fix articles 6747, palestine Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : palestine


What does the recognition of the state of Palestine by Norway, Ireland and Spain mean? (tags)

Israel risks a diplomatic tsunami because of its government policy. In recent weeks, this tsunami has begun to descend on Netanyahu... Israel is also being investigated by the International Criminal Court for alleged genocide at the instigation of South Africa.

Framing Palestine (tags)

Israeli paranoia is minimized or even excusable, an expression of timeless vulnerability and absolute victimhood, and has nothing to do with Zionism’s management of Jewish supremacy over the Palestinians. So, I am inclined to say the opposite. I do not believe that we will get very far unless we repeat the formula that “Zionism is a form of settler colonialism.”

Pride and Palestine (tags)

The 41st Pride Parade in Long Beach was a joyous occasion. At the same time, outsiders drew some attention to Israel's ongoing genocide of Palestinians.

100 Years of Balfour Declaration and Continuing (tags)

The focus on the ongoing genocide in Gaza by the indomitable power of Zionistan (see ) is missing the real prime-movers of this genocide of Palestinians. Of course the Western World that obligatorily moans the Jews' Shoah TM in World War II has not just turned a blind eye to the Jewish Shoah visited upon the Palestinians, but is openly aiding and abetting it, squelching even the verbal opposition to Israel's premeditated Barbarianism in its mainstream presses and officially sanctioned narratives.

Denver prepares for Jewish National Fund global conference Nov. 30-Dec. 3 (tags)

The Colorado Palestine Coalition, which, composed of Colorado-based advocacy groups for Palestine, has organized many of these events, and is campaigning against the Jewish National Fund (JNF)’s upcoming global conference which will be held in Denver this November. The JNF will host its annual global conference at the Denver Convention Center from Nov. 30 to Dec. 3. The conference will feature the Israeli ambassador to the U.N. Gilad Erdan, former Israeli ambassador to the U.S. Michael Oren, Colorado Governor Jared Polis and a host of other speakers. Abdullah Elagha, a Palestinian activist working with the coalition, saw the conference as a chance for direct action in Denver. “Now there’s a face of the occupation that’s coming here, to our city … as we’ve seen over the past couple of weeks, Denver opposes this,” Elagha said. “Denver does not stand with apartheid states, period.”

Soros-funded Groups Increased Israeli-Palestinian Tensions To Influence 2021 Elections (tags)

Despite Biden’s public support for Israel amid the latest clashes between the Israelis and Palestinians, the left wing lawmakers appear to blame Israel rather than Hamas terrorists for the violence. To push the U.S. administration to rethink relationship with Israel, pro-Palestinian American elites have been using proxies. Over decades, left wing billionaire George Soros has been attempting to discredit the Jewish state and weaken the pro-Israel lobby’s influence in Washington.

Germany Axis Alert Puzzle (tags)

Since Sig Sauer was spotted in India more information about the Axis appear in Internet which analyses who were involved inside SS at 2nd World War. I just quoted some "random" rare puzzle pieces to inform...

Rabbi Kahane, the Sarah Solution, and Peace (tags)

Peace Between Israel And The Arab States, Can Be The Basis Of Solving The Palestinian Problem

Book Announce: NAKBA 2020: World Order / Zionism Palestinian-Goyim Studies by ZahirEbrahim (tags)

FWIW, this final compendium of my work on Palestine spanning the years 2003–2020 is For The Record.

Al Nakba 2020: Girding up the loins of the mind By Zahir Ebrahim, Project Humanbeingsfirst (tags)

The way Palestine was stolen from the Muslim goy, at the barrel of a gun, is also the only way it shall be recovered. Words that capture profound thoughts always lay the foundation of all human endeavors, both hegemonic driven by primacy instinct, and benevolent driven by altruism instinct. These two facets of mankind have been at odds with each other from the very first creation of man, and shall continue until the end of mankind. And at every juncture when these have intersected, ironically, it has always been the club that has subdued hegemony, not benevolent words, not protest marches, not divestment scams, and certainly not matams (laments). Primacy only understands the club!

Vayera: Mother Sarah Was The First Kahanist! (tags)

Sarah Said: Transfer The Arabs Out Of Israel Now!

Jordan Isn’t Palestine, Its Part of Eretz Yisrael (tags)

End 7th century Arab/Islamic Imperialism NOW!

Jordan Isn’t Palestine, Its Part of Eretz Yisrael (tags)

End 7th century Arab/Islamic Imperialism NOW!


jesus is fiction

THE JESUS LIE . 20 (tags)

the jesus prank

THE JESUS LIE . 14 (tags)

christ is a lie

2017 Reflection: Palestine Teaches Us We Must Unite Around a Common Vision for Liberation (tags)

2017 Reflection: Palestine Teaches Us We Must Unite Around a Common Vision for Liberation

Great solidarity action today (tags)

Well over 3 dozen activists showed up to express solidarity with Ahed Tamimi today

Of The Mythical 3,000 Year Conflict In Palestine (tags)

[Painting, early depiction of the historical Saint Nicholas.]

Open Letter - Israel's right to exist as an Apartheid Settler state in Palestine (tags)

Dateline California, Thursday, December 21, 2017, 11:00 pm: With the United States of America unilaterally recognizing Zionist sovereignty over Jerusalem by brazenly announcing moving her embassy from Tel Aviv to the Holy “City of Peace” earlier this month, and with the world's nations overwhelmingly adopting a resolution this morning calling for the reversal of that recognition in the 193-nation United Nations General Assembly with 128 to 9 votes and 35 abstentions, perhaps the resolution that should be tabled in the UN ab initio, is the demand for reversing Israel's very right to exist as an Apartheid Settler state in Palestine. The time is right as president Trump has finally shaken up the status quo, which to date has only helped the Zionist resettlement of Palestine with a cowardly complacent world watching from the sidelines. Today, 128 nations found the courage to speak up for Palestine in the United Nations, despite threats from President Trump to cut off their American aid. Soon, they shall also find the courage to act for Palestine. This Open Letter from 2005 forces thinkers to rethink Israel-Palestine.

Palestine Advocacy Day 2017 (tags)

two-day intensive training provided by legislative affairs experts

Necessary Medicine about Muslim Brotherhood: Gaza Strip and West Bank from Dict.of MidEas (tags)

The muslim Brotherhood is a religious group started in Palestine by visits between 1942 and 1945 by Hassan Banna who set up branches in towns.

UCOLA student regrets anti-Israel words (tags)

"A University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) student whose angry outburst following the defeat of an anti-Israel vote went viral on the Internet has had a chance to educate herself better, she told The Algemeiner this week, after requesting an opportunity to express her change of heart. “I don’t believe Israel is evil,” Danielle Dimacali said. “In fact I think it’s a great progressive country that offers a lot of freedom for its citizens.” "One of the things she said she has learned about is antisemitism – “a negative perception of Jews that can be manifested physically or verbally toward Jewish individuals, property, religious facilities or their respective communities. Furthermore, I understand that antisemitism manifests itself with regard to the state of Israel. Criticism of Israel, demonizing Israel, blaming Israel for all inter-religious or political tensions, applying double standards towards Israel, or delegitimizing Israel are all forms of Jew-hatred. It is not only illegal but immoral to target a historically oppressed Jewish minority that has a collective right to self-determination and essential human rights.”

NYT Ignores Root Cause of Violence in Palestine (tags)


US and Israel's Insulting Solution to Restore Calm in Palestine (tags)


Occupation and Persecution: The Sole Cause of Violence in Palestine (tags)


NYC SJP questions the BDS Movem,ent (tags)

Many divestment campaigns have passed through student referendums and student government resolutions, but all but a few have been purely symbolic. No actual divestment, and no real boycotts against israeli universities have been established...

Straight Talk on Israeli Viciousness (tags)


Blood in the Streets in Occupied Palestine (tags)


ISIS made world forget Palestinians (tags)

As the world focuses its attention on millions of refugees uprooted from Syria and Iraq in part because of the rise of Islamic State (ISIS), no other cause has suffered as much as that of the Palestinians.

US Petition Drive to Arrest Netanyahu (tags)


Genocide Advocate Appointed Israeli UN Envoy (tags)


Israel's Genocidal War on Palestine Rages (tags)


Israeli State Terror Without Mercy (tags)


Hezbollah's Nasrallah Urges Resistance Against Israeli Lawlessness (tags)


Some Good News from Palestine (tags)


ICC Investigating Israeli War Crimes (tags)


Obama on Israel: Phony Criticism, Continuing Business As Usual (tags)


Palestinian Bid To Expel Israel from FIFA Dropped (tags)


The New York Times Endorses Israeli Mass Slaughtering Palestinians by Refusing to Condemn (tags)


Don't Travel to Israel Ever for Any Reason! (tags)


“Censoring Palestine” event at UC Berkeley (tags)

Report on UC Berkeley Event: Censoring Palestine at the University and Academic Freedom at the Crossroads, March, 6, 2015, Boalt Law School- “Censoring Palestine” Event at UC Berkeley claims denial of free speech from perch at prestigious taxpayer-funded venue

Israeli Stooge Abbas Supports Obama's War on Yemen (tags)


The Shortwave Report 01/09/15 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. NHK World Radio Japan, Sputnik Radio, Radio Havana Cuba, and Radio Deutsche-Welle.

Palestinians: On Their Own for Justice (tags)


The Mendacious Maps of Disappearing Palestine (tags)

Anti-Israel activists often use doctored maps to show Israel’s supposed malfeasance over the past century. Such claims are made by people who, in the best case, have no knowledge of the facts, and in the worst case, have no moral compass.

The Struggle for Palestine's Soul (tags)


Palestine's Pinochet? (tags)


Comments on Palestine's UN Failure (tags)


Paalestine: Between a Rock and a Hard Place (tags)


America's War on Palestine (tags)


Christmas in Palestine (tags)


Israel's Longstanding War on Palestine (tags)


Israel's War on Press Freedom (tags)


US to Veto Palestinian Statehood Bid (tags)


EU Parliament Recognizes Palestinian Statehood (tags)


Risking Possible Bloodbath in Palestine (tags)


Justifiable Rage in Palestine (tags)


Rasmea Odeh's Politicized Persecution (tags)

police state

Institutionalized Israeli State Terror (tags)


Israel's Reign of Terror on Palestine (tags)


Serial Killer Netanyahu Calls for Calm (tags)


We're All Palestinians (tags)


UK Parliament Supports Palestinian Statehood (tags)


UK Vote on Palestinian Statehood: Hold the Cheers (tags)


Hamas on Campus (tags)

Ten facts about SJP (Students for Justice in Palestine)

"We will build an Islamic state in Palestine, all of Palestine" (tags)

Hamas leader Al-Zahar: If Hamas were to transfer "what it has [in Gaza] or just a small part of it to the West Bank" it would destroy Israel "with a speed that no one can imagine."

Sweden Recognizes Palestinian Statehood (tags)


Jewish Voice for Peace= Jewish voice for Hamas? (tags)

Written by Yitzhak Santis. Exposing the extremist, pro-terror agenda of Jewish voice for peace

Israel v. Palestine: MSM Unreported Truths (tags)


Western Leaders Support Israeli Genocide (tags)


L.A Supports August 2nd International Gaza Protest Photoset 4 (tags)

Los Angeles Families Join The Chorus of the Outraged Over the latest Gazan Massacres. Photoset 4 of 4

L.A Supports August 2nd International Gaza Protest Photoset 3 (tags)

Los Angeles Families Join The Chorus of the Outraged Over the latest Gazan Massacres. Photoset 3 of 4

L.A Supports August 2nd International Gaza Protest Photoset 2 (tags)

Los Angeles Families Join The Chorus of the Outraged Over the latest Gazan Massacres. Photoset 2 of 4

L.A Supports August 2nd International Gaza Protest Photoset 1 (tags)

Los Angeles Families Join The Chorus of the Outraged Over the latest Gazan Massacres. 4 photosets. one of Four.

Free Rasmea Odeh (tags)

The latest

Christian Zionism: The Heresy that Undermines Middle East Peace (tags)

One of the major obstacles to peace between Palestinians and Israelis is the dogma of Christian Zionism. The current leader of Christians United for Israel (CUFI) is Rev. John Hagee of the Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, TX. Followers of Hagee and CUFI are strong supporters of the military-industrial complex that profits from perpetual warfare. When any peace process between Palestine and Israel is possible, it is Hagee and his followers that are first to oppose and derail potentials for peace. The CUFI supporters reside farthest from the conflict that claims lives on both sides yet are always clamoring for more attacks on Palestinian people, knowing the bloodshed will continue in endless cycles of retaliation.

Protest Israeli Shelling of Gaza (tags)

Photos from a large rally to call for a stop to the bombing of Gaza, and freedom for Palestine.

