fix articles 625, night Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : night


April 2019 Honduras Coup Update (tags)

April 2019 in Honduras. During the month already there had been some very ferocious evictions that involved gunshots, and when people protested a bill to privatise education and health blocking highways and occupying schools, health centres, and workers went on strike, the repression we as heavy, several people had been assassinated by state security forces in this context this month

January 2019 Honduras coup update (tags)

This January 2019 in Honduras. The fraudulently imposed government of JOH is now one year old. Last year people around the country paralysed it in opposition to the dictatorship and were faced with many fatal gunshots in the barricades of highways. This year people remember this well, but people are no less enraged and there were actions small and big around the country and there was repression and gunshots were used too against people. This month there were also attacks against campesinos, territory and environment defenders, and lots of attacks against migrants and workers. A few people were assassinated. Read on for details.

OUR HOUSE Grief Support Center Hosts 9th Annual Comedy Fundraiser (tags)

“Night For Hope” with Special Guest Melissa Rivers. Comics Adam Ray, Vargus Mason & Little Esther Instill Laughs for OUR HOUSE Grief Support Center Programs

Carl Weathers Directs "Danny And The Deep Blue Sea" Starring Tanna Frederick (tags)

"Danny and the Deep Blue Sea" will open July 1 in Santa Monica

Violence Against Poor In Venice (tags)

This request for help indicates that violence against people living in RVs is increasing.

Jett-k “Stark Night” Album Launch Soars (tags)

Colossal talent with an enormous future!

More troubles? KPFK's got 'em. (tags)

OUR radio station must become more functional to have donors pay up maintain the station. However, some signs of deterioration and neglect keep appearing. Sad. Scary. Can it die away ?

U-Sponsored Slow-Motion Genocide in Yemen (tags)


8-year-old Yemeni Child Dies At Hands Of 40-year-old Husband On Wedding Night (tags)

International Women's day story

Battleground America (tags)

police state


Demonstrators demanding justice in the Michael Brown case, and an end to police murders of people of color across the nation, took to the streets of San Francisco Friday night, largely closing down Market Street.

Ghosts of Wall Street Occupy Hollywood Blvd Halloween Night (tags)

“Nightmares from Wall Street haunt us all,” says Occupy Fights Foreclosures, as concerned citizens took to Hollywood Blvd to educate and awaken others about economic inequality and banker crimes.

No More Nukes! (tags)

Massive Explosion in Iranian nuclear facility. Fatalities reported

Los Angeles Joins World Wide Protest Against Israeli Aggression (tags)

Local Families and Citizens rail against Operation Safe Edge 3 Photosets/ Photoset 3 of 3

Los Angeles Joins World Wide Protest Against Israeli Aggression (tags)

Local Families and Citizens rail against Operation Safe Edge. 3 Photosets/ Photoset 2 of 3

Los Angeles Joins World Wide Protest Against Israeli Aggression (tags)

Local Families and Citizens rail against Operation Safe Edge. 3 Photosets/ Photoset 1 of 3

Activist Sentenced to 2.5 Years for Wire Cutters (tags)

Los Angeles activist Kevin Olliff receives 30 month sentence in Illinois for possessing fur farm "burglary tools".

Homelessness in Winter Cold (tags)

class war

Reggae Bar: A Punk Story (tags)

Almost every often and awhile, from 2008 sometimes nervous that the restos would over-reserve, thinking that Pat Benatar or Screw Driver was boozing around the area where a reggae bar was located. Too many visitors and standbyers were around the vicinity, so cheering when some of them like unsocialized rapport or a crying baby in a city that never trust. Just like a night of the living dead when you turn on the radio and it’s not Friday, that you were deceived by a beggar. A lots of Germans come around here since last month and until now, near Remedios Circle in Malate Manila, beside that thirty-seven floor skyscraper along the road directing the mall to Padre Faura, abounding around the stretch of the avenue are some other foreigners of different nationalities. The reggae bar in the city, the wooden walls with native designs on it and the unleveled flooring gave the aspects of it the abberance but explicity and half open to the road as cars run by the front. The people are adjusted behaving very comely, drinking beer made in the Philippines or sometimes tequilla as it is served by shots, with toast’ regularly requested by New Zealanders and Iranians. Mito Paling, a German immigrant usually stopover babbling with his grandfather who used to wonder about him when esteeming for a hardcore band named Septic Tank and that saying “nevermind the Sex Pistols here comes Talkative Lampshades”. Hopped out from the taxi and staring from the pavement, bathed so lovely like a vicious hooker, Mito looked very agitated while seeking for a possible CNN reporter or some kind of cybercop volunteer that would fix his curiousity. More bourgeois men steps back and fourth on the thin concrete path, rocks around along, others overlooking from the left or from the right surveying empty tables and chairs. Some of them were malicious on women craving for thirst. Some are crustcore like Mito, accidentally or traditionally accessing to the scene where nobody ever knows or ever mentioned about the fad. The German ordered another round for his friends but his bonafide sincere conviction suggests a slamdance flicking gag that almost reminds of the 1986 rumored gigs, that he’s 42 years old.

Saturday and Sunday Trayvon Martin Protests (tags)

Some photos from Saturday and Sunday.

Flim Flam Substitutes for Debate (tags)


(the future of the right to sleep in the Commonwealth) (tags)

The Occupation of St. Ann's Academy: Immersive Data Hub (or The Process of How It Is That It Is Legal to Have a Tent, at Night, in a park in the City of Victoria, BC, Canada)-

Anaheim PD Chief Hints ‘Outside Agitators’ and ‘Occupy Wall Street’ Caused 'Civil Unrest' (tags)

Anaheim City Officials, including Police Chief John Welters, are resorting to the convenient scapegoat of blaming “outside agitators” for the “civil unrest” that took place on the streets outside City Hall last Tuesday night.

Big surprise: Corporate media fucks up chalk walk story (tags)

I don't usually do these opinion-type pieces, but I'm trying something a little different here. Bear with me.

Art Walkers Occupy Free Speech (tags)

When people at the downtown Art Walk joined with Occupy Los Angeles to assert their right to speak, LAPD answered with guns.

Arrests & Terror at #626Wilshire (tags)

State violence is increasing as Angelenos lay siege to the perfect villain. (Link to full story w/ links & pictures at bottom)

Retenes Fin de Semana San Patricio / St. Patrick’sm Day Weekend Checkpoints (16-17/mar) (tags)

Lista incompleta de retenes para el fin de semana de San Patricio.

Incomplete list of St. Patrick's Day weekend checkpoints.

Occupy LA defies eviction order (tags)

Sunday, November 27-Monday, November 28, 2011
LOS ANGELES - Following Mayor Villaraigosa's eviction notice to the occupants of Solidarity Park, formerly known as City Hall Park, we received the call to support Occupy LA in case the eviction were actually carried forth.

Occupy Riverside Also Raided Tuesday Night (tags)

Summary of text messages sent to LA-IMC newsroom.

Cell Phone Pics of Police Line on Main St (tags)

Police set up a huge perimeter around city hall last night to prevent supporters from joining occupiers in the park.

Unlawful Assembly at a Protest (tags)

Unlawful Assembly at a Protest. What it is. Laws about it. Orders to disperse. Detailed.

Report From Occupy Riverside Police Raid (tags)

RIVERSIDE (CA) - Sunday, November 6, 2011 - Approximately 25 police in riot gear raided the peaceful encampment of Occupy Riverside yesterday afternoon. They dismantled and confiscated tents to the jeers of the demonstrators.

Non-Violent November Fifth followed by a Forceful November Sixth (tags)

"This isn't about (political) parties," states one protestor firmly. "We're just angry citizens who don't like what we see is happening and we want to change it."

Update from Occupy Riverside Day 12 (tags)

October 25, 2011 RIVERSIDE (California) - Much has happened in the week since the last report filed on Occupy Riverside, including several actions and an incident of police brutality.

Police Harass Peaceful Occupiers in Downtown Riverside (tags)

October 16, 2011

RIVERSIDE, California - We are currently in day four of the peaceful occupation of the pedestrian mall of Downtown Riverside. Despite our best efforts at constructive dialogue with all parties, including agents of the police state, cops this morning demonstrated that their negotiations have been in bad faith when they roused us two hours prior to the agreed-upon time. At some point today, we learned that the resistance had taken the bold move of expropriating public space invaded by the financiers to spread a message of truth.

