fix articles 6561, population Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : population


Compassionate Genocide (tags)

The issue is not whether and how Israel lets trucks with the much-needed supplies into Gaza; it is the nearly two-decade-long siege of the Strip, worsened by the most recent devastation. Both literally and figuratively, humanitarianism does not ameliorate the situation on the ground. On the contrary, humanitarian discourse strives to make the intolerable barely tolerable.

The division of the world (tags)

The USA is responsible for what is happening in Ukraine with this provoked war, which is currently being overshadowed in the media by the Middle East conflict, just as it has determined developments in Europe for more than a hundred years...It is becoming apparent that Germany is being systematically destabilized and ruined.

"A total mockery of international law" (tags)

Article 51 of the UN Charter clearly states that whoever is attacked militarily has such a right of defense. This is true in this case as well: Israel can defend itself against Hamas' attack, but this comes with the caveat that such defense must always be proportionate.

Total victory over a nuclear poweer is not possible without nuclear war (tags)

We are now in a situation where the best-case scenario is that this war will continue for years as a slow, bloody war of attrition with hundreds of thousands more dead, with progressive destruction of the Ukrainian economy and infrastructure, with progressive impoverishment of the European population. The worst-case scenario is a global nuclear war.

Caught in the discourse of power (tags)

The problem is that the country called Ukraine does not belong to the wage-dependent Ukrainian people. This state, for which the Ukrainians have gone to war, is, like every capitalist state apparatus, an instrument of power of the rulers.. The powerful have always been forcing a classic Stockholm syndrome on the population with their propaganda.

Everyone wants peace (tags)

The visions of a possible peace in Ukraine differ among all parties. For Russia, it is a matter of ensuring that Ukrainian territory no longer poses a threat to its own security. Therefore, it primarily wants to achieve the demilitarization of Ukraine. It must not become a deployment area for NATO.

Why do the lambs remain silent? (tags)

James Madison (1751-1836), one of the founding fathers of the constitution, proclaimed that every form of government should be designed "to protect the minority of the opulent against the majority".

The final system question Parts 1 and 2 (tags)

The enrichment elites of the West in particular have been trying for decades to extend their influence to the whole world. That is their declared concept. The worldwide "final victory" has been part of capitalism and imperialism from the very beginning.

Compendium of Propagands (tags)

Today, the media have influenced our culture and behavior even more profoundly than nuclear power.. An invisible cloud of artificial emotions, opinions and conclusions surrounds modern man. Propaganda can spread worldviews and generate obedience or revolutions.

Lockdown light - Corona crisis and capitalism (tags)

The pandemic and countermeasures have effects shaped by the neoliberal form of capitalism[ that has dominated since the 1980s. 1.the independence of the financial sphere ,2.the fragmentation of the labor markets, and 3.the weakening of social systems.

The psychology of the warmongerers and The war cannot be won (tags)

We should strive quite fundamentally for a different Europe and a different Russia, namely each freed from capitalist, parasitic oligarchy. The Jaurès maxim, "Capitalism carries war like the cloud carries rain," is more relevant than ever.

Putin escalates: How should we react now? (tags)

The U.S. government wants to make the country independent of China. In no other area are the efforts to "decouple" (decoupling) as clear and unambiguous as in high technologies, especially in the (alleged) future fields of battery technology and high-performance chips. Matthias Becker

Plunder less and do more to preserve the one world (tags)

It is downright absurd that in our latitudes, half a century after "Limits to Growth" and a cascade of catastrophic ecological reports, every dip in economic growth rates is perceived as negative, even dramatic. Immediately shore up, revive, that's what politicians and the media agree on.

The price explosion of wheat (tags)

Many people in this country develop the willingness to explicitly freeze for an ideal. Whether for freedom of whatever kind or for the climate. Already now one could marvel at signs on "peace demos", on which was written: "Better freeze, than gas from Putin!"

Can an offer from the West bring peace to Ukraine? (tags)

Ukraine is being crushed The consequences of war are dead, injured, displaced, destroyed lives, social communities torn apart, broken infrastructures and homes, misery and years of revenge. Yet no one stops this terrible war. It is unbearable to watch.

Wars hardly achieve their intended goal anymore (tags)

The third Gulf War ended Saddam Hussein's rule but resulted in hundreds of thousands of deaths, the emergence of IS, and a dramatic crash in living standards. Intervention in Libya succeeded in toppling Gaddafi, but turned Libya into a failed state.

Constant State of Emergency (tags)

The wars are waged by special forces, while the population is kept quiet in a permanent state of emergency under the slogan "war is peace" by full technical control, including mental and health surveillance. Anyone who questions this kind of peace is threatened with annihilation.

Will Orwell's prediction in `1984' become reality? (tags)

Basic elements of a development such as Orwell describes are emerging from the fog of current war propaganda, as it is being pursued by the West, attempts to drive the population into acceptance of a constant exceptional situation where war appears as the guarantor of peace.

The bone of contention (tags)

Russia really wants only one thing: to prevent Ukraine from becoming a full NATO country. Against the background of the current overall political situation, the West's behavior points to one thing above all: Its own population is to be kept in suspense by a succession of shocks.

The logic of coercion (tags)

Liberty restrictions such as lockdowns, contact restrictions, or mandatory masks are authoritarian by their very nature. Authoritarian action, however, does not correspond to a liberal state, but to a state of authority, as it was realized in the GDR (East Germany).

Corona crisis turns into social crisis and The Taboo in Glasgow (tags)

"We are about to drive the world to the wall at full speed." Glasgow creates only lukewarm symptom therapy The example shows that hardly anyone dares to seriously name and research the basic problems of economic growth and population growth.

Against all reason and The Afghan Debacle (tags)

Like the chaotic flight of the U.S. Army from Vietnam in 1975, the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021 highlights the failure of the geopolitically based "war and nation-building concept" of the U.S. and NATO countries.

Vaccine debate: Against the constant stirring up of hatred (tags)

Aggressive propaganda against a population group The social mood that is being made against the unvaccinated is indeed gradually becoming eerie. Because if it is possible to create such a gruesome mood against a certain population group, then also against any other. This is interchangeable.

The oppressed majority (tags)

The war on the virus is a crucial backdrop for destabilization and fear, before which vast amounts of public funds are siphoned off in the name of saving lives, saving the environment, and saving people's livelihoods - all of which are attacked by the arbitrariness of this very capitalist rule.

Psychology as a method of domination (tags)

The current pandemic policy has given the world the ultimate understanding of how democracies (...) transform themselves into totalitarian because inhumane systems. (...) Long live the courage to resist and refute.

Lockdowns Do Not Control the Coronavirus (tags)

The political reaction is disproportionate, it is authoritarian, dogmatic and it is excessive. There is no question about that. And we as citizens expect to be informed and treated in a science-based, rational and measured way. Why is the hospital system overloaded?

Corona and state. The winner is the one who defeats the pandemic (tags)

Societies in Europe have accumulated enormous wealth, but a few wealthy people have appropriated it. With this wealth, the comprehensive work break and all solidarity measures can be financed without any problems. That is why we demand the introduction of a Europe-wide Covid solidarity levy on high wealth.

Does Corona policy threaten our fundamental rights? Scientist warns of "creeping process" (tags)

The state is allowed to restrict citizens in a pandemic so as not to endanger public health. But the state doesn't have the right to harm citizens. It does not get to decide which life is worth protecting and which is not. This article was published in German on 2/22/2021.

Corona in global retreat (tags)

The number of reported cases in the US has fallen massively since the beginning of January-by around 60 percent. Experts consider the Corona measures in the US to be less stringent than in many European countries.

Corona and psychology: Fear works against democratic coexistence (tags)

The current "simultaneous consolidation and weakening of the state" (Nicos Poulantzas) are two sides of the same coin: the rise of the punitive state goes hand in hand with growing social insecurity and disenfranchisement, rather than an increase in rule-breaking and crime. State authority & police strengthen

Issues Involving Current And Other Vaccines (tags)

Why does 50% of the population want to avoid vaccination injections.

Bolivia - the left returns to power (tags)

The Bolivian people have proven that reason, dignity and fighting spirit cannot be suppressed either by a military coup or by government repression. The election result has implications not only for Bolivia, where it is an important step towards the restoration of democracy, but for the entire Latin American region.

USA under Trump: Back to Pinochet? (tags)

Only "political theater" is being staged to give Trump a "law and order" image in the election campaign. The president wants to make political capital out of the escalation, warned Governor Brown according to the news magazine Newsweek.

Corona epidemic and Yemen (tags)

Authorities first wanted to calm down and played down the pandemic. Afterward, they had to convince the population to keep unusual physical distance, to wash their hands well at all times, and to refrain from major events. Finally, they wanted the population to accept the lockdown.

Rollback of the Elite (tags)

The opposition senator Jeanine Anez appointed herself the new "president." The trigger for the coup was the election on October 20. President Evo Morales was declared the winner with 47% of the vote and a difference of 10 points from the conservative candidate.

Vayera: Mother Sarah Was The First Kahanist! (tags)

Sarah Said: Transfer The Arabs Out Of Israel Now!

Sanctions and Double Standards (tags)

Sanctions are war with other means-and not an alternative to war. The civilian population pays the price with their bodies and their lives. Export restrictions on the most important revenues of a country cause immense suffering. That Iran has not attacked another country is unmentioned.

