fix articles 63367, veteran intelligence professionals
Veterans petition Amy Goodman of DN (tags)
Veterans for Peace is petitioning Amy Goodman to improve Democracy Now's coverage of Syria. The text of this PETITION is below; along with links to several references. Please read, and if you agree, please sign.
The Shortwave Report 05/19/17 Listen Globally! (tags)
A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Spanish National Radio, Radio Havana Cuba, Sputnik Radio, and NHK Japan.
The Shortwave Report 08/13 Listen Globally! (tags)
A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Cuba, Germany, and Russia.
Is Iran Really a Threat? (tags)
Coleen Rowley wrote: Former CIA analyst (and my “Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity” colleague) Ray McGovern writes on the war-mongering that is again heating up in DC Is Iran Really a Threat?
7 CIA Veterans Challenge 9/11 Commission Report (tags)
September 23, 2007 – Seven CIA veterans have severely criticized the official account of 9/11 and have called for a new investigation. “I think at simplest terms, there’s a cover-up. The 9/11 Report is a joke,” said Raymond McGovern, 27-year veteran of the CIA, who chaired National Intelligence Estimates during the seventies. “There are a whole bunch of unanswered questions. And the reason they’re unanswered is because this administration will not answer the questions,” he said. McGovern, who is also the founder of VIPS (Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity), is one of many signers of a petition to reinvestigate 9/11.
Los Angeles Moves to Forefront of National Impeachment Movement (tags)
Leaders of the Westside Greens, the Progressive Democrats of Los Angeles, the Los Angeles Greens, and the Santa Monica Democratic Club have established the Impeachment Center to provide a facility for phonebanking, letterwriting, and the distribution of lawn signs, bumper stickers and a full range of impeachment action items and related literature.
BTL:Bush Moves Toward Increasing US Troops in Iraq (tags)
Interview with David MacMichael, former CIA analyst, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris
CSPAN to air KPFA's 911 and American Empire - Intellectuals Speak Out (tags)
The September 24 KPFA event from Berkeley, CA, will air on C-Span's Book TV this weekend. Featured speakers: David Ray Griffin Kevin Ryan Peter Dale Scott Peter Phillips Ray McGovern EST PST Friday Nov 24th: 4:00pm 1:00pm Saturday Nov 25th: 3:30am 12:30am 10:00pm 7:00pm
Exposing the 9/11 Conspiracy Wingnuts (tags)
An expose of the 9/11 conspiracy wing nuts endangering the very core of our democracy, and world peace.
A MOM'S FYI: "How to Impeach George W. Bush" Tom Delay, et al. (tags)
BTL:In Growing Numbers, Public Opposes Iraq War, While... (tags)
...Most Congressional Democrats Play It "Safe" ~ Interview with David MacMichael, former CIA analyst, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris
Overtime at Headquarters: Ray McGovern on CIA Manipulation (tags)
"Congress was deceived with the warning that Saddam Hussein would soon possess nuclear weapons. People shouldn't wait until a mushroom cloud provided the proof. In this atmosphere, representatives renounced on their constitutional rights."Trans from German
Who is this piece of shit named ANDREW GIMSON? (tags)
See some of you propagandist bullshit about The NYC 9-11 Investigatory Film and Roundtable Program .The panel included former U.S. Congresswoman, Cynthia McKinney; co-founder of the 911 Citizenswatch, John Judge; Publisher and Editor of "From the Wilderness", Mike Ruppert; former CIA analyst, Raymond L. McGovern; member of steering committee of Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity, David Mac Michael; author, Peter Lance, and filmmaker, writer, and media critique Danny Schechter. The Program is sponsored in conjunction with events in Berlin, Germany, in several cities in Canada, and several other cities in the U.S...
Lies the Government Told Us Part 3 (tags)
But Straseskie’s father had seen enough of the war to know that Iraq did not and in fact had never posed any threat to the United States as the President had claimed. John Straseskie who had served in the Army and National Guard for 26 years expressed anger at the loss of his son in a war that that he now thinks was sold under false pretenses. “He put our troops over there to finish what his dad didn't do. They found no weapons of mass destruction," he told the Capital Times, a Madison, WI. newspaper.
Would the US Plant WMD’s – A Stroll Down Memory Lane (tags)
This article by ex-CIA officials discusses the question of US vs UN inspection teams looking for the notorious weapons of mass destruction. Also addresses the question of 'would the US plant evidence?......
"There is a possibility that the fabrication of these documents may be part of a larger deception campaign aimed at manipulating public opinion and foreign policy regarding Iraq," Sen. John D. Rockefeller IV (D-WV) wrote to FBI Director Robert Mueller on March 13.