fix articles 63697, afraid
Diverse issues addressed: from women's right to choose, LGBTQ, race, women in Palestine, and climate change.
Wisconsin’s recall election proves no substitute for a social movement (tags)
Democratic Party and union leaders were afraid of the power of people on display in Madison, afraid of a movement that had blossomed out of their control and afraid that they would not look “respectable” in the eyes of establishment power brokers and the corporate mass media.
In the quest to not seem as if a person has suffered a loss the there can be no end to the lengths certain people's egos will go. It happens in all areas of life and when highly competitive people lose, it can be as though they have suffered the death of someone close to them. For those that care only about the competition, such as many athletes, it's probably just as much if not more about the work they put in to achieve a win only to suffer a loss. For people in other situations sometimes it is all about image and the thought of being humiliated, embarrassed and looking bad. There are even those that feel everything is about their image for them losses can send people to extremes with desperation written all over their actions.
13 Episodes of Rocky and Bullwinkle (tags)
Hope like the immigrant is often annoying and unwelcome. Maybe disillusionment can be a new beginning (cf. Doug Henwood, Left Business Observer).
Meditations on the "oldest" modern empire.
Obama George W. Bush Wacks Helen Thomas! (tags)
In the debut of president Barrack Obama's first press conference da Prez in an attempt to honor the grand dame of the white house press corp. gave a slightly more dramatic calling on Helen's turn to ask her "question"
The postman always knocks twice (tags)
This time, the Israelis are afraid to open the door
The Psychopathology of The Republican (tags)
Fear. Domination. The Reptilian Brain and the Non-Goodness of Man. The Republican party is a party of domination, not partnership. Dominate the earth-drill, excavate. Dominate Iraq, because they could someday dominate us.
I was afraid to go before
What are you afraid of? (tags)
Nothing to fear but the politicians who are using fear (tags)
The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary. H. L. Mencken
Once a coward, always a coward.
"People shouldn’t be afraid of their governments…governments should be afraid of their people." The following is a review of "V for Vendetta" by James Wolcott that appeared on the Vanity Fair website. It is surprising that there has not been more discussion concerning this film on Indymedia... perhaps this post can initiate the conversation. Read Wolcott's full review here:
Stanley Tookie Williams Vengeance or Justice (tags)
On Black Entertainment Television on Friday night, the Bloods, notorious rival to Tookie Williams' Crips gang, offered up their guns in exchange for Tookie's life. The arsenal was impressive, and the gesture unequivocal. Report from a viewer below. Boldface added.
Capitalism Loves Violent Revolution (tags)
keeping peace
new tentcity on Sunday come hell or high water (tags)
asserting the right to live
The Propaganda Message is the Context not the Content (tags)
After years of struggle, now it is time to turn the tables on the IMF, the World Bank, the G8, and the Capitalist Media System, et al, by pulling the same stunt on them that they have been pulling on everyone else for years...
As with Terri Schaivo, It’s Time to Pull the Plug on a Brain-Dead US Media (tags)
The sorry display of editors making lame excuses for not informing the American public for over a month of the damning written evidence of Bush lying to get the U.S. into a needless war in Iraq—the Downing Street memos—makes it clear that no one who wants to know what’s going on should waste time reading or watching the corporate media. -------------------------------
April 2 Protest at Lancaster, CA Prison (tags)
Families and friends of inmates stood in front of CSP-LAC Prison at Lancaster on April 2 to alert the media of six deaths there since Sept. and multiple reports of torture and beatings. The Los Angeles Daily News printed a picture but not the reason why the families were there in the middle of no where. The weak prison plan that doesn't include civilian oversight was also being protested. Living Wills are a license to kill and the idea comes from Assemblymember Sharon Runner who allows horrible conditions at CSP-LAC Lancaster
GRANDPA JEANMARRY: Granpa, I am 7 years old, and I die (tags)
FOR the CHILDREN OF the WORLD, the Unicef helps
Snitch alert: Geoff Kerns speaks to Seattle grand jury (tags)
An interesting development in the Seattle grand jury came to light recently. When Allison Lance Watson was charged with perjury she became entitled to discovery in the form of other grand jury participants testimony. This discovery has revealed that Geoffrey Kerns turned snitch for the government.
