fix articles 61311, tom wetzel
Acciones + Conversaciones + Intersecciones 2010: Segunda Anual Feria del Libro Anarquista (tags)
Domingo, 24 Enero 2010
HOLLYWOOD - Por el segundo año consecutivo, anarquistas del área de Los Ángeles realizaron una feria de libros, la cual que, además de propiciar intercambios entre vendedores y lectores ávaros para la literatura, también posibilitó todo un espectro de pláticas en panel, talleres, y de suma importancia, interacciones de calidad entre compañerxs activistas del movimiento libertario.
Actions + Conversations + Intersections 2010: Second Annual Los Ángeles Anarchist Bookfair (tags)
Sunday, January 24, 2010
HOLLYWOOD - For the second consecutive year, Los Angeles anarchists organized a bookfair, which, in addition to facilitating exchanges between vendors and literature-hungry readers, also provided an array of panel discussions, workshops, and most importantly, quality interactions with fellow activists in the liberation movement.
International Anarchist Academics in Claremont, CA (tags)
The full schedule of the International Anarchist Academics and Activists Conference to be held on the Pitzer Campus College, 1050 N. Mills, Claremont, Ca 91711
Can the Znet Demand to Produce Vision Lead to Vanguardism? (tags)
The demand that the global justice movement should produce a detailed “vision” or blueprint of a future post-capitalist society is today most forcefully made by Znet. I will seek to present an opposite view in this article