fix articles 6286, version Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : version


Paraphysique de l'inertie gesticulative (tags)

Version originale ou version sous-titrée...

Exterminez toutes ces brutes, d'un fascisme l'autre (tags)

Le racisme est aussi noir, jaune, ou autre, et pas seulement, blanc...

Exterminez les tous, d'un fascisme l'autre (tags)

Fascisme brun,fascisme rouge, fascisme libéral, les choix du capital...

De la chimère connectée (tags)

De l'illusion informatisée...

Les tutelles du genre humain (tags)

Dominantes et dominants...

DEAD OR A LIE (tags)

Most of the official 2,996 September 11 victims never died in the 911 terror attacks - IF that is, they ever existed at all to begin with.

DIARY OF A CON MAN . 56 (tags)

anne frank is a trademark not an author

DIARY OF A CON MAN . 27 (tags)

anne frank is a marketing brand not an author

Abécédaire du fascisme restreint et général (tags)

De la production du fascisme...

Alicia in Arroyoland (tags)

Guided by the spirit of Toypurina (who led a revolt against the San Gabriel Mission in 1785) and following the White Rabbit, Alicia leaves modern-day Highland Park and explores Arroyoland. This land is both an interpretation of Lewis Carroll's fantasy world and the Arroyo Seco of yesteryear.

Abécédaire du fascisme restreint et général (tags)

Le fascisme de la consommation, consommation du fascisme...

Millions More Each Year Question US Government Version (tags)

y: President Cossiga of Italy, former German minister Andreas Von Buelow, members of the Japanese Diet, Russian Air Force General Leonid Ivashov a British Catholic bishop, thousands of pilots, engineers, etc question 911 govt story version.

Guadalupe's Day is today in LA, look for her (tags)

Guadalupe is seen and honored everywhere especiallly in LA, as everyone noticed. Most dont know the stories that are connected to her but can still relate and experience Guadalupe as a symbol of natural life forces, indigenous ones that emanate and connect us to earth. She is not a Cathoic nor a religious symbol or representative tho that has been co-opted via majority religious practices.

Targeting Free Expression in Israel (tags)


The Shortwave Report 05/31/13 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Radio Deutsche-Welle, the Voice of Russia, Spanish National Radio, Radio Havana Cuba, and NHK World Radio Japan.

It Didn't All Start at Stonewall! audio links (tags)

An audio version of the January 16 event at Pleasures and Treasures, sponsored by Activist San Diego, at which Leo Laurence and Pat Brown talked about their experiences doing militant Queer activism in San Francisco months before the Stonewall Inn riots in New York City, commonly but wrongly believed to be the beginning of the Queer rights movement in the U.S., is now available at the following links.

Israel's Draconian Infiltration Law (tags)


Libya is free. And Guyane Fran?aise? (tags)

Pepper in the buttocks of others is refreshment.


We will do what want anywhere - the White House said.


The movies also acts as a society sees her to herself.

Handy Guide for Chevron Protests 2.0 (tags)

Chevron Corporation, of San Ramon, has taken an interest in our recent creative activities. For our benefit we should know who they are, who they work with, and who creates and promotes their brand. We also have some of their network information. The is the 2.0 version of the Handy Guide.

Handy Guide for Chevron Protests (tags)

Chevron Corporation, of San Ramon, has taken an interest in our recent creative activities. For our benefit we should know who they are, who they work with, and who creates and promotes their brand. We also have some of their network information.


To do film to maintain the population... imbecile.

Herramienta de Zamzom para redes inalámbricas disponible ahora en español (tags)

Zamzom, la nueva herramienta popular de seguridad para redes inalámbricas disponible en sus versiones en inglés y en italiano, acaba de lanzar una versión en español de la misma. El sitio Web completamente en español se encuentra en

The five trillion that the "debt" has swallowed (tags)

Look, five trillion reais equals 35 times the total sales of Brazilian automobile industry in 2008, with exports, including to this also results for the agricultural machinery.

The Shortwave Report 09/11 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Cuba, and Russia.

The Shortwave Report 05/01 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Cuba, and Russia.


Stauffenberg (2004) x Valkyrie (2008).

