fix articles 65643, cardenas
Can Ejidos Save Mexico from Collapsing Peso? (tags)
Rural Mexican villages restore their ejido communal farm land and introduce a new community currency modeled after ideas from Lazaro Cardenas to prepare for petrocollapse and the continuously devalued peso.
Cop Watch Los Angeles Victory Statement (tags)
Cop Watch Los Angeles Victory Statement November 16, 2006 William Cardenas was released on November 15th, 2006
Press Release: Police Brutality Caught on Video (tags)
On August 11th, 2006, William Cardenas, 24 from Hollywood, California was arrested and brutally beaten by the Hollywood Division of the Los Angeles Police Department. The cops would have gotten away with the beating if it wasn’t for a neighbor who video-taped the beating on her camera.
Police Brutality Caught on Video. (tags)
November 3, 2006 For Immediate Release: Police Brutality Caught on Video. SEE THE VIDEO AT
The Ominous Shadow of 1988 this July Mexican Presidential Election elección presidencial (tags)
With 20 Days to Go before the Vote, the Spectre of Electoral Fraud - and Subsequent Repression - Haunts a Nation La sombra siniestra de 1988 libraciones sobre la elección presidencial mexicana de este julio
The Ominous Shadow of 1988 Hovers Over this July’s Mexican Presidential Election (tags)
With 20 Days to Go before the Vote, the Spectre of Electoral Fraud - and Subsequent Repression - Haunts a Nation
Dangers Hang Over Latin America and the World (tags)