Protest against Jewish terrorism & genocide in Palestine (tags)

Protest against Jewish terrorism & genocide in Palestine

Punishing Palestinians Ruthlessly (tags)


F*ck One Democratic state (tags)

One democratic state in Palestine is the leftists wet dream, not ours

Israeli State Terrorism (tags)


Netanyahu Declares War on Palestine (tags)


Palestine to Join 15 UN Bodies and Treaties (tags)


Israel's Racist War on Palestine (tags)


Talking Peace While Waging War (tags)


Historic Palestine (tags)

From the1911 Encyclopedia Britannica-The total population of the country is roughly estimated at 650,000

Abbas Accepts Occupation Harshness (tags)


Palestinians Against Fake Peace Talks (tags)


Sharonian Evil Lives (tags)


Kerrys Peace Plan: Worthless (tags)


Palestinian Political Prisoners (tags)


Double Injustice (tags)

police state

Dead in the Water Peace Talks (tags)


Palestine's Land Defense Coalition (tags)


Sham Israeli/Palestinian Peace Talks Continue (tags)


Israeli Apartheid Ruthlessness (tags)


Palestinian Prisoner Releases (tags)


Suffocating Palestine Toward Extinction (tags)


Study Shows Palestinian Authority Corruption (tags)



Richard Silverstein, Seattle blogger and self appointed Sheriff of Palestine County

Palestinians' Right to Resist (tags)


Double Standard Victims of Israel's War on Palestine (tags)


Obama Ignores Israel's War on Palestine (tags)


maps of Disappearing palestine (tags)

Problems with the ubiquitous maps of disappearing Palestine

Israeli Occupation Harshness Prevents Peace (tags)


Decades of Israeli/Palestinian Peace Talks Failure : 50 Reasons Why (tags)


Israeli/Palestinian Peace Talks: Rebooting Failure (tags)


Israeli/Palestinian Peace Talks: Dead on Arrival (tags)


EU Guidelines on Israel: Part II (tags)


Evidence of Israeli Mass Murder (tags)


Peace Process Pretense (tags)


Google Recognizes Palestinian Statehood (tags)


Israel's War on Fishing Rights (tags)


More Peace Process Hypocrisy (tags)


Commemorating Land Day (tags)


Obama in Jerusalem (tags)


Obama in Israel (tags)


Israel Commits Crimes Without Punishment (tags)


Israeli/Palestinian Peace Process Hypocrisy (tags)


Israel Complicit in Global State Terrorism (tags)


PA Recognizes Palestinian Statehood (tags)


Netanhayu's Warning (tags)


No Relief for Palestine in New Year (tags)


Netanyahu's Rage to Judaize Palestine (tags)


Holding Israel Accountable (tags)


Abbas: Betrayal Pays Well (tags)


Netanyahu Mocks Legitimate Governance (tags)


Israeli Settlement Construction Fallout (tags)


Waging War n Palestine (tags)


UN Vote on Palestine (tags)


Palestine UN Vote Postmortems (tags)


U.N. Vote on Palestinian Recognition Blocked by U.S., Israel and Germany (tags)

The right wing government of Germany under Chancellor Angela Merkel has made the unfortunate choice to side with the U.S. and Israel in blocking Palestinian recognition in the upcoming United Nations vote. However France, Spain, U.K. and many other nations are going to act with ethics to support Palestinian statehood instead of caving in to the imperialist whims of U.S. and Israeli pressures to maintain their state sanctioned apartheid and discrimination against the Palestinian people.

Abbas Submits Weak UN Status Bid (tags)


World Social Forum Free Palestine (tags)


Netanyahu Plans More War (tags)


Israel's War on Palestine (tags)


Palestinians: Dying to Live Free (tags)


Gaza Postmortems (tags)


Straight Talk on Gaza (tags)


Israel's Operation Pillar of Cloud (tags)


Israeli Threat to Annul Oslo (tags)


New York Times Opposes Palestinian Self-Determination (tags)


Abbas Ill-Serves and Insults Palestinians (tags)


Obama Rejects Palestinian Statehood (tags)


Tepid Palestinian Authority UN Upgrade Bid (tags)


Israel Wages War on Human Rights (tags)


Palestinian Authority to Hold Sham Elections (tags)


Israeli Crimes Without Punishment (tags)


Palestine: One or Two State Solution (tags)


Living with the Enemy (tags)


Fatah Israeli Collaborators (tags)


Democrats Throw Palestinians Under the Bus (tags)


Netanyahu in New York (tags)


Israel's Anti-Rachel Corrie Verdict (tags)

Israel's verdict against Rachel Corrie, blaming her for her own death, was paid for with our tax dollars, $6 billion a year, as Israel is just an American military base to protect US oil profits in the Middle East and Israel does not make one move without explicit instructions from the US capitalist class, represented by the US government.

Action Alert: Act now to stop the latest effort to legitimize Israeli Apartheid Terrorism! (tags)

Take Action...The City Council of Sacramento, California, is scheduled to vote on adopting Ashkelon, Israel as a Sister City on August 14th. Given Israel’s continued policy of killing and displacing Palestinians and illegally confiscating their land, the Capital of California, Sacramento, should not be used as a stamp of approval for these policies.

World Bank Opposes Palestinian Sovereignty (tags)


International Law Revisionism (tags)


Yitzhak Shamir's Criminal Legacy (tags)



European, US, and Canadian Government Funding Behind Anti-Israel Activism in Mainline Churches

Palestinian Authority Police Brutalize Peaceful Protesters (tags)


Veteran Chicano activist's home raided by agencies (tags)

A veteran Los Angeles Chicano activist is speaking out today after what he says was a joint Sheriff’s Department and FBI raid on his Alhambra home on Tuesday morning. Carlos Montes is one of the original Brown Berets who was a key leader of the Chicano Power movement of the 1960’s and 1970s. He says his current activism in the immigrant rights and international workers solidarity movement has put him back in the crosshairs of federal agents. Montes was arrested in his home during a pre-dawn raid in which authorities confiscated countless photos, documents and even two kaffiyehs. He says the authorities have charged him with illegal possession of a firearm. Pacifica’s Ernesto Arce visited Montes at his home today. He files this report from Los Angeles.

The Nakba: Before and After (tags)


Palestinian Prisoner Unity (tags)


Palestinian Rights Activism Endangered (tags)


Land Day: Why It Matters (tags)


Marwan Barghouti: Suspect Accusations After the Fact (tags)


Israel Criminalizes Travel (tags)


Reality in Occupied Palestine (tags)


ICC Absolves Israeli Lawlessness (tags)


Israel's Rogue Killing Machine (tags)


Daily Israeli State Terror (tags)


Israeli Political Prisoner Khader Adnan Near Death (tags)


Israeli Settlements: An Obstacle to Peace (tags)


Targeting AIPAC (tags)


Palestinian Liberation Requires Unity (tags)


Marwan Barghouti: Prisoner of Conscience (tags)


Israel v. Palestine in 2012 (tags)


Netanyahu Rejects Peace (tags)


Treating Palestinians Lawlessly (tags)


International Solidarity Day with Palestine (tags)


Israel: Profile of a Rogue State (tags)

state terror

BTL:From Stones to Broken Bones: History of Palestinian Nonviolent Resistance (tags)

Excerpt of speech by Mazin Qumsiyeh, Palestinian professor, author and activist, recorded and produced by Melinda Tuhus

Gaza: Good News and Bad (tags)


Arab League Pro-Western Despots (tags)


The Russell Tribunal on Palestine: South Africa Session (tags)


Washington and Israel: Partners in State Terror (tags)

state terror

Israeli Settlement Construction Jeopardizes Palestinian Statehood Plans (tags)


Israeli/Palestinian Prisoner Swap (tags)


Abbas, UN Membership and Peace Talks (tags)


Israeli-Style Peace and Justice (tags)


Anti-Defamation League Assails Palestinian UN Membership (tags)


Israeli State Terror Belies Wanting Peace (tags)


Abbas Feeling Heavy-Handed Pressure (tags)


Palestinian UN Membership Roulette (tags)


Calls to Annex West Bank Settlements (tags)


Obstructing Palestinian Statehood Begins (tags)


AIPAC's Ugly Agenda (tags)

Israeli Lobby

No Peace or Justice in Our Time with Netanyahu (tags)


Palestinian Statehood: If not Now, When? (tags)


Obama and Netanyahu to Palestinians on Statehood: Go to Hell (tags)


Abbas and Fayyad: Collaborationist Israeli Allies (tags)


Palestine's Rocky Road to Statehood (tags)


Face-Off: Palestine v. Washington/Israel on Statehood (tags)


Implications of Palestinian Statehood (tags)


Lawlessness and Injustice Define America and Israel (tags)

rogue states

Israel's Operation Summer Seeds (tags)


Washington Threatens Palestinian Statehood Bid (tags)


Follow-Up Comments on Palestinian Statehood Vote (tags)

Palestinian statehood

General Assembly Palestinian Statehood Vote (tags)


New York Times Opposition to Palestinian Self-Determination (tags)


Israeli/Washington Peace Process Rejectionism (tags)


Palestinian Divisions on Statehood (tags)


Israel kills protesters on Nakba Day/Israeli murder machine goes on and on (tags)

The Israeli killings of Nakba Day and six june war protesters is not an incident, but part of the systematic violence of Israeli occupation Palestinians can only get their right by the armed struggle against the occupation army

Forty-Four Years of Occupation (tags)

state terrorism

US Trip Bolsters Netanyahu's Popularity (tags)


Netanyahu Spurns Peace (tags)


Solidarity with Palestine (tags)


Commemorating Palestine's Nakba (tags)


Palestinian Unity Deal Announced (tags)


Israeli Intellectuals for Palestinian Independence (tags)


Palestinian Statehood and Other Political Issues (tags)


Declaring An Independent Palestinian State (tags)


Political Prisoner Ahmad Sa'adat Update (tags)


The PA is and arm of Imperialism/Zionism (tags)

"Meanwhile, yesterday’s “impromptu” attack on an al-Jazeera office in the West Bank turns out to have been anything but, as local journalists confirmed that the people leading the attackers were PA police officers wearing civilian clothes. PA negotiator Saeb Erekat sought further action against al-Jazeera, insisting they were guilty of inciting violence against him and his family for reporting his involvement in past negotiations, including comments that seemed to eschew the right of return."

The "Palestine Papers" Revealed (tags)

treachery revealed

Israeli Racism (tags)

hate indoctrination

Salam Fayyad: Israel's Man in Palestine (tags)

Israel's enforcer

Being Subpeonaed by FBI for Visiting Israel and Palestine (tags)

Being subpeonaed by FBI to appear at Grand Jury for Visiting Israel and Palestine

Calling All Activists - Join Us on the Ground in Palestine! (tags)

Join the Palestine Solidarity Project in Beit Ommar, Palestine, and become part of the growing international movement to support Palestinian non-violent resistance. We are in need of volunteers to join us this winter and spring as we struggle to end the Israeli occupation in all its forms and to promote justice and self-determination for the Palestinian people. We have a wide range of programs lined up for the next few months, and are in need of dedicated, enthusiastic volunteers to help make our goals a reality.

NGO Monitor Targets Truth for Israel (tags)

Israel's war against truth

International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People (tags)

a day to observe and honor

The Russell Tribunal on Palestine: London Session (tags)

working for peace and equity

The Windy City Makes Waves for Peace, Equity and Justice in Palestine (tags)

important Chicago activism

"THE JEWS IN PALESTINE, 1938" (tags)


Israel Shooting and Electric-Shocking Palestinian Children (tags)

Israel torturing Palestinian children

Obama's Justice Dept's Forbidden Words & Spying on Skype, Facebook, Blackberry (tags)

The forbidden fruit always tastes the best, and here are Obama's Justice Dept's forbidden words that were the basis for the latest invasion of peace activists' homes and grand jury subpoenas: PALESTINE, SOCIALISM, CLASS STRUGGLE, IMPERIALISM, REVOLUTION, MARXISM, TROTSKYISM. Learn those words early and repeat them loudly everywhere.

Help Us Replant Palestine! (tags)

Join the Palestine Solidarity Project as we prepare to replant the Saffa valley, destroyed by settlers in 2009 and currently under threat of annexation by the Israeli military. Saffa is a Palestinian agricultural community at the edge of the illegal Bat Ayn settlement, and Saffa farmers are frequently subject to settler violence and harassment. A series of settler attacks in the summer of 2009 left several Palestinian farmers wounded and much of the land destroyed.

U.S. Aim in "Peace Process": Liquidation of Palestinian struggle (tags)

"On the day the talks began, a press conference in Gaza City by 12 Palestinian organizations including Hamas, Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Islamic Jihad, Popular Resistance Committees, Palestine People's Party and others denounced the Washington talks as a sham and announced their intention to intensify the resistance against Israeli occupation. Renewed negotiations are taking place against a backdrop of the accelerated seizure of Palestinian land in the West Bank, a vast expansion of Israeli settlements and the continued blockade of Gaza. Today, there are more than 500,000 Israeli settlers in the West Bank. The extreme right-wing Israeli government, which includes outright fascist elements, has intensified repression against Palestinians who make up 20 percent of the population inside the 1948 borders"

Israel Threatens War with Lebanon (tags)

more evidence of a pariah Israeli state

Notes from Besieged Gaza (tags)

Relentlessly, Israel wages war on Gaza

The Charade Exposed: Latest Israeli No Peace/Peace Talks for September (tags)

Israel wants conflict, not peace

Ahmad Sa'adat: A Palestinian Prisoner of Conscience (tags)

one of thousands of Palestinian political prisoners

Occupied Palestine: Good News and Bad (tags)

Far more of the latter than former

End the Gaza Siege (tags)

illegal by any international standard

Helen Thomas Is Not A Bigot À La 'Eric Cartman' (tags)

The problems of Palestine are religious in nature. The religions have become conflated, of course, with 'race' and ethnicity. But religions have always been nothing more than aspects of mass media. Before television, organized religions ~were~ the mass media, since people would assemble every Saturday or Sunday to hear the propaganda of the ruling classes who financed the temples.

Solidarity Online Petition with Gaza Flotilla victims and Palestine (tags)

The Bertrand Russell Tribunal Committee has an online petition to the people of the world condemning Israel's massacre of the Freedom Flotilla and the occupation of Palestine.

AF3IRM Calls for Justice for Killed/Wounded Freedom Flotilla Activists, People of Gaza (tags)

AF3IRM, formerly known as GABNet, condemns the Israeli military attack on the Freedom Flotilla on May 30, 2010.

