fix articles 6129, different Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : different


Trump and the Danger of Fascism (tags)

Peace is the imperative that should outweigh escalation and the unspeakable risk of global war! The constitutional state must not be confused with the security state or the emergency state as Rousseau and the social contract must not be confused with Thomas Hobbes and the punishing or fearsome state. People would fight endlessly without the state or Leviathan, he said.

After Capitalism (tags)

African socialism & the common good economy are discussed. In view of the problems we face in our society today, triggered by the striving for power of the elites leading to social inequality, environmental destruction & corporate greed, there are good reasons to practice the common good economy as an alternative & sustainable economic model more strongly worldwide.

The Legacy of Liberation Theology (tags)

Liberation theology was the theological promise of Latin America and sounded like a more colorful, people-friendly church. The Vatican saw things differently....Pope Francis is seeking dialogue and he also comes from Latin America.

Guidance to the system change, Parts 1 and 2 (tags)

World War II led to U.S. domination of the political West, which was able to make its mark on the part of the world it more or less controlled. Led and dominated by the military-industrial complex, any efforts of autonomous state developments that contradicted its interests were suppressed.

Democracy = not more than a brand name (tags)

The USA, a hegemonic power threatened with decline, is struggling to maintain and expand a monopolistic world order. This is supposed to be justified by surrounding itself with an aura of freedom and democracy.

School must be different (tags)

Economization doesn't just affect cleaning. Schools as a whole are required to distinguish themselves in a competitive environment and to score points in school rankings through good "key figures," such as high school graduation rates. Yes, this is a blatant stress for everyone.

The Different Types of Female Genital Cutting (tags)

Human Rights

Images of men - choice of partner and penis size (tags)

Interestingly, for wealthy men and women alike, the importance of income and appearance decreases the older they get. "This is probably due to the fact that both sexes find in the course of their lives that both attractiveness and money are fleeting," said Boston psychologist Abby Rodman to "Market Watch". "It is the emotional bond with the partner that lasts."

Robot Evolution (tags)

Up-to-date inview of latest Robot development show cases from LEONARDO to World Robot Conference 2021 inclusive Youtube video links...

ALPHABET SOUP - 8.22.2021, current (tags)

There is no such thing as the mythical sars cov 2 virus : the scientific evidence.

Our World is Not For Sale! (tags)

People's Global Action (PGA) was organized in a decentralized way by movements from all parts of the world. But we had no staff and no fixed funding. Everything was through crowdfunding. People were inspired by what PGA stood for, which was, first, the rejection of capitalism.

Easing into a New Normality of the Crisis (tags)

With the intertwining of the Corona and economic crises, massive distribution struggles are already looming. Society, in a collective effort to prevent illness, has downsized its economic activity. This collective decision must not serve to enrich a few. The radical taxation of the great fortunes is indispensable.

Building Bridges (tags)

The new normality is characterized by fear, social distancing and increasing state control. Many fear that the current situation could become permanent and that our liberal democratic legal system could be transformed into a dictatorial system of injustice.

Trump's Mafia State (tags)

The recovery process will only be possible as a reinvention of institutions - as a redefinition of all that politics means to us, of what it means to be a democracy, if that is what we want to be.


FAKEST NEWS ON LONDON BRIDGE zillionth fake terror attack

The Left is Not Obsolete (tags)

"Propaganda is always the other. We are the principled," said Norman Birnbaum. The left is rooted philosophically in the Enlightenment with its rejection of throne and alter. The left sought material redistribution for moral reasons-for the sake of transforming human nature.


This shootout never happened at all.

April 16 2019 Inmigration Rules do not Hold Water (tags)

people have a right to organize for sanctuary laws.There are reasons for this.What we do not like, is the funneling of tens of thousands of people who have been apprehended by border patrol and then delivered like a ups to these sanctuary zones.


anne frank did not author the famous diary

DIARY OF A CON MAN . 26 (tags)

ratio versus myth

DIARY OF A CON MAN .2 (tags)

this looks like an album - a photo album/friendship album, not a proper diary at all.

Social Policy as Social Infrastructure (tags)

Work and income must be uncoupled. In Germany, thanks to higher productivity and information technology, 30% more was produced from 1970-2010 with 30% fewer workers. Demonizing China will not resuscitate the Rust Belt. Social policy is crucial.

Housing as Infrastructure (tags)

Housing as a human right is sometimes superseded by the right of speculation. Low-Income Housing Tax Credits (a Federal program), non-profit or cooperative housing and SROs (single room occupancy) are solutions to the housing crisis.

UCLA Luskin: Casting Youth Justice in a Different Light (tags)

Casting Youth Justice in a Different Light

EvoTease Charity Festival Uniting Los Angeles and International Talent (tags)

Evotease Charity Festival is a collection of over 70 dancers/performers from the Los Angeles area and internationally who will be uniting for one weekend of dance, peace and love all for the sake of charity. 3 Days (Nov. 10th-12th), 8 Shows, at 3 LA Venues, Across 2 Centuries of History and Dreams. Attendees can buy tickets for any show or day or weekend. “Create your own Experience and Get Lost With Us!”

Time on our Side by Anna Coote (tags)

In her opening essay, Juliet Schor argues that countries in the rich world cannot continue to grow their economies if they are to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to sustainable levels. We must face up to a future with little or no economic growth.

“Hegemony How-To”: Rethinking Activism and Embracing Power (tags)

knowledge of what is wrong with a social system and knowledge of how to change the system are two completely different categories of knowledge.

Become a Solidarity Person (tags)

The majority of the world's population doesn't want to know anything about globalized neoliberal capitalism anymore. Many millions are dying in the consequences. The political institutions are extorted by financial elites and their media aids. The interests of big owners of capital dominate.

Video: Things to Come (tags)

1100 free movies are ours on How can you be hard-nosed with 1100 free movies?

Advancing BDS in the churches (tags)

A short primer on advancing Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions in the church

Canada had its best election ever! (tags)

Justin Trudeau and the Liberal Party with 184 seats became the Majority Party in O Canada two weeks ago. "When government trusts citizens, citizens trust the government," Trudeau said. With higher taxes on the wealthy and infrastructure investment, Canada will become more inclusive.

Economist: "TTIP is Doomed" (tags)

Resistance rages across the two parties. Two hegemons negotiate who are not accustomed to making compromises. The US and the EU are like two proud gorillas. The lawyer branch will put up a fierce resistance to losing that niche.

Farewell to Homo Oeconomicus (tags)

The model of homo oeconomicus is antiquated and over-simplified. Dominant economic models are not based on a realistic picture of humans... The model does not know different human human motives that could be differently activated depending on the context.

Happy Canada Day! The TPP and Canada, 4 pp (tags)

A little inspiration, hope and encouragement from our sister and friend to the North! How different life would be if we welcomed different perspectives and didn't make Canada taboo!


The stories of 'cops and robbers' take on an entirely different meaning in today's police state.

