fix articles 6103, ulises ruiz
Nebulosa - 22 de abril de 2013 (tags)
Espacio de información, denuncia y difusión de la resistencia. Esperamos tus colaboraciones en el correo
U.S. citizens arrested for asking Oaxaca governor about Brad Will's murder (tags)
Three U.S. tourists and one Uruguayan citizen were arrested in Oaxaca City on Thursday January 28 after approaching Ulises Ruiz in the city's zocalo and asking him about the murder of Indymedia activist Brad Will.
Call to the Peoples of México to Organize the Revocation of the Presidency of Felipe Calde (tags)
"This crisis brings into question the future of the Mexican Nation and it’s people. In this political scheme by the grand capitalists, domestic and foreign, we lack hope. The Mexican people do not have a place in this world of neoliberal globalization except as pariahs and a disposable labor force. Given these circumstances, we need a patriotic transformation and a democratization of the political system, the economy and the culture that can confront this deep crisis of our country and the problems of the Mexican people. We need a transformation that will push out the bourgeois oligarchy and the political class that governs the state and the imperialist domain of Mexico. There is a need to construct a new majority that includes all of the patriotic forces that will install a new government and a new state. A new majority that is capable of taking back control and the property of the productive forces and strategic resources of the nation, and also able to guarantee sustainable development, social justice, national sovereignty, the autonomy of the indigenous pueblos and the practice of popular democracy."
Mexican political prisoners need your help (tags)
International campaign to free Adán Mejía López and stop the persecution of Militante and the CLEP-CEDEP Free the political prisoners! The Calderon government, desperate in the face of its complete lack of legitimacy and its intense fear of the increasing class polarisation, has intensified the repression and criminalisation of social struggles, murdering and imprisoning many of the millions of worker and youth who have dared to raise their voices against the misery and oppression so predominant in Mexico. For years the working class has been squeezed to no end, all the social tensions generated as a consesquence of this opened the way to insurrectional struggles such as that which occured last year in Oaxaca and, on a national level, against the electoral fraud.
People in the Zapotec community of Santiago Xanica in the Sierra Sur of Oaxaca continue to struggle for their right to choose their municipal president in an assembly by means of traditional practices and customs and to gain the freedom of the first political prisoners of the Ulises Ruiz regime in the face of threats, harassment, and arrest warrants on the eve of the municipal elections of August 26.
Mexico: Students arrested- urgent solidarity needed (tags)
solidarity with the Mexican revolution
The Mexican Revolution Surges Forward (tags)
Millions of workers and students on strike: report of the first 12 hours of the May 2 strike Just six months after Calderon assumed the presidency and the anti-fraud movement and the APPO were defeated, the situation in Mexico is heating up again. The previous showdown over the elections and the revolutionary struggle in Oaxaca solved nothing. The bourgeois, foolishly, perhaps believed that the working class was finished, and that the struggle was over. They will not be able to maintain that opinion any longer. Carrying on from the magnificent struggles in March against the attacks of the weak Calderón government, a general strike was called earlier this week on May 2 - the first general strike in Mexico since 1916.
Friends, please help us to spread the news with your networks, families and friends...
Oaxaca Resists! Videos on the struggle on Ágora TV
Informe sobre los sucesos en Oaxaca CCIODH (tags)
Miahuatlán, Oax. enero 14 de 2007. A LA OPINION PUBLICA: Los presos políticos que nos encontramos en el CERESO de Miahuatlán, denunciamos y condenamos enérgicamente el primitivismo y barbarie que es el distintivo primordial del Gobierno de Ulises Ruíz Ortiz
movilizaciones masivas del EZLN en 5 caracoles, solidaridad con Oaxaca y Atenco (tags)
Exigimos la salida inmediato del autodenominado gobernador de Oaxaca, Ulises Ruiz Ortiz. Y también Policía Federal Preventivas, porque sólo están generando más torturas, represión, maltratos. Son los verdaderos criminales y responsables de lo que está sufriendo el pueblo de Oaxaca.
Oaxaca Solidarity Demonstrations in the US on Friday, December 22nd (tags)
Direct solidarity with the oppressed and exploited in Oaxaca (tags)
When we read the communiqués sent out by APPO [Asamblea Popular de los Pueblos de Oaxaca / Popular Assembly of the Peoples of Oaxaca] and by all the organizations, collectives and individuals that are today a part of it, including some anarchist companions that innocently follow these shitpile bourgeoisie and authoritarians, we honestly ask ourselves if we are talking about the same thing, or worse yet, if we even co-exist in the same country or if they are narrating to us what occurs in a distant galaxy.