Happy Nakba Day and Israeli Independence (tags)

Jewish National Liberation Succeeded, The Nakba Narrative Is A Lie!

USA 5% Population, Use 80% Drugs (tags)

USA - Bunch of Drug Addicts

Public Good or Private Wealth (tags)

The deep and growing chasm between the rich and the poor is not an accident. This gulf is the result of political decisions. Many rich countries have lowered or abolished property taxes. Governments reduce spending on education and health care.

"We live in a time of radical counter-enlightenment" (tags)

Political struggle always means the struggle over the definitional power and appropriation of the world. For decades, neoliberalism has carried out a redistribution project against the majority of the population. This neoliberal project is only possible when

What Can Destroy Enclosure? (tags)

The entire world now lives in a totalitarian capitalist police state. This system is more generally called Enclosure. It is far more repressive than life under feudalism was and ever could have been. What could possibly bring about the end of this epoch of human slavery and elite rule? The answer and the power may well be within our reach, closer than it's ever been in human history; and it will not require violence or uncommon bravery on anyone's part. Let me explain...

Republicans against the Poor and the Sick (tags)

The US is experiencing a dramatic deterioration of its public health. President Trump is now trying to make the ACA "implode" through decrees. The insured are reacting to their higher premiums. A series of states have filed actions against the decrees.

Houstons Hispanic population A Key Part ot Texas 2017 (tags)

Statistics for Houston show different numbers, but the Hispanic population is large and growing and is old tomers from several generations ago to newer people from Mexico and other Latin American areas.

Brazil wants democracy back II (tags)

The character, the lack of it, the temperament of the coup and of coupists that toppled Dilma Roussef last year was signaled through their first or one of their first legislative measures: the legalization of pedals, an administrative measure more than routine, used and abused for all, since always, and that is to hold resources for short periods, in order to smooth the financial roll. These were the only accusations that the coup leaders were able to brandish to remove the re-elected president and to establish parliamentarism, without the authorization of the population, required by the constitution.

Unemployment and Inequality (tags)

"The past will devour the future" if there is no radical change of direction in economic development. That is Thomas Piketty's prediction. Piketty sees the solution in a global capital tax or wealth tax.

Brazil wants democracy back! (tags)

The coup of 2016 double hit democracy in Brazil: it overthrew an honest president from power, without being able to point out against her rigorously no wrong attitude, thus trampling the constitution, which does not admit this alternative, and passing, in practice, the presidentialist regime to The parliamentarian, without consulting the population, a hypothesis that is also forbidden by the Magna Carta.

The Long History of Human Incapacitation by Politics and the Press (tags)

With the term "no alternatives," come-of-age citizens who don't join the mainstream press are incapacitated, stamped as troublemakers and not taken seriously. Democracy is not sought any more in a divided country, divided between those above and those below.

The sick mindset of USA's population (tags)

This report offers insights into the dark side of the human psyche.

2 Groups Representing Less Than 1/4 Of Americans Control Entire Supreme Court (tags)

It's time to end the lifetime appointments of Supreme Court justices.and to institute direct elections, 1 justice each year.

Murderous Police & Their fbi Mentors (tags)

Violent police state is here to stay.

Democracy Dissolves (tags)

Worldview parties mutate to popular or catchall parties and gradually lost their clear profile and their voters. Citizens have long known something is rotten in the state. Politics first despised the trust of the population and then lost that trust.

Why are the Lambs Silent? (tags)

Techniques-fragmentation and propaganda- make serious violations of moral norms by the ruling elites morally and cognitively invisible to the population. With many examples, professor Mausfeld gives insight in the management of our democracy and how people are kept in apathy.

Neoliberal Indoctrination (tags)

Neoliberalism tells the poor and weak that they are responsible for their misery. The true extent of social poverty barely reaches the public. A re-feudalization bomb rages and investors seek privatizing the public education system. People are atomized. Fragmentation is intentional.

Arbitration Courts: A Dirty Gold Rush (tags)

Pacific Rim, a Canadian gold mining company, is suing El Salvador for $301 million in lost profits. Salvadorians oppose the mining because of the likely contamination of their drinking water. Can a poor country prohibit its exploitation for the sake of the environment? Is a way of development forced?

fbi corrupts all of our society (tags)

See how the fbi creates a police state here.

Puerto Rico Population Drops 10% Over Past Decade (tags)

Census Bureau estimates Puerto Rico's population shrinks by 10%, mostly during the island's financial crisis.

Predictability of homicidal fbi/police (tags)

We may reasonably predict more police brutality and more police killings of innocent people.

Declarations of Independence (tags)

See the modern day version of the Declaration of Independence.

NYT Ignores Root Cause of Violence in Palestine (tags)


Zionist Zealotry: The Root Cause of Israeli State Terror (tags)


CBS' 60 Minutes Interviews America's Liar-in-Chief (tags)


Israel to Demolish 13,000 Palestinian Structures (tags)


Gaza: A Socioeconomic Dead Zone (tags)


New York Times Mocks Palestinian Hunger Striker Near Death (tags)


New Orleans Today with Sakura Kone’ (tags)

On Saturday, August 15, activist Sakura Kone' spoke about the current state of affairs in New Orleans, on KPFA and KPOO radio in San Francisco,, 10 years after Hurricane Katrina devastated NOLA in the largest unnatural disaster in US history.

Unprecedented Human Suffering in Yemen (tags)


what would you do, if? (tags)

See my report on atrocities against me and others by fbi,cia, and ask what you would do in similar circumstances.

what would you do if? (tags)

See my report on atrocities committed against me and thousands of others and ask what you would do under similar circumstances.

China's Pro Growth Population Policy Under Mao 1949-1976 (tags)

Maoists armies violently seized control of parts in China in 1949. Mao took control and instituted his belief that more people would help the country. Their was no sponsored state fa,ily planning until 1976.

Israel Bombs Lebanon (tags)


Netanyahu's Latest Demagoguery (tags)


My Prayer That Grace May Touch The Mosaic Of My Work (tags)

My prayer is in the form of a mosaic of prose.

The hidden costs of trade treaties (tags)

The free trade treaties with Canada (CETA) and the United States (TTIP) are not threatening European standards, the negotiators in Brussels assure us. Yet environmental and food safety regulations have already been weakened.

The Catastrophe has Already Begun (tags)

Capitalist growth has become the problem, promotes famines and strangles full employment. Can the world be rescued? Mass unemployment has never lasted as long as today; global problems increase... A change of consciousness is necessary so the population strives for justice.

10 Strategies of Manipulation Revisited (tags)

Sylvain Timsit shows how society is influenced and what information is deemed relevant.

My Half Century Of Discovery: The Corruption of Murderous USA (tags)

See my summary of a half century of discoveries regarding the decadence of the murderous United States of America.

Field Notes on Reality: Hard Truths Buried When Most Needed (tags)


fbi crimes online forge new criminal courts (tags)

See evidence that the fbi secretly turns civil court judges into criminals and at the same time uses the internet to try, convict, and punish innocent Targets of fbi for intelligence purposes.

Starvation in Gaza (tags)

Starvation in Gaza? No, Obesity in Gaza.

Ferguson: an episode in the war class (tags)

On August 9 in Ferguson, a small suburb of St. Louis, a cop killed Michael Brown firing 6 bullets into him: this young black man, unarmed, with his arms raised in the air, had made the mistake of not responding to his order to walk on the sidewalk. Michael Brown was left like a dog in the street for several hours without even his parents allowed to come close to his body.

Palestinians uses water as a political weapon (tags)

A thesis titled ‘The politicization of the Oslo water agreement’ written by Lauro Burkart a Swiss graduate of the Institute of International and Development studies in Geneva gives an accurate and impartial picture of the topic of the scarcity of water in the Palestinian Authority.

Homeless in Gaza (tags)


Fascism Grips Israel (tags)


The risse of political extremism (tags)

When Muslim population remains around 1% of any given country they will be regarded as a peace-loving minority and not as a threat to anyone:

Review of Hamas violations of international law (updated) (tags)

The world is silent on Hamas war crimes in Gaza

Beware of Monotones! (tags)

There are voices beyond the monotone, nuances from the side of writers, scholars and economic experts.. Every war and conflict needs a narrative that defines good and evil, that classifies, simplifies and serves interests.

Armenian Homes in Kessab Looted, Occupied (tags)

Two thousand Syrian Armenians find safety in Latakia; International and Local organizations providing support

Historic Palestine (tags)

From the1911 Encyclopedia Britannica-The total population of the country is roughly estimated at 650,000

Christianity's Savior in the Middle East (tags)

With one exception, Christians throughout the countries of the Middle East are at risk or on the run, their churches burned, their property expropriated, their personal safety in peril from thugs intent on beatings, rapes, and murders

The Semantics Of Violence (tags)

When propagandizing for war or other violence, obscuring the reality is often the first rule

Does the Richness of the Few Benefit Us All? (tags)

Zygmunt Bauman, born in 1925, is a Polish sociologist. Since 1971, he has resided in England after being driven out of Poland by an anti-semitic campaign, engineered by the Communist government he had supported.

