fix articles 61355, chris Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : chris


Hoping that A.I. will restore homeless peoples rights to sit, lie and sleep outdoors. (tags)

Anti-homeless laws including L.A. 41.18 enforcement zones act of 2021 need to be repealed.

Chris Barrett Design to be featured at Desert Oasis Show House (tags)

Feel the Aloha! Chris Barrett Design to be featured at Desert Oasis Show House, March 31 through April 10, 2022

Video: Chris Herdges in Eugene, 1 hr 24 min (tags)

"Weapons that don't work - against enemies that don't exist - with money we don't have" (Joseph Stiglitz)


Discussion of war, imperialism, and Syria

Architect Chris Mercier Unveils Mural in Rogers Park, Inglewood (tags)

Christopher Mercier of (fer) Studio Unveils "Wiggle Walls" Mural in Rogers Park

NJ Gov. Christie Claims Cannabis Legalization is "Blood Money" (tags)

At a recent speech given in a drug treatment facility NJ Gov. Chris Christie claims that legalization is "blood money" when in fact the opposite is true. This comedian who plans to run for Pres. in 2016 believes then that there is no blood money made in the illegal status of drugs that create the cartels and resulting violence of gang warfare?

Chris Dixon on Indymedia On Air (tags)

Chris Dixon author of Another Politics, interviewed on Indymedia on Air on KPFK.

Wasecans hope trip to Ghana makes a difference (tags)

Wasecans hope trip to Ghana makes a difference

Video: Left Forum on Thomas Paine 1 hr, 23 min (tags)

BookTV going back more than ten years is an incredible resource turning life into an open door. The future could be open and dynamic, sharing work and exchanging roles, as cloud workers and dream catchers!

Governor Chris Christie Sacrifices Animals As Well As People (tags)

After legalizing bear murder in New Jersey, Goveror Chris Christie has vetoed a ban on the tiny gestation crates in which pigs are raised.

NJ Gov. Chris Christie's GWB-Gate Traffic Jam Shows Narcissistic Traits (tags)

The recently exposed recorded statements made by NJ Gov. Chris Christie's staff show a climate fueled by narcissism that enabled the retalitory actions against the Fort Lee Mayor in the form of several days of severe traffic jams. This unnatural traffic obstruction across the bridge resulted in the death of an elderly lady who was being transported by ambulance. As usual the narcissist does not care how their actions effect others and can scapegoat lower ranking staff as the culprits while escaping responsibility themselves.

Wisecracking Gov. Chris Christie; A Narcissist Politician Heading from NJ to DC (tags)

Recent endorsements of Gov. Chris Christie by corporate Democrat party boss Joe DiVincenzo shows that he is a member of the elite status quo of corrupt politicians trying to make himself look good with a "stronger than the storm" jingle while looking towards the U.S. Presidency as any media obsessed narcissist would. Maybe this time the lesser evil status of his opponent Barbara Bouno is more obvious as the corrupt party boss Dems like DiVincenzo endorse Christie!

Remembering Chris Dorner; American Hero Stood Against Police Brutality (tags)

So it seems like it's over for now. Sorry that we lost you, Chris Dorner. In my book you were a true hero

Blue Wall of Silence to Blame for Dorner's Rage (tags)

The Blue Wall of Silence covers up police abuses and terminates the careers of the few good cops who try to report brutality against citizens. Would Kelly Thomas be alive today if Chris Dorner was there in Fullerton to try and stop it when he was beaten to death by four Fullerton police officers?

BTL:Syria's Uprising Descends into Civil War (tags)

Interview with Chris Toensing, editor of Middle East Report, conducted by Scott Harris

BTL:Obama Plan to Reform Corporate Tax Code Fails to Shift Larger Tax Burden onto Big Busi (tags)

Interview with Chris Rude, political economist and activist, conducted by Scott Harris

BTL:Congress Votes to Empower President to Imprison Americans Indefinitely without Charge (tags)

Interview with Chris Anders, senior legislative counsel with the American Civil Liberties Union, conducted by Scott Harris

CHRIS TINA BRUCE: Transgender Bodybuilder Competes in San Diego Oct. 29 (tags)

Transgender bodybuilder Chris Tina Bruce is scheduled to compete in her first contest in 20 years — and her first as a woman — this Saturday, October 29 at the Scottish Rite Events Center in San Diego. In this interview for Zenger's Newsmagazine, Bruce discusses her history, how she came out as Transgender and how her professional worlds have accepted her — or not.

International Day for Eradication of Poverty and Chris Hedges (tags)

Since 2000, October 17 has been the United Nation's International Day for Eradication of Poverty.

BTL:For Fatah, New Unity Pact with Hamas is Risky, but Few Options Remained (tags)

Interview with Chris Toensing, editor of Middle East Report, conducted by Melinda Tuhus

March 26 Labor Solidarity March Photos (tags)

Photos by Chris Valle.

Protest Obama in LA this Monday 16th & Tuseday 17th (tags)

PROTEST OBAMA! This Monday 08/16/2010 - 5:00pm Hancock Park area : Protest the war(s), the militarization of the border with Mexico, the continuation of BuSh programs: torture, domestic spying, etc.

WANTED: Minuteman Chris Simcox is Fugitive From The Law in Arizona (tags)

Minuteman Chris Simcox is on the run from the law in Arizona; judge orders him to turn in his guns; wife accuses him of threatening to kill her. Bounty hunter firm is pursuing Simcox along border.

VIDEO: Chris Hedges on Grit TV (tags)

How did such a sizeable portion of modern society develop into a post-literate, fantasy-fueled, perma-reality show? Noted reporter Chris Hedges joins us in the studio to discuss his new book: The Empire of Illusion: The End of Literacy and the Triumph of Spectacle.

