fix articles 65042, chase bank
Ghosts of Wall Street Occupy Hollywood Blvd Halloween Night (tags)
“Nightmares from Wall Street haunt us all,” says Occupy Fights Foreclosures, as concerned citizens took to Hollywood Blvd to educate and awaken others about economic inequality and banker crimes.
Lodge Squat Provided Housing for Many in SF (tags)
After a two year run, The Lodge, a San Francisco squat started by Homes Not Jails, came to an end on March 15.
Spoiling for Another Fight? (tags)
BREAKING: Occupy Riverside reports three arrests outside of a Chase bank. (tags)
Text message received by LA-IMC news room 1:50 pm 11-5-11
The Abraham Lincoln Brigade - A Profile in Courage, Honor and Hope (tags)
The story of anti-fascist freedom fighters.
"Doomsday Seed Vault" in the Arctic (tags)
On this God-forsaken island Bill Gates is investing tens of his millions along with the Rockefeller Foundation, Monsanto Corporation, Syngenta Foundation and the Government of Norway, among others, in what is called the ‘doomsday seed bank.’ Officially the project is named the Svalbard Global Seed Vault on the Norwegian island of Spitsbergen, part of the Svalbard island group.
WNV Spraying Benefits Pesticide Manufacturers, NOT People!! (tags)
Since the mosquito season is upon us, many regional vector control districts will use corporate PR myths to promote toxic pesticide spraying to combat WNV. However, this yearly cycle of spraying can increase mosquito populations by adversely reducing populations of beneficial predator species..
Join Revolutionaries Delegation to Venezuela (tags)
The objective of US - Venezuela Bolivarian Exchange is to build bridges between the Bolivarian movement in Venezuela and the social justice movement in the United States, facilitating exchanges of delegations between community-based organizations from each nation.
The End of the Bush Dynasty (tags)
How George Bush hastened the demise of the Bush family political dynasty.
The Importance of Civil Disobedience in Post-Katrina New Orleans (tags)
Citizens of New Orleans are taking it upon themselves to enforce the right of return with everyday acts of civil disobedience. Public housing residents in particular are fighting back. HUD is attempting to shutter all of public housing in New Orleans, but residents have forced the reopening of Iberville Housing Development, and have attempted reoccupation of two other developments.
Calderon as ExxonMobil's welcome mat via NAFTA/PPP (tags)
The historical pattern of ExxonMobil indicates their support for pro-NAFTA/PPP Calderon and possible takeover of Mexican owned Pemex by ExxonMobil corporation (restored monopoly)..
Two weeks ago they came for Atenco Now they come for the South Central Farm (tags)
We, members of the Autonomous Peoples Collective (APC) and the Eastside Café (ESC), as subscribers to the Sixth Declaration of the Lacandon Jungle and the "Other Campaign" denounce the imminent eviction of over 300 families who currently work the 14 acres of land considered the largest urban farm in the U.S., located in South Central Los Angeles, California.
Fascism and the Republican Party (tags)
The close relationship with the Republican Party of fascist individuals and groups from the period of Nazi rule in Europe.
Rockefeller empire. Please, ignore the Truth. (tags)
What would have happened if millions of American and British people, struggling with coupons and lines at the gas stations, had learned that in 1942 Standard Oil of New Jersey [part of the Rockefeller empire] managers shipped the enemy's fuel through neutral Switzerland and that the enemy was shipping Allied fuel?
Fascism and the Republican Party (tags)
The relationship between fascist individuals and groups from World War 2 with the Republican Party and the corporate connections between German and American corporations. Not to be construed as implying the Democrats aren't imperialistic
North Korea and the Axis of Oil (tags)
"....the real WWII Axis powers - Nazi Germany, Italy and Japan - had a major strategic problem in common. Unlike GW's Axis of Evil, none had oil reserves, a prerequisite for world domination. Getting access to oil was part of their reason for invading other countries. Bush is doing exactly what they were doing in WWII, creating a justification for war, threatening war and then invading..."