fix articles 6717, patriot
Chem Trails Continue Under Patriot Act (tags)
Space Preservation Bill #2977 10-2-2001 Patriot Act 10-26-2001
Following Paris Terror Attacks, Only Three Things are Guaranteed (tags)
The immediate response to the terror attacks in France was one of blatant militarism. As Anti-Media reported earlier today, the French government has deployed 10,000 troops to patrol the streets of France.
kentucky 101 for beginners (tags)
Kentucky especially rural eastern ky is one of the poorest regions in the us. However, there are a lot of help from governmental agencies who help fund black lung clinics food pantries and health clinics. Not all people are in the poor levels.
Revisiting Patriot Act Police State Legislation (tags)
police state
US Senate Lets Three Patriot Act Provisions Expire (tags)
police state
Patriots witness overthrow of USA (tags)
One may reasonably claim to be patriot and at the same time support the assassins who overthrow & rule the USA with iron fist.
OWS Activists Called Domestic Terrorists (tags)
police state
Middle East on the Boil (tags)
Could Obama use NDAA To Arrest Militias? (tags)
Pres. Obama could use NDAA provisions to order U.S. Military Forces to round up without evidence, millions of Americans including militias by alleging they are belligerents or a threat to National Security.
9-11 has to be remembered now....and again... (tags)
9-11 has not been mentioned one time in all the current political campaigning....heard anything at all ? 9-11 is barely ever mentioned in mass media news any more. 9-11 is put away conveniently so everyone can pretend that ....we are now 'safe' ...and need not think, nor remember, nor dis-cover, nor explore, nor expose and not discuss-talk about what we worry about becaues it has not been fully investigated nor revealed... "No, dont discuss that's old news !" + "not now, not any more, that's the long ago Past...." they often say so easily & repeatedly. What is wrong with this distracting atmosphere we are breathing in daily ?
10 YEAR ANNIVERSARY OF FBI RAID ON RAISETHEFIST.COM - 10 YEARS OF CONTINUED RESISTANCE - THE FBI AND USA PATRIOT ACT EXPOSED. The FBI quickly SEALED the case preventing anyone from gaining access to FBI discovery documents which proves that the FBI lied and that they setup Sherman. A copy of the FBI discovery documents were obtained before they were sealed. We have a copy of the very pages that prove the FBI lied and that Sherman was set up. These documents will be published on very shortly ..
The Patriot Act is just a camouflaged version of the "War on Drugs" (tags)
The Patriot Act is just a war on the Bill of Rights and a war on the Constitution! It doesn't have anything to do with "terrorism" other then "terrorism" was the lame excuse used to create the Patriot Act.
Extending Key Patriot Act Provisions (tags)
Eric McDavid: Victimized by Green Scare State Terrorism (tags)
100s of political prisoners in America
Rites for hero Graciano Lopez Jaena turn into call for justice (tags)
The Echo Park Community Coalition (EPCC) News learned today that the annual rites commemorating the 153rd birth anniversary of Ilonggo patriot Graciano Lopez Jaena in Iloilo City, in the island of Panay echoed a call for justice for 31 journalists who were murdered in Ampatuan, Maguindanao. Graciano Lopez Jaena was known to be an orator but he was also a writer. “If he were alive today, Graciano Lopez Jaena would be part of the ‘endangered species’—journalists being killed with impunity,” said Demy Sonza, former Iloilo vice governor and head of the Dr. Graciano Lopez Jaena Foundation Inc. “But he would have fought hard, uncowed by threats,” said Sonza. Sonza said Lopez Jaena offered an inspiration for Filipino journalists “to remain vigilant, stand up for what is right and expose what is wrong” like what the patriot did in his lifetime.
Patriot Act still unconstitutional (tags)
Last week, the Senate Judiciary Committee voted to reauthorize three expiring provisions in the USA PATRIOT Act. While the bill they passed allegedly strengthened civil liberties in reality, the Committee failed to make any meaningful improvements to the Patriot provisions that violate citizen’s basic rights
BTL:Congress has Opportunity to Revise Patriot Act and Restore Civil Liberties Protections (tags)
BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine
The U.S. Creeps Closer to a Police State (tags)
When word first arrived that the G-20 would be meeting in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania, activists began organizing protest demonstrations. Events like this are what freedom of speech is made for. What better occasion to protest than a meeting of the world’s 20 top leaders — most of them deservedly hated — where they will be imposing policy on billions of people worldwide? The majority of protesters consisted of labor and community groups; they encountered an army of police…literally.
