fix articles 63318, raimondo Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : raimondo



Vale dunque davvero la pena di scavare nella storia, lì dove affondano le radici kakistofasciste della moglie di ezio zefferi, e quindi per cooptazione matrimoniale, di ezio stesso, che curiosamente troveremo a Roma proprio fin dal 1943


Se fino al presente studio, la presenza della cooper bianca della moglie di ezio zefferi sulla scena di Fani poteva ancora essere un caso, ora non più

Is the “Mega” Spy Case Headed for Hollywood? (tags)

I can see the newspaper advert: “Dustin Hoffman as ‘Mega,’ the Israeli Spy who outwitted U.S. officials for more than 20 years!” In May, 2008, an ex-U.S. military engineer, Ben-Ami Kadish, was indicted for spying for Israel. Supposedly, he has ties to the convicted Israeli spy, Jonathan Pollard. The Feds believe that another Israeli operative, known only as “Mega,” is still on the loose. But, they are closing in on him--fast. What a film “Mega” will make!

Nut-Job Michael Lopez-Calderon Threatens the Life of Well Known Dissidents (tags)

"Should the likes of Noam Chomsky, Howard Zinn, Michael Parenti, Michael Moore, Ward Churchill, Dennis[?] Raimondo, et al. act out their sedition in a just-nuked America, expect their bodies to be found shot full of holes."

Why I turned my back on (tags)

"Raving pan-Arabists and Indymedia hacks from four separate continents used my work to support their positions. US interview requests were scarce, but I was sought after by Muslim radio station hosts in South Africa for my wisdom."

Libertarians who loathe Israel (tags)

Irrational hatred for "an isolated Sparta, bristling with weaponry and little else" prompts libertarians to forget their welfare economics. For example, Raimondo menacingly warns that without US aid, Israel would cease to exist... Come again?

Who deserves to be mourned in America? part II (tags)

Was the settlement of white colonists on Native-American land a just and beautiful cause? If so, what are we to make of the Israeli Zionists' attempted colonization of Palestine?

Who deserves to be mourned in America? (tags)

Regarding Mr. Raimondo's contention that Native Americans had no right to the soil.... I wonder how such a staunch libertarian can hold such Whitmanesque ideals that smack of manifest destiny.

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