fix articles 67275, constant
The Perfect Totalitarian Rule: Orwell (tags)
The security state is different than the constitutional state and is marked by the generalization of fear, de-politization and forms without substance. In 1984, Orwell warned of totalitarianism where the past was erased and the Party created a new language.
Narcissism as a Subject Form of Capitalism (tags)
The narcissist knows only two states: the absolute sense of powerlessness and omnipotence fantasies. Socialization cannot be left to an unconscious process since society's values are increasingly dysfunctional.
NATO is harboring the Islamic State (tags)
Who funds ISIS? Is the Bush-Cheney policy of "regime change" related to the flood of refugees?
Public Comment on South Central Farm Site (tags)
Received from Jack Neff of SCF.
Workaholics and Burnout (tags)
"Real life is unlived because one has traded oneself and everything one has for a promise of success and career that turns out to be nothing but a race without a goal or end."
Dylcia and Cisco on Panthers and Independista --SF8 Hearing on March 2 (tags)
This new episode of Freedom is a Constant Struggle (filmed by Angola 3 News) features Dylcia Pagan and Cisco Torres. Dylcia is a Puerto Rican freedom fighter, Independista, and former political prisoner. Cisco is the last member of the SF8 facing charges. He has an evidentiary hearing on March 2, 2011, and there is an 8 AM rally prior to the hearing, where supporters are urged to attend.
Constant vigilance is the Price we must pay, for our FREEDOM (tags)
The New President learns how to Walk! Talking about keeping your enemies near? He can still hear our cheers and consul, ringing in his ears. Our Government will learn how to walk, again. But, it must take a few baby steps first
Camping, Hiking in Los Angeles County (tags)
Some day the campgrounds will re-open
Human's rights crisis in Oaxaca (tags)
Mexican government keeps using represion and terror against Oaxaca's population. APPO makes desperate calls for action and solidarity.
I don’t know about you, but I am mighty tired of the warmongers making constant comparisons between Germany 1939 and Iraq 2003. This is not only disingenuous, it is dishonest.