fix articles 66794, cameras Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : cameras


Shootings in USA - Boys Playin Politics (tags)

They want a police state.

Afghan Women Read founded 1977 (tags)

RAWA is an acronym for the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan founded in 1977. They were founded to earn rights for the women in their country.

US and Israel's Insulting Solution to Restore Calm in Palestine (tags)


Leaked Document: ALF-Prevention And Security Manual For Fur Farms (tags)

20-page document gives inside look at how fur farmers prevent raids by the Animal Liberation Front.

LAPD's High-Tech "War Room" (tags)

The LAPD is fighting crime from a high-tech war room that gives it eyes all over the city. The surveillance hub is now a model for police forces around the world and KCAL9 got an exclusive tour inside from Chief Charlie Beck.

Will We Be Spied ON And X-Rayed To Death—By Government? (tags)

It is frightening to consider that a corrupt U.S. Government or quasi government agency could abuse government X-ray scanners, over exposing (targeted Citizens) to radiation—perhaps causing recipients cancer.


The first hearing of the Mehserle murder trial in Southern California took place on Friday January 8, 2010. The 7am gathering and press conference in front of the L.A. Superior Court Building was in many ways a meet-and-greet between the newly formed LA Coalition For Justice for Oscar Grant and representatives from Oakland.


"The security cameras are just one part of a much broader high-tech surveillance and censorship program known in China as "Golden Shield." The end goal is to use the latest people-tracking technology — thoughtfully supplied by American giants like IBM, Honeywell and General Electric — to create an airtight consumer cocoon: a place where Visa cards, Adidas sneakers, China Mobile cellphones, McDonald's Happy Meals, Tsingtao beer and UPS delivery (to name just a few of the official sponsors of the Beijing Olympics) can be enjoyed under the unblinking eye of the state, without the threat of democracy breaking out."

AFSCME service workers demonstrate in Westwood too (tags)

Westwood & Wilshire was closed down Westwood & Wilshire was closed down Thursday a few hours by groups of green-shirted AFSCME chanting sign holders - But with police action deterring all traffic elsewhere the streets were bare

Mesa Photo Radar beefed us - Their losing money (tags)

Tom Rawles says they ain't cherry picking to raise revenue - “I don’t want to create the impression that the contractor or the city is trying to cherry pick the locations in order to get revenue up"

Surveillance Camera Players: 10-Year report (tags)

The Surveillance Camera Players report back on 10 years of work and fun.

Cops always have excuses for breaking the law!!!! (tags)

"As an officer, I'd hate to have to worry about getting a ticket in the mail when all I'm trying to do is my job," - a lame ass excuse why cops should be allowed to speed and run red lights with out being questioned

HDFEST will screen indie High-Def in Los Angeles (tags)

HDFEST is an all high-definition film festival. All films presented at HDFEST were created using exclusively HD cameras or HD animation. HDFEST also has a tour each year- this year the tour went to Seoul, South Korea, London, NYC, Finland... and now the final event in LA.

They use close circuit cameras to control the traffic lights (tags)

f they can use cameras to control traffic they can use the same cameras to let the police spy on you

Not so secret address of REDFLEX TRAFFIC SYSTEMS, INC. (tags)

The Arizona Republic ran an article about the secret offices in Scottsdale, Arizona of Redflex Traffic Systems which makes photos radar systems

Greece: Another Two Police Surveillence Cameras Destroyed (tags)

Greece, Athens: Another Two Police Surveillence Cameras Destroyed

Peregrinacion por la Paz (tags)

Santa Monica, Sunday, March 19, eighty people marched with Fernando Suarez Del Solar from the Federal Building in Westwood to the Arlington West Memorial at the Santa Monica Pier. There, Mr. Suarez, Mrs. Castro, and others, in front of many cameras, checked some of the 2,317 crosses set up on the beach, in honor of the U.S. soldiers killed in Iraq.

