fix articles 64122, migration Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : migration


Labor migration has always existed (tags)

Labor migration to Germany has a history: Italian guest workers in the 1960s The labor shortage in the countryside is becoming increasingly noticeable, and it is becoming more and more difficult to find local workers; on the other hand, the demand for migrant workers, mainly foreigners, is increasing. (...)

Société générale de sotie, capitalocène (tags)

Dans ce monde au tout prostitué...

Fighting the "Immigrant Threat" (tags)

The current rise in precarious work is better understood in the context of neoliberal reform, processes of deregulation, deindustrialization, and deunionization, as well as the growing inequality that has resulted.

For a borderless pragmatism. Outline of a Progressive Migration Policy (tags)

Immigration leads to stronger economic growth, which in turn creates jobs, Without migration, we would all be sitting in Olduvia in East Africa, as we were 100,000 years ago. About 3% of the world's population, about 215 million people, live in a state other than the one in which they were born. Migration has always existed.

"Capitalism will make migrants out of all citizens" (tags)

No one speaks about the right to be deeply rooted in one's country and not to be uprooted by global capitalism. In reality, the elite is demophobic. That means, it hates people and democracy. We must be populist and not elitist today, democratic and not demophobic.

On the Refugee Debate (tags)

The rulers want to divert from the real causes of the refugee wave and from their own misdeeds because the cause of the misery is an exploitation crisis of capital and the greed of mammoth world corporations. Only the prospect for a future in their country can stop refugees.

Switzerland: Video on Undocumented Occupation (tags)

On 26 June, about 300 migrants and solidarity activists occupied a park right besides the seat of the Swiss government in Bern. They've been protesting against Switzerland's inhuman asylum and migration policy and demand the collective regularisation of the country's undocumented migrants.

Right to Stay Now! A Documentary (tags)

On 19 December 2008, approximately 150 undocumented migrants and solidarity activists occupied the Prediger Church in Zurich (Switzerland) for more than two weeks. The squatters demanded a just implementation of the hardship provision, the abolition of the prohibition of work and the legalization of the status of all undocumented migrants. Now, a 30-minute documentary about the action was published.

Filipino Workers to heads of G20: Creating a better world order is no more your business (tags)

Relegating the world’s future to the hands of same leaders who created the current global economic crisis is a recipe to further disaster, according to Partido ng Manggagawa (Workers Party), a militant labor party in the country which joined hundreds of other protesters in a march to the US embassy this morning in time for the G20 Summit in Washington DC.

Filipino Workers hold March to protest against the GFMD (tags)

As the Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD) opened today in Manila, at least 5000 workers from the Philippines and other countries in every region of the world came together in one of the broadest labor mobilizations ever organized in the entire history of the global trade union movement.

AJLPP Blast Pro-Imperialist 2nd GFMD in Manila (tags)

On behalf of the of the Alliance-Philippines (AJLPP) we express our militant solidarity for the all the mass actions and protests against the Manila ‘s Second Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD). The AJLPP West Coordinator Arturo P. Garcia said: “ The AJLPP and the Filipino American community in the United States strongly condemns the United nations (UN) pro-imperialist and anti-migrant GMFD framework and agenda of the conference in Manila. The agenda of the conference lay bare the exploitative foundation and consequences of so-called neoliberal globalization on the lives of migrants, refugees and their families.

On the 2nd GMFD Conferene in Manila (tags)

On behalf of the of the Alliance-Philippines (AJLPP) we express our militantly solidarity for the all the mass actions and protests against the Manila ‘s Second Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD). The AJLPP strongly condemns the pro-imperialist and anti-migrant GMFD framework and agenda of the conference in Manila. The agenda of the conference lay bare the exploitative foundation and consequences of so-called neoliberal globalization on the lives of migrants, refugees and their families.

More Sensitivity and Less Prejudice (tags)

Since journalists influence the political and social climate in the subject of migration, they should show greater sensitivity toward racist exclusion..Integration is not a one-way street but can only succeed when we create the prerequisites and grant equal rights.

Wrong Approach (tags)

We may be able to find a middle ground in resolving the issue of unregulated migration into the US from Mexico.

Solidarity with the Rebels of France (tags)

The o.r.g.a.n.i.c. collective wishes to extend our feelings of solidarity to the rebels of the migrant communities of France. It is clear to us that the recent uprising which has spread across the country is a reaction against years of bitter racism that has ruined countless lives as well as a reaction against racist immigration policies based on that racism.

Join The SECOND Virtual Sit-In Against The MinuteMen (tags)

Join the and Electronic Disturbance Theater Virtual Sit-In Against Anti-Immigrant Websites, from Tuesday July 20th -Thursday, July 22nd To join, click here:

no border camp in puglia italy (tags)

Border Camping in Puglia

Congressional Hispanic Caucus Press Conference (tags)

Press conference on Republicans' attempt to link migration and immigration policies to Mexico's cooperation with US oil interests.

Alto a Guárdian (Stop Operation Gatekeeper) II (tags)

Alto a Guárdian (Stop Operation Gatekeeper) II

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