fix articles 66828, sports Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : sports


Le cyborg ou paraphysique du sport (tags)

Une tyrannie augmentée...

Conscience de l'isolement (tags)

La conscience de l'isolement...

Le cyborg ou paraphysique du sport (tags)

Le sport du capital, le capital du sport...

Rupert Murdoch, Roger Ailes ,The GOP, Bush Operatives Exclude Rand Paul From Public Airwav (tags)

Though Rand Paul has been ahead of Christie, Bush and Kasich in the Jan 13th 2016 Des Moines Register and several other polls, the Fox tv network (part of Rupert Murdoch's NewsCorp) has excluded him from the next debate.

Half of cuba's Hockey Team defects to the USA (tags)

Half of the Cuban men's field hockey team at the Pan American Games in Toronto defected to the United States, a player and sources close to the Cuban delegation said.

Scoundrel Media FIFA Bashing (tags)


CBS, Ford, Las Vegas, Kawasaki, Randy Houser, Country Radio Sponsor Rodeo Brutality (tags)

It's time for CBS, Ford, Kawasaki, Randy Houser, Clear Channel, the city of Las Vegas etc. to end their profiteering from blood sports causing deaths and injurieds to human beings and animals.

Blood Sport Of Football Correlated To War, Domestic Violence, Player Deaths, Paralysis (tags)

Football: a blood sport in which the players are collateral damage for the owners, the advertisers, the networks, the alcohol industry, the ticket buyers and the tv audience.

Conscience de l'isolement (tags)

Conscience de l'isolement, l'isolement de la conscience...

Should the NFL Lose Its Tax-Exempt Status? (tags)

Giving a tax-exempt status to the NFL is like Stephan Harper's perversion of remaking Canada a bitumen staple theory. Vancouver BC has 26 community centers, some with swimming pools that take your breath away. Maybe a future of community centers is a third way beyond state and market.

Brazilians Demand Social Justice (tags)


Le cyborg ou paraphysique du sport (tags)

La technologie du sport est le sport de la technologie...

Freedom vs. Forced Health Care Insurance (tags)

Freedom vs. Forced Health Care Insurance

Lies, Damn Lies and the Murdoch Empire (tags)

Murdock media lies and deceit.

Competition and the Legal System (tags)

Competition is not always a fountain of economic development..Certain academic findings are dangerous for the functioning of norm systems. The critic becomes the delinquent. Several wicked mosquitos may be criticized, not mosquitos in general.

Audio from Manu Chao show: Clandestino! (tags)

Audio of Manu Chao playing Clandestino at LA Sports Arena!

Sports Figures Call for Gary Tyler's Freedoom (tags)

Tommie Smith and John Carlos were part of the most dynamic moment in the history of sports and struggle when they raised their black-gloved fists at the 1968 Olympics. Lee Evans was also a gold medal winner at those Olympics and a leader of the Olympic Project for Human Rights. Rubin "Hurricane" Carter was a top-ranked boxer who spent almost twenty years in prison for a triple homicide before being exonerated after an international campaign to win his freedom. Jim "Bulldog" Bouton and Bill "Spaceman" Lee were all-star pitchers for the Yankees and Red Sox who told uncomfortable truths about both society and the game that they love. Etan Thomas plays for the NBA's Washington Wizards and stands in the tradition of the previous generation of political athletes. Together, they and other sports figures are are asking Louisiana Governor Kathleen Blanco for the release of Gary Tyler. Read the statement to see how Tyler's quest for justice has brought these and other extraordinary figures from the world of sports together.


Art Through Sports, Marc Smith & Travis Craven, Opening Reception, January 13th, 6pm-10pm. A portion of proceeds from art sales will be donated to Positive Coaching Allliance.

Phone/Email Jam to Shut Down Racist Minuteman Recruiting! (tags)

HATE GROUPS TO RALLY IN TUCSON IN OCTOBER We are calling for an emergency phone and email jam of the venue, and are letting it be known that if the meeting is not canceled, the community will be out in force to protest these racist, fear-peddling fools!


The United Patriots of America (UPA), a group allied with the Minuteman Project, announced this public recruiting drive in Bridgewater on a radio station whose hosts are pretty sympathetic to their cause. Logic would say that they should have expected the press to show up, but when they did, they turned them away. Logic would also say that they should have expected protests, but they didn't seem prepared for that either considering most of the people that were in their meeting was there to disrupt it! Finally logic would say that if you are going to have a meeting to get support for your group while at the same time try to deflect charges of working with racists and the hate groups they belong to, the last thing you would want to do is have as your keynote speaker a guy who is a member of not one, but two groups that the Southern Poverty Law Center designate as a hate group. Well, all of that happened this weekend, and we got it all down for you. All of the attendees were lily white, except for two people. One was a black dude who was working for Ron Bass, the guy who runs UPA. The other was DLJ - and he was asked to leave because he was taping the meeting! He managed to BS them into allowing him to stay, and he was able to get some good footage prior to them trying to give him trouble. The pics going along with this story come from that video, so some of them are a little fuzzy, but they are still good enough for folks to see what went down. Mad props have to go to Casa Freehold, who alerted everyone to what was happening in our backyard. The summer is getting hotter and hotter.

The Web: Online publishing ascending (tags)

A story about online publishing.


With the Indian team waiting for the one day finals to play in Australia Whatever be the result of the game but after returning to home ,the people will see players in a new avatar, that is their endorsement packages will increase and we will see them encashing their popularity through commercial-ads ,inaugurations , interviews or might be judging the various contests.

Limbaugh doesn't address drug reports during Philadelphia speech (tags)

After accepting Limbaugh's resignation on Wednesday, George Bodenheimer, president of ESPN and ABC Sports, said: "We regret the circumstances surrounding this. We believe that he took the appropriate action to resolve this matter expeditiously."

Who owns CNN? or MSNBC? ABC? (tags)

So ya think we have a "free press" eh? Check out who owns who, and who owns what you think.......

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