Police Cameras Spark Privacy Debate, Citizens Seek to Block Photos (tags)

Police oppress people of color and women with surveillance technology.

Michael Golembewski, photographer (tags)

Interview with photographer Michael Golembewski who uses a flatbed scanner as a camera

internationals against video surveillance (tags)

an international grouping sponsors an international day against video surveillance.

RadioActive SD interview with Sherman Austin about police brutality - also Tezzarom w/SCF (tags)

radioactive sandiego - doing time from cameras to razorwire 11-08

LA and Surveillance cameras (tags)

LA is a crime troubled city with not enough unbiased eyes watching.

surveillance growth in NYC (tags)

graphic in New York Times 22 May 2005

1984 comes to Hollywood (tags)

The recently installed surveillance cameras along Hollywood Boulevard are being credited with the quick arrest of a transient who brutally stabbed a 21-year-old local resident in the neck as the victim sat, eating his lunch in a Hollywood Burger King.


In RIVERSIDE: school district is covering up, telling lies to parents; their response to increase alleged racial tension is to SUPRESS ANY DISCUSSION ABOUT RACE ISSUES, and INCREASE POLICE, GANG UNITS, AND GANG PROFILING ON CAMPUS AND OF STUDENTS.

Beware, New Stun Weapons In Government Buildings, Heavy Steel Buildings Used To Control US (tags)

Beware of some new weaponry being used in government buildings and around them. Take a look at these ideal weapons, first is a laser stun gun without wires

"WAR: Protest in America" Series Screening at REDCAT (tags)

Free daily screenings of a powerful anti-war film collection. Includes Julie Talen's "Sixty Cameras Against the War" which can be downloaded for free through

Annihilation of Human Dignity (tags)

Masters and their sorcerer's apprentices

Abu Ghraib prison scandal motivates "Rummy" to implement badly needed reform! (tags)

Mobile phones fitted with digital cameras have been banned in United States Army installations in Iraq on orders from Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, The Business newspaper reported on Sunday.

The Hyena Press (tags)

Iraq behind the cameras: a different reality (tags)

"We've got a lot of good things going on, but when I went home (on leave), people were just like 'We never hear that stuff,' " said Civil Affairs Pvt. Amy Schroeder. "That's what makes the families worry." What Iraq looks like on TV, and what Iraq is like for the 130,000 troops living here, sometimes feels like two different realities.

Denouncing Oppresion in Summer 2004 (tags)

Corruption, socialism, fascism, etc. has become all too great in the last few years, but sadly, no one has noticed.

Cameras Are Face Scanning Us (tags)

From Alex Jones ( They are putting cameras up everywhere with microphones, face scanning us. What for? So they can watch us. Why? Because they are abusing us and are now afraid of us.

Pentagon Watching You: Latest Developments On Surveillance Front (tags)

All technologies developed can and most likely will be used on US citizens; DARPA's open bidding announcements are simply one way they have to periodically deal with the fact that the media eventually learns about what they are doing.

US POW rescue was 'stage-managed' (tags)

Just keep telling yourself - we have no stage managed controlled Presstitutes, it was not about Oil, Hi I'm from the Government I'm here to help you, we have no stage managed controlled Presstitutes, it was not about Oil, Hi, I'm from the Government I'm here to help you, ...

Humanity: Get Ready For Serfdom Again (tags)

They are setting things up for complete world serfdom again.

A Guide to Videotaping Police at Demonstrations (tags)

A Training Manual for Videotaping Police at Demonstrations

Peaceful demonstrator from Los Angeles violently beat down in Tel Aviv by police (tags)

pulling them up by their arms and beating them. they kicked another women Sara chaluche,an American from Los Angeles California in the jaw. and this is only what I saw - I have ran away soon afterwards. there were three video cameras with us - that were specifically targeted and attacked by the police. two of the cameras (indymedia) were smashed to

A few views from Philadelphia (tags)

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