Dwell Time...A Conversation With Eric Foner (tags)

A brief, breezy look at historian Eric Foner

Unconditional Basic Income and Solidarity Economies (tags)

Without the social contract, we become wolves to one another. Basic economic, social and cultural human rights include the right to participate. Everyone should share in the wealth and prosperity brought by automation, labor-saving technology and higher productivity.

For a Different Economics (tags)

Economists are criticized everywhere for their onesidedness, their focus on markets and their inability to deal with the burning problems... From neoclassical assumptions "more is better" or markets lead to efficient distribution, a perspective on the world results that sets efficiency over justice

Why a Global Wealth Tax Reduces Inequality (tags)

The distribution of income and assets is one of the most controversial themes today. History teaches us that economic forces press in different directions - either to more equality or away from equality. Which will prevail depends on what political decisions we make.

Mainstream Economics: Monocultures at the University (tags)

The "Plural Economics Network" challenges breaking through the monoculture and intellectual one-sidedness in economics...Instead of viewing our varied social problems from different perspectives, all the answers are derived from very similar models.

Four-Party Agreement on Ukraine (tags)


The Competition Ideology - the Greatest Evil of our Age (tags)

The competition ideology has been hammered into our heads for thirty years. Claiming better outcomes are generally realized when everything is poisoned by the competitive is pure ideology. Competition that exceeds the limits of its useful fields orders murderous measures.

How Bitcoin Works (tags)

An explanation with a slightly different angle.

MILF to CPP: Judge not by your way (tags)

Mindanao, Philippines: The Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) has been mum on the criticisms hurled against it by the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP). We know it is not beneficial to both organizations if they are dragged into the verbal tussle. However, it is not good either if the MILF allows the one-way verbal assault continues. There must be a brake to it by way of this explanation.

Bob Avakian Interviewed on the Michael Slate Show (tags)

The first segment of the new five-part interview of Bob Avakian by Michael Slate hit the airwaves on Friday, January 11, 10 am PST on the Pacifica radio station KPFK (Los Angeles, 90.7 FM). New installments will run on the next four Fridays, same time. The interview can be caught live online at And each part will be available for download shortly after airing, at and the KPFK audio archives.

Justice served with stiff penalties against fraudulent teacher recruiter (tags)

We, members of the Filipino community and different Filipino-American groups here in the US, extend our congratulations to the hundreds of Filipino teachers for their victorious struggle against their deceitful recruitment agency Universal Placement Inc. (UPI) and its owner Lourdes Navarro. We are happy that after four years of brave and sustained efforts on different fronts and winning different battles along the way, the case has reached the federal court which found these defendants liable for engaging in fraudulent practices.

Isabel Avila's "Parallel Worlds" at the Vincent Price Art Museum (tags)

In her first solo exhibit, photographer (and contributor to LA IndyMedia) Isabel Avila explores the dual identities of Native American and Mexican American cultures, emphasizing people active in their communities. Avila's photographs, taken over the last few years, are complimented by video discussions, many featuring her photo subjects but also additional people, including Gloria Arellanes, one of the early Brown Berets and member of the Tongva community. (Excerpts of these dialogs can be found further down in this article.) The free exhibit is currently at the Vincent Price Museum through December 8. It will then then relocate to Rancho Cucamonga's Wignall Museum of Contemporary Art and run from January 22 – March 16, 2013. (Location details within the article.)

Hooked Into You (tags)

Reinvigorated, jump started, reenergized, pumped up and ready to go, just the right amount of boost, we hear them all when it comes to the last stretch of elections. “Getting all tingly and excited for the next four years that I know I will be spending with you.” “The American people will be making the right decision by voting for me.” “Out with the old and in with the new.” “Now's not the time to give in.” Either way both of them seem to agree, “You'll be making the right decision by voting for me this coming election.”

There are no national solutions for Greece, or any other country (tags)

In what can be interpreted as a dry run for other countries, financiers intend to reduce Greece to a vassal state that has no control over its finances, with its tax revenues used to pay banks instead of for government functions.

The Generational Contract is not the Problem (tags)

The battle is between poor and rich, not young against old. In Germany, the political reforms of the past twelve years r4elieved the wealthy and employers. The top tax rate and corporation taxes were lowered. Then the low-wage sector was developed.

Obama v. Romney on Issues Mattering Most (tags)


Volunteer in Spain to work with children like orphanage and teaching (tags)

Volunteering work abroad adds vital experience to your resume and that itself is an edge over 1000 other people.

Research as the Commons: Elinor Ostrom (tags)

Elinor Ostrom was well-known in 2009 when she was the first woman to receive the Nobel Prize for economics. In her analysis of governance of the commons, she put in question the past economic model that common goods can only be managed successfully by the market or the state.

Venezuela: Interview with Rafael Uzcátegui (tags)

* Rafael Uzcategui is a member of the group that publishes the anarchist newspaper El Libertario in Caracas (Venezuela). As antimilitarist, he is also a member of the War Resisters’ International and works in a Venezuelan human rights NGO called Provea. He is author of the books “Heart of Ink” and “Venezuela: Revolution as Spectacle” in which he reports the so-called Bolivarian process of Chavez and the true face of his “revolutionary” government. Taking advantage of his conference tour in Germany, we interviewed Rafael for the magazine Gai Dao.

Battles over Autonomy: The Commons Alternative (tags)

"The Commons is a way of reproducing society that opposes the market logic, puts in question private property, profit and competition and points to a future form of society beyond capitalism.. The Commons is not the solution but the change of perspectives that makes possible new solutions."

Imagining the Post-Occupy Social Movement (tags)

If one were to honestly assess Occupy's current strengths and weaknesses as a movement, confusion must be the inevitable result.

Commons - Taking Charge of Things (tags)

The capitalist market economy develops more and more into a crisis economy. Capitalism is not a totality. Everything we need has never been transacted over the market, for example the whole informal economy in developing countries and the unpaid work in families.

Illusions of Democracy (tags)

A series copied from a content bucket about politics.

Parker Jaques: Bisexual, Binary and Proud! (tags)

Parker Jaques isn't the usual sort of interviewee who gets featured in a Queer publication. That's why I wanted to interview him for the cover story in the September 2011 Zenger's Newsmagazine. He doesn't have a traumatic, breast-beating coming-out story to tell. He wasn't Queer-bashed in school because his mother encouraged him to fight back if anyone tried it. He's proud of his identity not only as a Bisexual but as a gender-identified male, and he has such withering contempt for people (like the August 2011 Zenger's cover person, Red) who call themselves "non-binary" -- neither male nor female -- that once we started discussing that subject it was hard to get him to talk about anything else. That's why I call him "Bisexual, Binary and Proud!"