20 Dead after Israel Attacks Gaza Humanitarian Ship in Int'l Waters (tags)

At least 20 people are dead and many are injured on the lead ship of the Gaza Humanitarian Aid flotilla after the Israeli military, paid for with US tax dollars, boarded and attacked the unarmed people. Contrary to Israel's lies, obviously prepared in advance, no one attacked these heavily armed thugs; this is a humanitarian vessel with civilians on board, and Israel continued its attack after the white flag was raised, all in international waters. Support this website and protest this outrageous violation of international law by US/Israel as Israel does not exist for 1 second without US tax dollars.

• 15 internationals killed as Israel attacks and hijacks Gaza Flotilla in International Wa (tags)

Up to 15 international human rights activists have been killed and over 30 others injured after Israeli commandos attacked the unarmed Gaza Freedom Flotilla early this morning in international waters, according to reports from the flotilla organisers, while Israeli military sources confirmed 10 dead. This attack is a clear breach of international law.

Sen Boxer's Pro-Israel,Pro-War letter signed by 76 Senators (tags)

The Democrat and Republicans Parties are the twin parties of war and fascism, and that is most evident in their 100% support of the US military base, the anti-women theocracy called Israel. Senators Barbara Boxer and Johnny Iskason have submitted a letter in support of Israel from the warmongering, anti-communist gang called AIPAC to war criminal Democratic Secretary of State Hillary Clinton with the signatures of the 76 out of 100 US Senators promoting Israel. If you want peace in the Middle East, you have to support the socialist or Green candidates.

Peace Process Hypocrisy: Stillborn from Inception (tags)

The peace process is a charade


“ To rebel is justified.” The Alliance-Philippines (AJLPP) protest and condemned the arrest and persecution of the Irvine 11. Eleven student protestors from UC Irvine and UC Riverside peacefully stood up to voice their opposition of Israel’s occupation in Palestine and of the inhumane treatment of the Palestinian people during the speech of Michael Oren, Israeli ambassador to the United States. Despite the peaceful proactive mass action, the 11 student protestors from UC Irvine were arrested and are now facing criminal charges and university disciplinary action, which may lead to their suspension or expulsion from UCI and UCR.

The Lessons of Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (tags)

how to stop Israeli crimes

Labor for Palestine: Open Letter to AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka: Boycott Apartheid Is (tags)

In the 1980s, as president of the United Mine Workers, you rightly argued that, "economic pressure and political isolation of the South African government can hasten the day when justice and freedom reign in that troubled land." Two decades later, the cause of "justice and freedom" for Palestinians requires no less of you as president of the AFL-CIO.

JOEL SCHALIT - San Francisco radio interview: Are US-Israel Relations at a Turning Point? (tags)

Are U.S.-Israel Relations supposedly at a Turning Point? On November, 11, 2009, the San Francisco radio program, KALW's (91.7fm) "Your Call" radio show, was joined by Joel Schalit, Israeli-American Jew, author of Israel Versus Utopia, to discuss the future of Israel. Israel is the number one recipient of U.S. military and economic aid (receiving more U.S. economic aid than the entire African continent), but its right-wing Likud government, and it's current prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, like all its other prime ministers, has bluntly rejected the Obama Administration's (peudo) calls (but no economic/military aid threats) for an "end" to internationally-illegal Jewish Israeli settlements. Meanwhile, the J Street (so-called, "liberal") Zionist lobbying project is setting, supposedly, "a new course" for the Jewish-American relationship with Israel. Could a new U.S.-Israeli relationship emerge? And will any of it make real change, or any real positive difference at all, for the Palestinian people?

Forum & Book Signing PALESTINE, ISRAEL & THE U.S. EMPIRE Featuring Author Richard Becker (tags)

Join the ANSWER Coalition and the Party for Socialism and Liberation for a public forum and signing of the new book Palestine, Israel and the U.S. Empire, by Richard Becker, West Coast Coordinator of the ANSWER Coalition. 2 hrs.

Preview of Ramzy Baroud's "My Father was a Freedom Fighter (tags)

could only be written by someone who lived through it

Isi Leibler is a danger to Israel. (tags)

When he calls J Street an extremist fringe group.

Ahmadinejad speech at UN 2009/Not anti-semitic, but just criticism on Israel (tags)

Not only the Western walkout at the UN 2009 Ahmadinejad speech is a part of a repeating show, consciously the Western countries make no distinction between Ahmadinejad's just criticism on Israel and his alleged ''anti-semitism'' Since the Western countries are directly and indirectly supporting the Israeli occupation, it is a shame and disgrace, that they walkout at this very speech, which brings into light the Israeli war-crimes and the Western implicite consent.

George Galloway and Viva Palestina US: Our Convoy to Gaza (tags)

Endorsments continue to pour in for Viva Palestina US - A Lifeline from the United States to Gaza, including Noam Chomsky, Howard Zinn and David Swanson of After Downing Street. Organizations wishing to endorse the Convoy can email in their endorsements here:

Labour for Palestine: Second Issue of Jafa Now Available! (tags)

Labour for Palestine is pleased to announce the second issue of Jafa - Labour Bulletin in Solidarity with Palestine.

Human Rights Situation in Occupied Palestine (tags)

Israel's continued reign of terror against a civilian population

The myth of a secular Palestine (tags)

* one state two state red state blue state

Come to Palestine! (tags)

Thinking of Coming to Palestine? Interested in Being a Responsible Solidarity Activist? Palestine Solidarity Project Needs YOU!

The Russell Tribunal on Palestine (tags)

reporting Israeli war crimes

Come to Palestine! (tags)

Thinking of Coming to Palestine? Interested in Being a Responsible Solidarity Activist? Palestine Solidarity Project Needs YOU!


As the invasion of Iraq enters its seventh year, the Alliance for a Just and Lasting Peace in the Philippines (Alliance Philippines) continues to express militant greetings and solidarity to the people of Iraq, Philippines and everywhere who are fighting US imperialism and its forces of occupation. We stand with the people marching in the streets of Washington, DC today in the united cry “From Iraq to Afghanistan to Philippines and Palestine, OCCUPATION IS A CRIME!” The US thirst for war must end. The current administration is not ending the US wars of aggression, but is transferring the war to other countries like Afghanistan. We are reminded how Nixon said he wanted to end the unpopular war in Vietnam but escalated the war in Cambodia and Laos. By redeploying 30,000 or more troops to Afghanistan, threatening Iran, Pakistan and the Russian Federation, Obama is not proving to be much different from his predecessors

Back to the main topic - those who only think of Palestine as ok (tags)

Back to fighting on indy and every other newsmedia too.- to those who only think of Palestine as being Right and Victim and needs to be rescued, let's get more info = to clarify if all claimed is so,- see what at least simplief disputable Wiki says about how it all began, tho the info is always being 'disputed' ................and each and many sides claiming and demanding to be RIGHT and claim the Whole and Only Truth......... yeah, so many versions of Holy Truths as there are colors in the rainbow...people who write love to claim exaggerations as 'reality' and their versions as "not to be questioned" even on Indymedia, NO FREE THINKERS ALLOWED HERE either !

Targeting Israel with Boycotts, Divestment, Sanctions and Prosecutions (tags)

It's time to hold Israel accountable.

San Diego Activists Show Pro-Palestinian Film "Occupation 101" (tags)

Activist San Diego showed the movie "Occupation 101," a documentary denouncing the Israeli occupation of Palestine, February 16. Leading a discussion after the film, Edgar Hopida, public relations director for the San Diego chapter of Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), and filmmaker and public-access cable show producer Ed Sweed mostly talked about the American corporate media's near-total pro-Israel bias and ways to use nontraditional media to get alternative perspectives to the American people.

A Short History of the Israeli - Palestinian Conflict: Past Is Prologue (tags)

Israel chooses violence

Ceasefires, Israeli-Style (tags)

Israel never honors them.

Oscar Grant Becomes a Poster Boy for Jihad (tags)

Those outside the Bay Area may not know the backstory: Early on January 1, a young adult African-American named Oscar Grant was fatally shot at a BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit) stop by a BART police officer. The incident was captured on a few cellphones as it happened. The officer has been arrested for murder and there have been several riots in downtown Oakland.

You are an anti-Semite (tags)

You might not know it yet but you are.

1/14: Palestine Watch:Latest News/Videos from Israeli Invasion & Killings in Gaza (tags)

The Israeli army continued its offensive against the Gaza Strip for the seventeenth day on Monday, killed twenty-six Palestinians, including 23 civilians, and wounded dozens of residents. At least 917 Palestinians were killed and more than 4260 were injured since the army initiated its attack....

[Italy] Milan : protest against israeli agression ends in riot :: (tags)

This evening, trying to perturb a meeting of israeli sympathizers, some people from Centri sociali fought against policemen.


More than 10,000 Protestors marched on Westwood, Los Angeles in a big show of solidarity and support for Palestine and the besieged people of Gaza. At the van of the march were Palestinian flag draped coffins symbolizes the death and destruction in Gaza wrought by Us-Israel war machine terrorists.

Jan 1 Westwood march/Rally for Palestine (tags)

More than 10,000 protestors marched on Westwood, Los Angeles in a big show of solidarity and support for Palestine and the besieged people of Gaza. At the van of the march were Palestinian flag draped coffins symbolizes the death and destruction in Gaza wrought by US-Israel war machine. They were followed by a sea of Palestinian red and green flags that symbolizes resistance and defiance of the US-israel war machine.

1/9: Palestine Watch: Israeli War on Gaza Continues Despite UN Truce Call (tags)

Latest Updates from Israel Invade Gaza: Israeli War and Massacre on Gaza Continues Despite UN Truce Call, Senate Pass Pro-Israel Legislation!

Tears of Love for Palestine (tags)

"Gaza has been cut off and blockaded for months. Now the Zionists are using modern weapons and, from the air, shooting anything that moves. They are using your money to do this. They are breaking international law. Genocide is illegal. What are you going to do?"

6 photos from Palestine rally Anaheim Jan. 4, 2009 (tags)

Some photos from the rally to support Palestine


We call on the people to condemn and protest the Wall Street-Bush-Zionist megaterrorist border-occupation and invasion of Gaza and the atrocities against its civilians.

Palestine Watch:1/2-1/3 Weekend of Worldwide Protests Against Israeli Attacks on Gaza! (tags)

Over 60 protest at coming weekend across U.S. and Europe!

12/30 Palestine Watch: Escalation goes on; death toll up to 390 in Gaza (tags)

12/30 Palestine Watch: Escalation goes on; death toll up to 390 in Gaza

Call Congress/Senate to Protest US-Israel Genocide (tags)

The latest chapter of the genocidal war of US-Israel against Palestine was deliberately perpetrated while Congress is on vacation this week, but theirl phones do have voice mail, so please do call either locally or ito DC. If the mailbox is full, try another time. And please stop voting for Democrat-Republicans, the 100% pro-Israel gang, and instead vote Peace & Freedom or Green.

3 Local Emergency Protests Against Gaza Massacre (tags)

Three local emergency protests are planned against massacre in Gaza. First one today (Sunday 12/28) in Anaheimat 2 PM. Two protests are planned for Tuesday (12/30) at Westwood Federal Building 3PM and another at 4:30 PM at Israeli Consulate. We must act now, to halt these brutal massacres! Over 200 people were killed in Gaza on Saturday, December 27 in a series of Israeli attacks - with US-made and paid for weaponry - upon the Palestinian people.

12/27 Palestine Watch URGENT:Gaza Massacre! Latest News on Israeli war planes attacks Gaza (tags)

Gaza massacres must spur us to action!

Obama v. Richard Falk on Israel and Occupied Palestine (tags)

Obama is as hardline as Bush

NYCLAW ANTIWAR DIGEST -- 11.04.08 (tags)

Election Day Reality Check


The Palestinian cause is the right of return for all refugees and nothing less.


[B]oth Messrs. Obama and McCain are reiterating their commitment to good, old-fashioned American-style war making. . . . Rather than offering relief, the new entrant to the White House come January is likely to simply exacerbate the mayhem.

Indymedia On Air for Aug 11, 2008 (part 2) (tags)

Former Guantanamo detainee Moazzam Begg talks about civil rights; the Vancouver Sun sues Palestine activists over a newspaper parody

Indymedia On Air for Aug 11, 2008 (part 1) (tags)

Former Guantanamo detainee Moazzam Begg talks about civil rights; the Vancouver Sun sues Palestine activists over a newspaper parody

Francis Boyle's "Palestine Palestinians and International Law" (tags)

Boyle's powerful case for Palestinian self-determination.

The Nakba: The Catastrophe that Befell Palestine in 1948 (tags)

Review by Sd -60 years of resistance by the people of Palestine after the great catastrophe and their on going struggle for justice and survival against the racist israeli state.

Chief Palestinian Negotiator to Israel: Acknowledge Right of Return (tags)

"The guideline of our policy has always been the idea that a permanent situation of no peace and a latent war is the best situation for us, and that it must be maintained at all costs. ... we are becoming stronger year by year in a situation of impending conflict where it is possible that actual fighting may break out from time to time. SUch wars will usually be short and the results guaranteed in advance, since the gap between us and the Arabs is increasing. In this way we shall move on from occupation to further occupation. ... this criminally mischievous policy has led us into the crisis we are living through today" (Yeshayahu Leibowitz, 30 November 1973) "We have not been seeking peace for twenty-five years -- all declarations to that effect have been no more than coloured statements or deliberate lies. There is of course no assurance that we could have made peace with the Arabs if we had wanted to. However, it has to be heavily emphasized that we have not only made no attempts to seek peace, but have deliberately and with premeditation, sabotaged every possibility of doing so." (Yeshayahu Leibowitz, 30 November 1973)

The 60th anniversary of Israel Nothing to celebrate! (tags)

In contrary to the outburst of festivities among zionists and their adherents, regarding the ´´celebration´´ of the 60th anniversary of the State of Israel, for the Palestinian victims of the etnic cleansings in 1948 and 1967 and the continuing occupation, there is nothing to celebrate Remember the Naqba

Sixty Years of Palestinian Displacement, Occupation and Suffering (tags)

On May 14, remember the Nakba.