Patriot Act unconstitutional (tags)
The act in its current form gives sweeping search and surveillance to domestic law enforcement and foreign intelligence agencies and eliminates checks and balances which had been the difference between the free world and the suppressed.
When are "Ordinary Criminals" Terrorists? (tags)
Patriot Act Spin Brilliant Until You Think About It
Sen. Barbara Mikulski: Dubya Made Her Do It! (tags)
Sen. Barbara Mikulski (D-MD), on Sept. 22, 2008, charged that the Bush-Cheney Gang, led by Dubya, unduly pressured her into voting for the USA Patriot Act and also creating the “dysfunctional” Homeland Security Department. She said they used “fear” and “bad ideas” and implied that they made her into a “rubber stamp!” Sen. Mikulski whined about the idea of a Wall St. bailout, too, but then she voted to give the parasites the $700 billion.
The Odds of Change: A Statistical Look at Our Democrat’s Voting Records (tags)
We want change. Obama says he will deliver change, as did the Democrats in '06. Yet nothing could be farther from the truth. Even the statistics prove the Democrats have failed us.
Jennifer Van Bergen's "The Twilight of Democracy" (tags)
How democracy is being undermined in America.
Are We Voting for Change? (tags)
Do we really want change on Capitol Hill? We say we do, so why aren’t we looking for it?
Apolitical Direct Action Adopted by Potential Fascists (tags)
We Are Change pushes for The Burrito Project, a copy of Food Not Bombs. This is a threat to anarchism.
The USA PATRIOT Act: Redefining American Principles (tags)
What is the USA PATRIOT Act doing to our country? It is obvious that the Democratically lead Congress will not stop the Administration. It is time for the citizens of the United States of America to start fighting for what is rightfully theirs: their freedom.
New video shows how government “data-mining” harms privacy (tags)
"FBI Unbound: How National Security Letters Violate Our Privacy" is being shown in towns across the U.S. this fall -- especially on October 26, the anniversary of the PATRIOT Act.
Very Interesting Timeline (tags)
Mid 80's - Some scientists warn about CO2 and global warming but they are largely dismissed by other scientists and the public. 1993 - Two separate ice cores drilled into the Greenland Ice Sheet to depths of two miles both confirmed earlier evidence of many 'abrupt climate changes' that have occurred in as little as a decade rather than the thousand year transition that was previously believed.
New Civil Liberties Webspace,, help end the Patriot Act (tags)
The Loyal Nine is a civil liberties organization devoted to ending legislation like the USA PATRIOT Act, Real ID Act, Military Commission Act of 2006, Patriot Act 2 and so on…check out there new webspace at
Israel, U.S. hold large-scale Nuke Terror Drill March 21st (tags)
JERUSALEM: Israel and the U.S. are conducting a large-scale missile defense exercise aimed at combining their systems, American and Israeli officials said Sunday, as both countries warn that Iran could obtain nuclear weapons and long-range missiles. The operation, code-named "Juniper Cobra," is taking place in the Negev desert in southern Israel with thousands of American and Israeli troops. Both sides described the timing as routine, denying a direct connection to the Iran threat.
Defender of the Jewish State; Denier of Palestinian Misery (tags)
Wiesel pontificates, "The opposite of love is not hatred, but indifference." And it is complete indifference that he has repeatedly shown to the Zionist dispossession and dehumanization of the Palestinian people. Proclaimed a "messenger to mankind" at his 1986 Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech, Wiesel "swore never to be silent when human beings endure suffering and humiliation." Does that mean that he considers Palestinians to be less than human? Perish the thought that he regards Palestinians as Untermenschen like the Nazis considered Jews and Gypsies.
Court Hearing Tomorrow 7/26 (tags)
Hearing on USA Patriot Act and Humanitarian Aid Projects
BTL:Librarians Who Challenged Patriot Act Win Right To Speak Out (tags)
Interview with George Christian, executive director of the Library Connection in Windsor, Conn. conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris
Internet Censorship in the US: No Longer a Prediction (tags)
Internet censorship. It did not happen overnight but slowly came to America's shores from testing grounds in China and the Middle East.
