fix articles 60497, containing
Tree Fruit: Most Nonviolent, Healthiest, Most Food Yielding, Most Reforesting, (tags)
Tree fruit is the only food containing the seeds of immortality, the only food not from killing or stealing, the most nonviolent, the healthiest, the most food producing, the most reforesting
Sarin Nerve Agent Bomb Explodes in Iraq (tags)
And so it goes that a roadside bomb has exploded in Iraq. It was a 155-millimeter artillery round containing the deadly nerve gas. Hmmmm -- looks like a WMD and looks like it was found in Iraq by the bad guys who used it against our military. I suppose Sheepdog will claim it was planted by the CIA.
Bitter pill to swallow: Rush is free while Paey pays (tags)
Paey is disabled as a result of a 1985 car accident, failed back surgery, and multiple sclerosis. Today he sits in a Florida jail for illegally obtaining more than 28 grams of painkillers containing the narcotic oxycodone.
Mark of the Beast Technology to Be Implemented in EU (tags)
Europe is following the US in the snoop technology of the century. They will be supplying their citizens a health indentity card with an embedded microchip. Sounds good, but wait there's a catch. You will be able to be tracked everywhere you go, and have a brand with you almost like the cow. Plans are to eventually inject these into your beautiful body. Could this be the mark of the beast talked about in the Christian Bible? Could this be the final way to keep track of all of us without employing so many security guards, and policemen? Could this be a method of marking certain types of people as they did in the Holocaust? Please read the story from and decide if this is what you want?
EU ratifies UN Biosafety Proposal (tags)
"The protocol lets countries ban imports of a genetically-modified product if they feel there is not enough scientific evidence the product is safe and requires exporters to label shipments containing genetically-altered commodties such as corn or cotton."
"Pig Nation": editorial cartoon by Mike Flugennock (tags)
Americans, don't let our brave troops' sacrifices be in vain! Flex up that credit card, do your duty! Consume for your Country!