OPEN LETTER TO REP. MIKE HONDA, 15th District,CA (tags)

We are writing to you on the matter of the pending House version of SB 1315 pending at the House of Representatives. First, we would like to express our deep appreciation for championing the cause of Filipino World War II veterans. We are very thankful to you and the Congressional Asian Pacific Caucus that despite the grandstanding of Congressman Bob Filner, you are sincerely on our side. We would like to express our opposition to HR 6897 of Congressman Bob Filner which is a quit claim and an insult to our veterans and the Filipino American community. We want you to support the House version of SB 1315. Stay steadfast on the course- PASS THE House version of SB 1315 Now!


The Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) coordinator Arturo P. Garcia expressed this stand and say they are seriously disappointed with Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Congressman Bob Filner, head of the House of Representatives Veterans Committee who said that "S. 1315 is dead because the democrats do not have the 2/3 majority votes needed to pass it." JFAV also expressed disenchantment with the democrats when Filner further said, "Speaker Pelosi can crack the whip for the 40 or so Democrats holding out but she won't. She is concerned that their (40+ Reps) re-election bids will be affected by this vote. [Filner] does not agree but [he] does not have the whip.

Letter to Cong. Bob Filner, Pass the House Version of SB 1315, Now! (tags)

While we, as a Filipino-American community, always appreciate your efforts for the Filipino veterans, we do not agree with the direction you are taking. But, we will ask you to go an extra mile for our cause and let it not be you who will let it go to waste after 18 years of long, hard struggle. We want equity, we want justice, and we want it now! Pass the House version of S. 1315 now!


The Philippine Peasant Support Network (Pesante)-USA, a Filipino peasant, human rights and environmental advocacy group based in Los Angeles strongly warned of the US-Arroyo regime scheme of taking advantage of the current troubles in Mindanao to build up its local version of Hitler's Brown Shirts. Pesante is one with the Amnesty International (AI) and many religious groups in the Philippines who are warning the public and the whole world at these vigilante groups which are recycled ILAGAS (known as the Ilonggo landgrabbers Association) who are known anti-Moro vigilante groups before martial law was declared will only aggravate the armed conflict in Mindanao.


e are writing to you on the matter of the pending House version of SB 1315 pending at the House of Representatives. We hold you, as the Speaker and the leader of the Democratic Party, responsible for not passing the bill in the house You have the responsibility to answer why the bill has not been discussed or have not been put into vote despite several promises.


We are writing to you on the matter of the pending House version of SB 1315 pending at the House of Representatives. We hold you, as the Speaker and the leader of the Democratic Party, responsible for not passing the bill in the house You have the responsibility to answer why the bill has not been discussed or have not been put into vote despite several promises. Time and excuses are running out. We demand that your office and all the members of the House of Representatives to act now and house version of S.B. 1315 now!


We are writing to you on the matter of the pending House version of SB 1315 pending at the House of Representatives. We hold you, as the Speaker and the leader of the Democratic Party, responsible for not passing the bill in the house You have the responsibility to answer why the bill has not been discussed or have not been put into vote despite several promises. Time is of the essence for these American veterans who were victims of the unjust Recession Act that was passed on February 18th, 1946. Of the 250,000 Filipino soldiers who served under the American Flag during World War II, only 18,000 are still alive with more veterans dying everyday


We are writing to you on the matter of the pending House version of SB 1315 pending at the House of Representatives. We hold you, as the Speaker and the leader of the Democratic Party, responsible for not passing the bill in the house You have the responsibility to answer why the bill has not been discussed or have not been put into vote despite several promises. Time is of the essence for these American veterans who were victims of the unjust Recession Act that was passed on February 18th, 1946. Of the 250,000 Filipino soldiers who served under the American Flag during World War II, only 18,000 are still alive with more veterans dying everyday.


Dear Ms. Speaker, We are writing to you on the matter of the pending House version of SB 1315 pending at the House of Representatives. We hold you, as the Speaker and the leader of the Democratic Party, responsible for not passing the bill in the house You have the responsibility to answer why the bill has not been discussed or have not been put into vote despite several promises. Time is of the essence for these American veterans who were victims of the unjust Recession Act that was passed on February 18th, 1946. Of the 250,000 Filipino soldiers who served under the American Flag during World War II, only 18,000 are still alive with more veterans dying everyday.


Different Filipino Veterans groups marked the 67th year Filipino soldiers conscription day or the USAFFE DAY, July 26, 1941 with festivities and protests. More than 15 veterans and community leaders of Southern California. In a symbolic protest-- signed an open letter to Speaker Nancy Pelosi demanding the passage of the SB 1315 version in the house that has been languishing in the US Congress for more than 18 years. In a community forum sponsored by the Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) held at SIPA on July 25, 2008, they declared: “ We hold you as a the speaker and the leader of the Democratic Party responsible for not passing the bill in the house. You have the responsibility to answer why the bill has not been discussed or have not been put into a vote despite several promises.” The Filipino leaders demand that the SB 1315 version in the house be passed before the US Congress recess on August 31.

