fix articles 6558, particles
A Weakening Magnetic Field is the REAL Cause of Global Warming and the REAL threat
Distro info on D-U exposure at military recruitment centers (tags)
Potential military recruits need an advance warning info about the health risks of Depleted Uranium exposure prior to enlisting
Reach out and help your community to survive and stop the pollution of the environment and air particles that may cause harm to humans living in the surrounding areas: URGENT WHEN: OCT 12, THURSDAY TODAY AT 7:00 P.M. TONIGHT MEETINGS OUR LADY OF TALPA AUDITORIUM 4TH STREET, BETWEEN SAVANNAH AND EUCLID STREET. ACROSS THE STREET FROM EVERGREEN PLAYGROUND. Meeting with leaders of the community, Jose Huizar Councilmen, and owners of the property on Euclid and 4th, planning to built a high density antennas in our back yards. Come and meet the person(s) that want to do this structure. The resident have several concerns AND MORE, do you have questions and concerns, come and ask and make elected or commission people accountable to insure the safety of our community.
Call on Gov. Schwarzenegger to Investigate Chemtrails (tags)
Calling for a State Level Investigation into the Aerial Spraying Campaign known as Chemtrails/Persistent Contrails.
breathe deep, the gathering gloom..
ENMOD Weather Control, Behaviour Modification, And Lab Ratz R Us (tags)
ENMOD Weather Control, Behaviour Modification, And Lab Ratz R Us (tags)
harp on haarp
Lines In The Sky Mean Years Off Your Life (tags)
And off your kids lives, and especially off your grandkids lives...
Lines In The Sky Mean Years Off Your Life (tags)
It IS Patently Obvious--review well...this is about energy technology that the bush scum do not DARE talk about because it is highly damaging to living things, including is probable that this tech responsible for 30% of malpractice suits in the last ten years, and you can expect 25% off your life because of this tech being tested on you by a foreign power controlling America...
Charged Aerosol WARFARE CLOUDS US Patent#4,704,942 (tags)
While a specific embodiment of the invention has been shown and described in detail to illustrate the application of the principles of the invention, it will be understood that the invention may be embodied otherwise without departing from such principles.
These oddities have been appearing with increasing frequency since bush took office, and have weather scientists stymied and in confused disagreement...
Chemtrail crisis: an overview and update (tags)
From the April 2001 Idaho Observer:
The Omnipotence of God (II) (tags)
The fact that almost all religions believe that nothing, not even a single space or a single entity, is capable of restricting God’s existence is an obvious indication that sub-atomic particles are part of God.
The fact that almost all religions believe that nothing, not even a single space or a single entity, is capable of restricting God’s existence is an obvious indication that sub-atomic particles are part of God.
chemical and biological weapons are not "weapons of mass distruction". (tags)
Chemical and biological weapons are not weapons of mass distruction. They are not very effective weapons. Far less effective than a 2,000 pounder.