Occupy Riverside Official Launch October 15, 2011 (tags)

October 16, 2011

RIVERSIDE (California) - After an event-filled launch of the occupation of Riverside timed to coincide with Saturday's international day of action, just under 100 people of conscience successfully held the pedestrian walkway of the downtown mall, despite police threats of arrest for those determined to sleep in the public thoroughfare.

Some Thoughts on Last Night's Occupy L.A. General Assembly (tags)

Reposted from facebook

Libyan Rebels Killing Civilians in Benghazi (tags)


Split in Orange County Peace Coalition (tags)

Orange County Peace Coalition divides up over acceptability of wife beating.

Accused WikiLeaker Bradley Manning claims rough justice (tags)

"At night, if the guards cannot see me clearly because I have a blanket over my head or I am curled up towards the wall, they will will wake me in order to ensure that I am OK."

Wurstkutche aka Wilson Pitruzzelli Investments sued for Late Night Disruption by Neighbor (tags)

Wurstkuche Restaurant aka Wilson Pitruzzelli Investments LLC, is being sued again for Disrupting their Artist Neighbors late into the night.

L.A. PREMIERE: "Justice on Trial: The Case of Mumia Abu Jamal" (tags)

"Justice on Trial: The Case of Mumia Abu Jamal" WHEN: Sunday, December 5 · 7:00pm - 9:00pm WHERE: The Downtown Independent Theater 251 S. Main St (between 2nd and 3rd Sts.) Downtown Los Angeles, CA 90012

Arts District Artist Wins Law Suit For All Artist's Rights - Wurstkuche Restaurant Looses (tags)

Court ruling in case # LAM 10M07169 against Wurstkuche Restaurant said: "Nighttime operations causing excess noise constitutes private nuisance even if the use is permitted by city." A ruling in David Goldner's favor.

Cowboys vs. Redskins: Quick Hits (tags)

The Cowboys and Redskins have certainly played more aesthetically pleasing games in their long and storied rivalry.

Resistance in Westlake: Report From The Street (tags)

"Hey J. I just got home. I got hit with a rubber bullet. I was there until 11.00 p.m. Police went on tactical alert especially after 10.00 p.m. and were really aggressive.

Going to Arizona to Protest SB1970- July 29 (tags)

Southern California Immigration Coalition- SCIC is going to Arizona. Be at Arizona July 29 to stop SB1070 Cost $35.00 per person Meeting place is Centro Cultural Francisco Villa 2100 Maple Avenue, Los Angeles CA 90011 We leave Wed night July 28 We return Thursday night July 29. Please RSVP right away. phone # 323-602-3425

The UC8 Reporter: A Personal Account of Police Abuse of Power Against a Free Press (tags)

It's hard to know where to start. I'm not used to writing stories about myself. Usually, I am the one sharing news about other people through recordings and words. I cover events and publish reports to Indybay. I often report on street demonstrations, some more rowdy than others. And while I recognize the privilege my skin-tone grants me in our society and that I have not taken the types of risks war reporters do, I know enough from having seen what's happened to other journalists over the years that I am not immune from abuses by law enforcement authorities.

Brutalizing Palestinian Children (tags)

state-sponsored terrorism against children

Children Sing and Dance to Help Orphans in Haiti (tags)

Orphans in Haiti will soon have a place to call home.

Children Sing and Dance to Help Orphans in Haiti (tags)

Orphans in Haiti will soon have a place to call home.

Haití Can Awaken from the Dark Night of the Boar (tags)

Haití Can Awaken from the Dark Night of the Boar by Amanda Huerta "In 1986, Duvalier Jr. was toppled by a popular uprising, that watched the continuance of the dictatorship for two more years until in 1988 Leslie Manigat was elected to the presidency of the Republic, a noble government that was toppled by General Henri Namphy who was replaced that same September by General Prosper Avril. Avril, in power until 1990, had to contend with new revolts. His resignation opened the path to elections under international control and an apparent normalization of political life. Jean-Bertrand Aristide, a Catholic priest who had advocated for the poor, obtained a brilliant victory in December of 1990. Coups d’etat, forced exile and return to power were all part of the first Aristide term, who was succeeded by René Preval. Aristide returned to power democratically, and in 2004 a coup d’etat organized and covered by the US obligated him to resign. In this brief summary of the history of Haiti I omitted “small details” like the economic embargos, assassinations, persecutions, etcetera. Since 2004 the Haitian people have lived, anew, under old and new military occupations at the hands of the US, a country that to this day remains in military control with the collaboration (by omission or commission) of the UN and allied countries. This same North American occupation force is that which today controls the airport, impeding and/or delaying the arrival of aid for Haiti, as has been denounced by the government of France and an infinity of journalists and reporters in Port au Prince."


The youth of today are concerned about their fellow man.


“ MALIGAYANG PASKO! FELIZ NAVIDAD! There were fewer people because of the windy and cold weather but less than 200 Filipino-Americans led by Burlington School Kids and parents with SIPA youths with senior citizens and parents, braved the cold and wintry night to hold the 5th Historic Filipinotown Parol Parade last night, December 22, 2009

Retenes navideños / Holiday checkpoints (18-20/dec) (tags)

¡Póngase abusado raza! Va a haber MUCHOS retenes en estos días. Si usted no tiene licencia, mejor no maneje. Si tiene que manejar, es recomendable disponer de toda precaución posible.

There are a LOT of checkpoints coming up in the next few days. Please drive safely and take all necessary precautions. Don't forget to stand up for your rights!

Newport Beach home invasion robbery: Two still at large (tags)

The robbers were armed with handguns and forced their way into a home on Longboat Street in the exclusive gated community of Pelican Ridge on Tuesday night, demanding jewelry and cash. Newport Beach Police information officer Lt. Craig Fox said.

Dedication of Transgender Memorial Ends Years of Struggle (tags)

Last night's dedication of the Transgender Memorial in West Hollywood culminated years of planning and struggle to build a permanent monument to the dozens of Trans identified persons who are murdered each year by hate criminals.

Campbell Hall de-occupied last night at 6pm (tags)

Witness at the scene last night reports that the occupation of Campbell Hall ended last night at about 6 pm.

UCLA CRISIS FEST: Protest for education (tags)

n November 18th, hundreds of union members and students from all over California will converge on UCLA in the leadup to the system-wide protest of the Regents meeting. With the support of union and student groups, there will be a day and night Tent City outside of Pauley Pavillion to house our convergence!

Rally Against Racism - Protest Nazi March in Riverside (tags)

The Nazis have not yet announced where their rally will be, and will not do so until Friday, they say. So instead of letting this disorganize us, we are just going to go ahead and schedule our anti-Nazi rally for 10 am to 11 am (or a little after) on the public right-of-way right next to Riverside City Hall, at Tenth and Main Streets. It is a "Rally Against Racism," intended to counteract the Nazi message of hate, division, and scapegoating of immigrants and minorities.

VIDEO: West Hollywood Right to Marry Protests (tags)

LOS ANGELES, May 26, 2009 - Thousands of people took to the streets Tuesday night to protest discrimination upheld by the supreme court of California in upholding prop 8. Uploaded is video of some of the events in the streets last night.

Ragnar Relay Los Angeles Will Send Hordes of Runners Over Sea, Over Land, Over Night (tags)

From hard core to recreational, this weekend's 188-mile relay running “race” challenges everyone

Pacifica Radio Coup Redux Part II (tags)

New York: An Examination of the Current Coup Attempt at WBAI With Reference to the KPFA Takeover in 2000

Online Sit In Against HLS- Friday the 13th- ROUNG TWO!! (tags)


Racism in Italy. The hunt has begun (tags)

Increased incidents of racism and xenophobia, some of them characterized by unprecedented violence"

The Long Night (tags)

a long night

Minister (tags)

To interpret the Old and New Testament's of the Bible by extending the horizons of Christian theological inquiry pertaining to "The Two Stars Of Bethlehem".

Arroz con Pollo Opens In LA (tags)

Arroz con Pollo is a play about climbing the corporate ladder and working people. "Add a pinch of corporate greed, with a dash of unrelenting ambition, and you have a recipe for a disaster affecting the lives of hundreds."


Something really strange happened in the street last night. I don’t know if it was due to the “whiteness” of the crowd, to the fact that there is money in the gay community which potentially gives it power, or maybe it's the fact of the incoming president elect Obama with his promises of “something new”. I don’t understand and can only guess. But the fact is ….the cops backed off last night, and in all scores of demos, anti-war protests, pro-immigrant rallies, and every other kind of social-justice activity I have covered and participated in I have never seen that happen.

