fix articles 61001, national governors association
class war
Lawless Spying in America to Obstruct First Amendment Freedoms (tags)
lawless spying
The Recession Is Over, the Depression Just Beginning (tags)
America's economy is dire and worsening
Health Care Reform, Obama Style (tags)
health care reform
The Global Economic Crisis - Bad and Worsening (tags)
the crisis is deepening
The Real ID Act is REAL Scary (tags)
There are 245 million drivers in America, and each one must physically re-enroll at a state DMV to verify their identity with the appropriate documents, all by May 2008. "
Israel's Control Over Washington (tags)
Is there really any doubt that Jewish Americans call all the shots in Washington?
Does this man really deserve your vote? (tags)
At best, Dean represents the Democratic Party’s recognition that it has lost the support of many liberals--and an attempt to pull them back into the fold in 2004. But Dean is certain to move rightward once he has won the support of progressives and knows that he can count on their votes--in the hopes of appearing more "electable" to the political establishment.
Dean vs. Kucinich - comparision in a nutshell (tags)
good quick summary
Howard Dean supporters, stop sleep walking. He's not a true progressive (tags)
repost from Portland IMC noting must-read articles about Dean -- and his limitations. Kucinich is a true progressive that doesn't simply make stuff up along the way in accord to political winds -- and even if you don't think he's electable, supporting him now through early primaries can really push the debate into areas we want to have sunshine
Congress skips town, snubs kids and jobless (tags)
The 107th Congress adjourned on Nov. 22 after refusing to provide extended unemployment benefits to nearly a million unemployed workers, cutting the availability of Section 8 housing vouchers, denying health care to more than 900,000 children and refusing to provided federal aid to states facing the worst fiscal crisis since World War II. It did, however, find the money for a $2 billion Election Day pay off to drug companies and a promised $100 billion to insurance companies.
Israel is Buying Our Politicians! (tags)
According to a Fortune magazine survey of Washington insiders, the second most powerful lobby in the United States is the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee, or AIPAC. A tape transcript in which former AIPAC president David Steiner discusses lobbying activities on behalf of the Israeli government reveals the blatant corruption in the American political system.
Governors Get Free SUVs, Gas Money (tags)
Governors attending the National Governors Association meeting in Rhode Island this weekend will drive gas-guzzling sport utility vehicles provided free of charge by General Motors Corp.