Interview - Flavio Sosa member of the Collective Direction of the APPO (tags)
The repression has been permanent, has talked nonsense against the main houses of the managing ones of the Appo, has made irruptions in several addresses. He is terrible, seems one black novel. Ulises Ruiz has made of the terror practical politics. It acts is through the police who using sicari. USA also of the judges in order to make to imprison activists with false imputations.
Photos - Oaxaca - Mexico's Federal Investigative Agency (AFI) carry out other arrests (tags)
A members of Mexico's Federal Investigation agency, AFI, detains an employee of the Oaxaca state justice department in Oaxaca City, Mexico Friday, Dec. 8, 2006. More than 250 federal police agents surrounded the offices of the Oaxaca state police force and seized the force's weapons to determine whether any were used in shootings during six months of demonstrations in the state capital, Oaxaca City.
Mexican journalists give recognition to Indymedia Mexico and to Brad Will (tags)
* The Journalists Club of Mexico (El Club de Periodistas de Mexico) and the Antonio Sáenz de Miera Foundation recognize the "cooperation without orders" of Indymedia Mexico. * Bradley Ronald Will, murdered in Oaxaca, receives a posthumous recognition for his important informative work.
Photos Oaxaca - APPO - Flavio Sosa: Mexican police arrest head of Oaxaca activists (tags)
MEXICO CITY 5/12/2006
Llamado a la movilización por Oaxaca (EZLN) y mensaje de la APPO (tags)
llamado a la movilización por oaxaca y mensaje de la APPO
The Spirit of Resistance in Mexico City (tags)
Opposition in the Mexico City streets against electoral fraud and decades of abuse and injustice
35th day of the occupation of Oaxaca by federal forces (tags)
December 1st, 2006
OaxacaLibre.Org Reports of Violence, Bloodshed (tags)
According to OaxacaLibre.Org website, Radio Universidad is reporting that multiples of protesters have been detained and some wounded and killed by gunfire.
Offensive by the Federal Preventive Police Against the People of Oaxaca (APPO communique) (tags)
Confrontation Continues Between the Police and the APPO in Different Parts of the City after the Federal Police attacked yesterday's peaceful demonstration. By the Popular Assembly of the Peoples of Oaxaca (APPO), The Other Oaxaca. Translated by
Oaxaca’s popular movement suffers yet another brutal day (tags)
A peaceful protest in Oaxaca was repressed by the federal police stationed in the center of the city. By nightfall, a few people were reported killed, hundreds arrested and hurt and many disappeared.
Marcos: “We Are On the Eve of Either a Great Uprising or a Civil War” (tags)
Mexico. "President" Calderón Will Begin to Fall from the Day He Takes Office, warns the Speaker of the EZLN.
Proposals for APPO Congress (tags)
These proposals presented to the APPO Constitutional Congress held from Friday to Sunday, November 10-12, are based on traditional indigenous horizontal structures.
A New Approach to Justice From The Doors Of A Mexican Consulate: From Portland to Oaxaca (tags)
Oaxaca occupies a sacred place in my heart; her mountains, coast, mole and native corns nourished my spirit for a good part of the years I lived in Mexico and her people—mis companeros/as—have been my teachers and friends. But this has been a sad couple of weeks. October 31 I found myself locked to the front door of the Mexican Consulate in Portland, Oregon to protest the violent repression against the People’s Popular Assembly of Oaxaca (APPO), a peaceful resistance movement in Oaxaca.
Solidaridad con Oaxaca in LA (tags)
La Otra en el Otro Lado will have a press conference on Wednesday the 15th at 5 pm. in front of the Mexican Consulate in L.A.
Entrevista Con Integrante Oaxaceño, Flavio Sosa (tags)
"La APPO está cuestionando las formas tradicionales de hacer política" Flavio Sosa es uno de los integrantes de la "dirección colectiva provisional" de la Asamblea Popular de los Pueblos de Oaxaca. A pesar de ser en estos momentos de las caras más visibles de la APPO, insiste en reconocer que "el nuestro es un movimiento de bases y no de líderes".
Chronology of Events in Oaxaca and Mexico (tags)
A brief report from Gustavo Esteva, Oliver Frohling and myself of what is happening in Oaxaca, to add more information, yesterday november the 2nd. the people resist an attempt of the Federal Police to take the university and shot down the radio station that is the comunication sistem of the movement against the local governor. please share it with does that could be interested. love to all Sergio Beltrán (yeyo)
virtual blockade for oaxaca (tags)
join this electronic blockade of the websites for all of the Mexican embassies and consulates in the United States and Canada.
BTL:Violence Against Strikers in Oaxaca, Mexico Triggers Solidarity Actions (tags)
Report produced by Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus
Mexico’s Lower House of Congress has called on Ulises Ruiz to step down from office.