Minuteman imposter Shawna Ford charged in double murder (tags)

The attempts at damage control at the anti-immigration groups in the United States following the arrest of Shawna Forde and her gang is on going, but as more and more information becomes available, it’s clear that Forde was not an unknown outsider within the anti-immigrant (and… more to the point… anti-Mexican) movement.

Newt Gingrich, "The GOP Poster Boy For Republicans' Hypocrisy" (tags)

Rachel Maddow & Chris Hayes EXPOSES Newt Gingrich 5/20/09

big event in Bay Area of California (tags)

Fannie Mae: Barnie Frank Goes Down On Moses,SEC Chris Cox Cries 'Naked Shorts' (tags)

Of particular interest to me although not the biggest part of the Fannie Mae Freddie Mac money laundering fraud is the lie told by the SEC Chairman and social parasite and war criminal Chris Cox that Fannie Mae, were 'naked shorted' a term made up by penny stock manipulators meaning 'counterfeitted' when Cox can't point to a single example and those who have run penny stock scams and pump and dump money laundering ops are in fact protected by him and so continue to lie about their criminal enterprises or public companies being 'naked shorted' because they are never punished !

Re: Cindy Sheehan too cowardly yet again to address war for Israel agenda with Chris Matth (tags)

Movie Star Chris Becker to make Run for White House in 08 (tags)

Actor Chris Becker to make run for president

Chris Rock, Patti Smith Relishes the N-word (tags)

Chris Rock has demonstrated repeatedly that in his role as a Steppin Fetchit that he has no racial pride and totally disrespects his forefathers as a result his name has been placed on a Benedict Arnold Hall of Shame list.

BTL:Bush's Iraq War Escalation Provokes Growing Opposition (tags)

Interview with Chris Toensing, editor of Middle East Report, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

The Hidden Draft in Our Schools (tags)

With a vast majority of the US public disapproving of the quicksand war in Iraq, how can American educators continue to allow unchecked and unscrupulous recruiting in our high schools? A former Army officer takes a look at the problem of gutless school leaders who let their students be turned into Bush League cannon fodder -- then offers some suggestions on how to change things.

Israel’s Allies and the Lack of Civility! (tags)

I wrote back: Chris, I believe you are caught up in the Zionist hype. No civilization in the world regards freedom fighters as terrorists except Israel and its allies. Strange enough, your buddy, Britain, once regarded the American freedom fighters as terrorists. According to your standards, which I don’t agree with, they were right and we now have a terrorist “civilization”.

Pfc. Chris Gorman: I refuse to go back to Iraq, because this war is illegal and unjust. (tags)

Interview with Christopher Gorman, a religious Conscientious Objector who is refusing to return to Iraq.


This is an emergency request for bail money for people arrested at the anti-Nazi demonstration in Toledo, OH. Please Western Union money to Chris Fox in Kent, OH. Call him at 330-389-0891 once the money is wired.

Anti-Racists Disrupt Border Vigilante Patrols - from SD Indymedia (tags)

Sonic Atack Crews disrupt Minutemen

Chris Simcox calls for putting down protesters (tags)

Chris Simcox calls for policing protesters against the recent Unite to Fight summit in Las Vegas, and other protesters.

BTL:Nonviolent Solutions Explored in Resolving Darfur-Sudan Conflict (tags)

Interview with Chris Doucot, Catholic Worker Peace Team member, conducted by Melinda Tuhus

Sacrifice a Republican Congressman (tags)

KFI 640AM is having a vote on which of 5 Republican congressmen to sacrifice due to being "soft" on illegal immigration. However, we can cast our votes for entirely different reasons. Vote for Chris Cox. He is the congressional chair of Homeland Security and the infamous Patriot Act. Cox is also a draftdodging chickenhawk. So vote online and make him join Bush in the unemployment line.

Challenging White Supremacy Anti-Racist Teach in TOMORROW WED. MARCH 31! (tags)


Challenging White Supremacy A FREE anti-war Teach-In THIS Wed. March 31! (tags)


Challenging White Supremacy A FREE ANIT-RACIST Teach-In W/ Chris Crass THIS WED. MARCH 31! (tags)


Challenging White Supremacy / anti-racist teach-in w/ Chris Crass (tags)




Anti-Racism a Challenging White Supremacy Teach-In W/ CHRIS CRASS (tags)




3rd Annual Pixie Nominations Honor Online Films and Animations (tags)

On the heels of an earlier than usual Oscars, the Directors Board of Broadband Motion Pixure Arts and Technologies today released nominees for its 3rd Annual Pixie Awards, which honor achievement in online and broadband motion picture production.

Finding Colours of Resistance (tags)

What lessons have we learned since the anti-WTO actions in Seattle? Can those lessons be applied to anti-war organizing? Can local struggles challenge global capitalism? How do we build movement for global justice that is anti-racist, multiracial and feminist? Pauline Hwang and Helen Luu have not only been asking these hard questions, they have worked to open up movement wide discussions about these issues in Canada and the United States. Pauline and Helen's activist work, writing and ability to connect people through the Colours of Resistance network have all helped to keep the hard issues on the table. And, as they argue, these are issues we must face if we're serious about collective liberation.

Attention OC Voters: Beware of Right Wing Republican Chris Norby (tags)

Attention Anaheim, Buena Park, Fullerton, La Habra, and Placentia Voters! Beware of Right-Wing Republican Chris Norby! Anti-Union, Anti-Affirmative Action, Anti-Immigration!

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