fix articles 6413, amount
The interiors of Uranus contain about 50,000 times the amount of water in Earth's oceans... - a cesspool for alt-rights (tags)
A 'fun' supplement for every alt-righter, Trumpturd, fascist and the occasional woman and children abuser
Freedom Shouldn't Depend on Your Bank Account Balance (tags)
Did you know that the median bail amount in California is $50,000? That’s just a little less than the state’s median income of $61,000.
KPFK NEEDS ALL VOTES - now please (tags)
The deadline is Jan 4th - coming soon - or KPFK gets stuck with Old-Past-Due board-members -- those who have let the station Down this perilous financial loss path to now... VOTE IF YOU ARE ELIGIBLE
VOTE on KPFK or else it may be a lost cause or sold away (tags)
the urgency of to have a full QUORUM of voters before Jan 4, 2016 is being announced on Radio Station KPFK, 90.7 Fm in L.A. that has a broadcast reach past this county into San Diego, and Santa Barbara and is also sponsored by listeners on it’s website at There is a threat and signs of bankruptcy or assets being sold for maintainance money and some KPFA board and atty connivers set to take away-over all of Pacifica’s Foundation, by replicating similarly it’s name.
Quantitative Crisis: Bernanke’s “Stimulus” For The 1% (tags)
When I heard that Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke told Congress last week that it was too soon for the Fed to end its extraordinary stimulus programs, I did a double take.
On Friday, July 6, President Obama signed into law a bill that would renew transportation programs and extend low interest rates on student loans for one year. While this minimal gesture resulted in, no doubt, sighs of relief from those burdened by student debt, tucked away within the bill's pages was a little-noticed proposal to further erode the funding of workers' pensions. The bill was a brilliant sleight of hand where what it appeared to be giving with one hand distracted the public from what it was taking away with the other.
Climate Impact Day in Eagle Rock (tags)
“To preserve our planet, scientists tell us we must reduce the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere from its current level of 392 parts per million to below 350 ppm. But 350 is more than a number—it's a symbol of where we need to head as a planet.”
Occupy Los Angeles Marches for Bank Transfer Day (tags)
Diversified, Angry , Nonviolent. PhotoSet 3 of 3
Occupy Los Angeles Marches for Bank Transfer Day (tags)
Diversified, Angry , Nonviolent. Photo Set 2 of 3
Occupy Los Angeles Marches for Bank Transfer Day (tags)
Diversified, Angry , Nonviolent. PhotoSet 1 of 3
Critique of Marianne Williamson at Occupy LA (tags)
A critique of a small part of Williamson's speech regarding capitalism.
Philippine Congress asked to suspend interest for ?corrupted debts? in 2012 budget (tags)
MANILA, Philippines ? On the last few days of the budget committee hearings, a debt watchdog has asked the House Committee on Appropriations to follow President Benigno S. Aquino III?s example by suspending interest payments for ?corrupted debts and deals? in the proposed 2012 national government budget.
Pay For Your Own Security Guards (tags)
Starting at the end of World War II our nation’s race to outpace, outgun and implement checks for every new threat developed under the Soviet Union moved fast, hard and with narrow focus. Every inch of our nation’s military, espionage apparatus and government was tinged with red menace paranoia. Apparently it was not hard to abandon the perspective of our founding fathers regarding the use of our military overseas and overburden the map with proof of our overreach. We did not see it as that at the time, we became focused on, and at times way too caught up with, out-doing our mortal enemy the USSR.
Gates' Yolie Flores displays an all new level of mendaciousness on ACLU settlement (tags)
Addressing the outrageous mendaciousness of Yolie Flores' recent anti-community and anti-labor op-ed on the Reed Settlement.
Prohibition of Interest in Islamic Finance (tags)
Since the early 70s, Islamic economics was introduced to world of finance as a new instrument, whose purpose was to follow an economic system based on Islamic Shari'a or the law of Islam. One of the main elements of the system is the prohibition on interest rates.
BP oil spill planet killer (tags)
The oil pressure coming up the oil deep water pipe was running between 20,000 and 70,000 PSI. Science Advisor Richard C. Hoagland warned listeners that an even worse catastrophe could be looming if a giant gas bubble that has formed at the site of the leak on the ocean floor should blow. Hoagland said the pressure in the pipe is 100,000 or more lbs of pressure per squire inch or PSI.