Two Days to Stop the Patriot Act (tags)
This version of the Patriot Act will give the Government a free hand to further invade your privacy and other rights. Take action now!
The 3162...a Patriot Act (tags)
A free, progressive, three act play of protest
BTL:Library Challenge to Patriot Act Gag Rule Appealed to Supreme Court (tags)
Interview with Michael Gorman, president of the American Library Association, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris
All Power to the People 8/21 South central l.a (tags)
George Bush, our “Liar-in-Chief,” is Ignorant of History! (tags)
Baltimore’s patriots defeated the invading British forces in the War of 1812-1814, at Fort McHenry. Yesterday, President Bush, ranted at the Dundalk Marine Terminal, across the harbor from the fort, urging the renewal of the draconian Patriot Act. Bush is our “Liar-in-Chief” and he’s ignorant of history. What’s next? A surveillance device implanted in everyone’s head?
Vote on the Patriot Act! (tags)
let your voice be heard...
Help the Sun Set on the Patriot Act (tags)
Many sections of the Patriot Act are set to expire or "sunset" this year. Let's see that they do.
SOSMM Links to the Past (tags)
A brief history of the Modern Militia Movement in America
New PATRIOT Act Legislation Destroys Liberty (tags)
The Fourth Amendment reads as follows: "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."
Sen. Feingold, Lone Opponent of Original PATRIOT Act, Blasts Secret Plot to Make it Wors (tags)
Sen. Feingold, alone in opposing the PATRIOT Act in '01, blasts the White House attempt to use the Senate Intelligence Committee to produce an even worse bill in secret, behind the back of the Judiciary Committee.
Intelligence Committee in Maneuver to Pass Even Worse PATRIOT Act (tags)
With no announcement, the Senate Intelligence Committee has scheduled a closed door session to approve a version of the Patriot Act that would be even worse than the present act being considered by the Judiciary Committee. The hand of the White House seems to be behind the sneaky maneuver.
Woman's quest to decertify voting system succeeds (tags)
04/22/2005 Sheila Green of New Sewickley Township was successful in her efforts to have Beaver County stop using its $1.2 million UniLect Corp. Patriot touch-screen voting system. The Times / Lucy Schaly
COINTELPRO to the USA P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Act (tags)
Film showing, panel and open discussion!
BTL:Civil Liberties Groups Campaign to Repeal Key Provisions of... (tags)
...USA Patriot Act ~ Interview with Jerome Paun, treasurer of the National Lawyers Guild, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris
U.S. law threatens our privacy (tags)
*Pop* Goes The Weasel. The Arrogant Amerikan Empire.
Gathering Information Now Illegal (tags)
The war on domestic terrorists coming soon to your area.
News Gathering Illegal Under New Patriot Act ll, Sec. 102 (tags)
SECTION 102 of the new Patriot Act ll states clearly that any information gathering, regardless of whether or not those activities are illegal, can be considered to be clandestine intelligence activities for a foreign power. This makes news gathering illegal.
All aspects of the Sherman Martin Austin case have been rejected by the LA County DA's Office
Silver Linings Dept: Russ Feingold Shows Dems the Way to 2008 (tags)
While Kerry’s timid Republican-lite, pro-war, pro-free trade campaign was a loser, progressive Sen. Russ Feingold, running against the war, against the Patriot Act, and against NAFTA, trounced his opponent to win a third term in bellweather Wisconsin, showing Democrats what they need to do to win next time.
From COINTELPRO to the Patriot Act: The long battle for justice and civil liberties (tags)
Jailed Black Panther calls for amnesty
Truckers Join IWW, Win 2-Day Strike (tags)
More than 200 Stockton owner-operator truckers working out of the rail yards in California's Central Valley have joined the IWW since July and won several victories.
STOP Bush’s drive to shred the Constitution (tags)
Our responce to the attack of the Big Business Corporate Terrorist Machine Beast that relents not a undoing all the US citizens have fought to attain.
