fix articles 6094, recognition Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : recognition


What does the recognition of the state of Palestine by Norway, Ireland and Spain mean? (tags)

Israel risks a diplomatic tsunami because of its government policy. In recent weeks, this tsunami has begun to descend on Netanyahu... Israel is also being investigated by the International Criminal Court for alleged genocide at the instigation of South Africa.

De la mécanographie au numérique (tags)

Données statistiques pour un contrôle généralisé...

A Declaration of Independence (tags)

Utopia resolutely in sight But all those pillars of a free democratic basic order must have stood on feet of clay anyway, must have been more dummies than real basic pillars, otherwise they could not have been washed away so quickly, easily and thoroughly. We are now called upon to tread truly new paths.

The US under President Trump: Gravedigger of International Law (tags)

The US collaboratively built international law and its institutions and had an authoritative influence for more than 100 years.The US shows an unparalleled contempt for international law by recognizing Israeli sovereignty over the Syrian Golan Heights.

EU Parliament Recognizes Palestinian Statehood (tags)


PLO Security Council Statehood Bid (tags)


Over-the-Top Israeli Policies (tags)


Recognizing Palestinian Self-Determination (tags)


UK Parliament Supports Palestinian Statehood (tags)


Philippines: Dismantling the Marcoses' "Empire of Memory" (tags)

Statement of Akbayan Chairperson Risa Hontiveros on the 42nd year commemoration of the declaration of Martial Law

Myriad Google Crimes (tags)

Some Categories Of Google Crimes: Promoting Illegal Wars, Worldwide Sleuthing, Censorship, Spying on Chidlren

U.N. Vote on Palestinian Recognition Blocked by U.S., Israel and Germany (tags)

The right wing government of Germany under Chancellor Angela Merkel has made the unfortunate choice to side with the U.S. and Israel in blocking Palestinian recognition in the upcoming United Nations vote. However France, Spain, U.K. and many other nations are going to act with ethics to support Palestinian statehood instead of caving in to the imperialist whims of U.S. and Israeli pressures to maintain their state sanctioned apartheid and discrimination against the Palestinian people.

Appeal for Executive Order for Full Recognition of Filipino WW II Veterans (tags)

“Everybody should play by the same rule.” Mr. President, we appeal to you for Executive Order for Full Recognition of Filipino WW II V... eterans . We are the Filipino WW II veterans and their widows who have defended this nation and decisively won a war to keep Americans safe. Yet, to this day we have to fight for the basic right of full recognition of our US military service. This year, the US Congress due to direct opposition of the Republican leadership has failed to approve an equity bill that would have reversed chronic injustice and racial discrimination. We appeal that as we bring the fight to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco on November 5, 2012 , that you issue an Executive Order to provide full recognition to the Filipino WW II veterans as full American veterans.

No More Israel in 10 Years (tags)


Texas Rep. Ron Paul, 90 Congress Leaders Supports Equity of Filipino WW II Vets (tags)

A week after the Bataan Day celebration, lobbyists will visit the US Congress the second time in a month’s time to press for sub-committee hearing on HR 210, “The Filipino Veterans Fairness Act of 2011,” which will provide full recognition to the US military services of the remaining 50,000 Filipino WW II veterans and full benefits to the veterans, widows, and their families. Lobbyists find inspiration in Texas Rep. Ron Paul, a war veteran himself and Republican presidential candidate who openly endorsed the bill in a public rally in Nevada. “We are pleased to announce Ron Paul’s unwavering legacy of supporting veterans by announcing he will support and co-sponsor HR 210,” said John Tate, national campaign manager. “HR 210 provides a small thank you for an enormous debt of gratitude owed the Philippines and America’s most heroic individuals.”

Tribe Thanks Secretary Salazar For Righting Wrongs Of The Past (tags)

The Kawaiisu Tribe of Tejon thanks Secretary Ken Salazar for “Reaffirming” the Tribe to the list of Federally Recognized Tribes in the United States. “Reaffirming of Recognition,” means that Congress and the President of the United States recognize the Tribe through the Treaty, because the Treaty represents prior Federal Recognition. The United States now is back in compliance with the Treaty, except for the Tejon Reservation and Graves issues.