Israel's Deplorable Human Rights Record (tags)


Protest and March Against Columbus and White Supremacy! (tags)

Join us for our Anti-Columbus and Anti-White Supremacy protest, Saturday, October 12,2013 @11am, Placita Olvera st. 12pm March to Los Angeles Cathedral 1pm march back to Placita Olvera! 1-2pm Protest and Rally on Lawn of Placita Olvera. Signs will be provided by Mexica Movement. Bring water and sunscreen. Arrive early for parking and do your best to carpool! ***This will be a PEACEFUL protest. No bs tolerated. BOYCOTT THE AMERICAN LATINO MUSEUM! We are not Latinos! We are not Hispanics! This planned museum completely destroys our Indigenous identity and erases our presence. It is a complete act of genocide. Read the report for yourself and see the obvious cover-up. We are not Latinos! We are not Hispanics!

Egypt’s Revolution After the Smoke Clears (tags)

In times of crisis people strive for easy answers to complex situations. In Egypt this has resulted in absurdly digestible sound bites, where one side is labeled “good”(the Muslim Brotherhood), the other “bad” (the army), and the revolution as a whole is condemned as an atrocity. But the situation in Egypt is especially contradictory, and untying the social-political knots of the revolution requires avoiding pre-packaged catchphrases.

The Tiger And The Dragon: 28 Things China Can Learn From India (tags)

Abolition of capital punishment, nonviolent diet, human rights, protection of primates, noncensorship and other things China can learn from India

The Liberal-Regressive Modern Age (tags)

The financial crisis of the states-dramatically intensified by the costs of bailing out the banks-shifts the costs to the broad population without touching the wealth of the economic elites. Political governing is increasingly uncoupled from the approval and influence of citizens.

Women’s rights: Turning point in India, triumph in Manila (tags)

Women’s rights have been in the forefront of international concern over the last few weeks.

Obama’s ground game grinding out lead in Florida (tags)

Staffed by three recent college graduates and one who will graduate next JuneJune, President Obama’s re-election campaign is waging an aggressive ground game in Collier County, Fla. At first blush, one would think that Collier County would be written off by the Obama camp.

Eco Fascism in Venice: Turning Homeless into Hazardous Waste (tags)

Venice NIMBYs blame the unhoused for environmental problems.

Discrimination Against Arab Communities in Israel (tags)


America and Israel: Modern Day Spartas (tags)


Obama's Broken Resolutions and Occupy White House (tags)

Generalized security requires a social net, not lies and trillions to the banks. There has been a 30-year war in which the voice of business became louder. The financial sector must be shriveled. Private losses cannot become public losses. 14 million jobs can be created.

Mumia Abu-Jamal in General Population (tags)

Our phone calls and petition signatures finally got Mumia out of solitary and into the general population where he can hug his wife and much more. Now we need to free Mumia as he is innocent. We also need to abolish solitary confinement eveywhere as it is torture by definition.

Racist Discrimination Against Israeli Arabs (tags)


[Strategy!:] The Occupy Movement Needs a Good Fight (tags)

The Occupy Movement Needs a Good Fight "Power concedes nothing without a demand." - Frederick Douglass In a movement based on general anger about inequality and the domination of big banks, it becomes difficult to focus the rage into something concrete. For many Occupiers, being concrete is a mere distraction, meant to shift the movement into something 'less radical,” since their targets — big banks and inequality — are at the root of the problem. Why mess with the tree when you could go for the roots? But, as any tree-removal worker will tell you, the tree comes first, then the roots. The roots cannot be the immediate goal of the Occupy movement because pulling them out would require tens of millions of hands, and the vast majority of working people are not yet directly involved in the movement, though many of them are giving approving nods from a distance. Bringing these more distant people into the movement requires they be given a good reason to join. And although a general anti-1% sentiment sounds appealing to the 99%, a struggle to win worker-friendly demands can help pull these people into the streets.

Seven Billion ... And Rising (tags)

The world’s population surpassed 7 billion on October 31. But except for perhaps the anti-family planning lobby, this was a milestone that few were in a mood to celebrate.

The Game with Ignorance and the Growth Panacea (tags)

A world wide economic and financial order decays to a pure end-in-itself and no longer serves people. A system build on an ideology in which everything-even the person-becomes a product is legitimated by apologists who trivialize derailments of social life as "normal."

Akbayan and the Struggle for a New Philippines (tags)

(Speech at the Gene Viernes and Silme Domingo Awards Event, Seattle University, Seattle, Washington State, July 2, 2011.)

Sign our petition! (tags)

The Peasant Patrols and the population of Santiago de Chuco, La Libertad require an audit in the Mixed Court of Santiago de Chuco, as the judge and the prosecutor are very biased. We make the petition to do a legal audit to them and they have to renounce their charge within fifteen days / since July 4, 2011 / !

Health Care in Cuba and America (tags)

health care

Israel kills protesters on Nakba Day/Israeli murder machine goes on and on (tags)

The Israeli killings of Nakba Day and six june war protesters is not an incident, but part of the systematic violence of Israeli occupation Palestinians can only get their right by the armed struggle against the occupation army

Causes and Consequences of the Financial Crisis (tags)

The neoliberal restructuring and globalization of capitalism has led to states becoming the spoils of financial capital. The neoliberal program is enforced with the help of states. Governments only react to the conditions set by the economically powerful. This is the end of politics.

World Health Day: Uncontacted tribes at risk of massive population loss (tags)

Survival International has warned on the eve of World Health Day (April 7) that uncontacted tribes face massive population loss if their land is not protected.

Planet could be 'unrecognizable' by 2050, experts say (tags)

A growing, more affluent population competing for ever scarcer resources could make for an "unrecognizable" world by 2050, researchers warned at a major US science conference Sunday.

Chevron Fined Billions (tags)

After decades of pollution of the Amazon basin, the oil corporation Chevron was fined $8.6 billion, the greatest environmental penalty of all time. How many catastrophes will be necessary until the population of industrial states becomes interested in environmental protection?

State Governments Implementing Reforms to Reduce Record U.S Prison Population (tags)

BETWEEN THE LINES - A four-time winner of the Connecticut Associated Press Broadcast Award for Best Feature in the non-commercial category, this syndicated, half-hour program provides a platform for individuals and spokespersons from progressive organizations generally ignored or marginalized by the mainstream media. Between the Lines covers a wide range of political, economic and social topics.

After Mubarak: What's Next? (tags)


LATimes: Apartheid Vernon (tags)

The city of Bell has a neighbor city called Vernon, and it's ringleaders of Republican Christian mobsters make the RICO predicate acts of Bell pale in comparison.

Incarceration's Effect on Economic Mobility (tags)

harmful incarceration

50 million starving in USA; Corporate Profit Records Broken (tags)

While the capitalist class promotes its second celebration of genocide of Native Americans, the other being Columbus Genocide Day, with its orgy of eating food that is mass produced in a manner that is harmful to the food source and the consumer, 50 million Americans face hunger.

Torture in US Prisons (tags)

homeland prison torture

Israeli and American Rankings on Violence and Corruption (tags)

Rankings understate reality

The IMF Dictates More Than Ever (tags)

"Many developing countries that were independent in food production at the start of the 1980s import food necessary for their populations today. The subsidized agriculture of western countries has flooded the cou9ntries of the South. Haiti imports the rice that it once cultivated.."

The Road to World War III - The Global Banking Cartel Has One Card Left to Play (tags)

"The global elite have consistently used a strategy of arming and funding both sides of armed conflicts. While opposing populations kill each other off, they make off with their natural resources. When they confront a government that cannot be bribed or provoked into civil or regional war, they fund brutal death squads, attempt military coups and intimidate them by giving weapons to undemocratic neighboring regimes. If all that doesn’t work, they are declared a threat to national security and the US military, private contractors and NATO forces invade and occupy the country. These terrorist strategies are not limited to the Middle East and Africa, just ask our neighbors throughout Latin America about the School of the Americas. Contrary to popular belief, the horrendous torture techniques inflicted upon people in Abu Ghraib, Iraq were not an isolated incident. Many of those brutal torture techniques were developed over years by torturing innocent civilians throughout Latin America."

Israel's New Land Grab Master Plan (tags)

theft of Palestinian land


Everything equal again.

Who's shaping California's political landscape for the next 10 years? (tags)

California's new Citizens Redistricting Commission. Never heard of it? You're not alone.


“Why don’t we just get nooses for everyone of those lowlifes and hang them from a tree? They’re used to that kind of treatment anyway!” read the message on an email sent to upscale co-op residents of a redevelopment project smack right in the middle of a Harlem neighborhood last October. The anonymous post which originated from one of the units within the co-op added: “I hope you all agree that the best thing that has happened to Harlem is gentrification. Let’s get rid of these ‘people’ and improve the neighborhood once and for all.”

PFP Candidate Alexander Propose Releasing 50,000 California Inmates (tags)

Alexander says the most efficient means to deal with California’s over crowded prisons would require state lawmakers abolishing the Three-Strikes Law and remanding more than 30,000 non-violent offenders to their original courts for re-sentencing; however, “that will not likely occur because a majority of the state’s lawmakers are more concerned with protecting and preserving the prison industrial complex rather than dealing with this serious threat to human health and public safety.


In criminal subjects it is necessary to accomplish the Law, nothing else.

Lula rethinks his succession (tags)

All those individuals and companies that today invest in government securities, taking advantage of high interest rates set by COPOM, can redirect their resources to also profitable and secure financing of the myriad of infrastructure works that the country has demanded for decades, as those international companies engaged in oil exploration can continue to do so, under a new set of laws that guarantee the interests of Brazilian population and the preponderance of a Petrobras with less shares at the New York Stock Exchange and more shares under direct control of the Brazilian national state.