Brad Will: El Jardín de la Esperanza (tags)
Brad R. Will fue despedido por el pueblo de Oaxaca en pleno ataque de las fuerzas federales en contra de los maestros y la Asamblea Popular del Pueblo de Oaxaca.
Brad Will's Final Video (tags)
Infamia en Oaxaca
EYEWITNESS REPORT Oaxaca, MX 10/29/2006 (tags)
Eyewitness report from Oaxaca!
Invitation for Oaxacan Camp for Dignity (tags)
translated from Oaxaca Indymedia Spanish version follows Oaxaca installs encampment for dignity and against repression
Los Angeles Mobilizes in Support of People in Oaxaca (tags)
Tension remains high in Oaxaca City as military flights continue, creating a general anxiety among residents over a possible massive crackdown against a popular movement demanding the resignation of the state’s governor. Mexico’s Attorney General’s office said it is looking into the cases of small explosions that shattered windows and glass doors at 3 different banks in Oaxaca City yesterday. A previously unknown guerrilla group claimed responsibility for the blasts, although many suspect the attacks were staged to create a pretext for an intervention by federal forces. Meanwhile, in Los Angeles, a group of people is protesting in front of the Mexican Consulate, in an attempt to raise awareness about the volatile situation. (4:44 minutes and includes lede)
Act now to defend Oaxaca (tags)
Dear friends- An amazing struggle is now being threatened with obliteration. The people of Oaxaca are facing an immenent attack by the federal government which will result in senseless bloodshed. Please take five minutes to send an e-mail or fax to the Mexican government to demand they not harm the Oaxacan people, who have been engaged in civil resistance for the past few months. Also, please forward this widely if you know of people who would want to act. I know it seems petty to write an email but it's the least you could do.What follows is a summary of what is occuring in Oaxaca.
OAXACA CITY waiting for attack URGENT and update (tags)
APPEAL FOR NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL AID The word I have now is that there are about 5,000 men wearing army uniforms who are not army, but police, culled from other states like .......
Oaxaca Facing Imminent Attack (tags)
September 30, 2006 - The below is from Nancy Davies, who is based in Oaxaca and writes frequently on the situation there for Narco News. While the threat of a mass attack has seemed to always be in the air, the situation in recent days has really escalated. Now an attack seems imminent.
The word I have now is that there are about 5,000 men wearing army uniforms who are not army, but police, culled from other states like Vercruz and Morelia, that is to say, this is a PRI operation, not the federal troops, altho I don't know how our source explains the "naval" helicopters (maybe not?). The "police" are heavily armed, and the attack is supposed to happen around 10:00 PM Oaxaca time. The attack, code name cicloncinco, was revealed by the same person who informed our friend that there would be a drive-by shooting last night, which came true.
Alerta en Oaxaca, inminente asalto militar, infórmate por los medios libres (tags)
Alerta roja por inminente asalto militar en Oaxaca, infórmate por los medios libres, comunitarios e independientes
Por un gobierno de los obreros y campesinos en México (tags)
• La respuesta al fraude electoral no es López Obrador, es la extensión y centralización de las Asambleas Populares a todos los niveles por todos los estados de México
Terror Continues in Oaxaca (tags)
Armed police caravaned about Oaxaca Tuesday morning shooting at protesters, leaving one teacher dead.
Oaxaca media under violent attack (tags)
Paramilitaries and police in Oaxaca have begun a violent campaign to shut down all media operations critical of the Ulises Ruis regime.
In these moments, - via radio broadcasts from the brave Oaxacan women who peacefully occupied the Channel 9 TV station last tuesday - APPO calls for a RED ALERT in order to reinforce all current blocking of local, state and federal government buildings and Channel 9 amidst the threat of intense police activity in the states capitol.
500 Women Take Over TV Station in Bloodless Coup Against State/Corporate Media (tags)
author: The women of Oaxaca Rock!
la única esperanza de cambio para los migrantes es la que viene construyendo el pueblo organizado y que ahora confluye en La Otra Campaña, por lo que hicieron un llamado a todos los presentes, primero, a mantenerse informados de lo que realmente acontece en México y a organizarse mejor a nivel local, para inegrarse a La Otra Campaña pues esta lucha durará mucho tiempo.
Call for CIPO-RFM Tour - West Coast and South West (tags)
Proposed tour for the Popular Indigenous Council of Oaxaca – Ricardo Flores Magón (CIPO-RFM)in the South West and West Coast (with proposed kick off event in Los Angeles). The CIPO-RFM is an autonomous organization of indigenous and non-indigenous people who ally themselves with the struggle for indigenous rights and social justice all over the world