fix articles 67287, joseph stalin
La révolution psychologique (tags)
Le stalinisme comme le gauchisme ont été l'épouvantail au communisme et par excellence...
Negotiating at last and The Russian-American Friendship (tags)
Russia's war is a response to NATO's eastward expansion, long criticized by the peace movement,and to Western policies of rearmament and confrontation, by which Russia feels existentially threatened. It began as early as the 1990s with the expansion of NATO.
Our dream: The ambivalence of rhetorical truths about peace and war (google translated) (tags)
Driven by my struggle for love, looking for a tactic against the enemy, I found truths, wisdom and sayings. From Aldous Huxley and Max Planck to Plato to Hans Kasper and Wladimir Iljitsch Lenin, supplemented by Israel Satan Isachaar. Here is a selection of the most spectacular combinations ...
The fake sincerity of pro-Palestinian commentators (tags)
Politicians, professors and journalists alike carry on mindlessly suggesting untenable immoral prescriptions that ostensibly help the Palestinians but which in fact brings about their demise.
Free collection of articles.
class war
Presidential Medal of Freedom (tags)
October Surprise - Peace Prize to a War Criminal (tags)
The IgNobel tradition continues
BTL:Rise of Extreme Right Anti-Government Groups Seen at Health Care Protests (tags)
BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine
Venezuela: Mis razones por creer que la reelección sin límites puede dañar la Revolución (tags)
Un amigo del movimiento antiimperialista explica por qué se opone a la enmienda reciente a la constitución venezolana que abolió los límites en la elección a la presidencia.
Venezuela: Why Unlimited Re-election is Bad for the Revolution (tags)
A supporter of Hugo Chavez' anti-imperialist efforts explains why he is nevertheless opposed to Venezuela's recent constitutional amendment abolishing term limits.
No McCain and ALERTA Strike on Iran imminent (tags)
Homer-McCain Really can be President? -Dutch intelligence agents: Strike on Irán may be imminent!! // One hears a distant thunder: Cheney is being brought this September into the Black Sea in U.S. warships. The 8-8-8 failed plan had hoped to use Georgian airfields to fly strikes against Iran. Now one reads of Dutch intelligence agents believe a U.S. strike on Iran may be imminent. // En el apéndice de este texto descartando a McCain como el presidente que se necesita, lanzamos una ALERTA GENERAL POR LA PAZ. Y comento la trama siguiente: El ataque a Georgia instigado por Cheney y sus "aliados" pretendía asegurarles negocios petroleros y la utilización del espacio aéreo de Georgia para atacar la pacífica Irán (elegido como país maligno necesario para nuevos negocios y mantener el petróleo a precios altos). Con el pretexto de ayuda humanitaria Cheney está situando portaviones ofensivos en el Mar Negro. La inteligencia alemana piensa que un ataque, ilegal e irresponsable, contra Irán puede ser inminente. Esta aportación la recojo de un destacado, católico y patriota miembro del partido republicano. Pero hablemos primero de HomerMcCain.
The shameful awarding of the Peace Prize to a war criminal
Early CIA Involvement in Darfur Has Gone Unreported (tags)
There has been a glaring omission in the U.S. media presentation of the Darfur tragedy. The compassion demonstrated, mostly in words, until recently, has not been accompanied by a recognition of U.S. complicity, or at least involvement, in the war which has led to the enormous suffering and loss of life that has been taking place in Darfur for many years. In 1978 oil was discovered in Southern Sudan. Rebellious war began five years later and was led by John Garang, who had taken military training at infamous Fort Benning, Georgia.
A Forbidden Truth Dissection of the Insane War Ritual (tags)
A Forbidden Truth dissection of the design, motivational, and operational structures of the Insane War Ritual, as practiced by the human species in the 21st century.
How to Revive a Spiritually Dead America in One Easy Lesson! (tags)
America is going down the toilet! Question: What are you going to do about it? The Russian writer, Alexander Solzhenitsyn, urged his people, in 1974, to take on the Stalinists remnant and to “Live Not by Lies.” Today, America is languishing under the Bush-Cheney Gang, Masters of Deception. “Obedience to lies,” Solzhenitsyn said, robs a people, keeping them “in the herd and a coward.” Remedy--”Live by the truth...It is the only [choice] for a soul.”