No Middle East Peace Without Tough Love (tags)

It's great to finally see prominent voices addressing Zionist Extremism's rejection of peace, and their role in deliberately perpetuating their war. with the aim of destroying the chance of a Palestinians state. The shameful inaction of the International Community also features heavily, and a solution cannot be far off. Unfortunately, this has made these Extremists desperate, and their last-ditch effort to destroy Palestine threatens to be bloody.

Breaking the Silence - Israeli Soldiers Speak (tags)

They no longer will kill Palestinians

Palestinian Activist Riad Hamad Murdered in Texas (tags)

A prominent pro-Palestinian activist in Texas has died after drowning in a lake. Riad Hamad was the founder of the Palestine Children’s Welfare Fund and raised millions of dollars through his organization for schools, charitable organizations and hospitals. Local police say Hamad was found gagged and bound in the lake. While police say he “likely committed suicide”, questions have been raised over his death. Prior to his death, Hamad had been under FBI surveillance. In late February, FBI and IRS agents raided his office and seized forty boxes of tax returns and other documents. No charges were filed at the time, but investigators claimed they “had probable cause” to investigate. Riad Hamad was fifty-five years old.

Boycott US Israel Statement (tags)

MAHATMA GHANDI "Palestine belongs to the Arabs in the same sense that England belongs to the English or France to the French. It is wrong and inhuman to impose the Jews on the Arabs. What is going on in Palestine today cannot be justified by any code of conduct. The Mandates have no sanction but that of the last War. Surely it would be a crime against humanity to reduce the proud Arabs so that Palestine can be restored to the Jews partly or wholly as their national home. I am not defending the Arab excesses. I wish they had chosen the way of non-violence in resisting what they rightly regarded as an unwarranted encroachment upon their country. But according to the accepted canons of right and wrong, nothing can be said against the Arab resistance in the face of overwhelming odds." .Albert Einstein;" It is however certain that these generations to come will have lessons to learn from the extraordinary life of Mohandas Gandhi"

Israeli Ambassador Cancels Visit to Edinburgh, Scotland, in Face of Protests (tags)

Israeli Ambassador cancels visit to Edinburgh, Scotland, in face of planned protests.

Bringing Death and Destruction to Muslims (tags)

by Paul Craig Roberts

Palestine: PFLP Launches English Website (tags)

We are launching this English website today, on our historic anniversary, for a number of reasons. We stand today amidst an ongoing assault on our people, marked by occupation, exile, imprisonment, siege, assassination, destruction and invasion, an assault that has continued for sixty years.

The Communist Roots of Palestinian Terror (tags)

Press release: Free Palestine Alliance (tags)

The Free Palestine Alliance (FPA) had launched an initiative approximately 2 years ago in response to the escalating need for an alternative to the downward and destructive spiral that is plaguing the Palestinian Arab people. Our intent was and remains to be empowering our community and leveraging its resources in favor of the fundamental principles of the Palestinian national liberation movement, paramount of which are the right to return and the indivisible unity of Palestine as a people and land inextricable from the larger Arab Nation (Al-Watan Al-Arabi).

Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine, Pt. 2 (tags)

The Zionists built the propaganda war around Palestine and promoted it through mainstream media, particularly American. The Zionists always have won it, no matter how repressively they deal with the Palestinians.

Oct 27 LA Peace March: Fund Human Needs Not Private Greed (tags)

The horrifying fires we have all witnessed in Southern California are a direct result of stealing our tax dollars from all social services at home and giving them to the war machine. Please turn your grief into action and join the October 27 peace march in Los Angeles at 12 Noon from Olympic & Broadway and March to downtown federal building.

Expanding the Frame: Gaining a global perspective on the Holy Land Foundation Case (tags)

The Holy Land Foundation was the largest Islamic charity in the nation. Its trial has serious repercussions for domestic issues, such as the right to face one's accusers in court and domestic wiretapping, as well as international concerns, like Palestine and the so-called "War on Terror." Cut through the propaganda and get informed.

Israel in danger of being wiped off the map. (tags)

the AIPAC to be holocauster, this time.

The Destruction of Palestine (tags)

Three, one hour lectures on the ongoing terrorism and genocide by an unrelenting , heavily armed, racist state, in occupied Palestine.

Solving the Fatah-Hamas Impasse (tags)

I was reading a news article on former Palestinian Information minister Dr Mustafa Barghouthi on An Najah University's (Nablus, Palestine) website when I stumbled upon this article on a Palestinian solution to the impasse between Fatah & Hamas below. It calls for reform of the PLO, dissolvement of the emergency gov, Hamas gov, & to end the current factionalism running rampant in territories by allowing all factions to join a new reformed government composed of other political parties: PLEASE DISTRIBUTE WIDELY

Disaster over Palestine: The Refugee problem and the ideology of transfer (tags)

In contrary with the allegations of zionist non-deniers, the expulsion of the Palestinians in 1948 and 1967 was no ad hoc war-crime, but a yearlong deliberate planned strategy

"Demonstration" Government in Palestine (tags)

IS-Israeli led coup against the democratically elected Hamas government

Palestine (tags)


The Shortwave Report 6/15/07 ¡Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Cuba, and Russia.

Israel to accept Arab Peace Plan (tags)

The 50 year war is over.

Terrorism Began at Deir Yassin (tags)

We are constantly reminded by our elected officials (and those who steal their elections) and the pro-Israel filtered media, of the acts of revenge that Palestinian and Muslim groups have committed against the people of Israel, however, we are almost never told about the brutal and inhumane acts of state terrorism that the government of Israel has been inflicting against the people of Palestine, ever since its inception.

Photos of the March on the Pentagon 3-17-07 (tags)

Images of Resistance to the terrorists who now control our government.

US Troop Surge = US Invasion of Iran (tags)

Details the secret Bush regime planned invasion of Iran disguised as 'troop surge' to neighboring Iraq, includes proposed apartheid wall between Iran/Iraq..

The Alley - New Film from Palestine (tags)

New short documentary about the political economy of Balata Refugee Camp

A Review of the Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine (tags)

An account of Israel's ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians from uncovered official and other documents.


In the fevered minds of Bush administration ideologues, Palestine has become another front in what they conceive of as a new Cold War against "Islamofascism."

Israeli minister: IOF troops might invade Gaza (tags)

Nazareth - An Israeli minister on Sunday said that his army might venture into the Gaza Strip in a large-scale invasion targeting Hamas leaders and institutions. Jan 28, 2007, 14:51

[video] forgotten Palestine (tags)

forgotten Palestine

Will Jimmy Carter’s Book Liberate the Palestinians? (tags)

The year 2006 was another hell on earth for the Palestinian people, especially in Gaza. Is there any hope for relief? Harriet Beecher Stowe’s book, “Uncle Tom’s Cabin,” led to freedom for African-Americans. Question: Will ex-President Jimmy Carter’s tome, “Palestine Peace Not Apartheid,” play a comparable role in ending the evil of the Israeli Occupation?


Free Saddam Hussein!

Where is Eyerak? (tags)

and what it is

Einstein says.. (tags)

That this lot are a bunch of dangerous fascists.

Palestine unites us: Towards the first Palestinian Popular Conference in the US (tags)

Palestine unites us: Towards the first Palestinian Popular Conference in the US Statement, Preparatory Committee, US Popular Palestinian National Conference, 17 November 2006

A project of dispossession can never be a noble cause (tags)

"The secret rotting at the core of the state of Israel is its refusal to admit that the Zionist project in Palestine - to create a state based on the dispossession of the non-Jewish inhabitants of the land - was never noble: the land it coveted was the home of another people, and the fathers of the Israeli nation killed, terrorised and displaced them to turn the project into actuality. But the Palestinian nation lives on - visibly and noisily and everywhere. To make its own denial stick, Israel has to deny and suppress Palestinian history"

Peace Perspectives for the Middle East (tags)

Whoever wants peace for the region must tackle problems at the root. The problems of the Middle East can only be solved in a political process, not through war.. European experiences shows that hatred and violence can be overcome.

November communique 1A (tags)

Sandpaper books: abrasive texts & other printed matter.

Settler children in Tel Rumeida (occupied Palestine) part 2 (tags)

I want to share the following video with you:

Ways to support palestine (tags)

26 ways to show solidarity

Brief history of Palestine (tags)

Brief history of Palestine

Human Rights Experts: “Israel Committed War Crimes!” (tags)

On Sept. 27, 2006, two leading experts on Human Rights spoke at the Palestine Center, in Washington, D.C. Curt Goering of Amnesty International, said Israel’s massive bombing campaign in Lebanon, including dropping more than a million cluster bombs, was a “war crime.” His group is pressing the UN for a full inquiry. Joe Stork of Human Rights Watch called the Israelis’ destruction of Gaza’s only electric power generating plant a “war crime.”

Zionism And Its Impact (tags)

The Zionist movement has maintained a striking continuity in its aims and methods over the past century. From the start, the movement sought to achieve a Jewish majority in Palestine and to establish a Jewish state on as much of the LAND as possible. The methods included promoting mass Jewish immigration and acquiring tracts of land that would become the inalienable property of the Jewish people. This policy inevitably prevented the indigenous Arab residents from attaining their national goals and establishing a Palestinian state. It also necessitated displacing Palestinians from their lands and jobs when their presence conflicted with Zionist interests.

The Middle East : Lethal Legacy. (tags)

'You do not die because you are created or because you have a body, you die because you are the future.'

The Coming Collapse of Zionism (tags)

The Moral Bankruptcy of Israel's Founding Idea

The Moral Bankruptcy of Israel's Founding Idea: The Coming Collapse of Zionism (tags)

s it only observers outside the conventional mainstream who have noticed that by its murderous assault on Lebanon and simultaneously on Gaza, Israel finally exposed, for even the most deluded to see, the total bankruptcy of its very founding idea?

Netanyahu Beats Drum for U.S. War with Iran (tags)

Leave it to a Far Right Likudite, Benjamin Netanyahu, to show up on 09/06/06, in Philadelphia, “The City of Brotherly Love,” and beat the drum for a U.S. war with Iran. What a lethal irony! In his spiel, Netanyahu, an ultra Israeli Hawk, sounded like President George W. Bush, while also ignoring Israel’s many wrongs against the peoples of Palestine and Lebanon.

Zionism And Its Impact (tags)

The Zionist movement has maintained a striking continuity in its aims and methods over the past century. From the start, the movement sought to achieve a Jewish majority in Palestine and to establish a Jewish state on as much of the LAND as possible. The methods included promoting mass Jewish immigration and acquiring tracts of land that would become the inalienable property of the Jewish people. This policy inevitably prevented the indigenous Arab residents from attaining their national goals and establishing a Palestinian state. It also necessitated displacing Palestinians from their lands and jobs when their presence conflicted with Zionist interests.

Support the Resistance in Palestine: A Call to Action (tags)

The time is passed—if it ever existed—in which activists can pretend to be in solidarity with Palestinians while refusing to take sides with Palestinian resistance to Zionist colonization of Arab land.

THE YOKE OF ZION [The Fallout from Lebanon] - by Israel Shamir (tags)

Why the war? Leave small details to a future Plutarch; this is another round of battle for Palestine. Supported and supplied by their captive empire, the US, the Jews had all the weapons, all the ammunition, all the diplomatic support, when hubris-drunk they drove into disarmed and starved Gaza to kill off its last resisters and impose the Yoke of Zion. Who would disturb the lion of Judah roaring at his prey? And a tiny force from the Mount Lebanon said: we will. They attacked the all-powerful Jews; the hobbit pierced the sinew of Nazgul as he stooped to kill. The Israeli army roused from its prey turned north and lashed with all its might at the Hezbollah fighters. But they stood fast.

A History of Judao-Facist Terror Massacres (tags)

A Reference of Jewish Terrorism in Palestine. These are just some of the massacres committed against the Palestinians and Lebanese by the Zionists. If the raids on southern Lebanon old and new were to be taken into account the true magnitude of Zionist crimes against humanity could start to emerge. If one were to go into the gruesome details of the atrocities committed in 1948 the -mopping up operations -, the deliberate humiliation and massacres of Arabs and the desecration of the holy places of both Muslim and Christian as well as the looting of these holy places and personal property by the Israeli army and settlers; one might just start to appreciate what Zionism is all about.

Filipinos Protests US-Israel Agression vs Lebanon and Palestine (tags)

Videos from Lebanon protest (tags)

Six videos from the demo on Saturday in support of the people of Lebanon and Palestine. All videos on YouTube.

Protest Against Israel Agression in Lebanon, Palestine (tags)

Protest Against Israel Agression in Lebanon, Palestine

'We are just hit-and-run guerrillas' (tags)

Israel has done absolutely nothing to diminish Hezbollah

All Out for Aug. 12 Mass March in LA to Stop the U.S.-Israeli War (tags)

Come out to defend the people of Lebanon and Palestine for a mass march and rally in LA. The march is coordinated with national and international actions on Aug. 12.

On the August 12 International Mobiizations Against US-Israel Agression in Lebanon and Pa (tags)

We, the International League of Peoples' Struggle (ILPS), strongly condemn the ongoing barbaric attacks of the Israeli military on the people of Lebanon and Palestine. Under the pretext of rescuing Israeli soldiers captured by Hamas and Hezbollah, the Zionist Israeli government has unleashed wave upon wave of air, naval and ground attacks on the civilian populations of Lebanon and Palestine. These unbridled acts of international terrorism are emboldened and supported by US imperialism.


