fix articles 61652, so much Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : so much

so much

The planet is bursting (tags)

It's not the number of people on Earth that matters, but how they live.

A3 Newsletter: Albert Woodfox's Birthday, Book Release & Tour (tags)

Today marks the third anniversary of Albert Woodfox's release (and his 72nd Birthday), and February 8 marked the eighteenth anniversary of Robert King's release. Albert Woodfox's new book "Solitary," will be released by Grove Atlantic Press on March 5, and Albert will begin a book tour around the country. Albert will be in Los Angeles on May 2, 6:00 PM, at Eso Won Books, 4327 Degnan Blvd. Read more below

DIARY OF A CON MAN . 49 (tags)

the anne frank diary amounts to commercial and political fraud

Brazil wants true justice for Lula! (tags)

Lula's trial must be annulled, Sergio Moro must be removed from the magistracy, dangerous element he is, and Wilson Center’s staff must recycle their behavior patterns! Humanity is tired of this mud! We all know that much more and much better is possible!

Video: Bill Moyers - Joblessness is Killing Us (tags)

Moved by the plight of the poor and unemployed, Pope Francis recently decried a global economy that “does us so much harm.” In this essay, Bill Moyers reflects on our broken economy.

Chavez Returns (tags)



Voting is a joke given the scope of genocidal blood drenched US idiocy globally. Much, much more must be done. Vote, then strike.................

A message from Pegah Emambakhsh (tags)

Today, September 8th, 2007, Pegah has sent a message for all the groups, activists, politicians and everyday people who are trying to solve her case.

Blair to send sons to Iraq (tags)

He believes so much in what he did.

I Can Stop The War (tags)

They say that one man can change the world, but no one really believes that. Still, every once in a while, one pops up & does just that, & I could prove to be the next.

Track MinuteKLan Events (tags)

Thanks so much for all the interest and support we’ve received.

Rice delivers a tortured 'Rendition' (tags)

The Bushed Cabal has raised its level of outlandish lies to an "Extraordinary Rendition." The latest song by Ms. 'Chevron' Rice before a European audience was so contrived even the Imperial apologists are gasping for air.

Gannon or Guckert: No Wonder Nobody Noticed This Guy! He Fit Right In (tags)

The scandal of a Republican operative posing for years as a reporter at the White House, asking puffball questions, isn’t so much that the White House has deceived the public. It’s that the real reporters were so much like him, no one noticed the difference.

So Much for Working Within The System (tags)

A quick look at the ineffectiveness of "working within the system," the demise of Howard Dean, and other progressive candidates. The elite leave few crumbs for the masses.

Iraqis demand elections now! (tags)

One hundred thousand Iraqi protesters march down Baghdad's Palestine Street to demand elections and an end to the U.S. occupation (Photo - REUTERS/Ali Jasim)


He broke laws

Gaza, the land of the sad oranges (tags)

Silvia Cattori is an independent journalist. she lives in Switzerland To those who went martyred for the land of the sad oranges… And those who have not been martyred yet…

Strong Government = Weak Individuals (tags)

From The Fourth World book.

Why Liberals Like Crafty Clinton so much (tags)

The Liberals like Clinton so much because he has found a way to get free sex. Liberals are so lazy and ignorant that they need a similar method to get their sex, so they look up to Bill Cliton's methods.

Become A Street Vendor For Peace (tags)

The real revolution is to become a street vendor, entrepreneur, small business owner and become big if you want. But, get the State out, the lazy bureaucrats that are too stupid to do the same, and too lazy, so they have to steal your money.g

An Iraqi citizen offers thanks to his American liberators (tags)

Thank you so much for liberating me and my people!

New improved Cointel pro/MOCKINGBIRD in progress. (tags)

Frenzied and pathetic attempt to disable LA IMC shows the effect of 'information flare'

Local Poets' Take On Cutbacks and Outbacks (tags)

Los Angeles poet Julia Stein has had great success marrying activism and writing, so much so that she was sued by Guess Jeans for her efforts when she took part in a special poetry reading to criticize the company's use of sweatshop labor.

pbnberkeley news donation request - 12/20/02 (tags)

Publishing, republishing and compiling community news and event information promoting global peace and working class solidarity and NO WAR!

The Corruption of Justice: The Aryans have won (tags)

Racist links to phoney MLKjr sites, outright threats of extermination, denegration of the Jewish religion -- it's now become the defacto commentary on the Palestine indymedia affiliate. So much for the IMC Policies on racism and hatred -- so much for my respect.

Downsize CSU Administration! (tags)

It's time to cut the state budget that's only fattening a (very) few hogs feeding at the public trough!

Why So Much Attention to Nader? Read Our Mission Statement (tags)

A number of people have published pieces complaining about how much attention the IMC sites have been giving to Nader. But a glance at our Mission Statement should make it obvious why Nader is getting so much attention. He's running a vigorous national campaign and he's addressing the issues the brought the IMCs into existence.

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