Right to Marry Protests Rock West LA (tags)

LOS ANGELES, November 6, 2008 – The Outrage over the Prop 8 election results that spilled into the streets of Los Angeles on Wednesday night continued all day Thursday and well into the night. The main focus of Thursday’s protests was the Mormon Church in Westwood. The church is believed to have funded up to 40% of the Yes on 8 campaign.

Election Night In Hollywood (tags)

". . . People ran around the crosswalks in intersections yelling and cheering. It was fun! It was amazing! . . ."

Leonard Bernstein’s “Mass” Speaks to Today’s World (tags)

Political and religious authority is crumbling in a crisis of faith. The late Leonard Bernstein put those themes, and much more, in his concert triumph, “Mass.” After eight years of Bush-Cheney, the priest/pedophile scandal, coupled with the costly Wall St. Bailout, the loss of trust in our institutions is rampant. If the people want real change, they are going to have to rely on themselves, and on each other to create, in unity, the world that they desire.

Iraq War Creates Shortage of Night Vision Gear for Domestic US Medical Pilots (tags)

The war in Iraq is creating a major - and perhaps deadly - shortage of night vision goggles for civilian pilots who fly medical helicopters in the U.S.

"Sands of Silence" Human Trafficking Awareness (tags)

WTLC & Senator Lou Correa will be hosting a Human Trafficking Awareness night on Thursday, October 2nd

Santa Barbarians Plan To Reclaim The Streets This Halloween (tags)

This Halloween, there will be The Second Annual Reclaim The Streets Masquerade Ball in Downtown Santa Barbara - and you're all invited.

Karl Rove detained for crimes against humanity in Claremont (tags)

16 September 2008

CLAREMONT - Over 300 justice activists detained Republican mastermind Karl Rove for over an hour yesterday in Claremont, demanding he be brought to justice for crimes against humanity, democracy, and general moral sensibility. Despite fervent efforts, they were unsuccessful in executing a citizen's arrest.

DNC Reflections: This Is What Activistism Looks Like (tags)

The two main protest groups – Unconventional Action and Recreate ‘68 – did not have an easy task with the local police and media spreading scare stories for months and with Barack Obama and the Democrats widely perceived as a reforming alternative to eight years of Republican rule. However, there was little effort made to bridge the comprehension gap.

Italy. Another racist fire kills two young gypsies (tags)

Legnaro (PD) arson kills two young "Sinti Giostrai" (merry-go-round operators)

The 1429th Blessed Month of Ramadan (tags)

2.8 billion Muslims of the world will celebrate their blessed month of Ramadan starting Monday, Sept. 1, 2008. During this month, healthy Muslim adults will observe Fasting during the daylight hours.

Webcam video of some of Monday Night’s Arrests in Denver (tags)

There are reports from Denver that police penned in demonstrators Monday night and made scores of arrests. Exact numbers uncertain at this time. Uploaded is video of images complied from webcams in the area of the arrests.

Intelligence report on fbi and cia crimes in the fnancial markets. (tags)

INTELLIGENCE REPORT ON THE fbi AND THE cia, reflecting criminal activities as the fbi and cia obtain illegal funding; the cia probably does the same little dance globally.

Noche Cubana in Los Angeles-A Sucesss (tags)

The commemoration of the 55th year anniversary of the attack on Moncada, Cuba led by Commanant Fidel Castro called “Noche Cubana” – A Night of Music, Food, Film, Dancing and Solidarity With Cuba” by the ANSWER Coalition was a success. The event was held at Remy’s on Temple-An Art Gallery at 2126 Temple St. in Historic Filipinotown from 7:00 to 12:00 PM. Hundreds of guests were treated to a night of dancing,songs and films as well as sumptuous food and drinks.


Thanks to everyone who made the first LA Social Forum a success. We had over three hundred and fifty registrations the first two days and handed out 425 programs.

15 Killed in AFP-NPA Clashes in Mindanao (tags)

Armed encounters between NPA bands and the AFP escalated yesterday in Mindanao. AFP sources said soldiers from the Army’s 30th Infantry Battalion, 42nd Military Intelligence Company supported by the Regional Mobile Police Group and the local police were pursuing New People’s Army (NPA) rebels who simultaneously attacked the police stations in Dapa and Gen. Luna towns in Surigao del Sur province on Saturday night.

“Happy Songs About the War” at Compass (tags)

Don't be put off by the title of JD Boucharde's one-man show, "Happy Songs About the War," through June 4 at the Compass Theatre in San Diego. It's a bitterly satirical yet oddly warm look at the U.S. debacle in Iraq that at the end triumphantly reaffirms pacifist ideals.

Before Trillanes was Vizmanos, the ‘original rebel soldier’ (tags)

efore the likes of Antonio Trillanes IV, there was Danilo “Ka Dan” Vizmanos, the quintessential “young rebel officer” who fought against martial law and continues to wage the good fight. A retired Navy captain, Vizmanos resisted Ferdinand Marcos’ dictatorship despite torture, crusaded against US military bases on Philippine soil, and campaigned to terminate the RP-US Balikatan war games in the South. “Ka Dan is the original rebel soldier,” said Bagong Alyansang Makabayan (Bayan) secretary general Renato Reyes Jr.

Last May Day's Police Brutality (tags)

PMO is putting together a panel of speakers in Portland, OR. We are looking for a willing party who was at last year's LA May Day that would be willing to speak about their experience on April 27th.

Year of the Rats: How I Achieved Peaceful Coexistence with My Rat Neighbors (tags)

“. . . Meanwhile I continued to try and make the best of the situation. I started putting items into the live trap which needed to be broken down. . . The rats began to shred up my old bank statements for me. I had a huge accumulation of them and had been reluctant to buy a shredder—I’ve been trying to use less electric devices, not more. . . . I had an almost-empty peanut butter jar with some hard-to-reach glop still stuck inside. One night I left the jar outdoors in an area where Snaggletooth was known to go. The next morning the jar was all cleaned out and ready for the recycling bin. . . .”

Film Night at Flor y Canto: March 2003-September 2005 (Part 1 of 2) (tags)

To mark the five-year anniversary of the Eagle Rock Peace Vigil, here is a list of films shown at Flor y Canto over a two-and-a-half year period. These almost-weekly screenings were an outgrowth of the Eagle Rock Vigil. (A link to the rest of this list can be found below in "comments.")

Rudy Giuliani’s Wheelchair Theft just the Tip of the Iceberg (tags)

Rudy Giuliani was one hair away from the Presidency.

Riot violence is escalating in France, police groups say (tags)

Revolts are the inevitable product of the current social system. When a revolt breaks out you can’t ask yourself ‘how could it happen?’ but rather ‘how is it possible that it doesn’t happen everywhere, all the time?’. - Nights of Rage

Popppycock! (tags)

Artists opening reception for Ben Templesmith

George Bush’s Real Definition of Victory in Iraq (tags)

Have you had the feeling that you aren’t being told the entire truth?

Noche Cubana (tags)

Noche Cubana A Night of Music, Food, Film & Solidarity with Cuba

1.9 billion Muslims of the world will celebrate Ramadan starting Sept. 13, 2007 (tags)

1.9 billion Muslims of the world will celebrate their blessed month of Ramadan starting Thursday, Sept. 13, 2007.

Aksyon Sambayanan leader killed by NPA in the Philippines (tags)

27 June 2007, SAN PABLO CITY, PHILIPPINES - A woman peace advocate and the local head of the social movement Aksyon Sambayanan was killed Monday night by armed men believed to be members of the Maoist New People’s Army.

South Central Farm: Encampment Reunion 2007 (tags)

LOS ANGELES, June 13, 2007 – One year to the day after the forced evictions of the South Central Farmers from their land by a small army of Sheriffs and LAPD the farmers held a reunion in the streets outside the now barren land.

Senator Joker Arroyo puts down proclamation as like Famas award night (tags)

Sen. Joker Arroyo on Thursday likened the proclamation rites of 10 winning senators to a “Famas award” night, with election officials as presentors and leading men. Arroyo snubbed the affair held Wednesday evening at the Philippine International Convention Center, but denied it was because his friend Sen. Ralph Recto lost in the election.