LEBANON AND PALESTINE PHOTOS AT ANNIE'S LETTERS BLOG Assalamu aleikum. Annie's Letters is an almost daily updated blog that includes significant photos and numerous articles exposing the zionist foe. For today's (August 8, 2006) blog: Annie's Letters See also Annie's Letters archives (scroll to bottom of page at above URL).


VIDEO: Peace March for Lebanon & Palestine (tags)

Los Angeles, 8-5-06

From Iraq to Palestine: Occupation Is a Crime (tags)

Protestors marched in the third largest Jewish city in the world to stop the U.S. and Israeli war machine.

PHOTOS: March & Rally for Lebanon & Palestine, 8-5-06 (tags)

About 300 people marched though Westwood today to show support for the people of Lebanon and Palestine. They called for an immediate ceasefire and the withdrawal of all Israeli forces from Lebanon and occupied Palestine.


"If this scenario is possible, why then would US, UK, Israeli, and other Western leaders who see what's going on, be willing to take the risk? Ahmed states what a growing number of knowledgeable observers now believe - that the Western, mainly US, so-called neoliberal imperial freewheeling "free-market" model is failing and may collapse short of a desperate "Hail Mary" military solution to try to save it even though the chance for success at best would be uncertain and in some views unlikely."


Please copy, e-mail, re-post and distribute this as widely as possible. Also for those without Internet access.

A Message to Impeachment Supporters from Ramsey Clark (tags)

Bush Making More Enemies in the Middle East

The spirit of resistance (tags)

The practical result is that Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah is ever more popular all over the Arab street. Kind of like the new, 21st-century Saladin. Hezbollah's moral and political cache could not but rise among peoples and movements worldwide who keep being bombed to oblivion but never had a chance to bomb back.

Declaration in support of the Arab Resistance in Lebanon: (tags)

by Nabila Harb, on the behalf of the editorial board of the Free Arab Voice

Let Us Form the Broadest Possible Arab People's Front (tags)

Dr. George Habash, Founder of the Arab Nationalists' Movement and of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Calls for the Formation of the Broadest Possible Arab People's Front in Support of the Lebanese and Palestinian Resistance

Israel, Lebanon, Palestinian Conflict (tags)

Public Education Campaigns in Israel are vitally needed to educate the Israeli Public to (1) the illusory threat of a free and independent Palestine, indeed how this would benefit Israel, and (2) the stain left on the Jewish heritage and soul of Israel by such aggression.

Zionism as a Racist Ideology (tags)

"Unconsciously, of course, many Americans also seem to believe that the shameful policies of the U.S. government toward Native Americans somehow make it acceptable for the government of Israel to pursue equally shameful policies toward the Palestinians. The U.S. needs to face its racist policies head on as much as it needs to confront the racism of its foremost partner, Israel."

National Emergency Marches on Washington, LA & SF, Sat. Aug 12: Defend Palestine & Lebanon (tags)

Saturday, August 12, 12 Noon, at the White House: NATIONAL EMERGENCY MARCH ON WASHINGTON! Defend the People of Palestine and Lebanon! Stop the U.S.-Israeli War! From Iraq to Lebanon to Palestine, Occupation is a Crime! Stop U.S. Aid to Israel! Support the Palestinian People's Right to Return! Money for Jobs and Education, Not for War and Occupation!


International Action Center statement: STOP THE U.S.--ISRAELI WAR AGAINST LEBANON AND PALESTINE! July 13, 2006 The blood in Gaza and Lebanon is on George Bush's hands. The bombs, shells and missiles now pounding Lebanese and Palestinian cities and villages, wiping out entire families and leaving hundreds of thousands without power or water, are made in the U.S. So are the planes and cannons that launch them.

Zionism And Its Impact (tags)

The Zionist movement has maintained a striking continuity in its aims and methods over the past century. From the start, the movement sought to achieve a Jewish majority in Palestine and to establish a Jewish state on as much of the LAND as possible. The methods included promoting mass Jewish immigration and acquiring tracts of land that would become the inalienable property of the Jewish people. This policy inevitably prevented the indigenous Arab residents from attaining their national goals and establishing a Palestinian state. It also necessitated displacing Palestinians from their lands and jobs when their presence conflicted with Zionist interests.

A.N.S.W.E.R. Public Forum on Palestine: Behind the Crisis in Gaza (tags)

This Friday night, join the A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition to discuss the crisis in Palestine caused by the recent Israeli invasion of Gaza.

Gaza: the Transparency of Naked Aggression (tags)

In spite of strict censorship, even blocking Reuters, a growing minority see proof that 9/11 was an inside job, a cynical self-terror act to ignite a new war of civilizations for total world domination. They endorse "9/11 Truth" as the only way to stop the war on Iraq and Iran. Here we explore parallels with the endless war on Palestine.

Palestinian Choices and an action alert on Gaza (tags)

...a luta continua

Hamas: A Pale Image of the Jewish Irgun And Lehi Gangs (tags)

The reality is that when faced with a superior military force, such as Britain possessed in 1947 and Israel does today against the Palestinians, terror is the underdog’s only viable weapon. Once a state has been established and legitimized, however, as in the cases of Israel and South Africa, the former “terrorists” tend to gain a veil of legitimacy as well. But legitimacy is now being denied Hamas.

"Palestinians and World Refugee Day" (tags)

Palestinian refugees constitute one of the largest refugee populations in the world and the longest standing unresolved situation of displacement.

Palestine's children want Peretz condemned as war criminal (tags)

Gaza - Palestinian children have tagged Israeli war minister Amir Peretz as a "war criminal" that must be internationally condemned and prosecuted before the court of war criminals in The Hague for being directly responsible for the killing of Palestinian children and innocent families.

Hizbullah draws massive crowd to mark Israeli withdrawal (tags)

A quarter of a million Hizbullah supporters packed a square in the southern port city of Tyre Friday to mark the anniversary of Israel's withdrawal from South Lebanon in 2000. A day earlier, the Islamic resistance group had launched a 10-day campaign to collect funds for Palestine, which is facing a crippling Western aid boycott after the election of Hamas.

Palestine Update (tags)

News, generally suppressed by US mainstream medias

HR 4681 (tags)

I am watching the debate at this moment on the US House floor of HR 4681. The Zionist, Tom Lantos being true to form lied. If this bill passes after all of our protests against it the House will light a larger firestorm of American criticism both against our support of Israeli apartheid terrorism and the AIPAC lobby behind it. Also, if this bill passes, and I understand that it will because of the number of declared co-sponsors, Iran and other governments should protest by requiring that all American purchases including oil be made in Euros. I am another American Christian for Palestine. Palestine Forever.

Zionism And Its Impact (tags)

Adherents of Zionism believed that the Jewish people had an inherent and inalienable right to Palestine. Religious Zionists stated this in biblical terms, referring to the divine promise of the land to the tribes of Israel. Secular Zionists relied more on the argument that Palestine alone could solve the problem of Jewish dispersion and virulent anti-Semitism. Weizmann stated in 1930 that the needs of 16 million Jews had to be balanced against those of 1 million Palestinian Arabs: "The Balfour Declaration and the Mandate have definitely lifted [Palestine] out of the context of the Middle East and linked it up with the world-wide Jewish problem....The rights which the Jewish people has been adjudged in Palestine do not depend on the consent, and cannot be subjected to the will, of the majority of its present inhabitants." This perspective took its most extreme form with the Revisionist movement. Its founder, Vladimir Jabotinsky, was so self-righteous about the Zionist cause that he justified any actions taken against the Arabs in order to realize Zionist goals.

Nakba, 58 years later, 2 accounts: (tags)

It is that time of year again. Oversized Israeli flags fluttering above buildings, homes and cars, firecrackers lighting up the night May sky and Israelis packing up their cars with picnic baskets and beach balls as they kick off the 58th anniversary of Israel’s independence. In a place full of contradictions, double standards and hypocrisy, for many Palestinians, this occasion represents the worst hypocrisy of them all.


Please join thousands in signing a petition that may encourage the international community to head off the serious humanitarian crises in Palestine from getting even worse. There is also a link to this on Dr. Marcy Newman’s blog Additional information about the region and political action at Please copy, e-mail and distribute this as widely as possible.

Terrorism cannot be fought everywhere but Palestine (tags)

Tashbih Sayyed, Ph.D. is editor-in-chief of Pakistan Today and Muslim World Today, California-based weekly newspapers, president of Council for Democracy and Tolerance and adjunct fellow of Hudson Institute.


A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, China, Cuba, and Russia.

From Iraq to Los Angeles: Women Resist Around the World (tags)

We will hear about women's struggles here is the US; Cuba and Venezuela and Women's role in the revolution; We will also hear about women under occupation in Iraq and Palestine. The Forum will also include an update report on March 18th anti-war organizing.

Civil war now US policy in Iraq and Palestine (tags)

Cheney and rumsfeld now see civil war as the only solution to Iraq and Palestine.


An account of Israeli oppression against the Palestinian people

"THE FORGOTTEN RESISTANCE: THE MOSQUE OF PARIS" – See/Get this documentary! (tags)

The Father Bill O’Donnell Social Justice Committee is honored to host Dr. Annette Herskovits who will present this half-hour documentary by Derri Berkani and talk about her own harrowing experience as a child, barely escaping the Nazis because she was protected by _MUSLIMS_ in Occupied France during WWII. ARABS/MUSLIMS also protected European Jews in North Africa, most notably in Morocco.

Scene Set for the Clash of Civilizations (tags)

Islamic nations goaded into position to be attacked again. Will terror provocations be used to invoke police state? What price will be exacted for centuries of ignoring how war pretexts are fabricated? Late-breaking and long-term developments in Iran, Palestine and the United States seem to point to a present risk of catastrophic nuclear war.

Israel to wipe West Bank off the map. (tags)

Israel also denies the Ethnic Cleansing of palestine since 1948.

One of Thousands of Crimes Against Humanity in Occupied Palestine (tags)

IOF killed two Palestinians. On Saturday, 17 December 2005, IOF shot dead a Palestinian civilian in the Gaza Strip as he attempted together with another civilian to enter Israel to search for jobs. On Wednesday, 21 December 2005, IOF extra-judicially executed a Palestinian in Jenin.


Al-Awda, The Palestine Right to Return Coalition, congratulates Palestinian Professor Sami Al-Arian and co-defendants Sameeh Hammoudeh, Ghassan Zayed and Hatem Naji Fariz on the news yesterday that they were acquitted of key charges after a lengthy trial and thirteen days of deliberation by a federal jury.

From South Central to Palestine: Land Confiscation knows no borders (tags)

Making connections between South Central and Palestine


Join us for a day of Marxist views on the struggle against capitalist exploitation, war, racism and imperialism. Get answers to these questions and more: Is Socialism possible in the U.S.? How can Bush and the ruling class be defeated? What is a revolutionary Marxist party? Learn about the struggle for socialism.


Join us for a day of Marxist views on the struggle against capitalist exploitation, war, racism and imperialism. Get answers to these questions and more: Is Socialism possible in the U.S.? How can Bush and the ruling class be defeated? What is a revolutionary Marxist party? Learn about the struggle for socialism.

Logopolis: lord patch w/ the killing flaw (tags)

"it's time to arm our prophets" -- Manchester, England vs New Palestine (Fernwood in Victoria, British Columbia C'nada).

Palestinian/ Israeli speaking tour in LA (tags)

National Speaking tour on the non-violent resistance movement to the wall in Palestine featuring: -Palestinian Ayed Morrar -Israeli Jonathan Pollack

WED 10/26: An Evening with Ilan Pappe Renowned Israeli Historian & Author (tags)

An Evening with Renowned Israeli Historian and Author Ilan Pappe Speaking on 'Israel and Palestine: The Peace Charade' and Book Signing WHEN: Wednesday, October 26, at 7:00 p.m. WHERE: Westwood United Methodist Church 10497 Wilshire Blvd. (at Warner, West of Beverly Glen) Los Angeles 90024

Holy Land or Living Hell? Ecocide in Palestine (tags)

From the Jordan River valley and Dead Sea basin, through the central highlands comprising the West Bank's populated core, to the fertile western hills bordering Israel, recent reports from occupied Palestine reveal a worsening environmental crisis.

jesus is satan (tags)

...other than the Israel Defense Forces, America's Christian Zionists may be the Jewish state's ultimate strategic asset.

Opportunism, ANSWER and Palestine (tags)

It is so important that the movement against the war in Iraq draw the connection to all the wars the U.S. government is waging around the world. Inclusion of Palestine is a vital issue and an important part of building solidarity. But solidarity with Palestine should not be used as just a maneuver in an organizational struggle between ANSWER and UFPJ.

Mon. 6/13: Rachel Corrie's Parents & Family Who Lived in Gaza Home She Died to Protect (tags)

Unprecedented U.S. Tour Comes to LA JUST ADDED EVENT Monday, June 13! Rachel Corrie's Parents Will Be Joined by the Palestinian Family Who Lived in the Gaza Home She Died to Protect Khaled and Samah Nasrallah's First U.S. Visit Gives Americans Rare Glimpse into Life in Palestine Ground-Breaking on the Rebuilding of Nasrallah's Home Just Weeks Away, As Israeli Troops are Scheduled to Prepare to Leave Area WHEN: Monday, June 13 at 7 PM WHERE: Venice Methodist Church, 1020 Victoria, Venice (East of Lincoln, 1 block north of Venice Blvd.) SUGGESTED DONATION: $10.00 (no one turned away for lack of funds)

It's OK to be anti-Jewish politics! Really! (tags)

If it's OK to be anti-Republican or anti-corporation or anti-Christian fundamentalism or anti-Communism or even anti-God, I can be anti-Jewish Politics!

