fix articles 62798, princeton university press
War poker and Imperial moralism (tags)
After the fall of the Soviet Union, the "war on terrorism" began, which, according to George W. Bush, would end "tyranny in the world." Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq - the U.S. democratic crusades not only cost several million lives, they also brought the restriction of freedoms.
Democracy = not more than a brand name (tags)
The USA, a hegemonic power threatened with decline, is struggling to maintain and expand a monopolistic world order. This is supposed to be justified by surrounding itself with an aura of freedom and democracy.
Right-wing Populism: Can More Madness Cure the Madness? (tags)
Neoliberal policy was always mad. But an even greater madness now appears with rightwing populism. Politics is mad because it writes off large parts of the population. Economic Darwinism has nested and established itself as market ideology in the brains of people.
The Libertarian C.N.T. and the F.A.I. Supported Freedom of Religion in Spain (tags)
“Could any other declaration be made? It is de rigueur (socially obligatory -ed) that in any programme type declaration we register our respect for religions…” 1. states the C.N.T. on May 10th, 1938 Circular No. 12.
Freedom of Religion in Libertarian Spain (tags)
Hello, For anyone interested, here is Part 2 of the 'Libertarian Spain in the 1930's' series
Lessons from the Great Depression: Christina D. Romer (tags)
This paper was presented at the Brookings Institution Washington D.C. March 9, 2009. Christina Romer, economics professor at Berkeley, is one of President Obama's economic advisers in the Council of Economic Advisers.
Live Earth
'Lying and bullshitting the same thing' (tags)
So now I suppose that takes liars off the hook. Or does it? I wonder how he managed to separate the two? Did he get a knife and cut a turd in half? Then paint one half a different colour and call it something else? Oh! He's not bullshitting he's just lying. Thank God for that!
TJ's way is so far removed from the drooling gnats of the skull and bones society that America can now safely be called a well as Christianity too...