Ahmadinejad speech at UN 2009/Not anti-semitic, but just criticism on Israel (tags)

Not only the Western walkout at the UN 2009 Ahmadinejad speech is a part of a repeating show, consciously the Western countries make no distinction between Ahmadinejad's just criticism on Israel and his alleged ''anti-semitism'' Since the Western countries are directly and indirectly supporting the Israeli occupation, it is a shame and disgrace, that they walkout at this very speech, which brings into light the Israeli war-crimes and the Western implicite consent.


Interview of Noam Chomsky

In Afghanistan, NATO Has No Military Goals (tags)

Population sectors open initially to the western invasion are turning today to the Taliban. The Karsai government is hated as never before on account of its corruption, cronyism and the brutality of warlords supporting the government.

Census Bureau Confirms Rising Poverty, Falling Incomes, and Growing Numbers of Uninsured (tags)

growing poverty and despair in America

Juan and Pedro Enter the Honduras Oil Import Business, Coup d’Etat Follows (tags)

"Padre Fausto later chronicled his own share of detentions, which included being kidnapped by paramilitaries in Honduras in 1981 on charges of inciting guerrilla activity based on his concern for campesino and indigenous rights. In captivity, Fausto was subjected to a schedule of sitting in rooms with torture instruments and being removed whenever someone needed to be tortured physically rather than psychologically. He subsequently spent a number of years in exile in Mexico; as for other Hondurans in exile, Fausto boasted that Zelaya had spoken with him and other Hondurans for four hours the previous day in Managua, neglecting a group of visiting European parliamentarians."

problem with china: they NEED a war (tags)


Water is a Human Right, not a Commodity (tags)

In Bolivia there was a bloody struggle over water. Indigenous persons led the water war in Cochabamba. Water is a human right and must be withdrawn from the logic of profit maximization.

SALUTE to Denmark .. This could very well happen here... . (tags)

The Danish population embraced visitors, celebrated the exotic, went out of its way to protect each of its citizens. It was proud of its new brand of socialist liberalism one in development since the conservatives had lost power in 1929 - a system where no worker had to struggle to survive, where one ultimately could count upon the state as in, perhaps, no other western nation at the time

Unreported or Underreported Real Pandemics, Not Fake Ones Like Avian and Swine Flu (tags)

swine flu scare is a scam

Human Rights in Israel and Occupied Palestine (tags)

serious human rights violations

Between Russophobia and Russophilia (tags)

The neoconservative revolutionaries wanted to make the export of democracy into the absolute military hit and harvested bloody noses. Western values and western democracy cannot be simply exported for forced on foreign countries.

The Limits of the US as Teacher (tags)

"Ivan average consumer supports the new self-confident policy of the Kremlin and hardly worries about democracy and human rights. The West must free itself from the illusion its own values can be forced on countries. The change must come from within."

A Short History of the Israeli - Palestinian Conflict: Past Is Prologue (tags)

Israel chooses violence

Recession Raises the Question of Meaning (tags)

The facade of a sound world suddenly crumbles. Are the funds available to the productive economy or are they sinking in the swamp of a degenerate global financial- and economic system? An economy that prioritizes human needs and nature is primarily regional.

Israeli attacks on Gaza/Dirty war against the Palestinian civilian population (tags)

By their unlawful and systematic character,combined with the blockade of Gaza, housedemolitions and extrajudicial executions, the Israeli attacks on Gaza are a dirty war against the Palestinian civilian population

On the Financial Crisis in the 20:80 Society (tags)

The question is how we deal with the 20:80 society, not whether the 20:80 society is coming because the development is irreversible. In the long-term, work will disappear.. Jobless growth has become the normal condition.The end of work can be a great leap for humanity.

The REAL Story in Gaza: (tags)


Israel, Bloody Executioner for the World Capitalist Order (tags)

On Saturday evening January 3, after one week of air raids which left more than 450 dead and more than 2000 wounded, the Israeli army began its land offensive into Gaza. Its military officials declare that the operation will be “long”. The odious Israeli propaganda, broadcast by the majority of the international media, presents this bloody attack as a “response” to the salvos of the “terrorists”of Hamas in power in Gaza.

OMG, the stats are right ! check them out for yourself. (tags)

Wondering about rumors and exaggerations, we checked some stats and found these... see what they say about you, us, and 'them" too

fire watch (tags)

a fire

Are California Gay Leaders Mis-Managing The NO ON PROP 8 Campaign? (tags)

Some Los Angeles Gay Leaders are telling they general GLNTQA community NOT to take their lawsuits to court, stating that they can serve them better from behind the doors of closed session board rooms, not open to public view.


Democrat presumptive candidate Senator Barack Obama completes the turn to the right. By picking the pro-War Senator JoeBiden as a running mate, he sought to appeal to the most backward sectors of the U.S. voting population and to show the ruling class that he is not really a liberal. Obama affirmed the fact that he is insecure of Clinton and he cannot hold a candle to Hillary Clinton in rightist policy making. He proved that he is not the man for himself and he is being lead by other policy makers like the Kennedy clan. The Filipino American community primarily the elite among democrats--immigrants, working and oppressed people are all left out. As usual neither candidate speaks in their interests, even thought the vast majority of workers are against the war and favor maintaining abortion rights.


Democrat presumptive candidate Senator Barack Obama completes the turn to the right. By picking the pro-War Senator JoeBiden as a running mate, he sought to appeal to the most backward sectors of the U.S. voting population and to show the ruling class that he is not really a liberal. Obama affirmed the fact that he is insecure of Clinton and he cannot hold a candle to Hillary Clinton in rightist policy making. He proved that he is not the man for himself and he is being lead by other policy makers like the Kennedy clan. The Filipino American community primarily the elite among democrats--immigrants, working and oppressed people are all left out. As usual neither candidate speaks in their interests, even thought the vast majority of workers are against the war and favor maintaining abortion rights.

War crimes in Darfur: The Arab League criticism on the ICC charges is rejectable (tags)

Regarding her criticism on the possible ICC charges against the Sudanese president Mr Bashir,in respect with Darfurian war crimes, the Arab League is showing a morally rejectable point of view and is measuring the double standard

The short history of the 21st. century (tags)


Without Ethics the Economy Runs into the Wall (tags)

Only 27% of Germans think the population benefits when business does well. Only 40% believe the economy and the population sit in the same boat. With tendencies to screen itself socially and give priority to its own goals, the economy loses the important capital of trust.

The Middle Class Falls (tags)

The population has to get used to gas prices three times higher than four years ago. Rising energy- and food prices and the real estate crisis accelerate pauperization tendencies in the US.

How Much Democracy is Left? (tags)

Politics no longer determines the econmy; the mammoth econmy defines politics. The US has long been a plutocracy instead of a democracy and has prescribed this system of capital rule for the whole world. Capital rule is always central rule

Disturbing 2008 Global Peace Index Report (tags)

GPI unfairly targets Venezuela.

The 60th anniversary of Israel Nothing to celebrate! (tags)

In contrary to the outburst of festivities among zionists and their adherents, regarding the ´´celebration´´ of the 60th anniversary of the State of Israel, for the Palestinian victims of the etnic cleansings in 1948 and 1967 and the continuing occupation, there is nothing to celebrate Remember the Naqba

Doctors Without Borders Forced to Scale Back Gaza Operations (tags)

Israel's illegal policy ensures that those helping the Palestinians avert disaster are unable to do their work. There needs to be an immediate, world-wide boycott of all military and financial aid to Israel until this siege stops, and concrete steps are taken to create a viable Palestinian state. Our corrupt Government has betrayed Canadians on this issue, cannot justify their policy decisions, and must be forced to reverse this trend. Israel must be made to realize, in the most tangible (and peaceful) ways possible, that they cannot continue this collective punishment against Gazan Palestinians any more. But make no mistake, the ruling Extremists in Israel will keep pushing, so long as nobody speaks up or forces them to obey the law.

Interview with FARC Commander Raul Reyes (tags)

Following the March 1st attack by a Colombian military operation that resulted in the death of 20 FARC forces including rebel leader Raul Reyes. Interview with slain FARC leader from July 2007.

Blockade on Gaza: Crime against humanity (tags)

With the whole or partly blockade on Gaza, the Israeli authorities are guilty of crimes against humanity

Rroms in Turkey: Int'l voice raised for SULUKULE (EveryOne Group) (tags)

Since November 2007, when Istanbul began its large-scale project of urban transformation, Sulukule, old and legendary neighborhood of Istanbul famous for its Roma population, has received its share of attention. Moving the Roma community to a new district is being advocated by an Italy-based social activist association

Operation Desert Slaughter: Thoughts on Holocaust Memorial Day (tags)

It is seventeen years since America and Britain embarked on their 'Final Solution' for the population of Iraq.Having, as James Baker boasted they would, reduced 'Iraq to a pre-industrial age', the country was denied all normality : trade, aid, telecommunications, power, sanitation, water repairs, seeds, foods, pharmaceuticals, medical equipment.

23 Theses on the Unconditional Basic Income (tags)

Without vision the people perish. Basic unconditional income like community centers could restore public spirit and interdependence. The anti-social or capital offensive leaves people mere consumers or cogs in the machine and represses our gifts, talents, desires and health.