Update on the USA Patriot Act, Unitarian Church, Anaheim, Friday, August 20th, 6:30 pm (tags)
RICHARD GILLOCK, board member of the Orange County Chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union, will give us an update on the USA Patriot Act and other pending legislation that threatens civil rights and liberties.
To David Cobb - Please Cede California Ballot Line To Nader (tags)
For much of your campaign, you have stated that the purpose of your run is to "build the Green Party." Up to now, despite my personal disagreement over tactics, I have had no reason to doubt that. But the moment is here - an important historical moment for both our party and the nation - to learn whether or not that is, in fact, your intent.
Liberty Bound's Christine Rose shares her experience with police brutality at a protest.
- Art of War - American Patriot (tags)
American Patriot
Fake Terror on Congress Last Week- Patriot II Next Week (tags)
Last Thursday air traffic controllers guided a plane near the Reagan Memorial Event, but they did not tell the security on the ground, who thought it was a terrorist attack. Cops were screaming, "run, run run!" and had some members of Congress, the Supreme Court and even Rupert Murdoch running for their lives. 'Someone' intentionally created this terror scare for Congress- how do we know? Because the FAA spokesman was caught in an outright lie. Hundreds of people were terrorized for no reason.... well there may be a reason, but the FAA knew the plane was not a threat.
Feds STILL unable to distinguish art from bioterrorism Grand jury to convene June 15 HELP URGENTLY NEEDED - SEE BELOW Three artists have been served subpoenas to appear before a federal grand jury that will consider bioterrorism charges against a university professor whose art involves the use of simple biology equipment.
More anti-terrorism power sought - JUSTICE DEPARTMENT SAYS PATRIOT ACT NOT ENOUGH (tags)
WASHINGTON - The Justice Department is seeking to expand its anti-terrorism powers again, adding, among other things, an FBI subpoena power so secret that even a lawsuit challenging it had to be kept under wraps.
Josh Connole and Bill Paparian, Esq., speak at Unitarian Church of OC, 3/14/04 @ 11 am (tags)
Today, Feb. 18, 2003 Patriot Act Forum @ Loyola Marymount University Jerry Quickley, Host of KPFK Beneath the Surface. Performance Poet Sonali Kolhatkar, Host/Co-Producer of KPFK Uprising. Vice President of the Afghan Women’s Mission. Professor Erwin Chemerinsky, Professor of Public Interest Law, Legal Ethics, and Political Science, U.S.C. Law School. Director, Center for Communications Law and Policy. Jennifer Ruggiero, Teacher/Artist. Mother of political prisoner Sherman Martin Austin.
the illusiuon & hypocrisy in US sports
BTL:Left-Right Coalition Resists President Bush's Call to Renew USA Patriot Act. (tags)
Interview with Charlie Mitchell, legislative counsel with the American Civil Liberties Union, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris
outFarpress presents "Reining In The Patriot Act" with ACLU Lawyer (tags)
A 59 minute speech by Judith Volkart of the N CA ACLU. An update on what is known and being done to "rein in" the Patriot Act. 2 files- broadcast and slow modem. Free to rebroadcast upon notification.
Civil Liberties Defense Coalition (CLDC) (tags)
EMERGENCY ACTION ALERT For the Los Angeles, CA - City Council Resolution against the USA PATRIOT Act, and related Executive Orders File No. 03-0002-S162 Title USA PATRIOT ACT/REPEAL
Tom Payne or, Tom Brady? Who is the patriot? (tags)
Tom Payne was a patriot. What is his legacy? Tom Brady is a patriot. He won a super bowl. You decide.
G8 2004:COINTELPRO in Savannah (tags)
Cops stake out G8 event in Savannah. Ga. Activists demand that city gov't buck the Patriot Act and flush the political police. (Hational Coalition to Repeal the Patriot Act- )
Do you want to remove Bush? (tags)
Listen to the widow Marianis interview with Alex Jones regarding the civil RICO ACT. Listen to her story!
G8 2004: Call for support of free speech actions in Savannah, GA june 8-10, 2004
Rush Limbaugh Has No Sense Of Irony (tags)
With the advent of the investigation into Rush Limbaugh's drug use, can the conservative celebrity and staunch defender of John Ashcroft and the Patriot Act undestand the irony or is it completely beyond him?