Francia: ¡Policía embustera! (tags)

¡La verdadera bandidocracia es la de los impostores y explotadores a la cabeza del Estado! ¡Es a estos que hay combatir y derribar mediante la lucha proletaria!

Mutant version of common cold killing Americans, CDC reports (tags)

Officials of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are saying that a mutant version of a common cold virus — the adenovirus — has caused 10 deaths in the last 18 months.

Possible epidemic of walking pneumonia seen in U.S. (tags)

WSFA-TV in Montgomery, Ala. reports: It’s called “Walking Pneumonia.” A mild version of the typical illness, this type of strain is increasingly difficult for doctors to spot.

KPFK is biased, still, while pretending to be "fair" (tags)

KPFK is not as claimed repeatedly, but mostly prefers OPPOSITIONAL views and programmers want to be "rescuers" to be Heroes and superior. Sorry. Bad game plan.

Issue 5 of LA's Journal of Aesthetics & Protest out (tags)

Los Angeles based Journal of Aesthetics and Protest releases its fifth issue.

Israel Doubles Its F-16I Fleet (tags)

The F-16I can carry enough fuel to hit targets 1,600 kilometers away (meaning Iran is within range). Israel has been receiving two new F-16I fighter-bombers a month since early 2004, and will eventually receive 102 of them (about 60 have already been delivered.)


“Better late than never!” ( Huli man daw at magaling, naihahabol din!) The Filipino American community in Southern California and the Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) hailed today the passage of the Equity Bill in the House Veterans Affair Committee headed by Congressman Bob Filner by a vote of 15-12. The bill passed the Veterans Affairs Committee hearing last Tuesday, July 17. Earlier Filner promised to have the bill passed by June 30. JFAV coordinators Peping Baclig and Al P. Garcia of People’s CORE also thanked everybody who tirelessly work for this efforts for the last 18 years. Earlier the U.S. Senate passed their version that will grant old age pension to Filipino veterans in the U.S. and in the Philippines.

Video: Balata Camp Incursion May24 (tags)

On May 24, the Israeli Occupation Forces stormed Balata Refugee Camp in Nablus (Palestine). Several people got arrested.

NoBorders - english version now available - videoclip (tags)

The videoclip is now finally available in english version and in wmv format.

Turning the Tide on Religious Fundamentalism— Free Lecture (tags)

I’ve been invited to give a lecture at Arizona State University this fall on evolutionary science and its uses in progressive activism. The version of the lecture I wanted to give turned out to be 4 hours long, so I recorded that version in 13 tracks and posted it on my website for free download at


Announcing the second comic book/coloring book from ABOLISH RESTAURANTS: a worker's critique of the food service industry

The Divide 911 (tags)

Music video music VOICE video FluxRostrum 5 minutes

AWOL in Canada ~ VIDEOS (tags)

Interviews with AWOL soldiers. June 17th 2006 Ft. Erie Canada.

MUST SEE -- 911 truth video HOT OFF THE NET (tags)

911 truth: Everybody's Gotta Learn Sometime new SHOCKING documentary released 8 may 2006 !!!


View the trailer for Grenada: The Maroon Spirit, a new documentary film about the island of Grenada

Sustainable Solutions to Social Problems (pamphlet) (tags)

Ready-to-print version of "Sustainable Solutions to Social Challenges" from the SocialPacifists. Please print and distribute freely.

VIDEO > Housing Rights for New Orleans Hurricane Survivors (tags)

This video includes interviews from evacuees in NY and those who've returned to New Orleans. This issue is currently effecting the lives of thousands of people and it's still not too late to help put pressure where it needs to be put to force the goverenment to deal with these people properly.

"Just a goddamned Piece of Paper!" (tags)

Bush is talking more and more like a would be dictator or a petulant spoiled brat, dissing the Constitution and calling himself commander-in-chief

Two Days to Stop the Patriot Act (tags)

This version of the Patriot Act will give the Government a free hand to further invade your privacy and other rights. Take action now!