Dislocations and Crises (tags)

Liberalization of the finance markets started a mechanism where the broad mass of the world's population lost. Only a few conglomerates and wealthy persons are winners.

Open Letter to the World from the Exxon/Haliburton Administration (tags)

[With the Bali Conference being diminished by the Bush Administration's political appointees to a waste of the world's time by refusing every attempt of a global emissions treaty, it may help people to remember the Apollo 13 mission. That is the one where the lunar vehicle's oxygen tank exploded and it took a herculean effort of the NASA ground crew to come up with a CO2 scrubber to keep the crew alive long enough to return to Earth. They had only a very limited amount of material to work with and a very short time to devise a system of removing the CO2 from the capsule........but THEY DID IT!!!!! Miraculously they came up with a make shift device, out of nearly nothing, to take the harmful carbon dioxide from the air in that little spacecraft and saved the crew's lives. With that knowledge, and the record of the US delegation in obstructing the Bali Conference on Climate Change searing in our memory, the letter below is the only conclusion that makes sense of it all: I realize the scale of the problem is beyond point is that scientists can do some very amazing things, if they are allowed to.]

More Racist Moves by the Police of Orange County (tags)

The City of Orange, CA will be passing an ordinance Saturday, January 11th criminalizing day laborers. The City of Orange has a memo of understanding with ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) stating that the local police force can and will cooperate with ICE in the aprehension of criminalized "illegal" immigrants.

Reviewing F. William Engdahl's Seeds of Destruction - Part II (tags)

Agribusiness giants aim to control food worldwide and make it all genetically engineered.

Venezuela: The economic tug of war between revolution and counter-revolution (tags)

A recent report from Datanalisis (1) [the Venezuelan statistical service] revealed what already many people knew and suffered from. Scarcity of basic foodstuff is becoming intolerable. This study established that milk, beef and sugar have become very difficult to find. Other products like chicken, cooking oil, cheese, sardines and black beans are also very scarce. The analysts who compiled the report interviewed 800 people in some 60 different shops, supermarkets and markets, both in the private sector and the public distribution network, Mercal. 73,3% of the places visited had no milk powder for sale. 51,7% no longer had refined sugar, 40% had no cooking oil, and 26,7% no black beans, a basic staple in Venezuela. Two thirds of the shoppers declared that they experienced food scarcity to one degree or another in the shops where they usually buy. Queues of a few hours, sometimes up to four hours, to buy some milk are no longer the exception. This is reminiscent of the situation in Chile when wholesale economic sabotage was used against the left-wing Popular Unity government of the 1970s. Without giving in to the panic stories and exaggerated reports of the right-wing media, we must understand that this is a serious situation. The bosses have even threatened to extend this situation into the first quarter of 2008, especially because of the uncertainties related to the questions of private property included in the new constitutional reform. They are grabbing the revolution by its throat.

Israel's state-Druze rift (tags)

Israeli Druze close association with the state is increasingly under threat with violent scenes in a Galilee village and protests over land confiscations.

U.S. Secret Air War Pulverizes Afghanistan and Iraq (tags)

News from the 4th Reich military forces: According to Associated Press, there has been a five-fold increase in the number of bombs dropped on Iraq during the first six months of 2007 over the same period in 2006. More than 30 tons of those have been cluster weapons, which take an especially heavy toll on civilians. Balad, which currently conducts 10,000 air operations a week, is strengthening runways to handle the increase in air activity.

"Capitalism and Freedom" Unmasked (tags)

The dark side of Milton Friedman's economics.

A Culture of Violence (tags)

America's tradition of war and violence

Lawmakers and Census officials spar over the benefits of a Web-based survey (tags)

Coburn agreed with the subcommittee’s chairman, Sen. Tom Carper (D-Del.), Government Accountability Office officials and Lockheed Martin officials who said there is still time to include the Internet as an option for filling out the 2010 census survey.

Psychotronic Golgotha (tags)

by N.I. Anisimov, 1999

Disaster over Palestine: The Refugee problem and the ideology of transfer (tags)

In contrary with the allegations of zionist non-deniers, the expulsion of the Palestinians in 1948 and 1967 was no ad hoc war-crime, but a yearlong deliberate planned strategy

The Neoliberal Catechism (tags)

Turning away from the state causes old age poverty and endangers life and limb.. The consequences of privatization are faded out in the US and Germany.. Defining freedom as only entrepreneurial freedom and freedom of capital can be easily veiled.


secret stakes...

Channelling Charles -- Entitling A Universal 'Royalty'? (tags)

With the Global Bilderberg and EU/G8 Summits and Protests coming on this week -- a whole planet of awakening sovereigns is learning the language of freedom from a lifetime of economic, political and cultural servitude. The question of the role of the British and Global Security State in the murder of Princess Diana -- and the contemporary dialog on how to emancipate the British population from their thralldom to 'royalty' -- is the beginning of a dialog on a Global Entitlement to Life and Prosperity.

Dr. Gilbert Burnham on the 654,965 Death Toll in Iraq (tags)

One of the true horrors of the Iraqi War is the death toll of the civilian population caught up in that conflict. In Oct., 2006, “The Lancet,” a prestigious British Medical Journal, published a study entitled: “The Human Cost of the War in Iraq.” One of its co-authors was Dr. Gilbert Burnham of the Johns Hopkins U. Its stunning conclusion: 659,965 Iraqis have died in the war as of July, 2006! On May 8, 2007, Dr. Burnham discussed that report.

Timor-Leste: El Dorado of the South Pacific (tags)

The current population of East Timor is approximately one million souls while the value of its natural gas and oil reserves amount to billions of dollars. However, the tiny new island nation is impoverished with above 35% unemployment and a rural based economy. Without elaborating further, Timor-Leste presents an extremely volatile situation as greedy interests, primarily America via its ‘World’ Bank and Australia-New Zealand acting as the military arm, poise themselves to exploit the impoverished people and nation of Timor-Leste.

Latin American School of Medicine (tags)

In the midst of all the US-Cuban relations stories, primarily, the focus is on the imposed economic sanctions against Castro’s Cuba. But, there is a story of unity, progression, and humanitarian efforts lying within those pages written about Cuba. It is one that is hardly, if ever, told; a story that calls attention to the concern for human life above economic strife.

PERFECT (tags)

ok to reproduce in entirety not-for-profit with credits to author

Want to STOP Amerikan Fascism? Then STOP supporting it! Tax Rebellion 2007 (tags)

Then stop supporting it. Simply stop paying federal fees, taxes, debt and other ransoms from neo-feudalism. Starting now! Highway Blog, spray paint, banner drop, tell friends, call up family, shout it out to neighbors, leave leaflets at pubs and cafes, hand write it in big letters on that wall or across the window. "STOP THE WARS, NO MORE TAX PAYING!" "STARVE THE BEAST!"

Exploitation and Precarity (tags)

The exclusion processes are actually the result of radicalized capital exploitation strategies.. In the last two decades capital has learned that low-wage zones can be enforced when the collapse zones are intimidatingly present.

America is now the worlds biggest, best police state!!! (tags)

Amerika the worlds #1 police state! More people are behind bars in the United States than in any other country in the world. The U.S. incarceration rate of 737 per 100,000 people in the worlds highest.

HIV Standards of Care - seeking input (tags)

seeing input on Standards of Care for transgender HIV+ Los Angelinos.

Raising Money and Awareness for Undocumented Students (tags)

The Association of Raza Educators Scholarship fund receives wide support from the Raza community

Avigdor Lieberman and the substance of Israeli politics (tags)

The Institute for Middle East Understanding ( is submitting this on behalf of the author.

Limiting the Catastrophe (tags)

Leslie Gelb in Time Magazine writes that admission of a defeat in Iraq is not the worst thing but rather serves to minimize the extent According to the Italian La Republica, the pyromaniac is forced to become the firefighter.

Demographic Development: Reality and Media Distortion (tags)

Reducing uhemployment and intensive education for children and youth are prerequisites for mastering the future. Instead the economy and politics constantly refer to demography.. Catastrophic reports sell better than the truth.

Israel's Cluster Bomb War "What We Did Was Insane and Monstrous" (tags)

Dropped so late in the war, it's hard to imagine what specific military objective these bombs could possibly have been meant to accomplish. Instead, they seem to have been dropped as a final, gratuitous act of violence in a war waged against an entire population. The vast majority of the 1,200 Lebanese killed by Israeli bombardments were civilians; one in three was a child.

From 200 Million to 300 Million: The Numbers behind Population Growth (tags)

Pew Hispanic Releases "From 200 Million to 300 Million: The Numbers behind Population Growth"

Civilians as ''legitimate'' military targets, Israeli attacks on Lebanon (tags)

In the july-war on Lebanon, as well as Israel as Hizbollah have committed serious human rights viollations and warcrimes against as well the Lebanese civilian population as the Israeli civilian population. Despite the ''justifications'' by both parties, they are both subjective to International Humanitarian Law, which forbids, under all circumstances, military attacks on civilians

Hello Iraq, Good Bye Vietnam. Hey!!! The US Military has finally figured this out!!! (tags)

Looks like the U.S. military has finally figured out that Iraq is just like Vietnam.

