fix articles 65777, replaced
Israel’s Human Rights Spies (tags)
Haaretz: Israel infiltrates Amnesty International
The Culture of Sameness Lament (tags)
Cities all over the U.S. are losing their historic soul.
Thinkers replaced by Social Controllers on massive scale. (tags)
The following is a clarification re prev article. It says thinkers are being replaced by social controllers because truth is the major threat to the dominant elite, secular liberal collectivists. Also, explains how Corporations are highly favored.
Obama Planning War on Syria? (tags)
Washington's Man in Libya (tags)
Video: Robert Pollin onOccupy Movement and Demands (tags)
Social justice, solidarity and sharing open doors while unrestrained deregulation leads to exploding inequality and generalized insecurity.
FACLA Continues to Simmer with problems (tags)
The EPCC NEWS gathered from news sources in Los Angeles that continued reshuffles had affected the Filipino American Community of Los Angeles (FACLA) management and the current board of directors. This stems from the latest news that FACLA has replaced Irbe Jamolod as FACLA manager. The EPCC NEWS as of the press time has not identified the replacement manager.
- Reported by Angie
Fascist Is As Fascist Does! (tags)
A petition drive to demand Senator John Kerry, Ralph Nader, the Green Party and the independents file a lawsuit declaring that unless these electronic voting machines are removed and replaced with paper ballots there will be no free and fair elections in America in 2004.
Proof that Jews have always controlled at least 85% of the U.S. media. (tags)
Listed below are the Big 8 Monolithic U.S. Media Conglomerates that control the minds of Americans. This article explains how the U.S. media have propagandized and conned their American subjects into supporting war on any and all Arab countries for the express benefit of Israel and the oil companies.