Freedom Summer Palestine 2005 (tags)

Freedom Summer Palestine 2005 is a Palestinian non violent campaign against Israeli occupation — This summer, With the participation of international supporters, Palestinians will continue their long-standing mobilization for nonviolent direct action against the occupation and draw the world's attention to what is really happening in the Occupied Palestinian Territories

May 25- Learn more about travel to Palestine (tags)

IWitness Palestine invites you to learn more about how you can travel to Palestine. Past participants with such groups as Christian Peacemakers Team, Project Hope, the International Solidarity Movement, Fellowship Of Reconcilliation, and others will discuss their experiences and plans for the summer.

May 25- Learn more about travel to Palestine (tags)

IWitness Palestine invites you to learn more about how you can travel to Palestine. Past participants with such groups as Christian Peacemakers Team, Project Hope, the International Solidarity Movement, Fellowship Of Reconcilliation, and others will discuss their experiences and plans for the summer.

Thurs. 3/31 7pm: Brother of Slain Spanish Journalist Jose Couso Joins Amy Goodman in LA (tags)

An Evening with Amy Goodman, award-winning journalist, host of Democracy Now! and author of the best-selling book, The Exception to the Rulers. Joined by Javier Cosou, brother of Spanish Journalist killed at the Palestine Hotel in Iraq

ANSWER Peace Demo March 19 (tags)

What is an Anti-Zionist Jew? (tags)

In Response to such asked question.

Caravan for Palestine : Call for the organization of local comittees (tags)

A great and ambitious project is under construction in France. A caravan constituted by more than 100 vehicles will leave Strasbourg (seat of the European Parliament) on July 4, 2005 and will reach Jerusalem on July 19. 75 persons (about 20 vehicles) are already registered for the journey, whose route passes through great cities like: Geneva, Bologna, Ancona, Patras, Athens, Thessalonica, Istanbul, Ankara, Damas and Amman…

Grandpa Jeanmarie : Hassan and Ismaël (maintenance 4) (tags)

My children, I have a dream to come to plant an olive-tree of peace on the border of your two countries


Given Israeli Prime Minister Sharon's continued persistence to carry out his Gaza Disengagement Plan, Condoleeza Rice's recent statements and renewed American involvement, and the recent Sharm el-Sheikh cease-fire agreement, it's now more important than ever to think seriously about the "real" viability (or not) of a territorially divided Palestinian state.

Palestinian Elections – Charting the Palestinian Future (tags)

Marina del Ray, CA 90292

Rachel Corrie vs Kobe Mandell (tags)

The latest crime bill has something in it for everyone.

Help Needed For Concert 4 Palestine (tags)

Please help us in getting an Concert 4 Palestine off of the ground!

Coming World War Three (tags)

Congress must be crooked or crazy or both to have permitted the depletion of the USA arsenal of its most modern weapons for defense and to have delivered them without any publicity to the spurious so-called "State of Israel" creating a precarious situation in USA home defenses. This secret delivery of USA weapons enabled the spurious so-called "State of Israel" to renew its attacks against Egypt and Syria.

Human Bombs and Marx: Aswer to "The Jewish Question" (tags)



November 6, 2004 Organized by the International Action Center, marchers gathering at Hollywood & Highland take the End the Occupation message down Hollywood Blvd.

Palestine kids fundraising event (tags)

Operation Rescue: A Desperate Plea for the Forgotten Children of Palestine

"APARTHEID ISRAEL" – A Dr. Uri Davis Interview! (tags)

Uri Davis is a scholar and Jewish citizen of Israel, but prefers to describe himself as a Palestinian Jew. He was born in Jerusalem in 1943, when Palestine was still undivided. Dr. Davis’ research interests focus on questions of citizenship, democracy and human rights in Israel and Palestine.


A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files- broadcast quality (13.3MB) and quick download (3.2MB). With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast. China, Russia, Netherlands, and Cuba.

Trees Not Walls! Call to Action: For Eco-Justice/Palestine Solidarity O17 @ MWM and Beyond (tags)

Come all who conscientiously object to the capitalist transformation of Earth into industrial wasteland! In defiance of Walls designed to divide and displace us, on October 17 in Washington DC, before, during and after the Million Worker March, we invite you to join the Eco-Justice/Palestine Solidarity Bloc to participate in a powerful, long-overdue fusion of movements!


An assessment of Palestinian losses during 4 years of uprising against occupation, the world's reaction (or lack of it), and the responsibility that activists for Palestine need to fulfil for meaningful change.

Free Palestine Radio (tags)

Let the voice of resistance against imperialist oppression and racist ethnic cleansing rumble from your speakers!

GRANPA JEANMARRY : or is Hassan ! ismael ? ( maintenance 3) (tags)

Each moment of the children dies in the world, unacceptable!! help the UNICEF

Palestinian solidarity cartoons worldwide (by Latuff) (tags)

Copyleft by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff on behalf of brave Palestinian people and their struggle against U.S. backed IsraHell's terror.

8/14- Peace Under Fire: Israel, Palestine and the International Solidarity Movement (tags)

Book release party with DJ's, spoken word, hip-hop, and readings by local contributers at 33 1/3 Books and Gallery Collective

The Western and the Apartheid walls (by Latuff) (tags)

Copyleft artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff, on behalf of Neturei Karta.

JEANMARRY PEACE : Hello Granpa it is Hassan and Ismael. (tags)


Santa Monica Solidarity Rally For Palestine (tags)

July 23 to July 25 Activist including Answer, Free Palestine Alliance, Women in Black held a weekend awareness campaign in Palisades Park by the Santa Monica pier. Photos in this report are from the Zionist disruption attempt of Sunday the 25th. Accompanying the photos is a statement from an eyewitness, organizer information and companion articles dealing with the current situation in the region.

Let's Reject Normalization of Relations With the Zionist Enemy! (tags)


Zionism as Jewish National Socialism (tags)

There is a law in Israel, passed in 1985, which forbids political parties to openly oppose the principle of a Jewish state. Neither are they allowed to work for a change of this principle through democratic means. A party so doing will be banned from elections to the Knesset. Democracy is thus denied to those citizens - even Jews - who wish to work within the parliamentary system towards replacing the Jewish state with a secular state which represents all its citizens' equal rights regardless of religion or ethnic origin.

ANSWER LA Political Forum - Iraq, Palestine & 2004 Elections (tags)

ANSWER Political Forum on IRAQ, PALESTINE & THE 2004 ELECTIONS Featuring Richard Becker & Muna Coobtee

Against occupation in Palestine and Iraq (by Latuff) (tags)

Copyright-free artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff, on behalf of brave Palestinian and Iraqi people.

Communist "israeli" Parties (tags)


Regarding Leila Khaled's Message to the Japanese Red Army (tags)


June 5th - Int’l Day of Protest U.S. Out of Iraq (tags)

Los Angeles CA – June 5th is the anniversary of the 1967 war in which Israel conquered the West Bank and Gaza. Thousand marched downtown then rallied at the federal building demanding…

Bush, Rumsfeld confronted in U.S., Europe, Asia (tags)

The first week of June was not a good time to be George W. Bush or Donald Rumsfeld.

Join the Emergency Protest on June 5 in LA (tags)

All out to protest war and occupation on June 5 in downtown LA! This demonstration is part of nationally coordinated demonstrations against the occupations of Iraq, Palestine, Haiti, and everywhere!

Anti-Arabism is the Fascism-in-Power "Anti-Semitism" Of our Era!!! (tags)

and the alliance of Anglo-Zionist monsters who are the real "anti-Semites" of our era, that is they are the occupiers of Arab Land. They are the bullets and dollars behind bulldozers and killing fields, behind Hashemite Compradors, and behind a culture that mutters "sand nigger" and "camel jockey" when frustrated to defend "the war on terror" in lowest strata of the working-class and lumpen vernacular.

May 20th Protest Against Israeli War Crimes (tags)

Women in Black – L. A., Palestine Aid Society and other SoCal based organizations that oppose the Israeli occupation of Palestine and support Palestinian rights held...

Israeli Consulate Los Angeles CA – May 20, 2004 (tags)

Women in Black – L. A., Palestine Aid Society and other SoCal based organizations that oppose the Israeli occupation of Palestine and support Palestinian rights held a protest in front of the Israeli Consulate in L. A. against the death and destruction the Israeli army is inflicting on Rafah refugee camp in Gaza. Protesters expressed their outrage at Israel’s continuing war crimes against the Palestinian people.

Israeli Consulate Los Angeles CA – May 20, 2004 (tags)

Women in Black – L. A., Palestine Aid Society and other SoCal based organizations that oppose the Israeli occupation of Palestine and support Palestinian rights held a protest in front of the Israeli Consulate in L. A. against the death and destruction the Israeli army is inflicting on Rafah refugee camp in Gaza. Protesters expressed their outrage at Israel’s continuing war crimes against the Palestinian people.

JUNE 5: Protest Massacres in Rafah (tags)

Demonstration the end the occupations of Iraq, Palestine, Haiti and everywhere on June 5 in LA!

Death to "israel"!!! Death to US Imperialism!!! (tags)

Protest Israeli War Crimes in GAZA (tags)

Emergency protest against Israeli war crimes in Gaza Thursday, 4-6pm, @ the Israeli Consulate.

Building Bridges Radio - Unemployment and Contract Workers in Iraq, Israel and Palestine (tags)


Palestine 10,000 (tags)

Mark your calendar; ‘P10K - September 11, 2004 - Palestine.’ Register - Show Up - Make History.

why does Palestine MURDER women and children in schools, shopping centers and churches. (tags)

why does Palestine MURDER women and children in schools, shopping centers and churches.

Cuba Denounces Terrorism of State by Israel (tags)

United Nations.-

How Terror Destroyed Palestine (tags)

Sharon's victory in Washington may be temporary, but Palestine's loss is probably permanent.

On the Murder of Sheikh Yassin (tags)

there will never be a safer israel than a freer palestine

March 20: Millions Demonstrate Against Occupation of Iraq (tags)

Millions of people in cities around the world hit the streets today, March 20, to protest the U.S.-led occupation of Iraq. Massive demonstrations took place in London, Brussels, Seoul, Tokyo, and thousands of other cities and towns in 45 countries. Demonstrations took place in more that 250 cities across the Untied States. Many of these demonstrations also demanded an end to the U.S./Israeli occupation of Palestine and an end to the occupation of Afghanistan.

Witness to Occupation: Iraq and Palestine (tags)

The current state of the U.S. occupation of Iraq, the links between Iraq and Palestine in the U.S.'s plans for a "new Middle East", and the resistance in Iraq and elsewhere.

"Palestine Is Still the Issue" Film Mar. 3, UCLA (tags)

Students for Justice in Palestine presents: Palestine Is Still The Issue Date: Wednesday, March 3 Time: 7:00 pm Place: UCLA Royce hall, room 190 In 1977, the award-winning journalist and film-maker, John Pilger, made a documentary called Palestine Is Still The Issue (1977). In this in-depth documentary, he has returned to the West Bank of the Jordan and Gaza, and to Israel, to ask why the Palestinians are still caught in a terrible limbo -- refugees in their own land, controlled by Israel in the longest military occupation in modern times.

Palestine was stolen to create Israel, hence the conflict (tags)

Most people don’t understand why the Middle East is plagued by violence. It is because Israel has stolen vast quantities of land and property from the Palestinians beginning in 1948 and continuing today.

A Republican's Case Against George W. Bush (tags)

"Bush is overwhelmed by the influence of religious zealots--both Zionist and fundamentalist Christian. He ignores America's own heavy guilt for the plight of Palestinians. He fails to recognize that more than a billion Muslims worldwide, along with many millions of non-Muslims, are deeply aggrieved at this complicity. " Paul Findley, former Republican Congressman speaks out about Palestine

Silvia Cattori : BBC The child victims of repeated lies (tags)

This is the commentary that accompanied the BBC's televised pictures of Palestinian children from Balata camp (1) throwing rocks at a tank : "The violence in Palestine continues ».

With love to Guevara02 (by Latuff) (tags)

Keep strong, my brother. Keep the faith. You are not alone. Good wishes and vibrations are coming from all corners of the world, including Brazil. There is not an everlasting oppression. Palestine will be free.

Los Angeles Activists Rally in Solidarity with the Palestinian People (tags)

Activists gather at the Israeli consulate to affirm their solidarity with the Palestinian people, and to protest Israel's brutal occupation.

IsraHell's Apartheid Wall Fact Sheet (by Latuff) (tags)

In the words of Jeff Halper of the Israeli Committee Against House Demolition: "There is no intention to allow a viable Palestinian state."

An Open Letter from the Arab-American and Muslim Community to the US Anti-War Movement (tags)

On March 20, 2004, the world will mobilize against war and colonial occupations. The significance of this historic day is evident to all and requires no further elaboration. The political clarity and character of this mobilization in the US, however, remains illusive.

Despite all Rhetoric - Israel still has No "Right" to Exist!!! (tags)

In spite of all the Sham Rhetoric by Israel and by the wealthy "Pro Israel" American lobby - Israel still has No intrinsic "Right" to Exist!

From Nablus Under Seige (tags)

CALL TO ACTION Jan 4th and 5th "We are not two different sides. We are rather one in our common struggle for justice in Palestine, for an end to the occupation, for peace for all."

