fix articles 66072, she says Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : she says

she says

The Shortwave Report 12/16/16 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. NHK World Radio Japan, Spanish National Radio, Radio Havana Cuba, and Sputnik Radio.


For obvious reasons, it’s been more difficult for Muslim LGBTQ activist Nadiya Al-Noor to come out as a Zionist than it was coming out as queer

Budget Crisis Could Close Womens Shelter (tags)

Unless a state budget is passed, the shelter may close as early as September 15th.

Report from Oaxaca - Dec. 19 - The Transformation of Magdalena (tags)

Just as arbitrarily as she’d been grabbed off the street on the 25th, she was told that she was going home. She can’t stop thinking about the women she left behind. Before, Magdalena hadn’t given much thought to the people’s struggle. Her experience has affected her profoundly. She says after what the government has done to her she wants to participate in the struggle however she can.

Special Update from Revolution journalists in Oaxaca! Pass the word on... (tags)

The first account from two revolutionary journalists in Oaxaca covering the upheaval and struggle and dreams of the masses there. A call to support their efforts and invite them to speak on their experiences upon their return.

Close call for Bay Area teen who escapes conflict in Lebanon (tags)

"Of the Israeli and Hezbollah armies, she says, ”It felt like the Israelis had no heart...someone has to defend the Lebanese people.”

Not so secret address of REDFLEX TRAFFIC SYSTEMS, INC. (tags)

The Arizona Republic ran an article about the secret offices in Scottsdale, Arizona of Redflex Traffic Systems which makes photos radar systems


The ones who read Wallpaper are going to love it. It's unique, very cutting edge modernist. MONSOON HERITAGE magical creations between art and design, decoration and sculpture, pop and fine, profane and sacred.

Families to the Brink (tags)

Property taxes. No single campaign issue ignites such anger and confusion, especially among people living in the 6th District in Camden County, where they pay the highest school taxes in the state.

Voices Of The Lost And Forgotten - Pt. Three: The children's voices (tags)

These are some of the voices of the children lost in a world of poverty, homelessness and despair. Their voices are the most painful to listen to. Everyone needs to hear their stories to fully understand the nightmare of homelessness and poverty from a child’s perspective.

Sister, Uncle Sam Wants You Too (tags)

As military recruiters step up their efforts to make up for slipping numbers, young women of color are high on their list. Meanwhile, counter-recruitment activists are speaking out.

Sister, Uncle Sam Wants You Too (tags)

As military recruiters step up their efforts to make up for slipping numbers, young women of color are high on their list. Meanwhile, counter-recruitment activists are speaking out.


The LA murder rate is going up and the police chief has requested more officers. But California is broke and cannot afford to recruit. Civil rights lawyer Connie Rice warns that with too few officers to "police humanely", parts of the city may as well be in Falluja.

'They Just Wanted it to Go Away' (tags)

'The Stupidest Thing the Army Could Have Done is Charge These Reservists...Any Defense Lawyer is Going to Push to Find Out Who Was Really Calling the Shots at Abu Ghurayb,' Says Defendant's Lawyer

Libertarians prepare to haul ass for a guv'ment-free clime (tags)

"(Libertarians) don't have the competence needed to run a political organization. The party attracts people who are anarchists at heart. They cannot follow orders or work as a team."

Leaving Las Vegas for a healthier state of being? (tags)

Since Nevada is no longer a frontier state, a fundamental rethinking of health care is in order; "The libertarian attitude has to evolve" else "we should all leave"

Alma’s courage: Colombian journalist risks everything to tell the truth (tags)

“Death threats are not new for us. It is a way of life here. Every family in Colombia has come to terms with violence. Everyone in Colombia knows of a relative who has been tortured, disappeared, or killed – treated in the most grotesque ways.”

New Roswell Witness (tags)

Yet another witness speaks out

TIME Magazine: America, The Occupier (tags)


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