Israeli West Bank Annexation Bill (tags)


Islamic Lebanese Divorce in U.S. Courts (tags)

American men with Lebanese ancestry may travel to Lebanon in order to obtain quick divorces. In such a situation, the man leaves most of his property, children, and wife in the United States. But could the divorce obtained in such a way be entitled to recognition and enforcement in the United States?

HR 2829 Targets Palestinian Statehood (tags)


Israeli/Washington Peace Process Rejectionism (tags)


Palestinian Divisions on Statehood (tags)


Muslim Iranian Divorce in USA (tags)

Muslim men with Iranian passports may choose to go back to Iran and obtain a fast track divorce in that country by stating three times, “I divorce my wife” in the presence of two male witnesses, show proof of the “mahr” payment, record the divorce in Iran, authenticate the documents, return back to the U.S. and seek recognition and enforcement of the Iranian divorce in a state court.

Pakistani Islamic Divorce in U.S. Courts (tags)

Pakistani men residing in the U.S. travel to their homeland to get divorce decrees from Pakistan. They return back to the United States and seek recognition and enforcement of the Pakistani Islamic divorce decree in a state court. This article deals with the issues related to Pakistani Islamic divorce in U.S. courts.

Palestinian Statehood and Other Political Issues (tags)


18th World Water Day: Uphold right to water, Philippine Pres. Aquino told (tags)

MANILA, Philippines – Disappointed with the muddled position of the current administration in recognizing one of the most basic human rights, around 200 members of the Freedom from Debt Coalition took to the streets Tuesday urging President Benigno S. Aquino III to step up and uphold the human right to water.

Israel Hardens Repression as Palestinian Recognition Increases (tags)

holiday season state terrorism


The lawsuits were borne out of the deep frustration, anger and longing of veterans and families to seek recognition and justice. The US Congress failed to deliver justice and so people have the right to seek the power of the courts to tell Congress to do its job.” That was the response sent by three veterans groups to this writer’s blog last Nov. 17 that discussed the repercussions of lawsuits filed by Filipino World War II veterans, their widows and supporters on Capitol Hill. The rejoinder bore the names of Dolly Castillo, Coordinator of the Filipino-American WWII Veterans’ Widows of Washington in Seattle, WA; Maria Galang, President of the Association of Widows, Advocates and Relatives for Equality (AWARE) in San Francisco, CA; and Jovy Alejandrino, Vice President of the Senior Pilipino-Americans for Community Empowerment (SPACE) in Los Angeles, CA.


“The lawsuits were borne out of the deep frustration, anger and longing of veterans and families to seek recognition and justice. The US Congress failed to deliver justice and so people have the right to seek the power of the courts to tell Congress to do its job.” That was the response sent by three veterans groups to this writer’s blog last Nov. 17 that discussed the repercussions of lawsuits filed by Filipino World War II veterans, their widows and supporters on Capitol Hill. The rejoinder bore the names of Dolly Castillo, Coordinator of the Filipino-American WWII Veterans’ Widows of Washington in Seattle, WA; Maria Galang, President of the Association of Widows, Advocates and Relatives for Equality (AWARE) in San Francisco, CA; and Jovy Alejandrino, Vice President of the Senior Pilipino-Americans for Community Empowerment (SPACE) in Los Angeles, CA. In our blog, we reported how some key supporters on Capitol Hill, principally Hawaii Senator Daniel Inouye, chairman of the influential appropriations committee, were hurt by the lawsuits that appeared to criticize shortcomings in the Filipino Veterans Equity Compensation (FVEC) bill which provided a single lump-sum payment for surviving veterans here and in the Philippines.