The Economy of Gaza (tags)

In one of many reports and accounts of economic life in the Gaza Strip that I have recently read, I was struck by a description of an old man standing on the beach in Gaza throwing his oranges into the sea. The description leapt out at me because it was this very same scene I myself witnessed some 21 years ago during my very first visit to the territory. It was the summer of 1985 and I was taken on a tour of Gaza by a friend named Alya. As we drove along Gaza's coastal road I saw an elderly Palestinian man standing at the shoreline with some boxes of oranges next to him. I was puzzled by this and asked Alya to stop the car. One by one, the elderly Palestinian took an orange and threw it into the water. His was not an action of playfulness but of pain and regret. His movements were slow and labored as if the weight of each orange was more than he could bear. I asked my friend why he was doing this and she explained that he was prevented from exporting his oranges to Israel and rather than watch them rot in his orchards, the old man chose to cast them into the sea. I have never forgotten this scene and the impact it had on me.

Beyond the Border, Sharing Responsibility for Immigration (tags)

A public forum designed to empower and inspire people to take responsibility for creating a fair, sustainable, environmentally friendly development plan with Mexico. Doing so addresses a solution to the root cause of illegal immigration.

Seeing the forest for the trees (tags)

The double standard will not serve any of the parties involved. It will further erode the Quartet's credibility with the Palestinians, and it will fail to save Israel from itself.

A way to drive with out ID??? (tags)

Hmmm.... Utah allows the undocumented to drive legally with a "driving privilege card." I bet that would be useful for Americans who don't have the required ID to get a drivers license

No Wars are "Humanitarian" (tags)

Justice, democracy, freedom and human dignity should define our future, not the concepts of war strategies.


Moro Islamic Liberation Front chairman Murad Ebrahim has called on his fellow Muslims and members of the indigenous communities to stand up together and defend their "homeland." Murad issued the call following last week's stalemate in the peace negotiations

Contra Costa Delta Region Sprayed w/ Pesticides (tags)

Within the last few weeks Contra Costa county near the Sacramento/San Joaquin delta was heavily sprayed with pyrethroid (PBO) pesticides. Cancer risks to humans aside, is large scale aerial pesticide spraying even an effective strategy for any purpose besides fattening the bank accounts of pesticide manufacturer CEOs???

The Filipino American Community Problems on the Pilipino Language (tags)

August is usually the National Language Week ( Linggo ng Wika) in the Philippines. Pesante-USA presented this paper this week for Filipinos in the Philippines and America to ponder. Its an irony while the Philippine government ( US-Arroyo regime) is reverting to the colonial mendicancy of propagating English to compete in the international market for labor exports, Filipinos abroad and Filipino Americans in the U.S are advancing the propagation of Pilipino in the United States. This is an important development we should monitor and work on. The more than 3 million Filipinos in the United States might be away from their homeland but their patriotism is afire and will never forget their roots.

Israeli war crimes aimed at “cleansing” south Lebanon (tags)

On Tuesday, Israeli warplanes struck the southern Lebanese town of Ghaziyeh, killing at least 14 people. Missiles demolished civilian homes just as some 1,500 mourners were participating in a procession to bury 15 of their relatives and neighbors slain just the day before. The explosions sent the crowd running in panic, dropping shrouded corpses in the street.

SEP candidate to participate in Spanish-language radio program (tags)

John Burton, the Socialist Equality Party candidate for US Congress in California’s 29th Congressional District, will be participating in a program on the Spanish-language station KTNQ, AM 1020, on Saturday night, August 5. The broadcast, which begins at 9:30 p.m. Pacific Time, is hosted by Alan Diamante, a prominent immigration and civil rights attorney in Los Angeles.

Professor of Propaganda The Lies of Alan Dershowitz (tags)

In a characteristic op-ed, titled "Arithmetic of Pain", that would surprise neither his supporters nor his critics, published by the Wall Street Journal on 19 July 2006, Alan Dershowitz sinks to new lows of depravity and inhumanity in his long-standing hate-mongering and truth-twisting anti-Arab, pro-Israel crusade.

Lt. Gov. Candidate Proposes Prison Population Reduction (tags)

Stewart Alexander is proposing to reduce California’s prison population by 70 thousand, and says California should close one or more prisons, within the next two to three years, to cut cost to taxpayers.

Hillary Clinton celebrates Israeli war crimes (tags)

The speech given by New York’s Democratic Senator Hillary Clinton to a rally staged by Zionist organizations Monday across from the United Nations headquarters in Manhattan amounted to a celebration of massacres and war crimes. Her remarks left no doubt that a vote for Clinton in November is a vote not only to continue the US war in Iraq, but to expand and intensify the slaughter throughout the region.

The First Nazi City in America (tags)

Joe Turner's fascistic anti-migrant measure has been adopted by a small town in Pennsylvania, making it, not San Bernardino, the first Nazi city in the nation

Israel War Crimes. (tags)

Human Rights Council Special Session on the Occupied Palestinian Territories, July 6, 2006 Human Rights Watch written statement

Hamas, from islamic revival-movement to Palestinian government (tags)

In contary with the leading opinions of the American-European politicians and media, the aim of Hamas, calling by them the ''distruction'' of the State of Israel, is not to kill or expell the Israeli-Jewish population, but to dismantle the zionistic State Model and to make an end to 39 year Israeli occupation and settlementspolicy

How US Wars are Sold (tags)

One of the oldest representative democracies of the world changed in the First World War into a controlled undemocratic form of state..Local stations eagerly accepted the free propaganda films.

Palestinian Choices and an action alert on Gaza (tags)

...a luta continua

Emergency LA Protest to Defend Palestine (tags)

Join a protest on Thurs, June 29, 4-6 pm to defend the Palestinian people against a brutal Israeli assault on Gaza. Stop the attack! No U.S. aid to Israel!

Geopolitical Chess Anyone? (tags)

There is a game in Korea called ba-dook, which is known as weiqi to the Chinese. It is a game of chess once played by the Yellow Emperor himself. Japan, America, Russian and Chine are now playing it and their game board is the Korean peninsula.

What’s Next for the Palestinians - Starvation? (tags)

Since 01/06, when the Palestinians elected a Hamas-dominated government, the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) have accelerated their brutal treatment. After Israeli PM, Ehud Olmert, appeared before the lapdog U.S. Congress on May 31, 2006, the IOF also slaughtered 32 Palestinians, including 10 children. On 06/23/06, Tim Rothermel and Laila El-Haddad, at a Capitol Hill forum, warned that the Palestinians may, eventually, face starvation, too.

New study predicts Jews will outnumber Arabs by 2:1 in 20 yrs (tags)

A new study recently presented to the United States Congress found Jewish birthrates are far outstripping Palestinian rates, and Israel's own statistics fail to account for even low levels of Jewish immigration when calculating national demographic trends. Alarming Palestinian birthrates claimed by the PA and quoted by Olmert are greatly exaggerated.

U.S. Army's Radioactive Blowback (tags)

Many will recall the haunting lyrics of "Dust in the Wind" by Kansas. In the wake of the U.S. military's deployment of DU munitions in the desert regions of the Middle East, a horrifying new impication is given to the lyrics. "All we are is dust in the wind".



Anti-Arab Racism Prevalent in Israel According to Poll (tags)

A recent poll confirms what many Arab Palestinians already knew - many Israeli Jews hold racist views toward Arabs. Israeli parties with anti-Arab platforms made electoral gains in the recent elections. What does this mean for the Arabs of Palestine?


It reviews recent events and opinion polls in Israel.

The Man Made Plagues...Rage On! (tags)

In 1992 I walked into the University of North Dakota Library to do some research of Congressional documents. I remember quite well the bitter cold of -40 below 0 and wind chills that would freeze you to the bone with some speed. However this cold is a warm summer day at the beach, in comparison to the documents I found.

Ubiquitous NSA Telephone Call Logging: The Practical Significance (tags)

The real significance of NSA spying.

Keeping America Empty (tags)

How one small-town conservationist launched today’s anti-immigration movement

Marx for dummies (tags)

It’ no accident that many people are finding a rekindled interest in the writings of Karl Marx; the international assault of workers wages and benefits, continued warfare, and economic instability in general are causing a revival of the buried and slandered ideas of Marxism. Many of these concepts offer tremendous insight about the origins and workings of capitalism, and thus the causes of many of society’s current problems. Needless to say, involved are immense implications for anybody interested in becoming an activist. A “Marxist” is someone who accepts some of the key points about history and society first explained by Karl Marx and Fredrick Engels, and elaborated further by the writings of Lenin, Trotsky, and many others (Stalin, Mao, etc are Marxists in name only). Unfortunately, one cannot learn about these ideas by going to college, aside from the many biased and bastardized versions of the subject. The following is a brief explanation of some of the more important concepts of Marxism.



03/25/06 March in Los Angeles (1 of 3) (tags)

The March 25th March for Immigrants Right downtown, against HR 4437 was unbelievable.

The Man Made Plagues (tags)

In 1992 I walked into the University of North Dakota Library to do some research of Congressional documents. I remember quite well the bitter cold of -40 below 0 and wind chills that would freeze you to the bone with some speed. However this cold is a warm summer day at the beach, in comparison to the documents I found.


An expose of the US gulag prison system at home.


Schwarzenegger wants to build more state prisons to reduce overcrowding, however building more prisons will be wasteful spending and misguided planning.


