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‘apuuchen ‘a’aan / Gathering of Seed (tags)
‘apuuchen ‘a’aan A Gabrielino/Tongva phrase meaning “the gathering of seed” To recognize and honor the Gabrielino/Tongva as the host people of this area
Border Patrol raids in the Inland Empire since December (tags)
TOTAL RAIDS (minimum): 28 raids
Confirmed---6 Day Laborers Kidnapped (tags)
Press Conference Re: 6 Day Laborers Kidnapped and Death of a Worker Leader
Day Laborer, Companero, Friend to many--Killed Sat. during MinuteKLAN's 5 de mayo protest (tags)
Don Jose Fernando, 57 years old, elder to many and regarded as the "moral leader" of the Rancho Cucamonga Day Labor site on Arrow Hwy and Grove St., was killed by car during MinuteKLAN's 5 de mayo protest. The harrasing presence & distraction of the RACISTS held responsible -and- the DAY LABOR SITE that Don Jose fought for is DEMANDED even with even greater force!!!
Pilgrimage for Human Rights (tags)
Activists from the Inland Empire and Los Angeles are uniting for a 4 day march in support of immigrant and worker rights, especially in support of SB 60 and the UFCW Grocery store workers.
Health care volunteers and supplies needed for Gulf War II protests - Please Join Us! (tags)
Health care volunteers and supplies needed for Gulf War II protests - Please Join Us! Physicians For Social Responsibility - Los Angeles will be helping to coordinate health care professionals (MD's, DO's, NP's, RN's, PA's, EMT's, etc) and others volunteering to provide health care at the site of the large protests planned in various locations around Southern California after the beginning of Gulf War II.
“No War on Iraq!” Thurs. Protest! (tags)
Air strikes on Baghdad have begun. Join the Asians\Pacific Islander Contingent at the Westwood Federal Building protest, March 20th (5 pm), and say “No War on Iraq!”
George W. Bush has issued his ultimatum. War is imminent. Now more than ever are We the People compelled to come out and voice our opposition to this dangerous unilateral invasion. Please join one of the vigils below on the day the bombing starts - it won't be too late:
Health care volunteers and supplies needed for Gulf War II protests - Please Join Us! (tags)
Physicians For Social Responsibility - LA will be helping to coordinate health care professionals (MD's, DO's, NP's, RN's, PA's, EMT's, etc) volunteering to provide health care at the site of the large protests planned in Southern California upon the beginning of Gulf War II. Health care providers who can donate their services and/or supplies may contact PSR-LA for further information. We look forward to hearing from you!