We write to you on the 64th anniversary of the Rescission Act—that took away for the first time, the full recognition of the US military services of the Filipino World War II veterans who fought in defense of an American territory in Asia. The timing also marks the first year after the “lump sum” was granted after the approval of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009, and the denial of 41,000 applicants as reported by the Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA). Though the “lump sum” of $15,000 for American citizens and $9,000 for non-citizens fell short of the lifetime monthly pension and lifetime benefits granted to all American veterans, it did provide a temporary monetary relief to many impoverished veterans.

Letter to President Obama (tags)

We write to you on the 64th anniversary of the Rescission Act—that took away for the first time, the full recognition of the US military services of the Filipino World War II veterans who fought in defense of an American territory in Asia. The timing also marks the first year after the “lump sum” was granted after the approval of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009, and the denial of 41,000 applicants as reported by the Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA). Though the “lump sum” of $15,000 for American citizens and $9,000 for non-citizens fell short of the lifetime monthly pension and lifetime benefits granted to all American veterans, it did provide a temporary monetary relief to many impoverished veterans.


On February 18, 1946, the US Congress passed and President Truman signed Public Law 70-301, known as the "Rescission Act of 1946" - affecting close to half a million Filipinos who fought side by side with the Americans in the WAR against Imperial Japan in the Pacific. These Filipino Veterans who gallantly served America and suffered torture and even death in the hands of its enemy found themselves fighting the longest battle of their lives: 63 years of struggle to be recognized as full Veterans of Foreign War and gain all benefits accorded to such status.

The Israelis should have made peace (tags)

while they had the complaint Abbas in charge


What Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) was saying all along was validated by ACFV leaders in Washington and the RP embassy itself. As of July only more than 2,000 veterans have received their claims out of the 35,000 who applied since February 2009 While the passage in February of the “equity compensation” legislation brought so much hope and rejoicing for thousands of Filipino World War II veterans who, for decades, had lobbied for recognition for their war-time services to the United States,six months later, most of these veterans, now in the late 80s are still waiting for the one-time, lump-sum compensation which went with the recognition of their military services.

Indian Divorce in U.S. Courts (tags)

Many Indian nationals had their marriages in India and domicile in the United States. They travel back to India for the purpose of obtaining divorce judgments according to the Hindu law. The issue of jurisdiction becomes important factor for the recognition of their foreign divorce judgments in the United States. This article analyzes this issue.


The Alliance Philippines (AJLPP) gives the Filipino Veterans a red salute for the commemoration of the 67th anniversary of the fall of Bataan, April 9, 1942. We also pay tribute to both the living and the departed veterans of that war. Bataan is not only a symbol of resistance, Filipino patriotism and bravery but also a living testament of the Filipino people's will to fight and defeat fascism in the Philippines and the whole of Asia. Greatest Contribution It is one of he greatest contribution of the Filipino people to the free world in defeating fascism in Asia and liberating a large portion of the Philippines even before the Americans reoccupied the Philippines. In the process we lost one million people, our cities like Manila, Baguio and Dagupan and almost he whole Philippines were destroyed.

JFAV Commemorates 67th Bataan Day (tags)

The Filipino American community in the United States and the Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) militantly salutes all Filipino and Americans veterans, living or departed for the 67th Anniversary of the fall of Bataan, April 9, 1942. For their heroism in Bataan, Corregidor and other battlefields in the Philippines, the brave soldiers and guerillas held the line for more than three months and farther on for another three more years waging a fierce war of resistance against the Japanese fascist invaders. For their bravery the American people should honor the Filipinos and reward them with the recognition and benefits that they deserve. Because of their steadfast defense, the men in Bataan -- the Allied powers most specially the United States bought time and was able to prepare defenses and later on wage a counter attack to liberate the countries occupied by Japan and eventually defeat Japan during the war.