You see alcohol everywhere, its part of today’s society, it’s considered part of everyday life.
The Mahr Provision in Islamic Marriage Contracts (tags)
In recent years, many Islamic divorce cases were litigated in the United States family courts. The issue of mahr in the Islamic marriage contracts became subject of debate among lawyers and scholars. This article sheds lights on the Islamic mahr in USA.
There are solutions to the drug problem
LA's Part in the Drug War (tags)
Los Angeles has long been a destination for immigration from Mexico, but job seekers aren't the only commodity crossing the border. Cocaine trafficking is big business in Mexico, and my article looks at Los Angeles' role in the Drug War.
Save Rent Control & Tenant Protections Update: Get Involved! (tags)
Contributions by supporters trying to save rent control, tenant protections, and so-called affordable housing are lagging! Supporters need to get involved now!
A Short Introduction to Marx's Das Kapital (tags)
Marx’s analysis of capitalism, unlike bourgeois accounts, is conducted from a historical perspective. In other words, Marx was keenly aware that during the march of history, one economic system, because of internal, irreconcilable contradictions, has been replaced by another until it too falls victim to similar contradictions. Of course, when one is born and matures within a single economy and lacks knowledge of any other system, one tends to take one’s own for granted, believing that it will persevere forever. A historical perspective has the advantage of forcing us to rise above the provincial perspective that assumes economic systems are eternal. We survey from above the vast array of systems that have played their fleeting role on history’s stage. For this reason, Marx’s analysis of capitalism is specifically written with the purpose of unveiling its inner contradictions so that the possibility of its demise stands boldly in relief. This runs directly opposed to bourgeois portrayals of capitalism as “natural” and hence as unalterable as the law of gravity itself.
Boycott All UFPJ and IA Activities (tags)
This weekend's so-called peace rally in Washington D.C. will simply amount to aa enormous waste of time
Your platform includes "corporate tax cheats" however what is to be done about those employers that do not pay the proper amount of withholding tax.
888 And The Terror Of Reality (tags)
How the media often is lying with the truth (tags)
This is an interesting story because the media seems to be distorting the facts with the truth. The headline seems to imply that Senator McCain is some sort of hero for trying to solve a tribal dispute. The truth is the tribe claims to have been screwed by the government out of royalties of $100 billion and the only thing Senator McCain is doing is asking them to settle out of court for less then 10 percent of the damages. Hell any $200 an hour lawyer could do that.
Tucker Carlson is a Thin Idiot (tags)
The fresh-faced pundit, recently pink-slipped by CNN, is bummed that Iraqis aren’t more grateful for all America’s been doing for them, and suggests their ingratitude will likely be shared by the victims of the recent tsunami, what with so many of them being Islamic and all.
W is both "stingy" and abrasive (tags)
The part-time White House occupier(he seems to spend an enormous amount of 'paid vacation' time at his Crawfor ranch)is chafing at criticism that the U.S. is being awfully 'stingy' in sending token amounts of aid to victims of the Asian tsunami over the weekend.
The U.S could free up with seven times as much money for aid to the tsunami victims as it is currently offering by just canceling the order for one new F-22 Raptor tactical fighter jet.
Caracas: the opening of a Libertarian Centre & social library (tags)
* The Venezuelan Comision de Relaciones Anarquistas (CRA) calls for solidarity with a project which is the first of its kind in our country: the opening (sunday 14th November 2004) of a Libertarian Social Studies Centre (Centro de Estudios Sociales Libertarios - CESL), together with a social library.
$5.15 IS NOT ENOUGH!!! It's Time to Raise the Minimum Wage! (tags)
George W Bush and the real state of the Union (tags)
Today the President gives his annual address. As the election battle begins, how does his first term add up?
Answer me this. If 'AIDS really is a sexually transmitted syndrome (common cause -'HIV'- for old existing diseases) then why is there almost no 'AIDS' in Japan. Total cases in twenty years amount to only 7,500 or 375 a year.
It is about time to call a spade and spade...
Does Finland finally get filled with tanks? (tags)
When is the Finnish armament going to be a threat to the surrounding States?
1-24-02 -- A report back from one of the Taco Bell Boycott Committee activists. The activists went to pick tomatoes.