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kirsten anderberg

MacLaren Hall Survivors Weigh In On The Site's Future (tags)

We, the actual survivors of MacLaren Hall's horror *know* that the buildings and land at MacLaren Hall are haunted by brutalized children's souls, every day and night. MacLaren Hall was a battle zone for thousands of children who survived and still remember what happened...

Kirsten Anderberg's Selfish Hate-Fest Against Cindy Sheehan (tags)

Why is Anderberg slandering Sheehan?

Genocide in New Orleans Perpetrated by US Capitalism (tags)

We are witnessing genocide of the black workingclass community of New Orleans and the exposure of the rottenness of American capitalism in its refusal to adequately respond to the disaster from the latest hurricane.

Pablo Paredes Resistir la Guerra (tags)

El oficial enactive del ejército naval (Navy), Pablo Paredes, se convirtió en el primer miembro de la Navy de negarse a pelear en la guerra en Irak cuando se negó a abordar un barco de la Navy que se dirigla a Irak en diciembre. Entrevista a Pablo...

Five Years After WTO Protests: Seattle Weekly Trashes Anti-Globalization Movement (tags)

The media spin cycle leading up to major anti-globalization protests has become so predictable that activists have been forced to come up with better media strategies to keep up with the lies and disinformation. The mainstream media starts the cycle several months in advance with articles and coverage about the upcoming summit and accompanying protests.

What's New at - November 1, 2004 (tags)

Welcome to another update on and the Alternative Media Project! This update is meant to help you find new features on our website and keep you updated on the projects of the Alternative Media Project. As heads toward its tenth anniversary in January 2005, we are pleased to share with you all of the new things going on with our project.

¡Qué paren de perseguir a los inmigrantes hasta la muerte! (tags)

Los inmigrantes mexicanos que intentan cruzar la frontera con Estados Unidos por el desierto de Sonora están muriendo a velocidad récord. El refuerzo de la frontera en las zonas urbanas ha obligado a la gente a cruzar el mortífero desierto, y 72 inmigrantes han muerto ya en Arizona en lo que va de año.

Parenting Versus Protesting? (tags)

Is it irresponsible to take kids to political protests? Are some protests safe and others not? How do you tell the difference? I interviewed 12 activists, 10 of whom are parents, 7 of whom are street medics on this topic.

Medicina de la Calle, ¿Voluntarios para Armas Químicas? (tags)

Primero auxilio trata de que se hace primero en una emergencia médica. Primero auxilio de la calle incluye primero auxilio básico, pero se extiende para tratamiento de lesiones de armas químicas y otras heridas comunes en manifestaciones grandes.

RADICAL CHEERLEADERS: Feminist Fun at Protests! (tags)

Leading leftist cheers, with black DIY pom-poms made from trash bags, in pig tails, and combat boots, Radical Cheerleaders educate their audience while focusing the energy, as their performances deescalate fear and tension at protests.

Has Miami Lost Its Marbles? (tags)

Miami's City Commission is trying to pass an ordinance banning all kinds of things in the city limits durin gthe FTAA protests in Nov. Read about the ordinance and what you can do about it!

1-800-BE-READY (tags)

A review of the Homeland Security's BE READY website, by a raving radical. Scary stuff folks...they boast DOUBLING the neighborhood watches, and that is not all! Read on!

THE COP-OUT! #1 (tags)

THE COP-OUT! is a bi-weekly radical review of police-oriented websites by activist/author Kirsten Anderberg. She will review sites covering everything from police stress, to riot gear, to cop humor...from an activist's point of view.

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