fix articles 63259, denounced
Struggling for the autonomy of Venezuela’s social movements (tags)
* This editorial comes from issue #53 (May-June 2008) of El Libertario, a Venezuelan anarchist voice of ideas and proposals for action. It confirms our commitment to autonomous social mobilization, which has already begun to express itself through concrete struggles from below, as in the recent steelworkers conflict.
The conspiracy to divide Bolivia must be denounced (tags)
The process of changes in favor of the Bolivian majority is at risk of being brutally restrained
Video: Hugo Chavez recommends reading Thierry Meyssan’s investigations (tags)
NOTE video in link The President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez, has denounced in length the CIA-organized "velvet coups" attempts around the world, including against his own government, using techniques revealed by Thierry Meyssan.
Toronto activists expose Peña Nieto’s role in the violations of human rights in Atenco (tags)
Toronto, June 16^th . A group of activists denounced today Enrique Peña Nieto, governor of the state of Mexico, for having ordered a police raid on the villagers of Atenco, on May 3^rd and 4^th , resulting in the dead of two youths, the rape of 30 women, the beating of more than 200 detainees. Peña Nieto was in Toronto for the Metropolis conference of the World Association of Major Metropolises, which is made up of delegations from across the world.
Human Traffic Denounced (tags)
Human Traffic Denounced
Mexico Poststamp Denounced (tags)
A Caucus of the Chicano Movement has Denounced Mexican Stamp
March 20: Planetwide Demos Against U.S. Occupation of Iraq (tags)
One year ago, Iraq was being pounded by the "shock and awe" of U.S. attack. Iraq's people have now lived a year under brutal occupation--as U.S. invaders seek to impose a new pro-U.S. government at the point of a gun. On March 20, 2004, hundreds of thousands of people around the world took to the streets, in over 300 actions in dozens of countries. Powerful outpourings of protest and resistance denounced the U.S. occupation of Iraq and demanded an end to U.S. attempts to dominate the world through threats and war