What really happened to Summer Lane? (tags)

The door that the Riverside Police Department had shut on the Officer-Involved Shooting of a woman last year, was blown open by a private investigator hired by the police commission.

Willy Wonka and the Racism Factory (tags)

An in-depth critique of Tim Burton’s 2005 film "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory."

New Anti-Capitalist Film now re-edited (tags)

Calling all anti-capitalists!! “Capitalism and Other Kids’ Stuff” – a popular new film, which argues the anti-capitalist case in simple language, and which has won much acclaim in recent months - is now re-edited and can be viewed and downloaded as a BitTorrent at

PDF Baldwin Park Poster (tags)


Bush and Al Capone (tags)

A tax offense was ultimately Al Capone's undoing although he was responsible for the most serious crimes like murder.

Intelligence Committee in Maneuver to Pass Even Worse PATRIOT Act (tags)

With no announcement, the Senate Intelligence Committee has scheduled a closed door session to approve a version of the Patriot Act that would be even worse than the present act being considered by the Judiciary Committee. The hand of the White House seems to be behind the sneaky maneuver.

Pasolini Murder Case Re-Opened in Rome (tags)

Rome police have reopened an investigation of the 1975 murder of Pier Paolo Pasolini after the man who was imprisoned for it recanted his confession. Was the murder political?

Rap (Audio): Dear Mr. Bush by Wil B. (tags)

MP3 (audio only) version of rap against the Iraq War performed at demonstration against the war in Los Angeles on 3/19/05 by rapper Wil B.

Rap (Audio): Dear Mr. Bush by Wil B. (tags)

This is an MP3 version of just the audio of the rap performed by Wil B. at the 3/19/05 demonstration against the Iraq war in Hollywood.

Caring for the Wounded in Iraq — A Photo Essay (tags)

A series of photographs by Drs. George E. Peoples, James R. Jezior, and Craig D. Shriver, portrays a medical care team in Iraq and the injuries confronted.

George II's Police State (tags)

Where will you go? What will you do?

Money is fucked. (the song) (tags)


Living in an election year: a cartoon manifesto (tags)

comic against elections


A Cartoon Manifesto

anything we disagree with = racism (tags)

Video - M20 March (tags)

MARCH 20 LA 04 Koochcentric version 5 minutes Full Coverage Video Available Soon

Daniel Pearl: On The Trail Of The 9/11 Mastermind? (tags)

Former CIA agent Robert Baer claimed that he and Daniel Pearl were working together on a joint project when Pearl disappeared. Has Baer been caught in a lie?

Saddam spit at his captors! (tags)

Let's see now. The Kurds captured Saddam, drugged him and left him in a hole to be found by the U.S. Army. Saddam spit on his captures when dragged from that hole and a G.I. then punched him. What makes me think I'm NEVER going to hear any of this on the nightly news?

DEC 16th Diebold gets TRASHED by CA SoState (tags)

Voting Systems Panel - Dec 16 - Diebold gets thrashed" This meeting was amazing, to say the least. You want to talk about vindication of the "hysteria" over Diebold? Well, this was it! Last month the State of California ordered Diebold to cooperate with, and to pay for an audit of their installed hardware/firmware/software versions statewide. Today partial results of that audit were released, and it was a doozie...

9/11: Flights of Fancy in Florida (tags)

In these selected excerpts from his landmark article, Chaim Kupferberg looks at the Florida portion of the 9/11 Legend, using the recorded recollections of Yosri Fouda - the only journalist ever to interview the 9/11 mastermind - in order to expose a glaring contradiction in the "official" record of 9/11.



LA IMC Documents (tags)

This is a PDF of the collective docs. It's a temporary version created for the Nov. 8, 2003 orientation meeting.

FREE web book from Black Box Voting (tags)

Publication Announcement From Bev Harris – and David Allen –

Documentary: Skull and Bones, at Yale the Anglo-Saxon Ruling Elite (tags)

The real history of Skull and Bones Society at yale university. Members include President Bush and Senator John Kerry and many others in power. Realmedia 56k.

Al Jazeerah link (tags)

Link to English language version of Al-Jazeerah's web site

AUDIO: Noam Chomsky at Porto Alegre, Feb. 2003 (tags)

Noam Chomsky talk, Porto Alegre // mp3 for download or streaming

KPFA Interview: Milan Rai: War Plan Iraq: Ten Reasons Against War with Iraq (AUDIO) (tags)

Feb. 14, 2003 interview with activist author

Stolen Lives Project Needs Volunteers For New Book (tags)


America tore out 8000 pages of Iraq dossier (tags)

THE United States edited out more than 8000 crucial pages of Iraq's 11,800-page dossier on weapons, before passing on a sanitised version to the 10 non-permanent members of the United Nations security council.