Nation resounds to call: Repeal the Patriot Act (tags)
WASHINGTON – A crowd of 3,000 people at Constitution Hall, Nov. 9, erupted in cheers when Al Gore called for repeal of the Patriot Act to stop George W. Bush’s assault on the Bill of Rights.
Stalkers, harassers & nut cases III (tags)
Government "STALKERS & NUT CASES" Real Domestic Contact Services (DCS), Government Disinformation & Name Takers, Government Plants, Patriot Spies, Goverment Dupes, Felons, Cross Dressers, Kiddie Porno Freaks, Drug addicts, FBI-CIA Drug & Weapon Dealers, Some Declared Criminally Insane, Stooges, Idiots, Morons, Imbeciles & Satanists
Civil Liberties Defense Coalition - NEEDS YOUR HELP! (tags)
WE NEED YOUR HELP! For the Los Angeles City Council Resolution against the USA PATRIOT Act, and other related measures.
Billions are wondering why (the government is so crooked) (tags)
Several billion people in the world — including myself — are wondering why: • America is hell-bent on destroying its own Constitution. The first Patriot Act torpedoed most of it, but now the new Patriot Act II — currently under wraps and about to be deployed secretly for a rigged vote in Congress — actually contains a provision to revoke the citizenship of American citizens if they are deemed to be connected with a terrorist organization. This decision would require no proof, only an assertion by the government. It means that people who attend peace protests are now eligible for indefinite detention without access to lawyers or phone calls to family. To be clear, it means quite literally that America is no longer a free country, and that its citizens are no longer Constitutionally protected from arbitrary punishment by its war-mad government.
No pause in Patriot Act pounding (tags)
While Bush is working to undo more of our liberty, there are bipartisan efforts in Congress pushing back. Perhaps the most promising is the "Safety and Freedom Ensured (SAFE) Act" that would rollback some of the worst excesses of the Patriot Act. If even NBA commissioners know the Patriot Act is a bad thing, what is Congress waiting for?
Get Rid of Bush & What do you Have in Clark? (tags)
His job is to guarantee Bush Junior gets reelected. His job is to see that no viable Democratic candidate survives the primaries. His job, should he miraculously get elected over Bush, is to then run, execute, implement the American-led Empire precisely as George Bush Junior would have done.
Civil Rights and Liberties in Dean's Vermont
LA 8 (Palestinians) to be retried under Patriot Act (tags)
The Bush administration has decided to pursue a 16-year-old effort to deport two Palestinian activists who as students distributed magazines and raised funds for a group the government now considers a terrorist organization, despite several court rulings that the deportations are unconstitutional because the men were not involved in terrorist activity.
The nation's attorney general is on the ropes and swinging wildly. (tags)
Once again, Mr. Ashcroft has utterly missed the point. As many commentators have patiently tried to explain to him--we must, after all, talk to him as one talks to a punch-drunk fighter--the point is not whether federal authorities have yet started checking what we read; the point is that the U.S. Patriot Act gives those authorities the right to monitor what we read. Giving anyone that right is exactly what’s wrong, Mr. Ashcroft. If we are hysterics, then you, sir, are a dangerous dimwit.
Ashcroft on the Offensive, Calls Criticism 'Hysterics' (tags)
Attorney General John Ashcroft yesterday stepped up his attack on his critics, calling them "hysterics."
Labor and Patriot Acts I and II: (tags)
A case for political action President George W. Bush heads the most viciously anti-worker, anti-labor administration we have seen in a long time. He and his corporate backers are hell-bent on blocking any new advances for labor and on rolling back existing labor rights.
PLEASE FORWARD – POST – IMITATE - PLAGIARIZE Okay, we dropped the ball with this – Ashcroft’s entire tour to date was done within two days of its announcement. But he’s coming to Boston, NY, and Salt Lake City, and probably other places. And the vile lies and half-truths posted on need to be challenged loudly, and often. Preferably by people with “mullet” hairdos.