Just what kind of recognition and victory did the veterans get? The word “recognition” in the text of the Section 1002 of the stimulus bill signed into law by President Barack Obama pertains exclusively for the purpose of issuing the lump sum. As soon as lump sum is issued, the recognition shall immediately disappear. Notice how the text was very clear in saying that the lump sum was a “compensation for human suffering.”— not a recognition of wartime heroism and valor. If the intention of this provision is to tax-exempt, then just say the lump sum is non-taxable, but without a condescending term as “human suffering.”


LUMP SUM IS NOT EQUITY! Scores of activist and advocates led by the Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) and the newly formed Association of Widows, Advocates and Relatives of veterans for Equality (AWARE) held a protest rally at the INS Federal Building in 300 Los Angeles St in downtown LA in commemoration of International Women’s Day last March 9 from 4:00 to 6:00 PM


This letter is in response to the column by Mr. Rodel Rodis that appeared in Philippines Today, Filam Star and Philippine News, and another by Senator Leland Yee in Manila Mail in the March 4-10 newspaper issue. Both writers much like leaders of the mendicant Philippine government herald the passage of the lump sum as a victory for the veterans in that their war service is now recognized, and that they finally got the benefits they deserve and fought for, for the last 63 years. Just what kind of recognition and victory did the veterans get? The word “recognition” in the text of the Section 1002 of the stimulus bill signed into law by President Barack Obama pertains exclusively for the purpose of issuing the lump sum. As soon as lump sum is issued, the recognition shall immediately disappear. Notice how the text was very clear in saying that the lump sum was a “compensation for human suffering.”— not a recognition of wartime heroism and valor. If the intention of this provision is to tax-exempt, then just say the lump sum is non-taxable, but without a condescending term as “human suffering.”


The Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) expresses its opposition to the lump sum provision included in the Stimulus Bill or the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, Section 1001. Title X. In the Stimulus bill that passed, the lump sum bill still has a “quit claim” or a foreclosure to any claim for a lifetime full pension benefit. While the $15, 000 for US citizens or $9,000 for non US citizens may provide temporary relief, THERE IS NO PROVISION FOR RECOGNITION!


The approved lump sum included in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009-- $15,000 for the US citizens and $9,000 for non-US citizens may provide temporary monetary relief for many. However, this is not a cause for celebration let alone thanksgiving. This is yet another piecemeal legislation that fails to address the grave injustices committed against the Filipinos when on February 18, 1946, the US Congress enacted the Rescission Act that deemed the US military services of the Filipinos inactive, thereby, denying them of their rights and privileges as American veterans. Of the at least 60 nationalities that served the US during World War 2, the Filipinos were singled out to receive unequal treatment as their American counterparts who fought side by side with them during the war.

The First Phase Needed in Passing the Employee Free Choice Act is to Overturn the NLRB (tags)

Card Check Ruling on Dana-Metaldyne.


A groups of San Francisco Filipino World War II veterans sent a petition to Speaker Nancy Pelosi at the San Francisco State Building to expresses grave concern on the fate of the Stimulus Bill on which the Filipino veterans benefits bill that now hangs by a thread. While the Stimulus bill passed the Senate last Tuesday, Feb 10, it will still go to a bicameral conference. The San Francisco Filipino veterans and their advocates sent the petition to the Speaker office last February 10, to make sure that it will not suffer the fate of S. 1315.


The Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) expresses grave concern on the fate of the Stimulus Bill on which the Filipino veterans benefits bill is now hangs by a thread. While the US Senate passed the Stimulus bill, it will still go on a bicameral conference to settle its differences and the veterans befits bill is in danger of being dropped again. Senator Inouye inserted the benefits bill and promised to resign as Senate Appropriations chair if the Filipino veterans bill does not pass. On February 18, 2009 is the 63rd anniversary of the Rescission Act that took away the rights of the Filipinos to get equal benefits. The Congress did this to the Filipinos out of around 60 nationalities who served the US Armed Forces.


Los Angeles – The Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) expresses grave concern on the fate of the Stimulus Bill on which the Filipino veterans benefits bill is now hangs by a thread. This February 18, 2009 is the 63rd anniversary of the Rescission Act that took away the rights of the Filipinos to get equal benefits. The Congress did this to the Filipinos out of around 60 nationalities who served the US Armed Forces. If this is not outright racism, what is this?

