fix articles 65419, bikini atoll
This story is important in and of itself, but also because it once again unearths the region’s role in the birth of the atomic age, and also highlights the radioactive legacy that continues to haunt us.
Whatever Happened to Empathy? (tags)
Whatever happened to empathy? How did the world suddenly become inhabited by good, red-blooded Americans and a bunch of gooks, slopes, ragheads, hadjis and any other pejorative which makes them seem less than human? How did the world suddenly become us and them? How is it that no one's beliefs and concerns have validity except ours? How has it come about that the world is now divided between us, our few allies, and a world of terrorists?
1 March 1954 - Operation Bravo and the Marshall Islands Human Guinea Pigs (tags)
On March 1st, 1954 - 50 years ago - the USA did proceed to their first H bomb test: Operation Bravo.
Animal Cruelty: Al-Qaeda's Got Nothin' on the US Military (tags)
The world is rightfully shocked at the alleged puppy experiments of Al-Qaeda. Unreported by the U.S. corporate media are the decades of animal cruelty inflicted by the U.S. Department of Defense. This brief expose reveals a history of U.S. animal abuse that makes Al-Qaeda look like good samaritans.