fix articles 61619, wurmser
Cheney mulled Israeli strike on Iran (tags)
To provoke a retaliation
JINSA/PNAC Zionist Extremist Perle Warns Germany To Stop Backing France (tags)
JINSA/PNAC Zionist Extremist Perle Warns Germany To Stop Backing France
Cheney wants to "remodel the entire middle east"--"Shadow Government" (tags)
Cheney wants to "remodel the entire middle east"--"Shadow Government"
US Attack on Syria Coming Soon as US Warplanes being Moved in Number?: (tags)
US Attack on Syria Coming Soon as US Warplanes being Moved in Number?:
'Israelization' of U.S. Middle East policy proceeds apace (tags)
'Israelization' of U.S. Middle East policy proceeds apace
Where is Iraq War Instigator, Richard Perle? (tags)
It?s a certainty that the idea of ?regime change? for Baghdad was first hustled in Zionist Israel. A 1996 paper concocted by Perle, Douglas Feith and David Wurmser, entitled, ?A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Security the Realm,? called for, inter alia, ?the removal of Saddam Hussein and the installation of a Hashemite monarchy in Baghdad.?
Richard Perle, one of the most outspoken war party figures in and around the Bush Administration, has been caught in a $100-million attempted blackmail ``sheik-down'' of the Saudis, which could land him in jail.