Can we rebuild the labor movement with the Employee Free Choice Act? (tags)

Much has been said in the United States labor movement around the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA), a bill many mainstream leaders tout as the solution to the decline of unions. With the recent election of Barrack Obama and the Democratic Party holding the majority of seats in both houses of the US Congress, these same leaders have their hearts set that their millions of dollars in campaign contributions will pay off with the passage of the bill.


We stand to educate and politicize the community on the issue as opposed to the advice of the Philippine government’s representative for veterans to “keep quiet for the next four months.” We empower the Filipino and the American communities if they know the historical injustice, facts and options as only an educated people can bring about real change to the how the US government regard the veterans. Veterans and advocates for genuine equity are on a crossroad now. Is it lump sum first or full recognition and lifetime pension benefit right away? This paper attempts to provoke discussion among veterans, widows, families, advocates and the public in general.


We, in the Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) now, a full pledged national organization based in Los Angeles ,salutes and pay the highest tribute to Jack Tejada. He was a tireless freedom fighter in the fullest meaning of the word. Commander Jack Tejada is from New Jersey but he represents all the veterans in the United States wherever they maybe. He is regular lobbyist in Washington D.C He fought for our freedom as a soldier of the Philippines and America. And did his part in winning World War II. But he did not stop there. He continued to fight for freedom and justice for the benefits and the recognition that they truly deserve and was taken away from them


The Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) together with the Society of Guerillas and Scouts (SGS) will hold an organizing meeting for widows and relatives of Filipino World War II veterans on Monday, at 10:00 AM December 8, 2008 at the Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center at Fountain St/Vermont, CA 90027. The event will mark the formal entry of the United States into the Second World War with the bombing of Pearl Harbor by the Japanese in Hawaii on December 7, 1941.


Good news! The US Congress extended their sessions for the next two weeks because the bailout bill was defeated in the lower house. For us this will a new window of opportunity to pass the SB 1315 with recognition and restored benefits for our WWI veterans. The next two weeks Sept 30-OCT 10, 2008 WILL BE CRUCIAL because the joint Congress conference committee will decide how to reconcile the two disparate bills- SB 1315 and HR 6897 that gives nothing to the Filipino veterans.

Remember ther Recission Act, Fight Racism and Racial Discrimination! (tags)

On February 18th, we commemorate the 62nd year of the infamous Rescission Act. On February 18, 1946, the 79th US Congress removed the benefits and all entitlements for 250,000 Filipino World War II veterans by stating “their military service were not deemed active”. By a stroke of a pen,the US government removed the recognition of the wartime services and the sacrifices of the Filipino nation during World War II. For 62 years, Filipino veterans suffered discrimination and racism. Of all 66 nationalities that served the American flag, only the Filipinos were excluded from their benefits and recognition. To add insult to injury, the promise that they will given citizenship was granted later in 1990, when the immigration reform bill was passed.


REMEMBER THE RESCISSION ACT! The Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) an alliance of veterans, community, youth, students and other groups will hold a two-day event recognizing the contributions of Filipino veterans of WWII, as well as the injustices they continue to endure. On February 18, 1946, 672 years ago, the 79th US Congress passed the infamous Rescission Act that removed the recognition to 250,000 Filipino American veterans who served during the Second World War. The first event called JFAV EDUCATION AND ACTION FORUM will be held on February 18 from 9:00 to 2:00 PM at the Lake St. Park Community Center . The forum seeks to study more about the Filipino Veteran's Struggle and strategize ways to gain justice and equity in 2008 The second mass action will be held on Tuesday, February 19, 2008 from 8 AM to 12 PM. Called the MARCH FOR EQUITY AND JUSTICE, the JFAV is calling on everyone join in calling for full recognition, benefits, and family reunification for Filipino Veterans.