HEBRON : Palestinians ONLY Fire On Israeli Soldiers; NOT Jewish Worshippers! (tags)

"Gumen fired at security forces, not worshippers According to an initial investigation by the army, in contrast to a version of events given by the foreign ministry.." Haaretz

GMO Discussion: Andrew Kimbrell interview, Bioneers (tags)

Radio Interview on the GMO front // MP3 file or streaming, < 30 minutes

Pentagon Was Not Hit By Boeing Air Plane & Evidence There's Explosive Fixed At WTC (tags)

Hunt the Boeing! And test your perceptions!

SHREDDING THE CONSTITUTION! (August 28, 2002 version) (tags)

I argue that Bush has been…

The Shortwave Report 5/10/02 ¡LISTEN GLOBALLY! (tags)

A 30 minute review of international news and opinions recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files- broadcast-13.7MB & quick/streaming-3.4MB. With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast upon notification. Netherlands, Germany, Spain, and Cuba

More "official" lies about 911 falling apart (tags)

Please read this and view the pictures. If these pictures are real, and I believe that they are since they are "officially released" pictures, IT IS IMPOSSIBLE THAT A BOEING 757 IMPACTED THE PENTAGON AND THEN EXPLODED!!

More "official" lies about 911 falling apart (tags)

Please read this and view the pictures. If these pictures are real, and I believe that they are since they are "officially released" pictures, IT IS IMPOSSIBLE THAT A BOEING 757 IMPACTED THE PENTAGON AND THEN EXPLODED!!

The Shortwave Report 11/30/01 ¡LISTEN GLOBALLY! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinions recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files- broadcast quality (13.6MB) & quick/streaming (3.4MB). Free to rebroadcast upon notification. Times and freqs for listening at home. Netherlands, Germany, Cuba, Russia.

Lynne Cheney's Thought Police Report--The Unsanitized Version (tags)

The original version of "Defending Civilization: How Our Universities Are Failing America, and What Can Be Done About It," a report from the American Council of Trustees and Alumni (ACTA), founded in 1995 by Lynne Cheney and Senator Joseph Lieberman. This version names names, in good ol' Joe McCarthy style. It has since been pulled from ACTA's website.

Broadband Vesrion of Tariq Ali Anti-War Video (tags)

This is a broadband-optimised version of the Tariq Ali anti-war video--you need a fast Internet connection to view it. The narrowband version, which can be viewed by any modem, is already posted at:

Manchester Protests Against the War! (Video - broadband version)) (tags)

This is a broadband version of a video posted yesterday showing street protest against the war in Manchster, UK on 8th October 2001

S29 Downtown LA Rally & March 4 Peace (28k) (tags)

This version of the S29 Protest is intended for people with crappy internet connections (like me). If you connect @ 28K or higher the other version of this video is probably better for you.


One of the 2,500 marchers in Westwood against the upcoming War.

The Shortwave Report 8/31/01 ¡LISTEN GLOBALLY! (tags)

A 3o minute review of news and opinions recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 versions- broadcast (13.6MB) and streaming(3.4MB). Free to rebroadcast upon notification. With times and freqs for listening at home. Germany, Russia, Spain, Netherlands, Cuba.

Amador Mujeres Graphic, Version #3, Hidden Graphic For Strawman_1 (tags)

Amador Mujeres Graphic, Version #3, Hidden Graphic For Strawman_1

Amador Mujeres Graphic, Version #2, Hidden Graphic For Strawman_1 (tags)

Amador Mujeres Graphic, Version #2, Hidden Graphic For Strawman_1

Amador Mujeres Graphic, Version #1, Hidden Graphic For Strawman_1 (tags)

Amador Mujeres Graphic, Version #1, Hidden Graphic For Strawman_1

La Voz de Aztlan No Se Representan La Gente Chicana (tags)

The opinions of La Voz de Aztlan do not represent those of the Chicano community and people.

Prague report in La Jornada of Sept 28, 2000 (tags)

The Mexican national daily newspaper La Jornada is of unusually high quality. This is its lead news article in the September 28 issue, part of its reporting on events in Prague. The English version, my translation, is first; then the original Spanish version.

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