An account of Israeli oppression against the Palestinian people

Thretening with the Checkbook (tags)

In 1984 the US cancelled its membership in the UN organization for education, science and culture (UNESCO) Down-is-up America,. the land of reversible cups, harvests fear and mockery as long as arrogance marginalizes criticism in the multipolar world.

Israeli Study: Most Israelis are willing to give up E. Jerusalem Arab neighborhoods (tags)

According to a study published, on Thursday, in the Israeli online daily Haaretz, more ore than half of the Israelis are willing to give up East Jerusalem's Arab neighborhoods and to effectively re-divide the city as part of a genuine peace agreement. Yet, the overwhelming majority which is 75 percent of those willing to make these concessions do not believe in the possibility of achieving a genuine peace with the Palestinians.

Racism in Mexico* (tags)

Indians are often not allowed to do the easier plant packing work; ostensibly because they are "too short" to reach the vegetables to sort and pick them. Migrant farm workers in the south have been subjected to discriminatory police brutality. These people claim that police specifically target them for abuse. Reports indicate that the police target those with "markers" of being Indian, such as skin color and height.

Stephen Bezruchka: Population Health Forum (tags)

The Population Health Forum's mission is to raise awareness and initiate dialogue about the ways in which political, economic, and social inequalities interact to affect the overall health status of our society. Our goals are to promote knowledge and advocate for action in service of a healthier society.

Flight 93 (tags)

This one is for you


Every year since 1990, the United Nations publishes its Human Development Report. It contains the most authoritative data on the state of the world. These reports are available online: Based on those reports (referred to by year, followed by page), what does our world look like?

Facts About Undocumented Immigrants (tags)

The Antis will have you believe that undocs drain the US economy, but facts show that they pay more into the Tax machine then they take out.

What is anarcho-primitivism? (tags)

Anarcho-primitivism (a.k.a. radical primitivism, anti-authoritarian primitivism, the anti-civilization movement, or just, primitivism) is a shorthand term for a radical current that critiques the totality of civilization from an anarchist perspective, and seeks to initiate a comprehensive transformation of human life.

STOP Jim Gilchrist from winning the Congressional District of Orange County! (tags)

The Human Rights Coalition of California urges the people of Los Angeles County to contact fellow Orange Country friends, relatives, and co-workers to STOP JIM GILCHRIST

Policing the Poor amidst Flood Disaster (tags)

The official response to Louisiana's flood disaster has been dominated by policing the state's poor black population while thousands more are still waiting to be rescued.

Myths of the Economy (tags)

"Redistribution to poorer groups can increase growth..The public debate about the economy and economic policy is dominated by the practical necessity logic. Desires, interests and goals of social groups play no role in the discussion of economic reforms."

On the "Insurgency" Myth in Iraq (tags)

The opposite is demonstrated with spectacular and brutal actions when the US media report about successes in the battle against the enemies of freedom in Iraq.

A better job for the "Minutemen"? (tags)

Here's a satirical take on a better place for the Minutemen to "police the borders." Repost from Colorado Indymedia.

Depopulation of a Planet (tags)


Good News For Gulf War Vets With Skin Cancers (tags)

Contractible Cancers are a big weapon in the arsenals of the CIA and the people they front for, Israel....this take a whole bunch of their toys away and they do not like it but thats ok because soon they themselves are going away too...

Flight 93 - Flight 93 = Y (tags)

When Y = Revolt

Flight 93 - Flight 93 = Y (tags)

Food For Travelers

Bashar Assad ordered the death of Rafiq Hariri (Bill Clinton ) (tags)

People in the media should stop making up infantile excuses by saying the real power behind Bashar Assad killed Hariri. Assad is the power

Gud Bless Murka (tags)

Good Reading....

The Torture Administration (tags)

The Geneva Convention is not being followed by the Bush Administration.

Forced uniformity (tags)

War helps the recovery of the state. War automatically sets in motion irresistible forces of uniformity in the whole society, that passionate agreement of the majority with the state leadership against minorities and individuals who lack the herd instinct..

Primal Fears Seize the Middle (tags)

Social justice decays to mere equal opportunities.. Demography often serves economic circles, established parties and the media as a tool for social-political demigogues in legitimating neoliberal recon-struction or dismantling the welfare state.

Part-Time Work for Everyone (tags)

The advantages of part-time work must gain general approval.. When the just distribution of work makes headway, the state and the economy will be freed from a considerable part of social expenditures and cuts in individual living standards will be balanced.

PowerNomics: Plan for Economic Power for Blacks (tags)

Dr. Claud Anderson will be in Los Angeles, California on Tuesday, December 14, 2004, at the Power of Love Hall, which is located at 1430 West Manchester, Los Angeles, CA, at 7:00 p.m. Please attend. This is a VERY important conference concerning the creation of economic wealth for Black America...PowerNomics.

PowerNomics, The Economic Plan for Empowerment for Black America (tags)

Dr. Claud Anderson, Ed.D, PowerNomics, The Economic Plan to Empower Black America

21st Century American Revolution (tags)



This article examines a recent under-reported vote in Israel's parliament, it then asks and answers the question, "Why do so many Jews not want Arabs living in their neighborhoods, or in Israel at all?"

Lecture: Illegal Detentions of the U.S. War on Terror (tags)

This 15 minute lecture was one of four presentations given on U.S. political prisoners at the ANSWER coalition meeting on 11/23/04 in Los Angeles (sorry, the video says 11/24/04, which is wrong).

The Voting Trap (tags)

Addressing the problems of the United States two party system in response to Bush winning four more years of the Presidency.

Noam Chomsky Interview (tags)

"There are some differences, and small differences in a system of enormous power can translate into substantial effects. The Bush administration, if it gets another mandate, may do very serious harm to the world and the country.."

"APARTHEID ISRAEL" – A Dr. Uri Davis Interview! (tags)

Uri Davis is a scholar and Jewish citizen of Israel, but prefers to describe himself as a Palestinian Jew. He was born in Jerusalem in 1943, when Palestine was still undivided. Dr. Davis’ research interests focus on questions of citizenship, democracy and human rights in Israel and Palestine.

Super Flu Pandemic Planned! Rationed Medicines--PREDICTED OVER 2 YEAR AGO! (tags)

The top link is from a TV station in Palm Beach FL, last day or so I think....the second, longer part is a posting from 2001 concerning a whistleblower talking about conditioning the population via chemtrails, for a vast depopulation operation utilizing a super-flu pandemic... ----------------------

The Costs of the Iraq War Shock the US Public (tags)

"If Bush wins again, the attack is the best defense delusion threatens and the realiza-tion of the self-fulfilling prophecy of the American rightwing that sees a coming clash of civilizations between Islam and the West."

From Abu Graihb to LA. (tags)

When these psychotic rapist soldiers leave the military where do you think they might work next? Cop, school security, prison guard?

Racial Discrimination by and in the State of Israel (tags)

Perhaps those who suffer the heaviest discrimination are those Palestinians who were ejected from their homeland in 1948 and again in 1967, dispossessed of their homes and land, and rendered stateless.

IF (tags)

If AIDS is sexually transmitted how can one explain these figures:

Peak Oil - Possibly the Most Important Issue of Our Time (tags)

Post-peak oil production, or “Peak Oil” is possibly the most important issue of our time. The decline of oil production and the increase in demand is at or near a critical threshold. It will shake the foundations of human life on planet Earth.

The Jews & The Arabs (tags)

Perhaps if the world's Muslims could invest more in normal education and less in blaming The Jews for all their problems, we could all live in a better world.

The Crats of Hebron (tags)

".... this rising "third" population lives ferociously in Hebron, along with the Palestinians and the settlers and soldiers. They have come about as a direct result of the illegal occupation, but are in some ways symbolic of the different kind of existence that Old Hebron has become as it is called, Area H-2."

Peak Oil, a plea to learn about it, teach, and press for responsible leadership (tags)

Post-peak oil production, or “Peak Oil” is possibly the most important issue of our time. The decline of oil production and the increase in demand is at or near a very critical threshold. It will shake the foundations of human life on planet Earth

Media manipulations (tags)

Day three of US media coverage of Hussein's capture: no let-up in the hysteria

The War on Odor & The War on Terror (tags)

In (Vonnegut's) God Bless You Mr. Rosewater, one of Trout’s stories appears; a story of a country that is at war with odor. A country, where millions are spent fighting odors, chemicals are developed to neutralize every odor. Time, money and manpower goes into a full-frontal attack on the scourge of the earth, odor.

The New York Times: a proposal for ethnic cleansing in Iraq (tags)

While plans have been announced for Washington to erect a “sovereign” Iraqi regime by the middle of next year, this hollow exercise holds little prospect for ending a bitter conflict that is claiming the lives of American soldiers daily and creating growing political unrest in the US itself. Enter the New York Times with a modest proposal for a bloodbath. It advances what it terms a “three-state solution,” based on the partition of Iraq along ethnic and religious lines.

Poverty and Unemployment in America (tags)

Poverty and Unemployment

Bush Ploans Bio Attack on America (tags)

Things are about to get a bit rough in America in the next few months, don't be fooled, don't be afraid, be courageous and determined to put these criminals where they belong!

challenging European/American male patriarchy (tags)

Oppression is perpetuated by wealthy European/American white male patriarchs; from Columbus slaughtering First People of North America to U.S. Dictators GW Bush and Cheney. The oppressed people were/are Iraqi, Dineh, African, Irish and any other race/nationality that did not suit the dominator's patriarchal culture.