Dennis Wymbs: Retired Teacher Becomes Leather Artist (tags)

San Diego North County teacher turned leather artist Dennis Wymbs is showing his art through July 31 at Pleasures & Treasures, 2525 University Avenue in North Park. Wymbs creates stunning work in a wide variety of media, including leather sculptures, metal engraving, masks and painting. His work is sensual and reflects his background as a Gay man and a Leatherman, but without hurling his or its sexuality in our faces. The store where he's exhibiting can be reached at (619) 822-4280 or online at

Obama in Brazil: hearts and minds operations (tags)

For the first time since John F. Kennedy, the USA has a charismatic leader to the point of being popular in other lands, becoming a reference for the electorates of different countries

Michael Sol: Queer Leatherman Explores Intimacy and Sadism (tags)

Michael Sol, Leatherman extraordinaire and candidate for Mr. Los Angeles Leather this weekend (March 26-27), is giving a demonstration of the Japanese rope bondage art, shibari, at the Joyce Beers Community Center, Vermont Street between Terra and Aladdin Restaurants in Hillcrest, Friday, April 1 at 7 p.m. at an event sponsored by the San Diego League of Gentlemen. In this interview, published in the April 2011 issue of Zenger's Newsmagazine, Sol talks extensively about his interests in Leather and so-called "edge play," and the distinction he draws between romantic intimacy and power exchanges. He also discusses the thin line between exercise and martial art, and between consensual S/M and the kinds of torture practiced on unwilling victims in places like Abu Ghraib.

Curtis Dixon: The Art of the Leather Bootblack (tags)

The Leather community has a lot of folkways non-Leather people are often baffled by, and one of them is the importance of the bootblack. Curtis Dixon has been bootblacking for almost a quarter of a century and has won several major honors in the craft. In this interview, celebrating the upcoming San Diego Leather Pride events in March as well as the California Leather SIR/boy contest in San Diego in May, Curtis talks about what bootblacking means to the Leather community as a whole and its importance to him personally

Live From the Egyptian Revolution (tags)

I grew up in Egypt. I spent half my life here. But Saturday, when my plane from JFK airport touched down in Cairo, I arrived in a different country than the one I had known all my life. This is not Hosni Mubarak’s Egypt anymore and, regardless of what happens, it will never be again.

Darnelle Williams: San Diego Urban Pride Reaches Beyond African-American Queers (tags)

A Zenger’s Newsmagazine interview with Darnelle Williams, activities chair for San Diego Urban Pride. Originally called Ebony Pride and aimed particularly at African-American Queer men and women, the group recently relaunched with a new name and a broader mission including social events and raising money for health and other community issues.

By continuing Oplan Bantay Laya, Aquino shows he is no different from Arroyo (tags)

The PESANTE BULETIN based in Los Angeles gathered that the National Democratic Front-Eastern Visayas today assailed the announcement of the Armed Forces of the Philippines on extending its Oplan Bantay Laya campaign until January 2011 as proving that Benigno Aquino III is no different from his predecessor. From the news sources in the Philippines, PESANTE BULETIN also learned that While the world commemorates International Humanitarian Law Month today, the AFP will be continuing its campaign that has led to many killings of social activists and other civilians," said NDF-EV spokesperson Fr. Santiago Salas.



AJLPP Forces Commemorates 112th Independence Day in the United States (tags)

On the anniversary of the 112th Independence Day from Spanish colonialism, June 12, 1898, the Alliance-Philippines and its allies commemorated the day of struggle in different cities of the United States in different forms. From San Francisco in the north to Los Angles in the south, and from New York in the east to Chicago in the Midwest different groups allied with or allies of AJLPP commemorated June 12 with renewed strength.

The Inaugural Mayflower Festival Held in LA, May 15- A Success (tags)

“It was the first, but it was a sweet success!” The Inaugural MayFlower Festival in the west-end of Historic Filipinotown was held at the parking lot of the Church of the Nazarene parking lot last May 15, 2010. This was the first time that a festival was held in this side of town. Usually may festivals were held in the east side, the center of Historic Filipinotown. Despite the heat of the sun at the end of spring, people turned up for the festivities. There were booths and displays from different community groups and participation from a broad spectrum of people from the community.


" No Cuts, No Freeze, Education Must be Free!" Thousands of students, teachers and members of different communities all over California turned out for massive protests in different schools and colleges against education cuts, the most recent attack of the ruling class against the people of the United States. In Los Angeles, more than 3,000 protestors led by the UTLA and supported by different community organizations like ANSWER-LA and Not In Our Name Coalition marched from Pershing Square/Hill St. to the Federal Reagan building down 3rd and Spring and showed their disgust against the state government.


" No Cuts, No Freeze, Education Must be Free!" Thousands of students, teachers and members of different communities all over California turned out for massive protests in different schools and colleges against education cuts, the most recent attack of the ruling class against the people of the United States. In Los Angeles, more than 3,000 protestors led by the UTLA and supported by different community organizations like ANSWER-LA and Not In Our Name Coalition marched from Pershing Square/Hill St. to the Federal Reagan building down 3rd and Spring and showed their disgust against the state government.


-No Cuts, No Freeze! Thousands of students, teachers and members of different communities all over California turned out for massive protests in different schools and colleges against education cuts, the most recent attack of the ruling class against the people of the United States. In Los Angeles, more than 3,000 protestors led by the UTLA and supported by different community organizations marched from Pershing Square/Hill St. to the Federal Reagan building down 3rd and Spring and showed their disgust against the state government.

Easy To Won Profits By Wholesaling Jewelry (tags)

Wholesale jewelry is big great business for a man who intend to do wholesale business.It's some tips to wholesale jewelry at the beginning.

Michelle Jackson: Sign-Language Interpreter, First Female San Diego Leatherboys President (tags)

Michelle Jackson knew she was going to be interested in languages from the age of five,when her father took her across the border from San Diego to Tijuana and she heard Spanish for the first time. In college she studied American Sign Language (ASL) and ultimately made her living as an interpreter for the deaf community. It was a job she took to interpret at a San Diego Leatherfest that led her to the Leather/kink/BDSM community — and she's become an energetic activist in it, serving as Ms. San Diego Leather 2005 and recently being elected the first female president of the San Diego Leatherboys.

Planned Economy Instead of Chaos Economy (tags)

For years US imports have doubled US exports. For 10 years China has contributed $2 billion a day to finance US consumerism. Trade policy in the WTO, GATT and NAFTA have led to mass unemployment. Part time work for all and/or unconditional basic income could humanize society and assure dignified life.

Unity Against Racism--Stop the Nazis in Riverside! (tags)

The National Socialist Movement, better known as the Nazis, has announced a rally and march in Riverside, California. They are calling for a county-wide protest of day labor sites to try to appeal to those who are angry about the immigration situation in this country and to divide the native-born from our immigrant brothers and sisters.

