fix articles 61094, chancellor schroeder
Is Capitalism Collapsing? (tags)
One of the causes for the obvious helplessness of the governments is that they function as simple receivers of orders of the financial industry. The financial industry has no interest in a policy that would make it liable for its inflicted disaster..
A Moralist on the Social State (tags)
A hundred years ago eight farmers worked to feed one non-farmer. Today one farmer feeds 88 persons..Income from assets and business activities have been consistently relieved of taxes in the last 25 years. Profits soar while investments fall.
The Demon and its Conjuring Trick: Money (tags)
"The light in which the glboal financial markets operate is very dim.. Unveiling the money fetish is a task of economic literacy. The monetary sphere seems uncoupled from the real economy, the world of work.."
West Coast G8 Regional Mobilization in San Francisco (tags)
Call for a regional mobilization against the G8 in San Francisco, June 2004.
Richard Perle, one of the most outspoken war party figures in and around the Bush Administration, has been caught in a $100-million attempted blackmail ``sheik-down'' of the Saudis, which could land him in jail.
March 10, 2003 -- THE NEW YORK POST