BTL: ACLU Sues Over Key Provision of USA Patriot Act... (tags)
...Attorney General John Ashcroft and FBI Director Robert Mueller named as defendants. Interview with Tim Edgar, legislative counsel with the American Civil Liberties Union, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris
ACLU Will Challenge the Patriot Act (tags)
ACLU Challenges U.S. Anti - Terrorism Law By REUTERS
outFarpress presents- ACLU Speaker On Patriot Act And Gay Rights July 28 (tags)
On July 28th, Bob Kearney, Associate Director of the Northern California American Civil Liberties Union, spoke on the Patriot Acts, Privacy Rights, and the Rights of Gays. 2 files, broadcast quality (26MB) and slow modem (6.7MB) LINK- This is the 4th in a series of speeches given by ACLU speakers produced by Dan Roberts and outFarpress.
Total Police State Takeover (tags)
A Brief Analysis of the Domestic Security Enhancement Act 2003, Also Known as Patriot Act II By Alex Jones (Posted Feb 10, 2003)
Report On Patriot Act CandleLight Vigil (tags)
The dubiously named USA Patriot Act has moved hundreds of people to a candle light vigil last Friday July 19, 2003 to call for the return of our civil liberties.
PHOTOS: Vigil to Protest the Patriot Act (tags)
Hundreds gather at the corner of Hollywood and Highland, Saturday, July 19, 2003, to protest against the Patriot Act and to challenge the ongoing attacks on immigrants, especially those with Arab, South Asian, or African origins.
Privacy Violations at Libraries(amsellem) (tags)
cartoon ©2003 by charles amsellem. all rights reserved. activists may reproduce for non profit use
Warning! The USA Patriot Act and Other Dangerous Things (tags)
Support the LA Librarian's Guild "Patriot" Act repeal proposal! (tags)
Your faxes, e-mails and support at commissioner's meeting needed!
“Democracy Dies Behind Closed Doors” -- Article Dedicated to the 4th of July (tags)
6-26-03 Topanga Community House (Los Angeles area) Stephan F. Rohde - constitutional lawyer, author and lecturer spoke on the post 911 erosion of civil rights under the Bush Administration. Event sponsored by the newly formed --- Mother’s for an Aware America--- Below is a portion of the transcript and photos:
No matter what the issue is ... the answer is ... get everybody to vote. You wanna feel represented.. get everybody you know to vote.
July 3, National Public Hearings to Repeal the Patriot Act (tags)
On July 3, cities across the country will hold independant Public Hearings to Repeal the Patriot Act.
Patriot Act used for more than anti-terror (tags)
Washington -- The Justice Department has used many of the anti-terrorism powers granted in the wake of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks to pursue defendants for crimes unrelated to terrorism, including drug violations, credit card fraud and bank theft, according to a government accounting released Tuesday.
Son Of Patriot Act Goes From Bad To Worse (tags)
"...reduce or eliminate judicial oversight over surveillance, authorize secret arrests, create a DNA database based on unchecked executive `suspicion,' create new death penalties, and even seek to take American citizenship away from persons who belong to or support disfavored political groups."
Council approves resolution urging Patriot Act's repea (tags)
"The ... government that is in power right now wants to do away with dissent," said Alderman Lionel Jean-Baptiste, 2nd Ward. "They want to make sure we stay indoors, that we stay silent."
July 3, National Public Hearings to Repeal the Patriot Act (tags)
On July 3, cities around the country will hold National Public Hearings to Repeal the Patriot Act.
The Patriot Act and Persecution of Sherman Austin (LA Weekly article) (tags)
Police State - The Patriot's Code of Silence (tags)
When you are arrested, the best thing you can do is KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT. Push your teeth together, seal your lips and breathe through your nose. Say nothing except the following ãI want an attorney pleaseä. Answer every question, regardless of how ridiculous your answer may seem with that statement or something almost identical to it.
Government moves to make Patriot Act permanent (tags)
Congressional push to remove the sunset provisions from the Patriot Act some time before 2005. If the govt. truly seeks to make this country safer it should stop bombing innocent people around the world in its push for greater world hegemony. No amount of spying will create peace and safety in that climate.
Americans have good reason to be afraid of their leaders (tags)
But now here's an irony that no one expected. Back in America, complaining about America is the one thing that's pretty much disappeared, lost under the weight of a collective patriotism and increasing constitutional limitations.