David Crowe, part 2: The Politics of Belief in “HIV/AIDS” (tags)

A second portion of the extended interview with Canadian alternative AIDS activist David Crowe, published in the August and September 2009 issues of Zenger’s Newsmagazine. In the first part, Crowe discussed the reasons neither HIV nor any other single microorganism can be the cause of the 30 previously known diseases lumped together under the “AIDS” label, and why the so-called “AIDS tests” (actually tests for antibody reactions to the nine proteins presumed to make up HIV) are useless in determining one’s present or future health. In this installment, Crowe discusses the politics behind the belief in “HIV/AIDS” and why this fundamentally silly pseudo-scientific theory continues to command belief throughout the world.

Filipino Veterans rejects GMA loyalist Corpus as OVA Chief (tags)

Different veterans groups in the United Stares protests the appointment of retired general Victor Corpus to the RP Embassy by the Philippine president Gloria M. Arroyo. Present Office of the Veterans Affairs (OVA) person is Ret. Gen. Delfin Lorenzana is being replaced by a known GMA psychopath, retired ISAFP general Victor Corpus. Corpus is a know loyal GMA supporter.

Filipino Veterans Rejects Corpus Appointment to RP) Embassy in the US (tags)


Coalition (EPCC) “ GIVE OUR VOTE, LET US VOTE!” Scores of union members from the newly formed National Union of Health Workers (NUHW) fro different LA hospitals and their community supporters rallied and picketed the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) office at 11115 W. Olympic Blvd. Los Angeles yesterday, July 23 to protest the long delay for union elections.

People's Assembly for Popular Education & Liberation: Summer School Program Update (tags)

With LAUSD cuts to summer school programs already in effect, a community of activists, teachers, parents and concerned citizens have held summer school for grades K-12 in front of LAUSD's Administrative Headquarters at 333 South Beaudry Street. While attendance was small, and kept that way for symbolic purposes, we are ready to move to a different location, one that will accommodate more students and parents. But we need your help!

La Reina; A Party for Los Angeles (tags)

It’s Saturday night in Downtown Los Angeles, and the activist group called “Street Inc.” is throwing a party. But there’s one major difference between this party and others in Los Angeles at this very moment...


Hiding a post / article that is not currently PC is clearly CENSORSHIP, and it is happening here at IMC as easily and often as in private news media. And no one is accountable, reachable, responsible, or respondable for it. Is this site "independent" of what ?

Che 2 and Defiance- Movie Reviews (tags)

Two movies, Che 2 and Defiance with two different settings have two separate and different perspectives Defiance was based on World War II experience of the Byelorussian Jews fierce struggle as guerillas to survive the German pogroms. It was derived from the story of three Jewish brothers who went on separate ways- one joining the Red Army and other forming his own guerilla army. Essentially, it became a propaganda tool of Zionist groups in the face of their unpopularity during the Gaza crisis from December 27, 2008 until today. It heralded how the Jews fought the German, the common theme of all Jewish movies drawing sympathy from common people for Israel. On the other hand, Che 2 narrates the last days of Ernesto “Che” Guevara and his band as The National Guerilla Army of Bolivia and his less than 300 days struggle trying hard to build a new front against US Imperialism in South America.


Marching at the largest Martin Luther King Jr Day-the 24th year commemoration last January 19, 2009 from Western to Leimert Park, hundreds of peace activist and anti-war advocates marched with thousands of people chanting: “ MONEY FOR JOBS AND EDUCATION. NOT FOR WAR AND OCCUPATION!” The more than 200 protestors marched under the lead banner of the Topanga Peace Alliance and Veterans for Peace and led by the Cuahtemoc Azteca Dancers banging their drums. They marched together with more than 400 different delegations, floats and marching bands representing all shades and political color all over Southern California marched past the mains stage located at Crenshaw Blvd.

AJLPP Year End Report, 2008 (tags)

The year 2008 started with a flurry of activities with the anti-war movement marking the 5th year of the US-occupation of Iraq and the War Against Terror and ended with a militant rallies at the Israeli Consulate against the siege and bombing of Gaza on Dec. 30,2008. As an opening salvo, the AJLPP participated in the first ever Women’s March Against the War in Los Angeles led by the GABNET of the MARIPOSA ALLIANCE that drew more than 800 people. The AJLPP also supported the militant Screen Actors Guild Strike in Hollywood. The AJLPP mobilized its forces together with its allies against the successive visits of US prime puppet Gloria Macapagal Arroyo in July in the East Coast and November on the West Coast

Understanding the origin of public insecurity (tags)

* Article originally published in spanish language in El Libertario, Venezuela, # 54, September-October 2008, that analyzes and goes over the problem of criminal violence through its social impact on contemporary Venezuela.

JFAV Represents in Big Events (tags)

The Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) continues it unrelenting advocacy even in the advent of the Christmas season 2008. While the Filipino Veterans Support Bill, SB 3689 hangs in the balance like SB 1315, different JFAV chapters continued it activities everywhere.

JFAV Represented in Big Events in WAshington DC and SFO (tags)

The Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) continues it unrelenting advocacy even in the advent of the Christmas season 2008. While the Filipino Veterans Support Bill, SB 3689 hangs in the balance like SB 1315, different JFAV chapters continued it activities everywhere.

Mumbai locals helped us, terrorist tells cops (tags)

Sources said Kasab's colleagues killed in the operation had stayed in Nariman House earlier. Police are trying to find out how Nariman House rooms were given to non-Jews.

LA antiwar projects- interviews and surveys (tags)

The new issue of LA based Journal of Aesthetics and Protest is now out. Subtled "Theory in Three Acts" it contains three editorial sections and has a bunch of articles on Los Angeles based activist and art projects. Section 2 focuses on Anti-war art and activist Projects

Working for a Community of Life (tags)

Today Boff doesn't speak of liberation but of life protection for the excluded. Sixty years ago Gandhi explained the earth has enough for all people. That is still true today. But the earth will never produce enough for the squanderers.

Moompetam Gathering of the Salt Water People (tags)

“As one of the speakers at the event pointed out, this was a rare opportunity to experience Native cultures up-close via storytelling, food, one-on-one conversations, music, and workshops.”

“The world could be radically different and it’s time we start talking about real change” (tags)

Sunday, August 24, at the Cleo Parker Robinson Theater in Denver, 300 people gathered to hear speeches by prominent representatives of the movements against the war, repression, and torture of the Bush regime. The following is an edited transcript of a talk given by Sunsara Taylor at this Evening of Conscience.

Report and photos from DNC in Denver (tags)

Photos and report on the Democratic National Convention in Denver, Colorado, August 23, 2008.

Interview with Cop Watch LA Member Joaquin Cienfuegos for the Affinity Project (tags)

This interview was done in the summer of 2006. Joaquin is currently working with the Revolutionary Autonomous Communities (which at the time of the interview was in the process of being created) and the Guerrilla Chapter of Cop Watch Los Angeles.