Interview with Warren Allen Smith of Philosopedia (tags)
Philosopedia's major purpose is to provide an academic resource for those whose interest is "thinking about thinking," a phrase that is a basic definition of philosophy. In short, Philosopedia is a reference work about academic philosophy.
Holland: All elections manipulated - except one (tags)
In Holland people can 'vote' in the 22 November election. Or now play chess with the 1187 hacked and easily manipulated electronic voting computers. It's scary to see what the creatures in power do to screw the people. Taking away everybody's vote and voice too.
The right would rather spend a billion to kill than five bucks to feed the poor.
News Junkie Scott's Blog (3/10/06) (tags)
More space art from the "Cassini Imaging Team"
Revolke Judith Miller's Pulitzer (tags)
Even the Times is saying she has lied and deceived in her reporting on Iraq and al Qaeda. Once that happens, it’s time to look back at her earlier work, including the 2001 articles that won her a Pulitzer.
The last of the Halloween candy has been eaten. The harvest moon is a radiant memory. The family festival of Thanksgiving has drawn us closer together. All of these warm seasonal memories can mean only one thing: It’s time for the Christmas haters to shift into high gear.
The Forbidden Truths of the Genocidal Evil Human War and Military Structures (tags)
A Forbidden Truth dissection of the perverse and deranged human societal activities of warfare and military service.
Heroes and Ghosts (The Reagan Years) (tags)
This Article examines the historical character of Ronald Reagan verses his recent posthumous herofication
We strongly doubt that building democracy in Iraq will rally America (tags)
In our annual forecast we stated that the election was Bush's to lose, and he is making an outstanding attempt to lose it. Why? Because he has needlessly adopted a two-tier policy: a complex and nearly hidden strategic plan and a superficial public presentation.
The Forbidden Truths of the Human War Ritual (tags)
War is the cathartic reflection of the homicidal rage that is created within the True Realities of you citizen-slaves by the lifetime of abuse, trauma, and victimization that your evil, diseased, and deranged societies inflict upon you.
CHILLING DEJA VU: The Original, Eerily Premonitive Bush:Hitler Comparison from July 2001 (tags)
When this essay comparing Hitler's rise to power with Bush, and the tactics of the present GOP with the 1930s Nazis and Stalin's communist regime was first published in July, 2001, I was the recipient of a flood of hate mail and even a couple of death threats from militant rightwingers. But the comparison hit home: the article has been been circulating all over the world, reprinted in at least five languages. Unlike the lame, even bizarre comparisons rightwingers try to make between Clinton, Dean, et al. and Hitler, the similarity between Bush's regime and the rise of the Nazis is REAL and has evoked a shock of recognition in readers - or, as the title says, a "Chilling Déja Vu."
Representative Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio) proposes an immediate US retreat from Iraq. Fighting back in the Terror War is not optional, but that doesn't stop Kucinich. He'll grant a victory to terrorists as long as it helps take down president Bush.
America's Free Trade Despotism is in the Wings (tags)
"Every decent-paying job in the area is going, going or already gone and I'm faced with taking a job for $6, $7, $8 an hour".
G.W. Bush: Drunk on Power (tags)
The president he got his wars folks don't know just what it's for; No one gives us a rhyme or reason have one doubt they call it treason. Eugene McDaniels "Compared to What?"
It is difficult enough to try to stop people from hating you; you can try to be nice to them; that might work. But what about when people like you - or love you? Is it possible to stop them from feeling this? Sure it is, but to what end would anyone do that?
The Forbidden Truths of the Human War Ritual (tags)
All wars undertaken by nations are manifestations of the pathological mass torture, brainwashing, and abuse that the nation has itself inflicted upon each and every generation of it's own child-slaves.
I don’t know about you, but I am mighty tired of the warmongers making constant comparisons between Germany 1939 and Iraq 2003. This is not only disingenuous, it is dishonest.
I'm nothing if not fair and balanced. You decide. Do you like my definitions or BA's. We distort you decide.
The Forbidden Truths of War as Practiced by the Human Species (tags)
War is a human ritual practiced as a toxic reflection of the genocidal evil that ultra-diseased human societies impose upon every generation of their child-slaves. This Essay exposes the Forbidden Truths on this issue. All Rights Are Reserved, Copyright 2002 The Seer of Forbidden Truth.
Who's Really Counting Our Votes? (tags)
"Those who cast the vote decide nothing; Those who count the vote decide everything." - Joseph Stalin