Confronting Christophobic Thugs (tags)
Message from an Iraqi mother (tags)
Last week, a bomb fell 12 feet from Huda Al-Jazairy’s house in Baghdad. Fortunately, she said, it fell on open ground and no one was hurt. The blast broke windows in surrounding houses. Al-Jazairy was out of her house at the time, and neighbors told her not to go back.
smallDems strategY? Combatative or Creative, Tough Fight Against to Dominate or Fair Fight (tags)
for what IS Right to Nurture..., Kucinich, an honest Friend By, For and Of regular, common working folks, has consistently,steadfastly presented a necessary vision which has inspired an understanding, and burdgeoning realization that his clear plans entail specific actions for Peace, Progress & Prosperity reminding to renew and Reclaim COMMON SENSE of COMMON PEOPLE,COMMON DREAMS, Aspirations motivating UNCOMMON ENERGY TO IN-COMMUNITY CREATE A COMMON DESTINY TO ACHIEVE THIS COMMON GOAL FOR OUR ENTANGLED COMMON FUTURE, by restoring our True Historical standing of Egalitarianism, beacon for Oppurtunity and the happiness of to pursue Life and liberty in a healing Rennaissance Epoch of caring,sharing and courageous daring for sustainable policies from a transparent Sunshine Goverment promoting the Public Interest to advance Domestic wellBEing.
911 a picture of truth in Action (tags)
This is truth in Action!
Cameras Are Face Scanning Us (tags)
From Alex Jones ( They are putting cameras up everywhere with microphones, face scanning us. What for? So they can watch us. Why? Because they are abusing us and are now afraid of us.
When government is strong, the individual is weak. (tags)
To the extent that government is strong, the individual is weak.
Things I've Learned or Concluded In The Last Couple Of Years (tags)
When we're afraid, its OK if our leaders are delusional as long as they really believe in their delusions and state them strongly.
4-8 almonds a day cures camcer (tags)
Doctors don't want to cure cancer - either do the cancer people in their fancy offices doing nothing but making millions (bureaucrats).
Bill Clinton Gets Taxpayer-Supported Blowjobs (tags)
Liberals will go after you for talking - or basically doing anything human. You may think for youself. They hate that.
Americans have good reason to be afraid of their leaders (tags)
But now here's an irony that no one expected. Back in America, complaining about America is the one thing that's pretty much disappeared, lost under the weight of a collective patriotism and increasing constitutional limitations.
PBS does it again - BE AFRAID AMERICA (tags)
'I deserted Saddam's army' (tags)
Iraq had a huge army, but only a fraction of its soldiers were killed or captured during the war. Hamed Nissam was one of those who took off his uniform and simply melted away.
Real Iraqi's are NOT Dancing in The Streets (tags)
Note: What a terrible travesty and lie has and is being visited on the people mostly of this nation with the full complicity of a prostituted-lap dog-boot licking press. On Democracy Now I have seen the quiet--eloquent people (the real ones) of Iraq.
Kennedy said once that, "we have nothing to fear but fear itself."
The SHORTWAVE REPORT 3/28/03 ¡Listen Globally! (tags)
A 30 minute review of world news and opinion recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files- broadcast quality (13.2MB) and quick download (3.3MB). With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast. Russia, Netherlands, Germany, China, Cuba.
Why send death to others when you should enjoy it yourself?
“FIRST” strike on IRAQ- DAY OF ACTION!! (tags)
Laura Bush afraid of Poets (tags)
The First Lady (wasn't that Eve?) was afraid to continue with a Whitehouse poetry reading when it turned out that most of the poets don't like murdering children. The URL tells part of the story. Sam Hamill's poem here tells it all.
'turn the other cheek' is a moral responsibility (tags)
Phil Ochs - One More Parade (tags)
Phil Ochs. American Folksinger, Troubador, Activist, Brother, Comrade... the best this country ever produced. If you don't know his works, then seek them out. The songs of Phil Ochs are as timely as ever... they'll make you angry, make you laugh and cry, and give you strength to create a new world. Forget the corporate clowns like Bono, discover a true giant... Phil Ochs lives!
Yoland Perez (followup) (tags)
Partial transcript of an interview with Yolanda Perez a community activist who was attacked by the San Diego police. Also a slomotion video of the attack.
The Shortwave Report 11/23/01 ¡LISTEN GLOBALLY! (tags)
A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 Files- broadcast quality(13.7MB) and quickdownload/streaming (3.4MB).Free to rebroadcast upon notification. With times & freqs for listening at home. Russia, Germany, Netherlands, Cuba, China.