Is Bush the Lesser a Psychopath? (tags)


The Simple but Powerful Secret to Freedom Is Already Within You (tags)

In the “Language of Light” the Sacred Prayers of the Universe; Transmissions of the highest heaven will activate your “God Code Points”; Awakening you to your Higher Self and Return to God. Are you ready to be who you came here to be?


For the third year in a row. more or less 30,000 marchers from three major groups- the MIWON, March 25 Coalition and the April 7th Coalition for Full Immigrants Rights in Los Angeles and demand full rights and legalization for immigrants. A stop on ICE raids and deportations and to commemorate International Workers Day. The media called it “a combination of a holiday parade and party celebrations” Different media outlets and the LAPD have different estimates like a conservative estimate from as low as 7,000 from KCRW and as high as 30,000 from NPR radio. In Los Angeles, California, shouting: MAKIBAKA, HUWAG MATAKOT, LEGALISAYON, NGAYON and ANG TAO, ANG BAYAN NGAYON AY LUMALABAN. the newly formed Filipino American For Immigration Reform (FAIR) with the Pilipino Workers Center marched from Historic Filipinotown to Macarthur Park and joined 15,00 strong MIWON contingent that marched from Macarthur Park to downtown Broadway.

Workers/Immigrants March Rally in LA on May 1 (tags)

—For the third year in a row. more or less than 30,000 marchers from three major groups- the MIWON, March 25 Coalition and the April 7th Coalition for Full Immigrants Rights in Los Angeles and demand full rights and legalization for immigrants and to commemorate International Workers Day. The media called it “a combination of a holiday parade and party celebrations” Different media outlets have different estimates like a conservative estimate from as low as 7,000 from KCRW and as high as 30,000 from NPR radio. In Los Angeles, California the newly formed Filipino American For Immigration Reform (FAIR) with the Pilipino Workers Center marched from Historic Filipinotown to Macarthur Park and joined 15,000 strong MIWON contingent that marched from Macarthur Park to downtown Broadway.

Something smells different in Cuba (tags)

ººº With respect to the situation in Cuba these past few weeks, the Cuban Libertarian Movement – MLC (affinity group of Cuban anarchists in exile) speaks up to answer the unknowns and the challenges facing Cuban society. Ours is the voice of uncompromising commitment to freedom, equality and solidarity that has always been the sound of the Cuban anarchists.

Racism in Italy against Gypsies: a New Holocaust (tags)

Human Rights Watch has brought to the attention of the international community the racism gypsies are being subjected to in Italy. Write me to subscribe the Campaign against the persecution of Gypsy People in Italy:

Hundreds of thousands of students march for Chavez and "yes" in the referendum (tags)

They came in their tens of thousands, in their hundreds of thousands. They came from schools, from colleges, from universities, from teachers' unions and trade unions, and from the Social Missions concerned with education. They came in their red shirts with different names but all saying the same thing, Si in the referendum. Here in Venezuela learning is on the order of the day. Everyone is studying in one way or another, everyone is a student, so they came in all ages. We gathered in the Plaza de Venezuela and as each minute passed we grew in numbers. In all parts of the gathering crowd there were sound systems belting out different rhythms and people were dancing, singing and shouting slogans. It was a carnival atmosphere with a serious message. The small group of students also dressed in red but with No placards quickly disappeared after having been confronted by revolutionary students shouting "No pasaran", they shall not pass. We moved off chanting slogans such as "Eduacion Primero para el hijo del obrero; Educacion después para el hijo del burgues" (Firstly, the children of workers should be educated and only then the children of the bourgeoisie), "Obreros y Estudiantes, Unidos en Combate" (Workers and Students united in Struggle) and very importantly "Alerta, Alerta, Alerta Camarada, Que ya esta Preparada la Resistencia Armada" (Watch out Comrades, Armed Resistance is Ready). As the slogans were shouted red flags were being waved.

Venezuela: Interview with an indigenous activist (tags)

* As part of the 2.300 delegates in the second Zapatista and indigenous community’s international reunion, which took place last July in Mexico, members of the wayuu community delivered a truly important message: Venezuelan indigenous community’s situation is very different than the declared by the government people in Caracas. El Libertario talked about the experience with Jorge Montiel, member of the Maikiralasa’lii.

Protest to Free the Jena 6 (tags)

“What we’re dealing with is not just a group of red necks who are going around hanging nooses from trees, we’re dealing with a system. We need a revolution, no voting, no waiting around. . . . We need to resist! Resist! Resist! We need to resist every day. We need to start acting like we’re in Nazi Germany. . . ." -- Toni



The First Quarter Storm Network (FQSN) on the 24th Year of the Aquino Assassination, Augus (tags)

“ Different times, different tunes, Different crowds, different songs.” This situation characterized the twenty fourth-year commemoration of the martyrdom of former Senator Benigno Aquino Jr, today August 21, 2007. On August 21, 1983, Benigno Aquino Jr. was murdered by the armed forces of the US-Marcos Dictatorship right after being arrested inside the jet plane that brought him back to the Philippines.

Dr. James Hansen Amps Up Language on Climate (tags)

A report to the British Royal Society was released Tuesday in which America's top climate scientist and five others spoke with stronger feelings about the climate situation than their usual drab scientific findings. They were, of course, trying to wake people up to the seriousness of the problems of our climate's future.

Homo Oeconomicus and Economic Theories (tags)

The neoclassical theory dominant today is different from the Keynesian theory that defined the decades after the 2nd World War. "Bad ideas flourish because theya re in the interest of powerful groups." (Paul Krugman)

U.S. Army Subjects Chicano Soldiers to Degrading Searches (tags)

The brave soldiers of the New Mexico National Guard were put through degrading searches by the U.S. Army last May. The soldiers were asked to remove their shirts, socks and shoes in order to check them for gang tattoos. It didn’t seem to matter to the Army that some of the soldiers are current and former police officers.

Under the Spell of the Hegemon: Book Review (tags)

Empire-building is a blindness, delusion and false security. Since all people yearn for free-dom and self-determiantion, imperial hubris is based on rewriting human nature & history stylizing arrogance as a natural law and trashing international law and democracy.

Make Capitalism History (tags)

The iron fist of McDonald Douglas protects the soft fist of McDonalds. Militarism is the back side of capitalism. We must resist normalization of war and militarization of foreign policy. Love for life and the future can change priorities and perspectives.

Report from Oaxaca - Dec. 23 - Night of the Radishes - Message to the People of the World (tags)

In these past days many different people have told us that the struggle continues despite all the repression.... the events of the past 6 months have changed people profoundly...People are thinking of Oaxaca, but not only Oaxaca.

Human Evolution and Religion—A Global Truce through Anthropology (tags)

Every religion in the world was created to serve the needs of humans who are evolutionarily equal, and therefore, have asked the same questions about life. Anthropologists have identified a number of universal constants of religion, and have discovered that different religions aren’t so different from each other after all.

Congress on Solidarity Economy (tags)

Solidarity economy is part of a strategy against neoliberal exactions. Economic self-help must not be used as a social fig leaf for the continued neoliberal reorganization of society.