A Cultural Review: A Good and Exceptional Filipino Cultural Night (tags)

If “ the Samahang Pilipino Cultural Night is the culmination of a yearlong journey of education and preparation undertaken by the Samahang Pilipino cast and the by-product serves as an important avenue to share and explore Pilipino culture,” then the last presentation “BALIKBAYAN: The Journey Home “ on May 19 was a success. Going further, it served its purpose to “address issues relevant to the Pilipino and the Pilipino-American community. We in the Filipino community, further salute the Samahang Pilipino especially the script development groups who was able to integrate the issues like immigration, immigrant rights, Pilipino Diaspora, identity issues among Pilipinos and Filipino American youths, the yearning to go back to the homeland, the issue of political killings, systemic change and nationalism as well as integration to the mainstream- the real community empowerment in the American society into the cultural event.

Protests at IMF/World Bank Spring Meetings – a Prelude to October (tags)

News roundup of protests at IMF/World Bank spring meetings in April - and onward to October!

4th Anniversary Vigil Wilshire & Veteran (tags)

4th Anniversary anti-war vigil at the Westwood Federal Building, same corner where many of us gathered on the first night too.

Marches Begin Against Racist "Immigration Raids" (tags)

Protesters peacefully marched downtown to the Federal Building. The group said "No more" to the recent ICE raids and arrests against the Mexican and Central American community.

Homeless People Win --Jury Says “Not Guilty” at Trial: Activist Seeks Community Response (tags)

Homeless People Win --Jury Decides “Not Guilty” in Skid Row Activist's Criminal Trial. States the Homeless Activist "I haven't decided what I will do next; and I am interested in what suggestions people have. ”

The Lord's Press Release (tags)

Heed my words and I will tell you great and hidden things you do not know. Bush Daddy says that the English made the Potato Famine happen. Lets catch the culprit soon. Then Bush Daddy said that the English Jews did it. So I reminded him that his Walker forefather was an English Jew. I've given them 72 hours to solve this. Do you think they are balking? I think their time is up 2/15/07. As for Ireland, I want to know what kind of people live there today. Was the Potato Famine a plot to uproot and supplant a population?

Servant of Rulers (tags)

Extra! Saddam was the one who banished Bush Daddy and W. Gog of the land of Magog became an issue yesterday. Do you know Gog?

Philippines Cultural Solidarity Night (tags)

The Philippine Peasant Support Network-USA (Pesante) and the Ecumenical Fellowship for Justice and Peace (EFJP) invite you to attend a cultural solidarity night to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the Mediola Massacre in the Philippines. On Jan. 22, 1987, 13 peasants were massacred and more than 150 were wounded by members of the repressive Armed Forces of the Philippines while demanding genuine land reform in a peaceful protest. The commemoration and solidarity night will be an evening of art, culture and politics.

Studio City "SAY NO TO ESCALATION!" VIDEO (tags)

3 1/2 minute video of last week's Thursday night rally in Studio City against the surge. IMPEACH chorus line (people holding individual letter signs) moving through cider...and tons of people and honks. Please view video here, or if it doesn't load, go to YouTube.

PHILIPPINES: Smith's Illegal Transfer to the US Embassy: A Case of Multiple Rape (tags)

Rape of the Judicial System, Rape of Nicole once again, and Rape of the Nation's Dignity and Sovereignty

SURGE FOR PEACE! - San Fernando Valley (tags)

[ And now, a message from the President of the United States: "After mah special speech on surging Eye-Rak, in which i'll be talkin bout my big plans fer VICTORY in that there country, which will include sending - oh, around twenty thousand more of yer kids to protect our oil fields - i hope you all will be inspired enough ta stay home and watch some good 'ol Merican telivision, or maybe go shoppin ta support my war effert. Just be sure NOT ta excersize yer right ta free speech - you wernt using that 'ol thing anyway - by going to tha Thursday Night SURGE FOR PEACE Vigil in the San Fernando Valley hosted by all them thar peace-niks. Jus go along with mah war plans, and everythin will be jus fine 'n dandy. Anyway, that's what Jesus done whispered in mah ear tha other night." ]

Mt. Hood Tragedy - Is Bourgeois Press Causing Belief in Rescue Miracles? (tags)

Little has been said about the wisdom of their decision to attempt to scale one of the tallest mountains in the Cascade Range during the worst time of the year for such an adventure. I realize that the families of the victims are holding out hope that their loved ones will be found to have survived the hellish conditions they encountered this week; I do not wish to add to their suffering by publishing this article. It is in the interest of preventing the loss of lives in the future that I present this piece, as my research into this tragedy has turned up some very interesting information regarding the quality of information available to the public regarding weather conditions in the region, and the facilities available to those who attempt to scale these very dangerous peaks.

French Fries in the American Southwest (tags)

Hike the Mojave Desert.

Angelides Rally in West LA (tags)

Phil Angelides strong & confident coming out of his first debate, "make the place where the Democratic wave breaks in CA." Arnold's re-election would mean a return to his special election issues that he said were good despite voters' sound repudiation last Nov.

Full Statement of Columbia Students Who Occupied the Stage (tags)

October 6, 2006

Protest at Columbia University against Gilchrist (tags)

Full statement of those who occupied the stage at Columbia University at a event with Jim Gilchrist on Oct. 4th.

Boy Scouts and Hungry Bears (tags) contains all of the photographs.

Israel Sends in the Clowns: Debating the Lobby in Manhattan (tags)

The occasion was a "debate," hosted by the London Review of Books, on the question, "The Israel Lobby: Does it have too much influence on US foreign policy?"

Rosemead City Council Sneaks Wal-Mart In (tags)

This letter was sent out a few days ago. It shows the contempt the Rosemead City Council has for its residents, to sneak a controversial proposal onto the agenda, after the opponents have left. Authored by Zebra.

The Prison of the West Bank: Death and Tears in Nablus (tags)

If you wander the streets of the Old City and listen to even a few of the tales that are imprisoned within it, you will understand better the reality of this occupation, and the sadness of the city will seep into your unconscious


Press release to announce the start of the Holy month of Ramadan 2006

The new domestic terrorists (tags)

Article in Rolling Stone about Bush cracking down harder than ever on radical environmentalists.

Enlightening GW Congressional Hearing on C-span Last Night (tags)

At midnight last night, C-span aired a hearing that took place yesterday in DC about global warming. They had four experts and scientists and one guy, Mr. Wegman (a government hack), who has been refuting the scientist's work for years.

Night Dreams and Book Reviews on the 4th of July (tags)

Old Right Topic News editor Mark Dankof pens thoughts on a late night dream and Kevin Phillips's American Theocracy that suggest the Neo-Cons global war and the New World Order are soon to be consummated.

The Language of Life: Reflections on the South Central Farm (tags)

"...The root cause of the problems that threaten life on earth is the concept of land title acquired and maintained by force. Since modern civilization is based on this concept, it does not hold the key to peace." - Hopi Elder Martin Gashweseoma

VIDEO - South Central Farm press conference at night (tags)

Press conference by Darryl Hannah and John Quigley across street from farm, at night on day when farm was raided by police, Tuesday June 13th

HIV/AIDS - 25 Years and Counting (tags)

Telling Our Stories: HIV/AIDS - 25 Years & Counting

Support Indigenous Rights: Host a Grassy Narrows Movie Night (tags)

Join activists across Canada and the United States in supporting the First Nations Community of Grassy Narrows by hosting a movie night. The film tracks the struggles and resistance movement of Grassy Narrows in their efforts to protect their land and way of life. Email to get more information and materials.

On an Altar of Dust: Lessons from the Farm (tags)

She thinks, “This is all we need: Land and community. It doesn’t matter what we believe, or what our differences are; if we can listen, the land itself will teach us what we need to know.”

FBI stages unprecedented raid on congressman’s office (tags)

The FBI conducted a search of the office of Louisiana Representative William Jefferson over the weekend in what is the first such intrusion by an agency of the executive branch into the office of a sitting congressman in US history. In a press conference on Monday, Jefferson, a Democrat, denounced the raid as an “outrageous intrusion into the separation of powers.” The raid on Jefferson’s office in the Rayburn House Office Building on Saturday night was a politically motivated breach of constitutional boundaries aimed at asserting the power of the executive branch over the legislative. It is yet another political marker in the government’s moves towards dictatorial forms of rule.

Save the Farm - Night Watchman (tags)

South Central Farm. May 19th, 2006

Rochester, NY News Break With Ben VanDamme (tags)

Introducing you to the current news from the greater Rochester, New York area region with Host Benjamin VanDamme of Canaseraga, New York and Southern-Tiers News Center STNC.

MinuteKlan Update from Campo (tags)

Report from a minuteklan member in Campo, Ca.