Iraqi Resistance Solidarity Network Update Reports (tags)

1.PFLP Militant Shows Solidarity with President Saddam Hussein 2.Anti-Imperialist Camp Rome's Iraqi resistance demo: We are tip of iceberg 3."Death to the Pigs that Live in Washington and Tel Aviv!!!"- Message Calling to increase Jihad a thousand Fold Recieved by the Iraqi Resistance Solidarity Network. 4.A.N.S.W.E.R. statement on recent developments in Iraq

What Right Do Zionist Jews Have To Palestine? (tags)

What title-deeds do the Jews of today actually have to the land of 'Israel'? The idea that a people can possess some kind of ethnic ancestral right to a territory supposedly vacated by their forebears some millenia previously, implying a right in perpetuity, can have no legal basis. Or otherwise Americans of European ancestry, to name just one group of people, will have to pack their bags.

Jewish Web Sites Opposed to Israeli Ethnic Cleansing etc... (tags)

This is a listing of Websites that are Jewish, and opposed to current Israeli Government Policies. The Zionists do not speak for all Jews.


This article points out that while there are several "peace initiatives" and much discussion about "Palestinian Refugees" and their "right of return"; no one ever defines the term. This article does that.

Donkeys Rocket Iraqi Oil Ministry! (tags)

Smoke rises from the Iraqi Oil Ministry after explosions in Baghdad, Friday, Nov. 21, 2003. Rockets on Friday slammed into the ministry and two central Baghdad hotels used by Western contractors and journalists, wounding several people... including a representative of the U.S. energy corporation, Haliburton. The rockets were fired from carts pulled by donkeys. U.S. occupation soldiers inspect a cart and rocket launcher, background, left, as a donkey that soldiers believe pulled the cart into position, stands nearby after morning rocket attacks in the center of Baghdad. (AP Photos/Khalid Mohammed)

November 9th: Popular Mobilization throughout Palestine to Mark Day (tags)

Throughout Palestine, communities affected by the Apartheid Wall--local councils, civil society organizations, political parties, youth groups, schools and universities, and the population at large--are coordinating a momentous week of activities beginning on November 9th for opposing the Israeli Apartheid Wall.

Statement Condemning Geneva Accord (tags)

The Palestinian refugees' Right of Return to the homes and lands from which they were exiled is an individual, collective, national and human right that cannot be abrogated, denied or modified by any negotiation or agreement.

Jayyous (Palestine) Women's March Vs the Wall- Mothers demand right to feed their children (tags)

Endorse message of support from the Global Women's Strike to the Jayyous Women's Charitable Society 'WOMEN MARCH AGAINST THE WALL - Mothers demand right to feed their children' Jayyous, Qalqilya, Palestine October 23, 2003

Rutgers Palestine Conference Report (tags)

Rutgers Palestine Conference Report

Reference Links: Jews against Zionism (tags)

Zionists, and Israel, do not speak for all Jews - not even a majority. Any attempt to claim otherwise is Zionazi Propaganda.

Wonderful Jean Ziegler (tags)

Jean Ziegler, the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food, payed an official visit to Palestine in July 2003. This the first time a UN Rapporteur was allowed to investigate the situation in the occupied territories.

Palestine (tags)


Freedom fighter in Haifa, occupied Palestine, takes out 18 of the enemy (tags)

A heroic Palestinian freedom fighter today took out 18 of the enermies of justice, freedom and peace in Haifa, occupied Palestine

North American Palestine Conference at Rutgers! (tags)

Despite all attacks - from Zionist forces, from University administration, from the State and the Governor - the Rutgers conference on Palestine, the Third North American Conference on the Palestine Solidarity Movement, is CONTINUING ON and GOING STRONG!! October 10-12, 2003.

The Rutgers Palestine Divestment Conference is ON and GOING STRONG!! (tags)

Despite all attacks - from Zionist forces, from University administration, from the State and the Governor - the Rutgers conference on Palestine, the Third North American Conference on the Palestine Solidarity Movement, is CONTINUING ON and GOING STRONG!!

Israel-Palestine + Fresca is Sick, and bloodthirsty. I ask all of you to Please read. (tags)



stop the illegal jewish settlements in palestine.

URGENT! ACt now! Rutgers Aims to Cancel PAlestine Conference (tags)

Act now - your solidarity is needed as Rutgers acts to cancel Palestine conference

The Bombing Of The King David Hotel (tags)

The King David Hotel explosion of July 22, 1946 (Palestine), which resulted in the deaths of 92 Britons, Arabs and Jews, and in the wounding of 58, was not just an act of “Jewish extremists,” but a premeditated massacre conducted by the Irgun in agreement with the highest Jewish political authorities in Palestine-- the Jewish Agency and its head David-Ben-Gurion.

zionist myths (tags)

what israel hope yu dont learn

Traces of Poison - More Israel's History of Terrorism (tags)

Israel, not Iraq, holds that distinction of being the first country in the region to use weapons of mass destruction with genocidal intent. Salman Abu-Sitta digs into a dark history

Traveling With Bad Companions (tags)

Western supporters of the Palestinian cause are morally blind.

Rafah the cursed (tags)

"The reality is that the process of Apartheid they sat up and that consists in asphyxiating the whole population , is far more sophisticated and far more atrocious than what has been described to us until now."

The Stratification of Racism In Israel -- Phyllis Bennis via JA (tags)

Within Israel there are really 4 levels of citizenship, the first three being various levels of Jewish participation in Israeli society, which are thoroughly racialized. Beneath all these layers of Jews come--4th--the Palestinian citizens.

Anti-Zionist Orthodox Jews to Demonstrate at so-called Israel Day Parade (tags)

Pure Judaism forbids the uprooting of the indigenous people of the Holy Land, it proclaims its principles of humanity and justice that demands the total restoration of all human, civil, economic and political rights of the Palestinians, including the right of return of all Palestinians to their homes in historic Palestine, thereby enabling Palestine to be governed by its original native inhabitants.


What you are reading about is the first attack of the Arabs on poor little Israel. Read the above again, does it sound like the Arabs attacked the Jews or that the Jews attacked the Arabs. The lies that Israel has fed people are so outrageous, they are laughable, except for one thing... they have worked. No one, who has studied the 1948 war, believes the Israeli version, yet it is still fed to the general public, and particularly in the United States, people actually believe it.

I feel sympathy for the dead, do you? (tags)

In this world, various people think that some dead people are better than others. The fact is that the civilian victims in the wars around the globe are all people you can say didn't deserve their fate

Gaza, the land of the sad oranges (tags)

Silvia Cattori is an independent journalist. she lives in Switzerland To those who went martyred for the land of the sad oranges… And those who have not been martyred yet…

FRIDAY: LA Jews & Palestinians Decry Israel’s Killings of Journalists, ISM, Palesti (tags)

On Friday at Noon, wearing day-glow vests similar to those worn by the International Solidarity Movement (ISM) and journalists, who work in Gaza and the West Bank, members of Jewish & Palestinian peace organizations and their supporters will protest outside the Israeli Consulate.

A Rabbi's Ten Questions To The Zionists (tags)

IS IT TRUE that the British government granted visas to 300 rabbis and their families to the Colony of Mauritius, with passage for the evacuees through Turkey. The "Jewish Agency" leaders sabotaged this plan with the observation that the plan was disloyal to Palestine, and the 300 rabbis and their families should be gassed.


What you are reading about is the first attack of the Arabs on poor little Israel. Read the above again, does it sound like the Arabs attacked the Jews or that the Jews attacked the Arabs. The lies that Israel has fed people are so outrageous, they are laughable, except for one thing... they have worked. No one, who has studied the 1948 war, believes the Israeli version, yet it is still fed to the general public, and particularly in the United States, people actually believe it.


And I began to find out about the barbaric methods used to rid the fledgling state of as many Palestinians as possible. The world recoils today at the thought of bacteriological warfare, but Israel was probably the first to actually use it in the Middle East.

Of God and Liars (tags)

What has the pentagon said in this war that was true?

Inbedded Journalists Quiting Rolls (tags)

But the US military is not happy with this development. "We would really rather they did not do this," said Major Tim Blair, the US army officer in charge of the embed programme, citing safety concerns.

Is Jubilation In Iraqi Streets Whole Story? What Comes Next? (Flashpoints Analysis) (tags)

Dennis Bernstein hosts three scholars to discuss recent events in Iraq and what comes next. mp3 of program segment attached. Runtime: 28:55, and 6.8 megs. Access to full program stream (lower quality) in real audio too

Media groups enraged over coalition attacks on journalists (tags)

Further information on the recent deaths of journalists killed by U.S. forces in Baghdad Tuesday has caused concern amongst major media outlets in addition to media watchdog groups

Spanish journalists stand up for fallen colleagues (tags)

When will American journalists learn to be so bold as to stand up for what's right?




Tomorrow, March 18th 2003, residents of Los Angeles who have been to Palestine as human rights observers/ activists will hold a Press Conference at the Offices of Senator Barbara Boxer - 312 N. Spring Street - to mourn the death of our murdered sister Rachel Corrie


Tomorrow, March 18th 2003, residents of Los Angeles who have been to Palestine as human rights observers/ activists will hold a Press Conference at the Offices of Senator Barbara Boxer - 312 N. Spring Street - to mourn the death of our murdered sister Rachel Corrie by the Israeli military

A Call For Protests over Rachel Corries Murder (tags)

"Today a young woman was killed in Gaza. Young women, but more often young men, get killed in Gaza and the West Bank every day, and the world pays no attention. What was different today is that Rachel Corrie was an American,..."



Diary of Anne Frank in Nablus (tags)

Today I live in a dormitory with young girls just out of their teens who are attending the An Najah University here in Nablus, Palestine. I wish that Anne could meet them. I wonder what she would say about the lives they are leading. Things are not so different from what she described in her diary. The sad fact is that it is Anne's own people, who learned so well the tactics of the Nazis, who are destroying not only the lives of the indigenous people of Palestine but also their culture and their future

IOF Outrages Continue in Nablus, Palestine-Activist Reports (tags)

The Latest ISM Activist Reports

World for Palestine screensaver for Windows (by Latuff) (tags)

If you support Palestinian struggle for independence, that's your screensaver! :)

Arabs Voting With Their Money (tags)

It is packaged in the lurid red and white of the Stars and Stripes and the logo mimics that famous swirl, but there is something different about this brand of cola.... The makers of Mecca-Cola are taking advantage of this by promising that 10% of the profits will go to a Palestinian children's charity. "Don't drink stupid," reads Mecca-Cola's label, "drink committed."

Eyewitness to Occupied Palestine: Adam Shapiro and Huwaida Arraf (tags)

Free and open to the public: Discussion on Israeli occupation, and about leading non-violent protests to end occupation

From Latuff to Palestinian people (tags)

We are all Palestinians.

Iran Student Movement (tags)

Student Movement Coordination Committee in Iran promotes Secularism and Democracy in Iran

PSG Statement on Israel's Detention of Jaggi Singh (tags)

Israel Denies Entry to Activist from Canada


This Article Presents A Very Brief History Of The Jewish/Israeli Conquest Of Palestine. The map below shows the Palestinian villages destroyed by the Israelis since 1948

The Racist Irony of Zionism (tags)

Zionists who accuse others--the opponents of the racist ideology of Zionism--of being anti-Semitic are truly being ironic.

Oscar says, "Palestine is not a country" (tags)


Hollywood: no Palestinians allowed (by Latuff) (tags)

...for the Academy, it’s probable that Palestinian films simply cannot be submitted, denying in a way, their right to exist. Sound familiar?

A New Movement Against Apartheid (tags)

International Movement Against Israeli Apartheid

Nov 18 02 PeaceNoWar: Latest News from Irarq, Palestine, SOA Protest... (tags)

UN Backed to Iraq, US Want to War with Iraq Israeli Force Again Assult Palestine! School of Americas Protest-Ft Benning , GA Big Brother is Watching Everyone

Nov 5: News Upates from Palestine-Amnesty International Accues Israel (tags)

Amnesty International Accues Israel "War Crime" From: The full Amnesty report is available online at:!Open

ZioCops strike again! (by Latuff) (tags)

ZioCops never sleep...

Israeli Zionists collaborated with German Nazis in the 30's and 40's (tags)

"Zionism promised independence; it has produced a society in which the Prime Minister must periodically affirm to the people that the existence of the nation depends on the delivery of fifty or a hundred Phantom jets from the United States... Zionism promised physical security to the Jews; Israel is the most dangerous place on earth today for a Jew, and it will remain so as long as Israeli-Jewish society retains its colonial character and its function as an instrument of imperialism." -- the Israeli Socialist Organization, in 1972

Interview With South African Activist Against Israeli Apartheid (tags)

Interview with Na'eem Jeenah



Palestine Report Radio (tags)

Interview with activist recently back from Occupied Territories today on

Josh Ruebner of Jews for Peace in Palestine and Israel Speaks in LA (tags)

Josh Ruebner, Director and Co-Founder of Jews for Peace in Palestine and Israel (JPPI) to Los Angeles. Ruebner has just returned from leading a delegation of Congressional staffers--who were originally denied entry--to Israel/Palestine. Monday, September 2 (Labor Day) at 1:15 PM at the Peace Center, 8124 West Third Street (near Crescent Heights)

IMC Video from Palestine available now! (tags)

New Video from Palestine

Firsts hand account from arrestee in occupied Palestine - some corrections (tags)

Being back in Los Angeles comparing the two ways of life. Police brutality in Los Angeles does not even compare to Israeli occupation. One though, must draw the correlation, that Israel’s brutal occupation would not even be possible without the backing of the United States. Anybody who's oppressed can have some unity with the Palestinian people who have nothing to lose and a world to win. My friends and other youth (who constantly get harrassed or brutalized by police) can draw inspiration from Palestinian youth's fearlessness going against tanks with their slingshots for their dreams of liberation.