Pete Seeger for Nobel Peace Prize (tags)

Pete Seeger has worked for Peace and Social Justice over the course of his 87 year lifetime. We can be influential in getting him nominated for the honor he deserves.

“Equity and Justice Through Unity“ Conference on March 10-11 at UCLA (tags)

Equity and Justice Through Unity“ Conference. Collectivizing our Efforts to Attain Full Recognition for Filipino World War II veterans- will be held on March 10-11, 2007 at Kerchoff Hall, UCLA in Los Angeles, CA 90095. Gathering more momentum for the passage of the Equity Bill after the successful February 15 hearing at the US House of Representatives in Washington DC, the Filipino American community in Los Angeles led by the Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) and the Samahang Pilipino at UCLA will holding the conference . The Veteran, Student, and Community Educational Conference theme is "Collectivizing our efforts to attain full recognition for Filipino World War II veterans." This is to follow-up and activate more pro-active advocacy for the passage of the veterans equity bill.

Mexican journalists give recognition to Indymedia Mexico and to Brad Will (tags)

* The Journalists Club of Mexico (El Club de Periodistas de Mexico) and the Antonio Sáenz de Miera Foundation recognize the "cooperation without orders" of Indymedia Mexico. * Bradley Ronald Will, murdered in Oaxaca, receives a posthumous recognition for his important informative work.

All out for April 10 National Mobilization (tags)

The Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV), an alliance of veterans, community, youth and students organizations in southern California, commemorates the 64th year of the Fall of Bataan, April 9, 1942. It also calls for total and all out support for the April 10 national mobilization for full immigrants rights on April 10 and May 1.

Remember Bataan, Fight for Recognition, Justice and Equity! (tags)

The Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV), an alliance of veterans, community, youth and students organizations in southern California, commemorates the 64th year of the Fall of Bataan, April 9, 1942 Today, we mark the Bataan Day. Why is it important to us? April 9 is a national holiday in the Philippines. Bataan became a byword in the United States because the United States Armed Forces in the Far East (USAFFFE) resisted the Japanese conquest of the Philippines and held their lines from December 10, 1942 until they were forced to surrender on April 9, 1942.

New Child Actor Awards Announced (tags)

A new award is added to the Hollywood award season calendar with CARE 2005 (Child Actor Recognition Event) slated for Universal Studios Hollywood in March 2005.

Your Photograph Can Kill You (tags)

The third article in a series detailing extermination plans under the Bush administration

Robert (Ruckus) Middaugh-Olivarria Trail to Begin (tags)

Robert (Ruckus) Middaugh-Olivarria Trail is to Begin on Jan. 20th 9:00 AM at United States District Courthouse 312 North Spring Street Los Angeles, CA 90012 in Hon. William Matthew Byrne, Jr. Court Room

Robert (Ruckus) Middaugh-Olivarria (tags)

Robert (Ruckus) Middaugh-Olivarria's trail is to begin Jan. 20 9:00 AM at United States Courthouse 312 North Spring Street Los Anageles, CA 90012 in Hon. William Matthew Byrne, Jr. Court Room.

Call to LA & OC Indigenous People... (tags)

Come join us tomorrow, more details below...

"No Thanks" Presentation in OC This Sunday (tags)

Please see below

"No Thanks" Presentation/Educational Forum 11/23/03 (tags)

Please see below.

Ten Reasons for Not Legalizing Prostitution (tags)

Legitimating prostitution as "work" does not empower the women in prostitution.

Basque? What is that?! (tags)

Who are the Basques and why does Spain call their culture terrorist? What is the truth?

Draft Michael Moore '04 (tags)

Action at the Academy Awards: Get Michael Moore to Run for President!

Political Strategy: PFLP (tags)

The strategic vision of the PFLP is based on the following: 1. liberation from Israeli occupation 2. construction of a democratic society 3. recognition that the Palestinian people are an integral part of the Arab Nation 4. recognition that the Palestinian struggle is part of the international, democratic struggle toward liberation, progress, democracy, and social justice

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