workers!

We Watch For Guys With Your Profile (tags)

Mark Dankof notes that the problems Iranian immigrants are having in Los Angeles and Southern California with the Bush/Ashcroft National Security State may soon mirror similar difficulties for the average American.

LAPD Raids on the Homeless (tags)


Reversal of Fortune -part II (tags)

In my first e-mail/ post "Reversal of Fortune" I discussed how the 1962 Democratic sweep was a near mirror image of the reverse GOP victory in '02. I asked what caused such a complete reversal of fortune over the last 40 years. The JFK assassination 13 months after the '62 election that had held so much hope for change was first step of such reversal.

Largest anti-War Demo in the world! (tags)

On November 9th in Florence Italy, the largest demonstration against a war on Iraq took place, with possibly one million people taking part!

Who Killed Dallas? (tags)

The following theory is about a police cover-up. The murder and mayhem described is true. The knife you see may have been one of the murder weapons.

The Ugly Truth: A Theory Into a Possible Police Cover-up (tags)

Did the Vallejo Police Department supply a suspected mass murderer with the knife used to kill a 5-year old child and was there a subsequent police cover-up?

Long Beach CA: Police State USA (tags)

This is an excellent summary of the past two years of police repression in Long Beach CA.

Injunction To Stop LA Music Awards...DENIED! (tags)

The injunction to stop this year's LA Music Awards was Denied! The show will go on!!!

Press Release Update (tags)

An update to the LA Music Awards case

Music Freedom (tags)

Corporate Greed trying to stop 11 year award show.

Music Freedom (tags)

Corporate Greed trying to stop 11 year award show.

Music Freedom (tags)

Corporate greed trying to stop 11 year local music awards show

Red Targets in the ''War on Terrorism'' (tags)

Think about that. Hundreds of al-Qaeda, demanding principally that the U.S. get its troops out of Saudi Arabia. Tens of thousands of communist-led guerrillas---and many millions who identify with the legacy of the historical left---demanding an end to exploitation and inequality on the planet.

excerpts from 'A Very American Coup' (tags)

Michael Moore reports on the Florida 2000 "elections" in his book, STUPID WHITE MEN. There's a lot here but please read the numbers. The full chapter is at:

While Inglewood Reacts: LONG BEACH CA: POLICE STATE USA (tags)

Here's the report which is in the current issue of Turning the Tide. Repression has continued. A June 14 Flag Day (flag burning) show at the info shop was shut done by the cops after repeated harassment. Young people living or shopping in the area of the info shop -- with no connection to anarchism, copwatch or the info shop-- have been stopped and hassled on the street by LB cops. The city attorney made a report to the LB city council last week about 'prosecution of anarchists' --

TTT report on persecution of Long Beach anarchists, activists (tags)

Here's the report which is in the current issue of Turning the Tide. Repression has continued.

Washington's new witch-hunt (Socialist Worker) (tags)

On November 19, Rep. Saxby Chambliss (R-Ga.)--chair of the House Subcommittee on Terrorism and Homeland Security--suggested that state police should "arrest every Muslim that comes across the state line."

Democratic Post-Traumatic S11 Art Show At Track-16 (tags)

Track 16 Gallery Bergamot Station 2525 Michigan Ave Santa Monica- Originally in Soho NY, this show gathered a collection of images after the S11 tragedy and allowed for the audience to continually add the show creating a "A Democracy of Photographs". The democratic tradition continues in the LA show.

War on Capitalism (tags)

lest we forget, there was another war on long before the "war on terrorism"-it's the war on capitalist globalization! On November 9, the World Trade Organization will be meeting in Quatar.

GREENS. Mendocino legalizes cannabis! Striptease To Save Trees! Luna Tree Cut! H (tags) - Urgent 11/27/00. Around Thanksgiving the tree Julia Butterfly sat in for two years is cut 50% of the way - Photos and press release. Chanting poetry which exhorted them to respect the "naked, sacred" body of the earth, Mendocino performance artist "La Tigresa" (aka Dona Nieto) performed excerpts from her one-woman show "Who Says A Stripper Can't Save The World?" before startled eyes, and halted bulldozers of a Fortuna -based logging crew. On November 7, 2000 Mendocino County voters approved a Green Party measure to legalize personal use of marijuana, a first in the United States.

WTO Protesters In Seattle Will March To Newspaper Pickets N30, 2000 (tags)

WTO Anniversary Protesters In Seattle Say They Will March TO Picket Lines On N30, 2000


Seattle Activists Face Prohibition On WTO Anniversary Events By City

Picket at Philippine Consulate!!! (tags)


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