Global Social Rights (tags)

Globalized capitalism means precarity and exclusion in the North and increasing exploitation and impoverishment in the South. Global social rights could be a counter-power.

From War Against Terror to Anti-Fascist War (tags)

The government only wanted to divert from its failure in the anti-terror battle and cover up the war in a new way.. Fascists nowhere came to power without open support of at least some capital forces.

Taking the 7 Talks to the Proletariat and Building for October5 (tags)

The recent correspondence on taking out Bob Avakian’s 7 Talks, especially into proletarian communities, was very important (see Revolution #60 and #61 for articles on this). One thing that comes through: there is nothing else speaking to the how-to-live-and-die questions that are on people’s minds....


Why would a political force hell bent on dominating global government, commerce, energy, water, and consumerism itself want to bump scientific ideas in favor of old religious myth at low levels of education? How does this further the interests of industry? Thanks to Jimmy the Greek, PT Barnum, and a story by Kilgore Trout that was burned in manuscript form, I submit to you;

9/11 Airplane Impact Time Discrepancies: Smoking Gun - US Gov't Complicity (tags)

author: Craig T. Furlong e-mail:e-mail:

Are the Filipinos Really United? (tags)

This year, the 4th year commemoration of the Historic Filipinotown district on August 5, 2006 will take the form of the traditional Pilipino “Pistahan “(Community Feast ) in a common Filipino town. Different community as well as private entities have lined-up different program of activities. They will be the sites of the different events that will last the whole day.

On the 65h Year of the Formation of the USAFFE (tags)

On the 65th Anniversary of the impression of Filipino Army to the United States Armed Forces in the Far East (USAFFE) today, on July 26, 1941 different groups held different kinds of commemoration all over California.FAV, People’s CORE are calling all Filipino American community activists, youth leaders and all concerned individuals and organizations all over the United States to be vigilant and struggle to have the Senate Bill or any compromise bill pass with the amendment for Filipino American veterans and their families.

Report Back from Mexico City and Toluca, Mexico 06-28-06, 06-29-06 (tags)

I stayed in Mexico until the 29th of June, and wanted to stay until the 3rd but was unable to change my flight (due to the lack of funds). This is the last report back. Now that Im back home in Los Angeles I will work on translating these into Spanish so that other communities and the people in Mexico that I met will have a chance to read them as well. A friend also talked about helping me turn the reports into a pamphlet. I like to think of the reports as a look into the struggles of Mexico right before the elections.

A different take on the farm? (tags)

A different take on the farm? Here's a graphic, Enjoy!

May 1st: Demand Genuine Legalization and Dignity and Respect for All Wo (tags)

Kick Off Rally for May 1st March at 3pm: This year, MIWON is hosting the kick off rally for the Los Angeles May 1st march. For the past five years, MIWON has sponsored an action on May 1st to draw attention to low- wage workers’ rights and to demand genuine legalization as a step towards fair treatment of all workers.

No to Capitalism (tags)

There are millions of refusals, millions of people who say or cry No everyday..Refusing to obey means breaking the rule of capital.. The utopian star of a different society exists for all of us but our ways of seeing this star and trying to reach it are different.

Politics of Extreme Unction: Revolutionary Rights (tags)

Revolutionary rights. when constitutional rights are either absent or fail.


The Bicycle Film Festival is seeking submissions for its sixth annual Festival. The event will feature dozens of different films on a variety of bicycle styles - from BMX to urban bike culture, cycling to commuting.

WSF Caracas: Shroud for Venezuela’s social movements (tags)

* A member of the group promoting the Alternative Social Forum explains why the World Social Forum (WSF), taking place in Caracas during January 2006, is another attempt by the Chavez government to impede the autonomous development of social struggles in the country.

conservitive an religion (tags)

hate and conservitism

LA: Don't Just Protest, Organize! (tags)


Senator Jim Elliott is no fan of cyclists, so why is he concerned about our civil rights (tags)

Senator Jim Elliott from the red state of Montana is no fan of cyclists, so why is he concerned about what’s going on with Critical Mass in in NYC ? Find out what got this cowboy mad enough to write an article for us.

Santa Monica Artist Travels to Italy (tags)

Santa Monica artist, Barbara Kolo is of the artists invited to represent the United States at the 2005 Florence Biennale (Biennale Internazionale Dell’Arte Contemporanea) next month in Italy. A new series of her figurative paintings will debut at the event.

Networks and Power (tags)

Another world is possible. This is directed against the famous and thoughtless assumption of the impossibility of alterna-tives at the "end of history".. The substance of societies is tapped for financial institutions.

Bush's unwelcome gift to NATO: Afghanistan (tags)

Economically, most Afghans see neither an improvement in their personal lot, or view the rebuilding of their country happening at an acceptable pace.

The World of Women, Art World (tags)

A Rare Look Into the “World of Women”: All-Female Exhibition Showcases Colorful Abstractions and Images

The Barbara Coe Story (tags)

I saw this account of an email encounter with Barbara Coe which you all should read.

Chiapas en Alerta Roja (tags)

To the People of Mexico / To the Peoples of the World June 19, 2005 / Brothers and Sisters: As of today, the Zapatista Army of National Liberation has declared, throughout all rebel territory, a GENERAL RED ALERT Based on this, we are informing you:

EZLN Communique: Red Alert - EZLN declara alerta roja general (tags)

Communique of the Clandestine Revolutionary Indigenous Committee - General Comand of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation. - Translated by irlandesa.

Zapatistas declare RED ALERT fearing military offensive (tags)

The Zapatistas haev declared a RED ALERT and have evacuated numerous of their "Councils of Good Government" to safety. Few other details presently available.

Isikoff and Rather: Different Strokes for Different Folks (tags)

Although the journalistic errors of Michael Isikoff and Dan Rather were similar—both involving some misinformation from a source—the way the political right and the White House have responded is quite at odds. Could it be Isikoff’s record as the reporter who brought us Monica Lewinsky? ---------------------

The Coming Civil War and Repolarization for Revolution in the Present Era (tags)

Just to be clear, I didn't choose this title lightly or facetiously, but in all seriousness. In speaking to "a coming civil war" I am "drawing inspiration" from Newt Gingrich (the prominent Republican politician who was formerly the Speaker of the House of Representatives), who has made the observation that what's happening now in the electoral arena and the broader things that it reflects in U.S. society is analogous to what was going on in the U.S. in the 1840s and the 1850s, and that this isn't something that will—I'm paraphrasing, but this is the essence—this isn't something that will go away. It will only be decided when one side or the other wins out.

Jews, Christians and Messianic Consciousness (tags)

God will be all in all! This article encourages the Jewish-Christian dialogue by criticizing the church's anti-Jewish disinheriting. Dog-matism and intolerance threaten to turn living water into a frozen waterfall. Without the origin, the present and future dry up.