LA Fires More Than Economic Boom (tags)

The media's distorted coverage of the well-placed and perfectly orchestrated arsons.

Fiddling while Rome burns (tags)

America produces a quarter of the world's carbon dioxide emissions, the population has risen by 100 million since 1970 and when an area three times the size of Britain was recently opened up for mining, drilling, logging and road building, no one took much notice. What does the Bush administration do? It ignores all attempts to curb environmental damage. In a major investigation that took him from the Salton Sea in California to Crooked Creek in Florida, Matthew Engel reports on how America is ravaging the planet

Wonderful Jean Ziegler (tags)

Jean Ziegler, the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food, payed an official visit to Palestine in July 2003. This the first time a UN Rapporteur was allowed to investigate the situation in the occupied territories.

Focus On Jerusalem ~ (Michael Tarazi's Bad Fences Part IV) (tags)

International And Humanitarian Law IS Non-Negotiable. US tax dollars should NOT be funding any kind of terrorism, including this!

US Before the Third Iraq War (tags)

The US has not learned from comparable situaitons in the past that `the best military victories cannot win the peace'.. The belief that Saddam Hussein's overthrow alone would win the `hearts and minds' of the Iraqis was a grave error.



Collateral Language (Chomsky Interview, July/August '03 Z mag) (tags)


Unemployed? Worried? Read On... (tags)

First, we need to remember how wealth is created. The average high school graduate comes out thinking that if they get more of the money others have, then that's the way to create wealth. They don't have a clue about wealth creation, because in most cases, the schools don't teach it, and most of the kid's parents don't know either -- so herewith is a refresher course.

The Extinction of the Federal Government (tags)

In any revolution there is pain (and this is a revolution, whether there's shooting involved or not.) But soon the government parasites who subsist by inserting straws into their victims' throats will discover that their victims have simply walked away.

Immigration control- atool of the bosses (tags)


Europe's Irrelevancy (tags)

The Demise of the European Continent


The author says, Israel is like the New South Africa and the proposed Palestinian state will be worse than the Old South Africa. Read the article, he has a good point!

Student protests reveal weakness of Iranian regime (tags)


Rafah the cursed (tags)

"The reality is that the process of Apartheid they sat up and that consists in asphyxiating the whole population , is far more sophisticated and far more atrocious than what has been described to us until now."

The Stratification of Racism In Israel -- Phyllis Bennis via JA (tags)

Within Israel there are really 4 levels of citizenship, the first three being various levels of Jewish participation in Israeli society, which are thoroughly racialized. Beneath all these layers of Jews come--4th--the Palestinian citizens.


And I began to find out about the barbaric methods used to rid the fledgling state of as many Palestinians as possible. The world recoils today at the thought of bacteriological warfare, but Israel was probably the first to actually use it in the Middle East.

Pro-Active vs. Reactionary (tags)

When mainstream media misses the point



Put Bush, Rumsfeld, et al. in the Dock (tags)

Argentine lawyer Luis Moreno Ocampo has been appointed as the first prosecutor of the new International Criminal Court (ICC).

The US citizens are also to be condemned (tags)

The US citizens are also to be condemned, this was not just George Bush, you elected him. I am norwegian, and not an angry arab.

The 911 and why Bill Clinton tells americans to Support Bush (tags)


iraqi attitude towards british troops (tags)

italian media today shown iraqi attitude toward british troops

Flash!: US/British Military Have Declared Basra a Military Target! (tags)

The US/British military have declared Basra "a military target" due to stiff resistance against occupation forces being put up by Iraqi troops and the general population as well.

War - The Final Solution (tags)

The continuing escalation of the never-ending Israeli war against the entire non-Jewish population of mandated Palestine has become the model for the Bush administration's never-ending war against all those who stand in the way of U.S. economic and military hegemony around the world.

John Pilger: "Blair is a Coward" (tags)

William Russell, the great correspondent who reported the carnage of imperial wars, may have first used the expression "blood on his hands" to describe impeccable politicians who, at a safe distance, order the mass killing of ordinary people.


Events have come to a head. The timing for this Protest is perfect. But it's CRUCIAL that there is a large turnout.

As the Global French Revolution Continues on Schedule (tags)

I am sure it was not lost on the Kenyan population that when the IMF/World Bank dictates placed upon Daniel Moi's dictatorship to charge school fees for primary education moved to 40% of children between the ages of 5 and 14 into child labor

Stop funding Israeli war crimes: Divest NOW! (by Latuff) (tags)

Support Virginia Commonwealth University Divestment Campaign.

Cloning a brave new wolrd order (tags)

Will the advent of a human clone be a threat to the survival of the species?

Flesh-Eating Bacteria Hits Calif. Marine Base (tags)

Ooops! Sorry about that mortar round! We'll get you a medic in about four hours. Try not to bleed ot death or anything! + more...


This Article Presents A Very Brief History Of The Jewish/Israeli Conquest Of Palestine. The map below shows the Palestinian villages destroyed by the Israelis since 1948

Israel Does NOT Allow Inter-Religious Marrages (tags)

Not all Haaretz articles make it into English (guess, they don't want their foreign readers to know everything they publish). Here's one such article: Israel does not allow inter-religious marrages.

Human Population: A Brief History (tags)

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It is remind that if the state and the institutions are denouncing situation for now in Argentina as anarchy, it is not anarchy in the country ! What is happening is a step toward the decay of power. In fact the chaos in argentina is caused by the state and capitalism, not by anarchists ideals.

Mass Psychosis Strikes Nation - Congress feared effected (tags)

Weimar Syndrome was first detected here in the U.S. in the winter of 2000 when it was discovered that a growing number of citizens were under the mistaken impression that a little known governor from the state of Texas was actually the president of the United States

Ten Years After - Time to Revisit The World Scientists' Warning to Humanity (tags)

We the undersigned, senior members of the world's scientific community, hereby warn all humanity of what lies ahead. A great change in our stewardship of the earth and the life on it, is required, if vast human misery is to be avoided and our global home on this planet is not to be irretrievably mutilated.

A Global French Revolution Is Coming, And We're The Aristocrats. (tags)

An Open Letter to the Johanesburg Conference on Sustaining the Empire.


An account of what happened when units of the Colombian army, the police, DAS and the CTI, supported by helicopters, exploded over the hills of Medellin, killing nine people on May 21st.

Palestine (tags)


Who are the Palestinians (tags)

encyclopedia of peace

Earth 2050 (tags)

The World's resources are quickly disappearing in the face of the new global economy study says

Why is Desmund Tutu silent on Egyptian aparthied. (tags)

Why is Desmund Tutu silent on Egyptian aparthied.

BTL:Unending Conflict & 35 Years of Occupation Take Psychological Toll on... (tags)

...Exhausted Palestinian Population. Between The Lines' Scott Harris spoke with Dr. Elia Awwad, director of Mental Health Services in the Palestinian territories with the Palestine Red Crescent Society.

Lower the Voting Age to 16 (tags)

This peice was not paid for by MTV.

Germ Warfare in NY? (tags)

What I find amazing about human nature is the ability to live in denial, even against overwhelming evidence to the contrary. It is a survival mechanism, but if left on automatic will undermine one's survival. Even the Jesish Kapos remained in denial until it was their turn for the gas that what we are going to do as well?

America=KKK (tags)

After months of its patently anti-semitic(re: Arab and Afghan) pummeling of the Middle East and Central Asia with thousands of civilian deaths in Afghanistan, America may be turning its guns and bombs loose against the Mother Continent of Humankind-Africa.

H. R. 2977 (tags)

H.R. 2977 Preservation of Space Kucinich Ohio Oct. 2001 look up MInd control in Lecture Feb. 2,

Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Fatah offer truce, Sharon says ''No'' (tags)

The main Palestinian resistance groups have offered to suspend attacks inside Israel if the Israeli occupation army and paramilitary Jewish terrorists agree in return to stop assassinating Palestinian citizens and end tank and aerial bombardment of Palestinian population centers.

Protect International Population Assistance Capitol Hill Days March 24-27, 2001 (tags)

Among the very first official acts of newly elected President George W. Bush, who is no fan of U.S. aid for international population assistance, is whether or not to impose the onerous Global Gag Rule. This policy could deny U.S. population assistance funding to organizations that 1) provide legal abortion services using their own, non-U.S. funds or 2) participate in public debates about abortion, again, using their own, non-U.S. funds.

Activist speaks about general population at Twin Towers Jail (tags)

An activist arrested during the Rampart action, speaks out about the conditions faced by the women prisoners in the general population at Twin Towers jail.

Anarchists support jail population (tags)

Anarchists raise their fists to show support for those in the general jail population that have been unfairly arrested at the Twin Towers Correctional Facility in Los Angeles, CA on Tuesday, Aug. 22, 2000. Copyright 2000 Dang Ngo. Free for use by nonprofit, anti-corporate globalization organizations and for personal use. All other rights reserved.

Corporate Media is Corrupt Media (tags)

Corporate Media supports murder. Is this good when it serves our interests or the interests of our buddies in organized cirme?

Support Genocide - Green Party Convention (tags)

Ralph Nader is leading the Green Party charge to increase global justice by eliminating the disfigured in the US.

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