Community Response to Mr. Zine (tags)

Community response to the "Angelino of Retribution"

Los Angeles City Council Member Dennis P. Zine does a drive-by in South Central (tags)

An update on the situation due to the late night harassment of the South Central Farm by the Los Angeles City Council Member Dennis P. Zine.

Los Angeles City Council Member Dennis P. Zine does a drive-by in South Central (tags)

This is a rebuttal to Mr. Zine's Press Release.

Councilman Zine’s Unexpected Visit to South Central Farm Provokes Angry Exchange. (tags)

Uploaded is an MP3 file of the farmers comments in council chambers today and Council member Zine's response

Shopping in Eden (tags)

A New Yorker goes to the first Trader Joe's in the city and feels oddly safe.

community of Protest in Costa mesa growing (tags)

Last nights protest in front of councilman and bar owner garry Monohan's bar has grown into a socol and political event that does not seem to be slowing down.

1/24: Tuesday Night Forum on Immigration (tags)

a planning meeting to develop a strategy to help defeat the anti-immigrant bill (H.R. 4437- the Border Protection, Antiterrorism, and Illegal Immigration Control Act of 2005) that was passed by the U.S. House of Representatives on Dec.16, 2005.

Arts and entertainment: Carlos Guitarlos show at Liquid Kitty (tags)

Carlos Guitarlos is local legend. And last night's show at Liquid Kitty is proof that at age 55 he can still hold forth.

Laro Nicol's oldest son dies in motorcycle accident (tags)

Please send love and support to Laro and his family. On Friday night, Laro James Nicol was killed while riding his motorcycle. Laro James Nicol is the old son of Laro Nicol, a long-time Phoenix-area activist, who is serving a 2-year prison term.

Arise, arise Children of the Light (tags)

May all come to know the greatness that exists within...

Tom Morello as The Night Watchman REFLECTION. RESISTANCE. RESPONSE. CONCERT (tags)

Coalition Against Militarism in Our Schools & Axis of Justice present: REFLECTION. RESISTANE. RESPONSE. Hosted by Jerry Quickley of Beneath the Surface

Support Lincoln Place evicted tenants - Friday night (tags)

The locked-out residents of Lincoln Place Apartments in Venice to invite you to an 'Ecumenical Mass' Friday night (Dec. 9) - this will be a very moving event and your presence will really help Lincoln Place residents keep up their fight and keep the spotlight on this issue.

Curfew Imposed in Parisian Ghettos (tags)

Curfew Imposed in Parisian Ghettos

Paris is Burning (tags)

Chirac Appeals for Calm as Paris Suburbs Endure Sixth Night of Violence

Robbie Conal's 'Patriot Inaction' posters appear across L.A. (tags)

See Bush Drown In Robbie Conal's new poster

Cindy Sheehan disingenuous in denying that she wrote PNAC Neocon/war for Israel paragraph (tags)

Cindy Sheehan did indeed write that her son died for a PNAC Neocon agenda to benefit Israel

Recreational killers in San Gabriel Mountains (tags)

I'm always disgusted and amused by these clowns.

TUES. 8/30: Protest Against Schwarzenegger Fundraiser at Anaheim Angels Ballpark (tags)

Registered Nurses from the California Nurses Association (CNA) will sponsor "Nurses & Family Night at the Ballpark" opposite an Arnold Schwarzenegger fundraiser to be held during the Los Angeles Angels-Oakland A's game in Anaheim this Tuesday, August 30. Nurses will be on hand to protest Schwarzenegger's record-setting corporate fundraising and his $80 million special election which contains a variety of propositions that benefit his corporate donor to the detriment of nurses and other Californians.

A News Birth! Independent World Television News! (tags)

Have you heard of the birth of Independent World Television News (IWT)?

Troqueros on STRIKE! (tags)

Port of Los Angeles troqueros on third day of strike against being obligated to work 2 shifts in violation of federal law.

Campo: Hunting the Migrant Hunters (tags)

For two weeks, brave members of Gente Unida and the Desert Angels have pitched their tents along the border to stop the California Minutemen there. On the past two weekends, they've been joined by protestors from throughout Southern California. This weekend, however, they were on their own. This is a report on one night among the protestors at Campo. Next Saturday, August 6, the last weekend of the California Minutemen's presence on the border, a major counter-demonstration will begin at 4:00 p.m. at the Gente Unida camp to say goodbye to the California Minutemen.

Diverse Anti-Racist Coalition Confronts, Disrupts the MinuteMen in California (tags)

The California MinuteMen started their operations in Campo, California, one hour east of San Diego on July 16th. They were confronted, disrupted and chased away by a diverse coalition of organizations from San Diego, Los Angeles, Mexico, Portland and many other cities. The Anti-MinuteMen, No Border Camp continues and actions will continue day and night until the MinuteMen leave Campo. On Sunday night the corporate media reported that the MinuteMen had given up after only one day, but later corrected that statement. On Wednesday, the 2nd Virtual Sit-In against the MinuteMen begins. [Read more, complete action summary]

Reports: 150 March in Support of Human Rights | Snipers at campo protest | Physical Borders, psychological divisions | LA indymedia - Report from Campo - Anti-MM action | Minutemen Leave After Clash With Protesters | Original Campo sdimc feature

Photos: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8

Audio: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | Sonic Attacks Disrupt Border Vigilante Patrol

Video: 1 | 2 | Minutemen Threaten to Shoot Protesters

An Amazing Story of Dedication, Pain and Triumph. (tags)

Guerilla Producer "Mikey Jukes" has been on a labor of love, even risking his own life, to make his dream, as well as the dreams of others come true on television.

Kucinich: New Urgency to bipartisan efforts to pass "Homeward Bound" (tags)

Last night’s nationally televised speech by the President made it clear we are in Iraq for time indefinite...Withdrawal from Iraq has never been in the Administration’s plans - not when the war was being planned, nor during its execution. The occupation in "sovereign" Iraq will continue unless we stop it. We are building several permanent military bases in Iraq. "We will stay in Iraq as long as we are needed, and not a day longer," the President said last night. When the Administration ties Iraq into the "War on Terror" the war never has to end. It then becomes a steady source of cash for the 20,000 "private contractors" in Iraq

Banner-Bearing Protester at Convention Is Acquitted (tags)

A Manhattan jury rejected all charges last night against a California woman who was arrested at the Republican National Convention, when she unfurled a banner criticizing President Bush during his acceptance speech.

Canto del Rio Bravo / Song of the Rio Grande (tags)

"When history sleeps it speaks in dreams; on the forehead of the sleeping people the poem is a constellation of blood. When history wakes image becomes act, the poem happens; poetry moves into action."

IndyMedia--please help (tags)

FREE POLITICAL PRISONERS! CALL FOR SOLIDARITY AT ARRAIGNMENTS! Please help a) get in touch w/ ALL the other arrestees / or their families from last night Garden Grove and b) we have a general CALL OUT FOR HELP WITH FINANCIAL SUPPORT FOR LEGAL FEES AND/OR LEGAL AID. More details below.

Art Show in LA closed by Police (tags)

On April 23rd, 2005, the LAPD raided and closed down a political art exhibit at the Transport Gallery in downtown Los Angeles. Artist Mark Vallen reported the details on his web log - - his report follows:

International Day of Solidarity with anarchists on trial in Germany (tags)

This week saw an international day of solidarity actions with the Aachen 4. The so-called Aachen 4 are anarchists from Spain (who escaped from prison there after many years in the F.I.E.S high security isolation units)and Belgium, accused of bank robberies in Germany and currently on trial in Aachen,Germany.Events included the following:

US 'smuggles wounded troops home' under cover of darkness (tags)

Andrew Buncombe – The Independent April 10, 2005 The Pentagon has been accused of smuggling wounded soldiers into the US under cover of darkness to avoid bad publicity about the number of troops being injured and maimed in Iraq. The media have also been prevented from photographing wounded soldiers when they arrive at hospital.

John Digweed and team up for Tsunami Relief (tags)

Please join us to kick off the new year in the spirit of humanity...

A Nights Tale (tags)

When it came to "The Good Doctor" a little of him went a long way.

Axis of Justice - Los Angeles Food Not Bombs Benefit Show (tags)

"Because Food is a Right, not a privilege!"

S. KOREA. 11.22/Last Week's Struggle Report... (tags) migrant workers, now since one year and one week in sit-in strike against S. Korean government's policy of manhunt, mass arrestings and deportations.

