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DIARY OF A CON MAN . 7 (tags)

the diary of anne frank was written after her death by a bunch of thugs

Youth arrested and brutalized for protesting a checkpoint (tags)

Police checkpoints, "legal" violations of the fourth amendment, are plaguing our communities. Not only do police stop people without any probable cause whatsoever, but they deprive people of their property, impounding their cars for up to thirty days. These checkpoints disproportionately affect the immigrant community, and in the inland city of Rialto, past checkpoints have resulted in more than 80 impounds in a single night. So what happens when members of the community use their free speech rights to inform others of police action? Here is a first-person account from Carlos, a young activist in Rialto:

Services Held for Local Marine, Mario D. Gonzalez , Slain While on Iraq Duty (tags)

Family, friends, and fellow Marines honored a hero Saturday with applause and a standing ovation. Services were held for Mario "Danny" Gonzalez, 21, of La Puente at St. John the Baptist Catholic Church in Baldwin Park. The Marine lance corporal was killed Nov. 14 when a roadside bomb exploded near his convoy vehicle in the Anbar province of Iraq. Copyright © 2006 Pasadena Star-News

Iraq UN envoy says US Marines murdered his cousin (tags)

And if they do this to their close friends... what in god's name do they do to everyday Iraqi people?

Jones versus the ashtray (tags)

Remember Afghanistan? (tags)

Digging through the media net to find out anything about our foreign policies.

A 2nd "Backlash" MURDER! (tags)

A second "backlash" murder... this one involving a Pakistani immigrant in Texas.

Tyisha Miller's cousin sentenced to six months in jail (tags)

Bernell Butler protested for two years, the death of his cousin Tyisha Miller, at the hands of four Riverside Police Department officers. And like other before him, he learned that the District Attorney's office has been prosecuting more activists than police officers, who kill on the job.

Bernell Butler takes the stand (tags)

Today, Bernell Butler took the stand and testified how the death of his cousin, Tyisha Miller impacted his marriage even as it galvanized a civil rights movement in Riverside.

Bush's Cousin Called Florida for Bush, Not VNS (tags)

The Voter News Service never called Florida for Bush. Fox News was the first to declare Florida for the Republicans as vote counts supplied by VNS continued to show Bush with a substantial lead. Fox announced the call at 2:16 a.m. The decision to declare Bush the winner was made by John Ellis, who headed the call desk at Fox and happens to be Bush's cousin. The other networks quickly followed suit, only to take the call back around 3 a.m. But VNS officials confirm they never issued a prediction.

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