America in 99 points (tags)

America-is. ONLINE PUBLISHER ON AMERICA ISSUES is an European online publisher focusing on America and American issues. We publish texts or artworks from all religious, sexual and political orientations. However, we only publish contributions concerning America or American issues. Our first text is called America.

Killers without Borders (tags)

This probably disqualifies most of america, but this article is for smoeone with the intelligence to grasp its meaning...

Can King Midas Be Healed of his Sickness? (tags)

Healings from the sicknesses that injure us is rare because our longing for wholeness is so weak, easily diverted and quickly satisfied with many little gods.. We expect wholeness and healing from king Midas.. Unrestricted growth is the king Midas principle..

Does Hope Have a Future? (tags)

Hope, as the theologian Jurgen Moltmann has explained, distinguishes humankind from all creation.. Hope is a transnational category and cannot beonly nationalist or myopic. Where there is danger, there is also hope (Schelling).

No Prospect for Improvement (tags)

The world cannot expect any impulses for a better world from the new president. The world must adjust to a superpower armed to the teeth whose political and economic elites are hardly concerned with the well-being of humanity.

Chomsky in 2008 (tags)

It's time for Noam Chomsky to make an independent run for President in 2008.

Raising our Heads at a Historic Monent (tags)

Bob Avakian has been working intensely to wrench something different out of this moment—and to raise the sights of us all to the ways and possibilities of doing that.

In Elections: Democracy and Dictatorship, Resistance and Revolution he really dissects the current situation around the election. He breaks down why Bush is doing what he is doing and why Kerry is doing what he is doing—how they are both "auditioning" for who can be the best commander-in-chief to represent the larger interests of the U.S. monopoly imperialist ruling class; and why being confined by the terms and logic of this election is very dangerous for the people.

S. KOREA, Migrant workers' struggle... (tags)


It discusses the increasingly regular discriminatory treatment against Jewish settlers and settlement products by the international community and now the Israeli government itself. It raises the question, are there two types of Jews, and asks, will the settlers declare independence?

See Bush…Think Revolution: NO to the New Rome (tags)

For now, let's just say that we support this resistance movement mightily, and we want to work with everyone we can, coming from all different kinds of views, in making this resistance strong enough to withstand, derail and defeat this juggernaut bearing down on us. As we do this, as we work together, we have in our minds and hearts a vision of a whole different future--and we want to share that with you.

Film IN PLANE SIGHT Shocks Sacramento Citizens (tags)

Highly recommended and without the flaws or dubious sponsorship of moores bs...


John Kerry, who often flip flops, (considers the opinions and advice of others and his constituency) has selected a HVT, (high value target), John Edwards, as predicted, which should sure up the southern belle demographic as the main stream media slowly begin to switch sides. Bush also reminded President General Musharraf that he wants Osama, but he will settle for any HVT.

Un-manageable (tags)

Un-manageable Saturday July 24th 2004 at Flor y Canto 6 PM A discussion on the ways in which institutions have been using discipline and normalization as tools to mold the individual into docile and manageable bodies. The primary target of control is no longer just our body but also, if not primarily, our 'soul' ...

Insurgent Ideas (tags)

Federal, state, and private security forces converged to police not actions but ideas at the Student Animal Rights Organization (SARO) conference on animal liberation, which included the first ever academic symposium on the Animal Liberation Front (ALF).


A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files- broadcast quality (13.3MB) and quick download (3.3MB). With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, Russia, Spain, and Cuba.

How To Prepare For Children At Protests: Vice Versa Is Not Possible (tags)

Protest zones are important classrooms. Attending protests with kids is different than attending protests without kids. But going to a protest with an affinity group, or as a street medic, is also different than going alone. How should we prepare to take kids with us?

Los Angeles Social Centers (tags)

This is a thread of photos mapping Los Angeles' Social Centers, or Cafes.

california apoc conference workshop call-out (tags)

We are looking for speakers and/or workshop presenters for an upcoming Anarchist People of Color conference, to take place in Oakland April 16-18.

Peasants and workers demonstrate against the FTAA in Puebla. (tags)

Mainly Mexican peasants and unions organizations have demonstrated in Puebla, against the FTAA negotiations, that are having place in that Mexican city.

Occupied Territory CA Anarchist Gathering Fresno June 04 (tags)

Occupied Territory is an anarchist gathering happeing in Fresno 2004 June 18-20. The gathering wil focus on local and regional collectives, building an autonomous village, and creating dialog for greater organization.

Liberal Theology (tags)

I've gotten into reading the particular Torah portion that coincides with the week, and found some interesting interpretations.

Racism, the Left, and Pacifica Radio (tags)

The writer ,a staff candidate for DC's WPFW's listener station board and a member of the DC Justice and Unity Caucus, gives a summary of the recent history of conflict within Pacifa radio network and some of the issues in its ongoing elections.

Poverty: A Killer (tags)

Falling under the category of protecting the down trodden. . . What is the cure for poverty? Wealth. Embrace the creation of wealth or millions die.

Join the Resistance: Fall in Love (tags)

A short film inspired by crimethinc.'s 'Days of War, Nights of Love' Chapter 'L is for Love' - 'Join the Resistance, Fall in Love' The film was made possible by a grant from the from the City of Atlanta Bureau of Cultural Affairs.

Media manipulations (tags)

Day three of US media coverage of Hussein's capture: no let-up in the hysteria

Union leaders must ''pay with their lives'' for opposing Colombia's President (tags)

Acting in what seems as blind fury after loosing crucial elections, including a constitutional referendum to achieve special powers, the regime of Alvaro Uribe is seeking revenge on top union leaders. In the city of Pereira, death squads allied to the regime have murdered several street vendors, cut their bodies into pieces and left the bloody remains in different parts of the city as a warning.

Neoliberalism: Definitional Problems (tags)

"Neoliberalism starts from a negative.. assumption that every person prefers him- or herself or circle. Therefore corruption is inevi-table. This development can only be prevented by reduction of the public sector and the absolute self-control of the market."

What will Rush say then? (tags)

Rush didn't check into the nearest state penitentiary -- no, the $25 million man checked himself into rehab. While he may have known what was good for everyone else addicted to drugs, when it came to his own problem he sure didn't practice what he preached.

More Radical, Less Extreme: From Weatherman to the ELF (tags)

Violence is not the issue. I don’t think it ever was. Not back in the day when the Weather Underground blew up toilets in the Capitol Building and not today as the Earth Liberation Front (ELF) flips out over SUVs and condominiums. Revolution isn’t a leather-jacket tactic radicals adopt – it is a transformation of the whole society made by millions. It can be violent, but it’s not about violence. And it’s definitely not, as the old saying goes, a dinner party.

Tommy Chong vs. Rush Limbaugh (tags)

Different strokes for different folks. Chong Chong does 9 months for selling bongs while Limbaugh, an admitted pill addict who bought in large quantities, is out free and speaking at events. Protest anyone?

