fix articles 6587, thomas road
Visit Phoenix Mayor Phil Gordon at his new home (tags)
So Mayor Phil Gordon now lives at the Chateau on Central, which is just north of McDowell Road on Central Avenue.
Hundreds protest as Arizona's immigration law takes effect (tags)
At least 50 protesters angry with Arizona's new immigration law were arrested Thursday during numerous acts of civil disobedience, and some temporarily delayed Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio's latest crime sweep that opponents say was designed to arrest illegal immigrants.
Good Police Work or Just Dumb Luck - It's the latter (tags)
If the cops catch the serial killer, shooter, rapist it will probably be a result of luck, not hard work or good police work. That's according to them as Phoenix police Detective Mark Potts said "90 percent of good police work is luck. It's being in the right place at the right time". Plus this serial killer, rapist, shooter is a real jobs program for cops. Det Potts is probably making close to $200K with overtime.