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richard m. nixon

Assassinations, Wars and Meltdowns: Who Benefits? (tags)

America has been subjected to the some severe shock therapy over the years. JFK, MLK, Jr. and Bobby Kennedy were all murdered! Then, there was the Vietnam War (1963-75); the “Watergate” scandal; and the horrors of the 9/11 tragedy; followed by the invasion and occupation of Iraq. The latest hit is the Wall Street bailout, to wit: the economic and fiscal meltdowns. They all spell out the sharp decline of America. Is it by accident or by plan?

Dems, Media Elite Overreacted to Gov. Sarah Palin (tags)

When John McCain picked Gov. Sarah Palin to be his VP running mate, most Americans yawned: “Sarah, Who?” Not the Democrats and the Media Elite. They tossed a first-class hissy fit. One of the worse offenders was the site, “HuffPost.” It even created a special page posting a lot ot negative rumors about the “working mom.” Meanwhile, GOP speakers, like the pro-Iraq War, pro-waterboarding Sen. Joe Lieberman, got off the hook with little criticism.

Mexico,CIA,Guantanamo Rendition Plane, Cocaine, Homeland 'Security' (tags)

''Increasing suspicion even more was the suggestion, in a report of a committee of the European Parliament, that in addition to having been used in drug trafficking the Gulfstream II had flown CIA rendition flights to Guantanamo.'' - Daniel Hopsicker ,

Rev. Billy Graham: A Prince of War Exposed (tags)

The Rev. Billy Graham, a darling of the Evangelical Right, has never seen a U.S. war that he couldn’t bless. He once advocated that President Richard M. Nixon bomb the “dikes” in the north of Vietnam. He also criticized the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. for speaking out against the war. A new book, “The Prince of War: Billy Graham’s Crusade for a Wholly Christian Empire,” by Cecil Bothwell exposes the camera-mugging preacher as a serial warmonger.

Turning Ahmadinejad Into Public Enemy No. 1 (tags)

"Demonizing the Iranian president and making his visit to New York seem controversial is all part of the neoconservative push for yet another war."

A Congressman of the People: Parren J. Mitchell (RIP) (tags)

Rep. Parren J. Mitchell, age 85, died on May 28, 2007. He served the people of Baltimore, MD, for eight terms in the U.S. Congress (1971-87). He was fighter for Civil Rights, who opposed the Vietnam War and pushed for the impeachment of Richard M. Nixon. Today, by contrast, Maryland is stuck with U.S. Sen., Barbara A. Mikulski. She supports funding for the Iraqi War, with no conditions, and condones the wrongdoings of President George W. Bush.



New Radio-essays by Mumia Abu-Jamal (tags)

Here are several new radio essays by black death-row political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal, including this first one about the new US Congress. Abu-Jamal's case it at a critical juncture with oral arguments expected any month. After these, the Third Circuit Court of Appeals will decide whether or not to grant Mumia a new trial.

Impeachment Call Echoes Near Independence Hall (tags)

In 1974, Elizabeth Holtzman, then a Congresswoman from New York City, served on the House’s Judiciary Committee, which drafted Impeachment charges against then-President, Richard M. Nixon. On Nov. 11, 2006, she appeared on a panel, in Philadelphia, PA. Holtzman believes George W. Bush has “subverted the Constitution” and that “the people are ahead of the politicians” and will bring Bush and Dick Cheney “to impeachment.”

The Anti-War Movement Sourced the Democrats’ Victory! (tags)

The Democratic Party, read “The War Lite” Party, is basking in the glow of victory today. It has regained control of the House of Representatives, and the U.S. Senate for the first time in 12-years. The two issues that it won on-The Iraqi War and the whacky persona of President George W. Bush-had little or nothing to do with the Democratic Party. Those two matters were actually sourced by activists in the Anti-Iraqi War Movement!

The Rev. Billy Graham is No Phil Berrigan! (tags)

The Rev. Billy Graham was in Baltimore recently doing his religious revival thing. For years, he was a crony of warmongering presidents, like Richard M. Nixon. Rev. Graham’s preaching never attracted me. However, the life work of the late Phil Berrigan, an ex-Josephite priest, had a profound influence on me, and others. Berrigan spoke the truth to power. He relentlessly took on the War Party and spent 11 of his 79 years in prison for his protest actions.

Captain Ahab and his Watery Grave (tags)

The novel Moby Dick appeared to Moltmann and others as the American myth. "Thewhite whale is the symbol of evil and Captain Ahab is the tragic hero. America's messianic dream becomes the tragic myth."

A (Very Short) Honor Roll of House Members Who Are Standing Up for the Constitution (tags)

While the representatives who have joined Rep. Conyers in calling for censure and for impeachment investigations of Bush and Cheney, the most remarkable thing about this little list is who is not on it.

SIZE DOES MATTER, Kerry to Win Easily (tags)

Polls, pundits and politics. Had enough? Well, folks, you can forget all of political rhetoric you have been hearing from both sides of the political spectrum. Toss it. Chunk it. It is no longer relevant.

Quakers Whitewash Nixon (tags)

Critique of the Philadelphia Yearly Meeting (PYM) of the Religious Society of Friends' brief biography of Richard M. Nixon.

JFK and the 9/11 Cover-Up(amsellem) (tags)

cartoon © 2003 by charles amsellem. all rights reserved. activists may reproduce for non-profit use only

JFK, 9-11, and the REAL America: Tying It All Together (tags)

An organic reconsideration of US history and major "conspiracy theories" of the past 40 years, including those pertaining to the 9-11 attack, and how they shed light on America's present drift into fascism.

The Public Execution of JFK (tags)

Just some of the facts regarding real American history...what a disgusting stench!!

McCarthy's "Witches" (tags)

Witchhunt? The high-profile cases cited by McCarthy — Owen Lattimore, John Stewart Service, and Philip C. Jessup — all ended with the senator’s charges being validated. the end of 1954, 81 of those on McCarthy’s list had either resigned from their government posts or been dismissed.

Bush Ranks Lowest IQ in 50 yrs. (tags)

In case you haven't noticed, or are somehow inclined to believe otherwise, this new report from the Lovenstein Institute confirms that President George W. Bush is officially a genuine moron!


NEWSFLASH Mr. Bush's new criminal edict now states Americans can rise up for America to kill him as a terrorist and be thought Just and God Worthy. I Agree with bush finally.

Johnny is Mainstream! Johnny is Mainstream! Johnny is Mainstream! (tags)

..bush, the unelected American cop killer, has still to be questioned by american corporate dictates, why, General Ahmad, is not a wanted man by American Patriot flag waving standards being coporatized as not worthy thinking as.

Holy Jesus Man! Johnny Wizard is staying for snacks! Holy Jesus Man! (tags)

Holy Jesus Man! Have you heard the Revelations from India's government to the FBI now made public?, regarding the principle terrorist funder of Mohammad Atta being, the ISI's, General Ahmad? The bush administration's personal confidant, and top secret military strategist? See, it was Jim at MSNBC that informed US of bush's terrorist plan existing as once top secret presidential documents, and, that this same general, was also responsible for, according to several members of the Senate Intelligence Committee, ...

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