Leo-Cons (tags)

Irving Kristol (Bill’s Pappy), sometimes called the Godfather of neo-conservatism, once wrote:   “There are different kinds of truths for different kinds of people.  There are truths appropriate for children; truths that are appropriate for students; truths that are appropriate for educated adults; and truths that are appropriate for highly educated adults, and the notion that there should be one set of truths available to everyone is a modern democratic fallacy. It doesn’t work.”

DONATIONS needed to support FTAA/ALCA Indymedia Organizing (tags)

Many people associated with Indymedia are preparing to cover the FTAA/ALCA Ministerial meeting in Miami this coming November. Several work groups have been formed to coordinate different aspects of our effort. Since Indymedia is an all volunteer collective, to cover this historic moment in history, we are in need of funds to pay for the costs of computer, video and web radio hardware, Internet access and a public convergence space.

Diversity=Everyone Looks Different, but Thinks Alike (tags)

From the book "The State vs. the People" by Claire Wolfe. (which the librarians (bootlickers to the State, the new rulers) won't let you read, so you must use Interlibrary Loan and then they will say you owe them money.

Anarchy in black and white (tags)

Inevitably, some black radical groups work on issues that many anarchists are opposed to. For instance, most anarchists are just as opposed to black capitalism as they are to white capitalism. Most anarcho-activists recognize the danger of entering different communities and evangelizing there. This is elitist and can also be interpreted as being racist, since so many anarchists are white.

CKUT Radio: Confronting the WTO Ministerial in Cancun Mexico (tags)


the_multitude_connected :: call to participate (tags)

September 2nd -4th. The multitude connected is an experimental meeting of hackers, activists and artists to build a public virtual space based upon real time exchange of audio/video information among different geolocalizations. Eco-base: La Rabida (Southern Spain)

Vaclav Havel's "Politics as Responsibility for the World" (tags)

"What has greater weight: the political culture of unselfish service to the whole or the Mafia maneuvering between the laws..What I seek has the character of an ideal that we approach." Vaclav Havel was president of Czechoslovakia for 13 years.

Transgender Readings June12 @ WeHo Bookstore (tags)

West Hollywood's A Different Light Bookstore will host a night of readings by Female-to-Male and Male-to-FemaleTransgender spoken word artists, as part of the City's Transgender Awareness Week.

RW: U.S. In Iraq: The "Shoot-To-Kill" Occupiers (tags)


Confession from White Male Libertarian on Disrupting Indymedia (tags)

I thought the administartors of Indymedia might like to see it. He claims to use two different IP addresses to wage his attacks on Indymedia.

The Tower of Babel (tags)

"This is the project of globalization: making a new tower of Babel out of the planet. Every relation should be uniform..The laws of the neoliberal tower forbid acknowledgment of differences. The subjugation of differences is the only allowed possibility."

Raise the fist (tags)

I have been unable to bring the Raise the fist website up on my computer.


We ask the organizers in LA to look to the example of San Francisco, stop the hype, and push further!

Iraq, the 51st state (tags)

Now that war is finally upon us, we must all hope or (if we share our leaders' piety) pray that, within a matter of days, the thing is done with, the Iraqi people will be free of their oppressor and able to enjoy the benefits of American-style democracy.

Peaceful Leaders or Dominators? (tags)

This is a call for revolution

How Safe is Safe Sex? (tags)


A first grader's guide to "unilaterialism" and "multilateralism" (tags)

Can the "unilateral" or "multilateral" approach of dealing with Iraq be expressed in a sentence easy enough to be understood by any first grader?

ANSWER Coalition Statement (tags)


Nixon Library anti-war protest attracts 600-1000 people (tags)

Nixon library protest offers strong evidence that many different segments of the population are becoming deeply disturbed by the actions of their rulers.

Live from the Iranian protest @ the westwood federal building!! (tags)


Weed, Youth And The Revolution (tags)

Here are excerpts from the debate on -- the online discussion site focused on the Draft Programme of the Revolutionary Communist Party,USA and the strategy for revolution in the U.S.

Oil Sources by Brand Name? (tags)

Is there public information available about which sources are used by oil companies? How about business links?

Bi-Polar Bush Face (tags)

Notice the nifty two sides of his face in this photo? David Cogswell caught the gem and writes about it at his website.

Newsletter of the Salzburg-antiwef-coordination (tags)

This newsletter summerises the International meeting from activists to prepare the activities against the WEF in Salzburg (12th to 19th september). The meeting took place from the first to the second of July in Vienna The people who came to the meeting came as well from eastern european countries as from EU-countries. The next international meeting should be in early August in Salzburg. Invitations will be spread through the mailinglists (look for point 6 Communication).

Another Basque Country is possible (tags)

National liberation versus internationalism? Global justice from a local view. This is a text about why I think that national liberation, justice and internationalism are not incompatible. How to work for reach global justice, respecting the different local realities.

UNION BUSTING! In the Fund for Public Interest (tags)

One of the largest progressive non profits in the nation, is attempting to silence workers who tried to oganize a labor union!

Take over Argentinean embassies! (tags)

Social revolution in Argentina NOW, tomorrow the world!

Openlaw project (tags)

"By using the Internet, we hope to enable the public interest to speak as loudly as the interests of corporations. "

PepsiCo goes after Indy Rock (tags)

PepsiCo has just begun a marketing campaign for its new energy drink called "Amp" ( What is different about this marketing scheme is that they are using Indy rock bands to sell it!!!

After 9/11/01 Piano Solo (tags)

This is a description of a concert and fundraiser held after 9/11. The piece was performed by Different Trains. More info on them at

Protesters set NGOs offices ablaze (tags)

excerpt: "They said that Jehad against America and non-Muslims had been begun. They were ready to sacrifice their lives in way of Islam, JUI leaders vowed. They asked the people to inlist their names for Jehad with their respective Ulemas of mosques."

World Bank chief slams "superficial" anti-globalisation protests (tags)

"My worry is that the real issues of poverty, of AIDS, of corruption of the things that we're trying to fight, get pushed to a back burner and you see on the front page really the superficialities of the protests," Wolfensohn said.

Media Activist Camp (tags)

Youth Organizing Communitites met on June 2nd and the 3rd. The purpose of the media camp was to learn, share, and practice training skills in order to mainpulate and use independent media.

A Totally New Way to Vote (tags)

The idea behind allows dissatisfied Gore and Bush voters to make a pact in pairs and both cast their ballot for Nader (or any third party candidate). This way voters don't affect the balance between Gore and Bush, but give TWO additional votes to the third party candidate.

Coke and Pepsi (tags)

Some DNC and RNC protesters have alleged that the Democrats and Republicans are no different than Coke and Pepsi...

Why Protest? (tags)

Interview and discussion about why activists protest.

Yes (tags)

ignored tags synonyms top tags bottom tags