fix articles 6277, a major
Innovative Approach To Fighting The Droughts (tags)
In the case of a mega drought, earthquake, or other natural or man-made disaster, we must enhance our ability to recover our water infrastructure swiftly.
How to get Financial Aid to Pay for College Tuition (tags)
The high cost of a college education is a major concern all parents and students have today. Student loans are one way to handle this situation; however, there are other ways to get financial aid to pay for college tuition that should be considered and exhaustively researched. You may be pleasantly surprised as to just how much financial aid you may be able to get to pay for college tuition and this will certainly be a major factor when determining what college you may be able to apply to for enrollment.
Notes from the La Mesa Al aAwda Palestinian right to Return Conference (tags)
Read the full conferce report here:
a fire
Embarrassed US Starts to Disown Basra Operation (tags)
As it became clear last week that the Operation Knights Assault in Basra was in serious trouble, the George W. Bush administration began to claim in off-the-record statements to journalists that Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki had launched the operation without consulting Washington.
This year over 7 million kangaroos are set to be slaughtered by the Kangaroo Industry and farmers nationwide. This comes despite a major drought in Queensland where the highest quota of around 4 million is set.
PLAN Conference for Progressive Activists Draws 350+ From Over 160 Groups (tags)
LA, October 21. Saturday, hundreds of activists from over 160 different organizations came together for the first comprehensive political gathering since the terrorist attacks on September 11th. Originally, a 6-month progress report on how those commitments were faring was a major rationale for the planning of this conference, but the planners and presenters did an admirable job of reorienting their focus to deal with the radically changed and highly fluid circumstances in the wake of the terrorist attacks.
The U.S. can not continue to maintain its economic and political domination in the Near East without the coperation of Saudi and other crucial states in the area.
Puritanism: Root of American Fascism? (tags)
Since its beginning, the United States has been heavily influenced by its Puritan heritage. There are compelling reasons why this may be a major reason America, in too many ways, has been and increasingly is becoming today, an essentially fascist society.