Prophecy Nov 16 : Osama targets America with nukes (tags)

Answering cries for help. Should I, or shouldn't I? Hmmmmm.

KOREA. General Strike, Cops are Hunting Activists (tags)

Since yesterday's declaration of the general strike, the government is reacting with repression. Today migrant workers in Seoul are exactly ONE year in sit-in strike!

Activists Increase Militance in Wake of Bush's Re-election (tags)

In the wake of Bush's re-election, a string of militants are rising up and taking direct action against Republican, military, and corporate targets. You are cordially invited.

CSI Washington: Death of Amerigo (Satire) (tags)

A proposed script is submitted for a CSI TV show based in Washington, D.C. It begins with the discovery, in Neocon Park, of the body of a murdered woman, Amerigo Vespucci. An investigation indicates that there were 38 witnesses to the homicidal attack, who did nothing! The Kitty Genovese case of the 60s, in NYC, is recalled. CSI’s Dave Marshall says, “Just because 38 b....... lost their humanity doesn’t mean with have to lose ours, too.”


EMERGENCY DEMONSTRATION TOMORROW NIGHT: STOP THE FALLUJAH ATTACK! U.S. Out of Iraq! Protest Bush and the U.S. war drive! WHEN:  Tues, Nov 9, 6 pm (Tomorrow night) WHERE: Westwood Federal Building (Wilshire & Veteran) Los Angeles

STOP THE FALLUJAH ATTACK! - Westwood Federal Building Tues, Nov 9, 6 pm (tags)

We urge everyone to join us at the demonstration against the Fallujah attack. Bring signs, banners, placards and friends.

Banner Drop in Northern Los Angeles County (tags)

A group in the Antelope Valley created and dropped this banner over monday night - tuesday night. It is thought to be one of the first banner drops in the AV.

S. KOREA. 11.02/Last week's struggle report... (tags) Myeong-dong Sit-in Struggle Collective (MSSC), nowadays since more than 350 days in strike against mass arrestings and deportation of migrant workers.

S. KOREA. 10.19/Last week's struggle report... (tags) MSSC (Myeong-dong Sit-in Struggle Collective), now since 338 days in strike against the policy of mass arrests and deportations, for legalization, work visa, human and labor rights for migrant workers.

Oct 18 - An All-Star Benefit Performance (tags)

DON’T MISS THIS POWERFUL WORK-IN-PROGRESS by America’s great playwright, Tony Kushner "Only We Who Guard The Mystery Shall Be Unhappy" MONDAY OCTOBER 18, 2004 8:00 pm Ricardo Montalban Theatre * 1615 Vine Street * Los Angeles, CA

Yesterday and Tomorrow (tags)

It is very surprising indeed that man feels the presence of "the past" only when, at "the present," he recalls his memory. What's more, even his feeling that "the future" does exist is but a feeling that he derives from the total recall he had at "the present time" of some "sequential conditions" of the past event. Is it not to be admitted that we ourselves feel that we are constantly at "the present" throughout our lifetime? Now, what do all these talks about our having "the past" and "the future" has to do with us? Is there something wrong with our concept of time or is it our memory that is in the wrong?

S. KOREA. 9.27/Last week's struggle report... (tags) MSSC (Myeong-dong Sit-in Struggle Collective, now since 317 days in sit-in strike downtown Seoul)

Haunted By Viet Nam To Kill To Be Free (tags)

The army of death for there shall be no partisans of the holocaust that have sanction life In the name of freedom for all. I sit upon the rock as the world pleas its cause. The man that walks with armored Gun. So who is man who speaks for thy almighty God who have broken all Gods laws. The hell and the fury which he stands before the man man laws. To kill are be locked in a 8/11 box refusing to serve the army of death. I pledge allegiance to which it stands , I the murder of my brother, Under the blood of justice man who turns his back on Gods law. I shall repeat the horrors each time I close my eyes, the death that smells Upon my trust, memories of the blood that stood before my gun. Screams from the grave I have killed my brother.

St. Ann's update- Wednesday (August 4th) (tags)


Medea Benjamin Dragged Off DNC Floor in Handcuffs (tags)

Medea Benjamin Dragged Off DNC Floor in Handcuffs For Unfurling "End the Occupation of Iraq" Banner

S. KOREA Deep Sleep, Fun & Bad News (tags)

MSSC struggle report

Americans Will Heppily Help Journalists Violate Ethics (tags)

This story went out to 800-plus media outlets this week and yet only a slim handful expressed interest. Cynicism on behalf of the media or does this happen more than we know?


This event is a fundraiser for Afghan Women's Mission and Global Exchange. Our speaker's, Sonali Kolhatkar and Medea Benjamin wil not only be speaking about the organization and their work, but also about the current situations in Afghanistan and Iraq.

S. Korea: MSSC's last week struggle report (tags)

Last week, beside several solidarity parties, we were invited, we also were on propaganda tour.

Fight Sexual Violence!!! (UCLA Clothesline Project May 11-13) (tags)

UCLA Clothesline Project presents the display May 11-13 and Take Back the Night rally May 13 on the UCLA campus. Display and rally to fight sexual violence.

Sinclair Broadcasting's David Smith Busted In Prostitution Sting (tags)


Call to Action June 5th, 2004 (tags)

A call to action against the G-8 on the night of June 5, 2004.

Resident Bu$h, jokes about WMDs. (tags)

In this photo taken from video, resident bu$hco pretends to search the Oval Office for weapons of mass destruction in a frat boy spoof shown to a dinner for White House radio and television correspondents in Washington Wednesday night March 24, 2004. Nearly 600 American troops and over 10,000 Iraqi civilians have DIED because of bu$hco's lies concerning Iraq possessing WMDs. Now the resident makes it into a comedy routine. Well guess what America... THE JOKES ON YOU! (AP Photo/ APTN Pool)

Night of Remembrance in Temecula, March 20 (tags)

Peace Works! in Temecula Valley held a peaceful candlelight vigil, braving angry Republicans and meeting a friendly duck. This is how it happened -- with hyperlinks and pictures.

Protest in Pasadena on Saturday night! (tags)

Protest Bush and his occupation of Iraq this Saturday.

Temecula Night of Remembrance to Reflect on Year of War (tags)

The members of Peace Works! in Temecula Valley will gather on Saturday, March 20, 2004, at the Temecula Duck Pond Park to mark the anniversary of the start of the Iraq War. This special Night of Remembrance begins at dusk, 6:00 p.m., and will feature reflections on the human cost of war as well as hope for a world of peace.

Video of Anti-bush protest at the Shrine 3-3-04 (tags)

This event went totally unreported in the local TV news that night.

Picket lines (tags)

Benefit show tommorow night for strikers (tags)

Benefit show at Q-Topia for striking supermarket workers. Three bands. $5. All ages.

How the hell do you explain a 37-year military occupation to a 3 year old! (tags)

Last night was not a good night. We put our two girls to sleep at 9am. My wife followed at 10. At around 11:30pm I was on the computer when out of nowhere Israeli IDF soliders were yelling out of loudspeakers for our neighboors, 2 streets over, to exit their house with all kids. A few moments later the annoying wizzing sound of the unmanned plane...

Jewish Lessons on the Environment (tags)

Shabbat is a holy covenant among Jews, but it can also be a holy grail for environmentalists.

MAGLIGHT Flashlights used to beat homeless Los Angeles Animals! (tags)

In protest of the murder of over 44 thousand precious cats, dogs, puppies, kittens, rabbits and wildlife every single year, and for Jerry Greenwalt authorizing the use of MAG LIGHT flash lights (the ones police carry) for the kennel workers to use for "illumination purposes", we will be protesting in his neighborhood on November 26th at 6:30pm Wednesday night, the night before THANKSGRIEVING DAY for the city's pound animals.

Facts about inglewood Beating (tags)

I will not respond to the hate on this thread. I will however let the public know what really happened on july 6th 2002. the haters are from a organization called "citizens for police". Fuck them.

Citizens for police (tags)

This is in protest towards the organization "citizens for police" who are constant "trolls" on this site. This organization is formed by ignorant racist white people in favor of jeremy morse. Jeremy morse is the "cowardly" officer from inglewood california who is on trial for the chickenshit beating of an innocent child last july 6th 2002.

Trans/Giving (tags)

Hatred Will Never Silence Our Art Trans/Giving A bimonthly celebration of trans/genderqueer/intersex artists

California recall (tags)

California and Arnold as a new Governor. Is this a case of America on the new path for a revolution? Just my own personal thoughts.

