fix articles 62316, poison Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : poison


Gasmasks For The Guerilla! (tags)

Support the armed resistance in Kandil against the gas attacks of the Turkish army!

The Missile Attack Ordered by Trump is a Serious Crime (tags)

Assad's regime defends itself against an international alliance that seeks his overthrow in violation of international law. Whoever wants to see Assad overthrown should answer the question whether we would rather see the Nusra Front in power.

Californians Shame Regulators For Teaching Big Oil How To Skirt Law and Pollute Our Water (tags)

What the frack?! On Tuesday, March 24th, the state of California held an "Aquifer Exemption Workshop" to show oil industry representatives how to exploit loopholes for drilling and disposal projects to obtain aquifer exemption approval. Concerned water drinkers interrupted the state-sponsored workshop on how to get away with poisoning our drinking water. #‎DontFrackCA‬

Report Back: 4th Annual Hahamongna Walkabout (tags)

The past, present, and (uncertain) future of Hahamongna, site of an ancient village and home of diverse flora and fauna.

Nostradamus Fukushima Prophecy (tags)

Nostradamus Fukushima Prophecy

America's Illegal Chemical Weapons Stockpile (tags)

chemical weapons

Stop the AFP's red-baiting and intimidation against progressives (tags)

Since 2001, the Philippine government and the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) have been trying, but have so far failed, to stop us and our parties from representing the marginalized and underrepresented sectors in Congress. Now that we are running for the Senate, they are becoming more desperate in trying to prevent us from serving our people and pursuing the politics of change.

PTSD, infertility and other consequences of war (tags)

When used as directed, the depleted uranium bullets, shells and bombs become a lethal uranium gas or aerosol. The poison uranium oxide gas aerosols last for billions of years and never stop indiscriminately maiming and killing, which is a war crime in itself.

Aspartame Press Conference, Hawaii State Capital, May 1, 2008 (tags)

For all press and professionals in Honolulua, Bill Deagle, M.D. has come 6000 miles from Nova Scotia to discuss the aspartame issue at the Hawaii State Capital.

California's Radiation Laboratory Near SF Creates Anxiety (tags)

UC employees are reportedly anxious and upset over having to play a secondary role at the Livermore Nuclear Laboratory. Yet how do we, the ones breathing in the Depleted Uranium and other radionuclides, feel about what's going on with radioactive materials blasted into our air?

The Temple of Love Endorses the Global Green Parties (tags)

It’s a matter of survival.

Crystal Lake Update (tags)

Today in the Angeles National Forest about fifty or sixty young volunteers from a variety of religious youth organizations (the UCC, "United Church of Christ" and many other groups from all around Southern California) gathered together with representatives of the Sierra Club, the San Gabriel Mountains Trailbuilders, and the U. S. Forest Service at the Rincon Fire Station in the San Gabriel River Ranger District.

All Wars Are Now Nuclear Wars. (tags)

It's another government cover up. Our military has known from the very beginning that DU munitions were radioactive Weapons of Mass Destruction and they have criminally covered it up.

Depleted Uranium is WMD (tags)

by Leuren Moret

Poison Kool-Aid Party for Anarchist Voters! (tags)

A celebration of the San Francisco Bay Area's powerful embrace of the electoral process

Colin Powell's Shameless Behavior (tags)

In spite of decades of despicable behavior by the United States toward the Kurds, Colin Powell visits Halabja, the site of a poison gas attack by Saddam Hussein, and expresses condolences. The history of why this is so hypocritical.

Wiesenthal Center: Germany Sold Poison Gas Iraq (tags)

The following report, commissioned by the Los Angeles, California based Simon Wiesenthal Center, was completed by Paris, France based Middle East Defense News. It clearly shows how Germany, particularly under Chancellor Helmut Kohl supplied Iraq with its poison gas, knowing full well that Iraq's aim was to use the gas on Israel.

EU Calls For Investigation Of Aspartame And Stevia (tags)

Pretty poison. The taste that kills. Aspartame is neither safe nor a diet "sweetener". "It is not a diet product but a drug that makes you crave carbohydrates so you gain weight."


Soft drink manufacturers are running scared and are in full Public Denial mode. Aspartame the poison used to sweeten many diet drinks and foods is accumulating a record of deadly side effects and people are beginning to become aware of it. Here's a current article and a couple of links to more detail.

Israeli poison gas attacks (tags)

According to Article 147, to "willfully caus[e civilians] great suffering or serious injury to body or health" is a "grave breach" of the Fourth Geneva Convention, the most serious type of war crime. There appears to be prima facie evidence that "great suffering" and "serious injury to body and health" were "willfully" inflicted on Palestinian civilians during the gas attacks conducted by the Israeli Defense Forces.(62)

The Israeli poison gas attacks (tags)

After a few minutes, the gas started to smell. "Like mint," several people said. One resident later recalled that, "the smell was good. You want to breathe more. You feel good when you inhale it." A girl reported that "its taste was like sugar. The smell was sweet."(4)

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