First Hand Account from Arrestee in Occupied Palestine (tags)

On August 7th of 2002, 9 international activists were arrested in a village near Nablus, called Hawara. There was a demonstration organized by Palestinian farmers, against curfews imposed on them by Israel

Caterpillar Corporation: Complicit in war crimes in the West Bank and Gaza. (tags)

On June 24, the SUSTAIN Campaign, Free Palestine Alliance, and the Berkeley Students for Justice in Palestine sent a letter to the Caterpillar Corporation calling for a halt of all equipment sales to the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF). To date, Caterpillar has not responded. A international campaign to expose Caterpillar's complicity in Israel's war crimes and pressure the Peoria, Illinois based equipment manufacturer to stop all sales to the IDF is now underway.

Two Sides of the Road (tags)

Israeli embassy on Thurs July 25, a protest was called by LA Jews for a Just Peace and other orgs and individuals sympathetic to the Palestinians. It was in response to the latest Israeli bombings in Gaza. The other side was present across the road.

Palestine (tags)


Who are the Palestinians (tags)

encyclopedia of peace

LA in Palestine (tags)

Part of an ongoing series of first person accounts from Los Angelenos working in Palestine.

Israel's Obstruction of S.A Humanitarian Aid To Palestine a Political Issue (tags)

Israeli Government deliberately prevented from delivering life saving humanitarian aid to Palestinians, besieged under Israeli occupation and 18 hour curfews.

Israeli Terror in Al Ama'ari Camp (tags)

I wanted to get this story out earlier but didn't have a chance...horror in Al Amari on June 39.

Report from Gaza, Palestine (tags)

update from member of ISM in Palestine

Ten Questions To Zionists by Rabbi Michael Dov Weissmandl ZT"L (tags)


Reports From Palestine (tags)

Garrick Ruiz, a Los Angeles activist and food justice organizer, has been sending reports from Palestine. These are the first few, which have been sent to several listservs in LA.

Beware of the Zionists lies and myths! (tags)

When the cult cries anti-semitism to silent their critics and to say that the world hates them because of who they are as a race, keep in mind that “Jews” have no race and are found in every race who wants to join the club.

What Bush Doesn't Know About Palestine (tags)

Yasser Arafat established a Constitution Committee in 1999, long before either George Bush or Ariel Sharon came to power and assumed the right to tell Palestinians how to run their affairs.

Stop Israeli Genocide against the Palestinians! (tags)

Of course I have great respect for Palestinian negotiators. They have done the very best they can negotiating in good faith with the Israeli government that has been invariably backed up by the United States. But there has never been any good faith on the part of the Israeli government either before, during, or after Oslo. The same is true for the United States.

June 24: Updates from Palestine (tags)

1) Palestinians, Israelis, Arabs and Jews’ Reactions to Bush’s Speech (Palestine Chronicle) 2) Israeli Helicopter Missiles Kill Six Palestinians, Wound 13 in Rafah (Palestine Chronicle)

Palestinian Freedom Fighters remove 7 zionists from Palestine permenantly (tags)

JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Palestinian freedom fighters killed seven zionazis, in Palestine on Thursday. The brave, curagous freedom fighters burst past the zionazi occupation army and opened fire on the zionazi thieves killing 7.

Jerusalem Bus Bombing Kills at Least 20 (tags)

JERUSALEM (Reuters) - A Palestinian freedom fighter blasted the shit out of a bus packed with zionazis and war criminals during morning rush hour on Tuesday, killing at least 20 of them and wounding more than 50, police said.

Many thousands rally in Paris to protest Bush and American Policies in Palestine (tags)

Tens of thousands rally to denounce Bush's disastrous foreing policy in Paris.

May 17: Latest News from Palestine, Iraq, Cuba... (tags)

**For all the news, please check: **also, please visit Palestine IMC: *Think Locally, Act Globally! *Courage to Stop War, and Love your neighbours *After Afghanistan, Is Cuba & Iraq Our Next U.S. Hit Lists?

Arab and Jewish women speak out against the holocaust in Palestine (tags)

Invest in caring not killing! Arab & Jewish women speak out against the holocaust in Palestine, event in London, England. Messages of support are welcome. Please spread the word to people you know who might be able to come.

May 12: News from Palestine, Cuba!! (tags)

**Think Locally, Act Globally! **Courage to Stop War, and Love your neighbour

May 9: Latest News from Palestine, Nepal (tags)

**Think Locally, Act Globally! **Courage to Stop War, and Love your neighbour By:

Pro-Palestine March in Long Beach (tags)

March in Long Beach

April 30: Latest News from Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan & Indonesia (tags)

Stop Israel Aggressions in Palestine! No US Invasions Against Iraq! By:

NETSTRIKE for Palestine (tags)

CALL FOR ACTION WORLDWIDE *please forward* *post* *translate* *distribute*

April 25 Updates on Palestine From (tags)

Images from Jenin News Summary From IMC-PALESTINE:April 25: Latest News from Palestine

PEACE WALK IN Newport Beach: in the belly of the beast (tags)

"Not In Our Name" Peace Walk

20,000 March for Peace in San Francisco, April 20 (tags)

On a breezy spring day in San Francisco, April 20, 2002, some 20,000 or more people came from the Western states to march for peace and most importantly, to march for peace in a free Palestine. By making a free Palestine a priority, our peace movement has made a major qualitative advance as it has clearly cast its lot with the dispossessed, the disinherited and the disenfranchised, in a word, the workingclass, which is the class that has the power to make fundamental change as it is labor that creates all wealth.

April 16 02--Latest News from Palestine--Jenin camp 'horrific beyond belief' (tags)

**For all the news, please check: **also, please visit Palestine IMC:

Lee Siu Hin (tags)

**For all the news, please check: **also, please visit Palestine IMC:

April 16 02--Latest News from Palestine, Life and Dead in Jenin (tags)

**For all the news, please check: **also, please visit Palestine IMC:

Palestine. A poem (tags)

Poem writen with verses taken from the Psalms of David. Against the violence and blasphemy of Sharon's policy. With prayer to circulate it

Robert Fisk Talk in Los Angeles (4/13) (tags)

Recording of Robert Fisk speaking out against the Israeli occupation of Palestine at Beyond Baroque in Los Angeles.

April 10: Latest News from Palestine-over 100 reported had been killed in Jenin! (tags)

**For all the news, please check: **also, please visit Palestine IMC: Alert! Over Hundred People Reported had been Killed in Jenin

LA Palestine Demonstration 4/6/02 (tags)

LA Palestine Demonstration 4/6/02

LA Palestine Demonstration 4/6/02 (tags)

LA Palestine Demonstration 4/6/02

LA Palestine Demonstration 4/6/02 (tags)

LA Palestine Demonstration 4/6/02

LA Palestine Demonstration 4/6/02 (tags)

LA Palestine Demonstration 4/6/02

LA Palestine Demonstration 4/6/02 (tags)

LA Palestine Demonstration 4/6/02

LA Palestine Demonstration 4/6/02 (tags)

LA Palestine Demonstration 4/6/02

LA Palestine Demonstration 4/6/02 (tags)

LA Palestine Demonstration 4/6/02

April 9: Latest News from Palestine (tags)

**For complete coverage, please visit: **also, please visit Palestine IMC:

Beautiful song for Palestine's Children (tags)

here is a beautiful song for Palestine. link to 6 minute audio file

Protest and March in Solidarity with the People of Palestine (tags)

Protest and March in Solidarity with the People of Palestine Westwood Federal Building, Los Angeles March 30, 2002

Protest and March in Solidarity with the People of Palestine (tags)

Protest and March in Solidarity with the People of Palestine Westwood Federal Building, Los Angeles March 30, 2002

Protest and March in Solidarity with the People of Palestine (tags)

Protest and March in Solidarity with the People of Palestine Westwood Federal Building, Los Angeles March 30, 2002

Protest and March in Solidarity with the People of Palestine (tags)

Protest and March in Solidarity with the People of Palestine Westwood Federal Building, Los Angeles March 30, 2002

Protest and March in Solidarity with the People of Palestine (tags)

Protest and March in Solidarity with the People of Palestine Westwood Federal Building, Los Angeles March 30, 2002

Protest and March in Solidarity with the People of Palestine (tags)

Protest and March in Solidarity with the People of Palestine Westwood Federal Building, Los Angeles March 30, 2002

Protest and March in Solidarity with the People of Palestine (tags)

Protest and March in Solidarity with the People of Palestine Westwood Federal Building, Los Angeles March 30, 2002

Protest and March in Solidarity with the People of Palestine (tags)

Protest and March in Solidarity with the People of Palestine Westwood Federal Building, Los Angeles March 30, 2002

Protest and March in Solidarity with the People of Palestine (tags)

Protest and March in Solidarity with the People of Palestine Westwood Federal Building, Los Angeles March 30, 2002

Protest and March in Solidarity with the People of Palestine (tags)

Protest and March in Solidarity with the People of Palestine Westwood Federal Building, Los Angeles March 30, 2002

Protest and March in Solidarity with the People of Palestine (tags)

Protest and March in Solidarity with the People of Palestine Westwood Federal Building, Los Angeles March 30, 2002

Protest and March in Solidarity with the People of Palestine (tags)

Protest and March in Solidarity with the People of Palestine Westwood Federal Building, Los Angeles March 30, 2002

Protest and March in Solidarity with the People of Palestine (tags)

Protest and March in Solidarity with the People of Palestine Westwood Federal Building, Los Angeles March 30, 2002

Protest and March in Solidarity with the People of Palestine (tags)

Protest and March in Solidarity with the People of Palestine Westwood Federal Building, Los Angeles March 30, 2002

Medical Crisis in Palestine (tags)

The outstanding Palestine Red Crescent Society, a medical organization, has been providing very informative hourly and daily updates on the crisis in Palestine, where they are literally operating under fire. Their website with the latest up date as of 4/5/02 at 8 p.m. is:

Live from Palestine: Streaming Radio at (tags)

Live from Palestine: Flashpoints on KPFA and other programs all day on KPFA, 94.1 FM has constant updates on the crisis in Palestine. You can hear it on streaming radio at the KPFA website:

April 7: Latest News from Palestine, Iraq (tags)

**April 7: Latest News from Middle East **From **also, please check Palestine IMC:

RALLY AND MARCH in support of Palestine (April 6th) (tags)

Show your solidarity with the Palestinian People at the April 6th march and rally at the Westwood Federal Building

March 30th - Mass Demonstration to support Palestine! (tags)

A "Free Palestine" mass March and Rally is to take place Saturday, March 30th, at the Westwood Fed. Building (noon).

LT - Palestine: Between Occupation and Resistance (tags)

The last few weeks have witnessed a dramatic intensification of the conflict in Palestine. The coalition government led by Ariel Sharon has stepped up its efforts to militarily suppress the 16-month-old intifada, through shelling civilian areas; a policy of "targeted assassinations" (i.e., extra-judicial murders of Palestinian activists); Israeli army incursions into ostensibly Palestinian-administered cities and villages; and the arming and unleashing of violent gangs of settlers, among other, slightly more subtle methods.

Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Fatah offer truce, Sharon says ''No'' (tags)

The main Palestinian resistance groups have offered to suspend attacks inside Israel if the Israeli occupation army and paramilitary Jewish terrorists agree in return to stop assassinating Palestinian citizens and end tank and aerial bombardment of Palestinian population centers.

International Solidarity Movement in Palestine - D15-J1 2001/2 (tags)

The International Solidarity Movement is converging again in Palestine from D15 to J1 2001/2 to bring the world's attention to the Israeli occupation and demostrate solidarity with the Palestinian people.

Opinion Poll Proves Palestinians Support Intifada, Wish to Liberate the Land (tags)

The following poll suggests that a current "revolutionary situation" now exists in Palestine and that the Palestinian citizens intend not only to liberated Judea, Samaria and Gaza [West Bank and Gaza], but ultimately the whole land, from the river to the sea. The Palestine that we now have is not the whole Palestine.

Hezbollah: Israel Security to be Rocked, Support Palestinian Resistance (tags)

Sheikh Qassem said, " the continuation of the intifada worries Israelis and the security of 'Israel' must be rocked from within and outside Jerusalem, Palestine must be completely liberated." He also said Hezbollah "will place its gun alongside of the Palestinian resistance and it will act to liberate all Palestine though all human and material means".

"peace = palestine alongside israel" [anti-war rally/march] (tags)

"peace = palestine alongside israel" banner


Over 10,000 people march in Durban South Africa to support the Palestinian People.

House demolitions in Palestine : account & protest appeal (tags)

An account by Jeff Halper on the kind of resistance that Israeli pacifists and social activists are trying to develop against house demolitions in Palestine, and an appeal for an international scale protest.

Eyewhitness Report & Non-violent DA in Palestine (tags)

Eyewhitness report of Israeli violence and update on non-violent direct action in Palestine.


May 19th March and Rally in Solidarity with the Palestinian People(Westwood Federal Building).


May 19th March and Rally in Solidarity with the Palestinian People(Westwood Federal Building).


A 30 minute review of stories recorded from a Shortwave radio. (13.7mb) FREE TO REBROADCAST UPON NOTIFICATION. This edition features Radio Netherlands, Deutsche Welle, Voice of Russia, Cuba. Stories include Zapatistas, South Africa & pharmacueticals, Greenpeace in court, Spies, Argentina, Palestine, and Operation Condor.


Drawing by a young Palestinian Girl living in the Israeli occupied West Bank.


The ART FOR A CHANGE Web site has just published an emergency Palestine Solidarity issue that documents Art Activism's role in bringing about a just and lasting peace between the Palestinian and Israeli people.

download flyer about Palestine (tags)

dowload a flyer about the current crisis in Palestine. Copy it and distribute it widely in your town.


Why the latest "peace agreement" between Israel and Palestine should not be taken seriously

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