ANSWER Support Action for Striking UFCW Workers (tags)

Int'l A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition, Los Angeles, Calls for Community Action to Support Striking UFCW Workers. Join us!


After partying the night away, Austrian dignitaries and admirers in Schwarzenegger's home region celebrated his win by claiming him anew as one of their own.


An Indymedia center for the Central Valley in California came one step closer to reality at a meeting held last night in Modesto.

Into the Meatgrinder, more National Guard Troops to be sent to Iraq (tags)

86 U.S. soldiers have been killed in Iraq since the man in the White House declaired the war over on May 1st. Now U.S. forces are engaged in a classic guerilla war with the people of Iraq... time to send more warm bodies. Hey George.... where are those weapons of mass destruction you launched the war to find?

Flor y Canto needs your help! (tags)

Flor y Canto needs your help & Friday Film Night.

Who Was Neil Stonechild? (tags)

SASKATOON - Saskatoon's police chief says officers may have been dumping native people outside the city for years, an admission that comes as new information emerges about a 13-year-old case.

Protest results from questionable police shooting (tags)

On Sunday, August 10 at about 6:30 pm, Police Officer Alma Andrade fatally shot Yousuf Mollah after responding to a complaint. Five days later, the community of which Mullah was a part demanded answers as to the necessity and justice of his death.


Over 500 people gathered at the Vista Theater in Hollywood, Wednesday, July 23, 2003, for the premiere of the documentary film A Night of Ferocious Joy, by David Zeiger, about the first concert against the war.

kpfk LAB votes 12 to 11 against bylaws draft B (tags)


The Suitcase Clinic-A Friend Of The Homeless (tags)

The Suitcase Clinic Of Berkeley Ca, Offers A Helping Hand To The Homeless.

Hollywood Fundraiser for Dennis Kucinich this upcoming Friday night! (tags)

Streetwalkers for Dennis Kucinich will be holding its first fundraiser for the wannabe President this upcoming Friday night on the corner of Hollywood and Vine!

6/25: ActionLA Peace and Justice Film Festival (tags)

Movies, Music and Education!

6/25: ActionLA Peace and Justice Film Festival (tags)

6/25 (Wed) 8:00 PM – 12:00 AM, Peace and Justice Film Festival Arts in Action, 1919 W. 7th Street 4th Floor, Los Angeles and 6/24 (Tue) 8:00 PM – 11:00 PM, Echo Park Film Center, 1200 N. Alvarado St., youth film night, featuring 2-hour film “Justifiable Homicide,” and discussion afterward.

6/25: ActionLA Peace and Justice Film Festival (tags)

6/25 (Wed) 8:00 PM – 12:00 AM, Peace and Justice Film Festival Arts in Action, 1919 W. 7th Street 4th Floor, Los Angeles and 6/24 (Tue) 8:00 PM – 11:00 PM, Echo Park Film Center, 1200 N. Alvarado St., youth film night, featuring 2-hour film “Justifiable Homicide,” and discussion afterward.

6/25: Peace and Justice Film Festival (tags)

6/25 (Wed) 8:00 PM – 12:00 AM, Peace and Justice Film Festival Arts in Action, 1919 W. 7th Street 4th Floor, Los Angeles and 6/24 (Tue) 8:00 PM – 11:00 PM, Echo Park Film Center, 1200 N. Alvarado St., youth film night, featuring 2-hour film “Justifiable Homicide,” and discussion afterward. ActionLA Peace and Social Justice Convergence June 20 - July 5, 2003 Los Angeles Web: e-mail: For More Information, Tel:(213)413-1778 PJ Fest is the project of ActionLA Web:

ActionLA Peace and Social Justice Convergence (6/20-7/5) (tags)

ActionLA Peace and Social Justice Convergence June 20 - July 5 2003 Los Angeles Web: Tel: (213)413-1778 PJ Fest is the project of ActionLA Web:

Los Angeles ActionLA Peace and Social Justice Convergence (6/20-7/5) (tags)

ActionLA Peace and Social Justice Convergence June 20 - July 5 2003 Los Angeles Web: Tel: (213)413-1778 PJ Fest is the project of ActionLA Web: "Take Back the World! Take Back Our Community!"

USA: Los Angeles ActionLA Peace and Social Justice Convergence (6/20-7/5) (tags)

ActionLA Peace and Social Justice Convergence June 20 - July 5 2003 Los Angeles Web: Tel: (213)413-1778 PJ Fest is the project of ActionLA Web: Take Back the World! Take Back Our Community!

The Troops Are Afraid To Go Out At Night (tags)

What he meant, I think, was that it wasn't safe for American soldiers after dark. Hours later, I went out in the streets of Nasiriyah for a chicken burger and the Iraqis who served me in a run-down cafe couldn't have been friendlier.

Transgender Readings June12 @ WeHo Bookstore (tags)

West Hollywood's A Different Light Bookstore will host a night of readings by Female-to-Male and Male-to-FemaleTransgender spoken word artists, as part of the City's Transgender Awareness Week.

Saudi citizens react to terrorism (tags)

Saudi's get the message loud and clear!

Sheep Dog and One Eyed Man (tags)

You guys are the best

US POW rescue was 'stage-managed' (tags)

Just keep telling yourself - we have no stage managed controlled Presstitutes, it was not about Oil, Hi I'm from the Government I'm here to help you, we have no stage managed controlled Presstitutes, it was not about Oil, Hi, I'm from the Government I'm here to help you, ...

Congressional Hispanic Caucus Press Conference (tags)

Press conference on Republicans' attempt to link migration and immigration policies to Mexico's cooperation with US oil interests.

Southwest Anarchist Network Conference Update #3 (tags)

Latest up-date from the organizers of the up-coming Southwest Anarchist Network Conference.

Russian Intellegence Re Invasion; 1 April (tags)

You might want to bookmark this site: I think it provides excellent coverage of the (not "war", but) US/UK INVASION.

Oscar Night Video (tags)

7minutes in the Pro War camp is all you need to make sure you get off your ass and vote.

Awards Night Peace Rally (tags)

Less We Forget--- “We are gathering to send a message to the world’s peace movement that we are with you and we also honor those artist brave enough to speak out against this immoral war.” - June Kuwatani, event organizer, Neighbors for Peace and Justice

Latest Russian Intelligence report (tags)

The following is the English translation of the IRAQWAR.RU report based on the Russian military intelligence reports.

THE IRAQ WAR - MARCH 25, 2003 SUMMARY. (tags)

Summary of events, IRAQ War, March 25, 2003.

The Pro-War Side Shows Its True Colors (tags)

A photo essay by Slumdance on the strange culture of pro-war demonstrators.

48 Nonstop Vigil Comes to Completion Despite Harassment (tags)

Peaceful anti-war protesters verbally and physically attacked in Ventura County, CA.

REPORT FROM OCCUPIED HOLLYWOOD(photos of brutal arrest and police tactics at oscars) (tags)

Photos of police at oscars, including brutal arrest of an innocent man leaving the scene

As Night Comes Steppin' In... (tags)

I've been sitting here like this in front of my computer for four - five nights staring out into the night, through the news reports, photos and videos into hell.

All night vigil in Brea (tags)

Vigil tonight at Imperial Hwy. and Brea Blvd. in Brea going ALL NIGHT until 6PM Sunday


This Russian intelligence reports contradicts the American media's war propaganda which is predictably crowing about supposed American military 'victories' in Iraq and the extent of surrenders by Iraqi military forces who have given up.


This Russian intelligence reports contradicts some of the American War Media propaganda predictably beating their chest about supposed American military 'victories' in Iraq and the extent of surrenders by Iraqi military forces who have allegedly given up.

All night vigil in Brea (tags)

Join us in an all night vigil in Brea!

Missile after Missile (tags)

Robert Fisk in Baghdad

Iraq Peace Team Update (tags)

March 21, 2003 Kathy Kelly and Ramzi Kysia in Baghdad with Voices in the Wilderness' Iraq Peace Team. They are there to bear witness with the Iraqi People. Per phone this morning, they communicated this to people at the U.S. Voices in the Wilderness Office.

Report From Baghdad by Robert Fisk (tags)

There was a thrashing of tracer on the horizon from the Baghdad air defences – the Second World War-era firepower of old Soviet anti-aircraft guns – and then a series of tremendous vibrations that had the ground shaking under our feet. Bubbles of fire tore into the sky around the Iraqi capital, dark red at the base, golden at the top.

