fix articles 63985, vince cannistraro
Bring the Bushite Enemy to Justice (tags)
"We don't give them a bail out on top of a bail out, they'll run Americans into the ground - is the for sure crime of extortion"
Judith Miller, Larry Franklin, Office of Special Plans, PNAC & WMDs (tags)
'Judith Miller & Larry Franklin, sitting in a tree...'
The 911 Cover-up is starting to Unravel (tags)
Happenings: Los Angles Grand Jury finds 911 story FALSE, Rove leak tied to diversion of AIPAC and top Cheney aids complicity in selling Iran nuclear detonators Are leading to the unravelling of the 911 Cover-Up.
Dancing Israelis (This story won't go away.) (tags)
heir discovery and arrest that morning is a matter of indisputable fact. To those who have investigated just what the Israelis were up to that day, the case raises one dreadful possibility: that Israeli intelligence had been shadowing the al-Qaeda hijackers as they moved from the Middle East through Europe and into America where they trained as pilots and prepared to suicide-bomb the symbolic heart of the United States. And the motive? To bind America in blood and mutual suffering to the Israeli cause.
Ex-Officials Dispute Iraq Tie to al-Qaida (tags)
``There was no significant pattern of cooperation between Iraq and the al-Qaida terrorist operation,'' former State Department intelligence official Greg Thielmann said this week.
Mossad & Moving Companies - Masterminds Of Global Terrorism? (tags)
On September 11, five employees of Jewish owned Urban Moving Company were detained as a result of witness accounts that they were taking pictures of the flaming ruins of the World Trade Center and celebrating!
Major Watergate-like scandal over WMD? (tags)
WASHINGTON, Jun 2 (IPS) - When all three major U.S. newsweeklies--Time, Newsweek and U.S. News & World Report--run major features on the same day on possible government lying, you can bet you have the makings of a major scandal.
Top 31 Bush - Iraq Lies: A Reference For Seekers of Truth So many lies have been spread by the Administration and their minions that it is hard to keep track. I suppose that’s part of their strategy. Overwhelm the opposition and the public with so much misinformation that the truth will never be clear. They can then press forward in an ambiguous cloud of fear and “what if?” scenarios.
We created a poster that has appeared in around 20 states, and has been dowloaded over 1,000 times from the site ( created to support distribution. Appropriate text is now being developed for versions in Spanish, Japanese, Italian and Finnish. The poster features a powerful photograph of an Iraqi girl who was injured in a US bombing raid south of Basra in April, 1999. Download the poster by accessing You can also email a letter to Bush from the site.