Help stop Ashcroft's "Patriot Act II," which would gut freedoms of speech and assembly, freedom from unreasonable search and seizure, the right to due process, and much more. The law would principally harm non-citizens. For information on upcoming events around LA, contact
The war at home It's time to defend our liberties before protest becomes a crime (tags)
The War On Freedom launched by the Bush Junta continues. If you value your freedom, the right to speak freely your mind speak now or it will become a crime.
JULY 4 Candlelight Vigil for the Constitution of the U.S. and the Bill of Rights (tags)
In light of repression by the police of residents in Arab Communities; In light of criminalization of anti-war protestors, and in light of the complicity of the corporate media with the war crimes of the Bush Administration, this response addresses these issues in a creative and non-violent, yet assertive manner.
I hope people find this of use. It seems to be a good basic summary of the provisions of the Fourth Reich's "Enabling Act".
Republicans Plan to make PATRIOT Act Permanent (tags)
If this goes through, it will effectively end 227 years of constitutional rule in America. WHERE ARE OUR CIVIL LIBERTIES? Where is the freedom that had made America great?
Disturbing Similarities of History - The Third Reich and the Presidency of George Bush (tags)
I just threw this timeline together, so it isn't perfect; I'm still working on it. However, notice the striking and horrifyingly blatant similarities between the two...
Get Ready for PATRIOT II (And the Fourth Reich) (tags)
The Bush Junta has already provided adequate evidence that they are not friends of the Constitution or the Civil Liberties Protected therein. If this Bill is ever allowed to pass you can kiss your ass goodbye. Here come the "Detention Camps" for dissidents (those who do not parrot the Party Line. All "Good Americans" Goose Step mit Der Fuhrer.
Simple Simon: An answer would be nice (tags)
Some questions for you and your friends so that I can get to know you better.
Anti-war protests in Los Angeles achieve steady pace (tags)
Keep the pressure on!!!
Report on the protests in L.A.
The PNAC and it`s connection to the Bush Wars (tags)
Who pulls the strings in US foreign policy< what are their goals and who pays the price.
"In Our Name: A Statement of Justice" (tags)
A petition in support of the sovereignty and defense of the United States
USA Patriot Act II--A$hcroft drafts secret sequel (tags)
The Bush Administration is preparing a bold, comprehensive sequel to the USA Patriot Act passed in the wake of September 11, 2001, which will give the government broad, sweeping new powers to increase domestic intelligence-gathering, surveillance and law enforcement prerogatives, and simultaneously decrease judicial review and public access to information. For additional information, watch the PBS program "Now With Bill Moyers" tonight at 9 P.M. EST. (local listings The show will also air an interview with Charles Lewis.
STOP THE PATRIOT ACT! Protest @ Westwood Federal Building this Friday (tags)
Protest for
Stop the FBI! Stop the PATRIOT ACT! This friday @ Westwood Federal Building! (tags)
Destruction of our rights: Riva Enteen, National Lawyers Guild (interview MP3) (tags)
Guns & Butter Radio Interview: Riva Enteen, program director for the San Francisco chapter of the National Lawyers Guild; mp3, ~59 minutes
STOP THE FBI! STOP THE PATRIOT ACT! Converge at Westwood Federal Building, Jan 24! (tags)
STOP THE FBI! SUPPORT RAISE THE FIST, JAN 24 @ Westwood Federal Building! (correction) (tags)
STOP THE FBI! SUPPORT RAISE THE FIST, JAN 24 @ Westwood Federal Building! (tags)
pbnberkeley news notice - 12/16/02 (tags)
Publishing, republishing and compiling community news and event information promoting global peace and working class solidarity and NO WAR!
The definition of patriotism
The Terrorism Information and Prevention System, or TIPS, means the US will have a higher percentage of citizen informants than the former East Germany through the infamous Stasi secret police. The program would use a minimum of 4 per cent of Americans to report "suspicious activity".
Do You Love America? Do You? (tags)
Do You Love America? Do You?
Wartime Lies: A Consumer's Guide to the Bombing (tags)
Some tips on how to cut through the corporate media lies that proliferate during every war. Some examples of past obfuscations are offered. His last point is the most powerful.
Helicopter Circling Patriot Hall (tags)
A Police Helicopter circled Patriot Hall multiple times at low altitude late Tuesday evening. The Los Angeles Independent Media Center is at this location and the Shadow Convention is being held here.