M 20 OC Costa Mesa Protest (tags)

M 20 Thurs Night Protest in Costa Mesa-South Coast Plaza

Italy, demos in 85 cities and towns, 100.000 in Roma in the night (tags)

yesterday, first day of war, demos in 85 Italian cities and towns, most workers on strike. In the night 100.000 in Roma by torchlight.

The Night The War Began (tags)

Several hundred people gathered in Westwood at the Federal Building Wednesday afternoon and evening in expectation of the massacre of Iraq beginning at the end of Bush's 48 hour ultimatum.

the night before.... (tags)



"(Recently. at a children?s activity in Nablus. someone asked a room full of children how many had someone from their family in prison. Over half the children in the room raised their hand.)"


Transgenders: Queen Mary Show Lounge, Studio City, closed February 23, without notice to patrons or employees after more than 40 years of hosting the TG community.

Downtown LA Saturday Night (tags)

This has not been reported in the main stream news in Los Angeles. Saturday night a very large group of people broke out into a fight. Several injured, one killed, possibly more.

Greetings from Afghanistan (tags)

A US military officer writes from Afghanistan

Report- Poems Not Fit For the White House (tags)


Hunger Strike Commences outside Taco Bell World Headquarters (tags)

Report from the Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW) on the progress of their struggle to win decent wages for the workers who pick tomatoes for Taco Bell.

U.S. Activist Susan Barclay Faces Deportation From Palestine+Other ISM Reports (tags)

The Latest Reports From Palestine by Activists of The International Solidarity Movement

FREE Poetry/Spoken Word/Open Mic Night toniht at the REACH Center featuring Victorio Reyes (tags)

Tonight's FREE poetry/spoken word/open mic night is from 6-9pm at the REACH Center at 684 Redondo Ave. in Long Beach and will be featuring Victorio Reyes, who is an author, activist, and spoken word performer from NY

RW: Music to Stop the War (tags)


A call to "flick your lights for peace" every night at 8 pm (tags)

Flick your lights at 8 pm for peace.....






Letter of Complaint to Anaheim Police Chief Roger Baker re: Unitarian Church (02/01/03) (tags)

Did Anaheim Police truly believe a small benefit show was going to attract hundreds of wild teenagers armed with Molotov cocktails who were plotting to march up Harbor Blvd. toward Disneyland and burn the Magic Kingdom to the ground?

Statement to Anaheim City Council regarding incident at Unitarian Church (tags)

A small platoon of Anaheim police officers waged a fierce battle to shutdown a small event being held on church grounds that was organized by a political prisoner support group.

Thunder Bay. Do Police Assult (tags)

Treatment in Thunder Bay

Anaheim police lose battle to squash free speech (tags)

Civil liberties are won only when masses of people organize with one another to vigorously assert and defend their rights.

'Twas a fright at the White House (tags)

'Twas a fright at the White House


Give me blood, blood, blood...

Thunder Bay Police (tags)

Do Police Assault

Poetry Night with Jackie Joice (tags)

Long Beach Womyns Collective Presents: Poetry Night / Open Mic Featuring Jackie Joice

Guns And Roses Fans Riot in Vancouver, Canada (tags)

Thousands of Guns And Roses fans rioted Thursday night, November 7, 2002, after an announcement outside GM Place in Vancouver that the show had been canceled.

LA Transgenders Mourn Gwen, Scorn Corporate Media Coverage (tags)

Hundreds of Transgenders and straight & gay allies marched in memory og slain teen Gwen last night in Hollywood; speakers scorned press coverage of the murder, and the memorial.

I was arrested 9/11 and beaten in Jail... (tags)

----tls---- I was arrested 9/11 and beaten in Jail... I hope you may be able to help me with legal referral or advice ASAP please.



LA in Palestine (tags)

Part of an ongoing series of first person accounts from Los Angelenos working in Palestine.

Report from Gaza, Palestine (tags)

update from member of ISM in Palestine



Poetry Night (tags)

Poetry Night tommrow at the Long Beach Community Info shop

Coverage of Protest Rally at FCC headquarters in Washington DC (tags)

"The night after I was sworn in, I waited for a visit from the angel of the public interest. I waited all night, but she did not come." - FCC Chairman Michael Powell

Angels of Public Interest to Descend Upon the FCC (an audio report) (tags)

The Federal Communications Commission is a government agency that could help make media beautiful. Instead, the FCC using its power to collapse control of the media into the hands of fewer and fewer transnational corporations.


Club 7969 [Peanuts] hopes it can convince the West Hollywood City Council this Tuesday night to reverse the Business License Commisssion' closure of its renowned transgender, youth and lesbian nightclubs.

Stop the Hijacking of teh Student Anti-War Movement (tags)

You guys might know this, or might NOT know this.. but the CSAW,Boston and Mid West Stop the war coalitions have set up an internet chat conference.. and tried to keep it a bit hush hush.. Tomorrow night is when it's supposed to happen. This is their 2nd time coming together to plan for the national conference. I urge you all to log on tomorrow night because anyone can join in on the chat. And like i said before we can only be bitter and complain about what went down for so long until we actually start to do something and actually fight within this system that's created around us. Please join in if you can.

Asem Mustafa Awan: Why My Nation Burns With Anger Against Mr Blair (tags)

"Unfortunately I don't believe that General Musharraf, the Pakistani leader, is right to claim that public opinion supports his co-operation with America. From what I can see out here at ground level, most people's thoughts seem to be with their Muslim brothers in Afghanistan."

Taleban defector turns back on torture (tags)

A DEFECTOR from the Taleban’s secret police has described how he was commanded to “find new ways of torture so terrible that the screams will frighten crows from their nests and if the person survives he will never again have a night’s sleep”.

SEPTEMBER 1, 1939 (tags)

Defenseless under the night Our world in stupor lies; Yet, dotted everywhere, Ironic points of light Flash out wherever the Just Exchange their messages:

Council Dist. 4 (unofficial) election night results (tags)


Late Night Preparation for SD BioJustice 2001 (tags)

BioJustice Activists work late into the night preparing a Goddess Puppet for the upcoming protest to raise awareness about the dangers of Bio-engineering.


This is a picture from the night time concert in Tijuana Baja California, Mexico....

PACIFICA UPDATE: Forcible Seizure of WBAI (tags)

Very late last night (D22), while most people with lives were partying, the Pacifica National Board siezed WBAI in New York. A program in progress was stopped by an on-air diatribe by the "new" boss. It appears the Pacifica crisis has escalated once again.

Candlelight Vigil For Anthony Lee, Victim of the LAPD (tags)

Please come to a candlelight vigil tonight for Anthony Lee. He was shot by one of L.A.'s finest for no good reason on Friday night.

Gore's integrity the butt of late-night jokes (tags)

Late night talk show host Jay Leno has launched an offensive on the integrity of Vice President Gore. With the Veep the butt of so many jokes, it appears the cultural tide has turned against the Democrats.

Second night of the DNC (tags)

L.A.P.D. officer among protesters at Olympic and Figueroa on the second night of the DNC.

the final night of the protests at DNC (tags)

this is the final night's events beginning with the end of Spearhead's free concert at Staple center, continuing through the march to Twin Towers Jailhouse where the police surrounded the roughly 5000 protestors, and concluding with police violence in the metro station

Police at Thursday night rally (tags)

Police ready themselves underneath advertising for the corporate media. This was taken at dusk the last night of the Convention.

Scores join tense protest carnival (tags)

This is an article from my local "News"paper. This just sets another example of how the "media" screw it up.

Read Chief Parks' Account of Monday's Police Riot (tags)

LAPD Chief Bernard Parks's own words about the violence his men incited on Monday night.

Demonstrator Stinks Up Spago (tags)

A protestor, using a purloined DSCC ticket, infiltrated a fundraiser at upscale Spago and unleashed 9 stinkbombs Tuesday night.

Organizers call for investigation into indiscriminate police violence (tags)

Organizers from the IMC, Shadow Convention, ACLU, Green Party, D2KLA, Global Exchange and others band together to call for an investigation into last night's outrageous use of police force against demonstrators and concert-goers.

Twas the Night Before the Convention... (tags)

Tired reporter's poem on the convention, funny.

Stirring Opening Night at LA's People's Convention (tags)

Rousing kick-off to event which highlights ongoing damaging U.S. policies, continues through Saturday. Group joins in Sunday march for Mumia.

We need alies. (tags)

Riordan IS the owner of The Pantry (tags)

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