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red brigades


Repechage di mio studio suglli ambigui rapporti di negri con le autorità più deviate d´italia e del mondo, 2023


rapporti documentati tra negri e agente cia

Inside the paranoid Maoist cults of 1970s Britain (tags)

The couple accused in the case of alleged “domestic slavery” in London were reportedly the leaders of a tiny Maoist sect, the Workers’ Institute of Marxism-Leninism-Mao Zedong Thought, which had gone “underground” in the late 1970s. To understand how the Workers’ Institute ended up so far off the radar, we need to understand where they came from – the strange world of radical Maoist politics in 1970s London.

Nato's Secret Armies (tags)

waging war against peace

A Look at our anti-Terrorism abilities (tags)

Terrorists have been able to develop their own sources of financing, which range from charities to illegal enterprises such as growing, producing and trafficking in narcotics, extortion, kidnapping and smuggling drugs and humans.

British Troops Set Loose By Violent Jailbreak Had Been Caught, Red-Handed, Engaged in St (tags)

British Troops Caught Planting Explosives in Basra? Do you remember that British Officials admitted that they drew the borders of the Middle East eighty years ago in such a way as to expressly keep the region fighting amongst themselves?

The 911 Cover-up is starting to Unravel (tags)

Happenings: Los Angles Grand Jury finds 911 story FALSE, Rove leak tied to diversion of AIPAC and top Cheney aids complicity in selling Iran nuclear detonators Are leading to the unravelling of the 911 Cover-Up.

BREAKING: Evidence mounts that London bombings were a state-sponsored "inside job&qu (tags)

Attentive journalists have already uncovered solid evidence that the London bombings were an "inside job," orchestrated--or at least "allowed" to happen--by industry and government insiders (US, UK, and/or others). Just like last year's Madrid train bombings, and just like 9/11. Read the following aticles and book excerpts, and spread the word! WE HAVE A CHANCE RIGHT NOW--BEFORE THE GOVERNMENT AND MEDIA SPIN A MYTH THAT WILL EXPAND THEIR WARS--TO DEMAND AND LEARN THE TRUTH.

False Flag Over London (tags)

The first signs that 7/7 was a false flag op like 9/11 were already apparent on the day. It was a classic train bombing in the tradition of "NATO's Secret Army" - covert ops assets like the "Red Brigades" and Madrid patsies.

False Flag over London (tags)

Will the sheeple become the lamb chops served up on the table of greed? Or will the become human again by some miracle of courage?

False Flag over London (tags)

Will the sheeple continue to be lamb chops on the alter of greed? Or become human by some miracle of couage?

911 Truth Inquiry Event Sat. Oct 23 in LA (tags) presents "SOLVING THE 9/11 Crime - Join the Citizens’ Grand Jury" International Experts Convene in person & on film to Present Evidence in LA, Sat. Oct. 23 5 -11 p.m. Bob Hope Center in Person - Authors and Researchers Webster Tarpley, Chris Bollyn, Barbara Honegger, Jim Hoffman, Don Paul ON Video: Mindy Kleinberg, David Ray Griffin, Paul Thompson, Nafeez Ahmed, Michael Springmann, Sen. Mark Dayton Plus + Premiere of New Edition of George Bush: The Unauthorized Autobiography

911 Truth Inquiry Event Sat. Oct 23 in LA (tags) presents "SOLVING THE 9/11 Crime - Join the Citizens’ Grand Jury" International Experts Convene in person & on film to Present Evidence in LA, Sat. Oct. 23 5 -11 p.m. Bob Hope Center in Person - Authors and Researchers Webster Tarpley, Chris Bollyn, Barbara Honegger, Jim Hoffman, Don Paul ON Video: Mindy Kleinberg, David Ray Griffin, Paul Thompson, Nafeez Ahmed, Michael Springmann, Sen. Mark Dayton Plus + Premiere of New Edition of George Bush: The Unauthorized Autobiography

The next Coming Attraction. (tags)

Now is the time to awake the people . To a prediction that if disseminated would bring to the boiling point the rage of knowing you've been lied to and B-F'ed. Big time. If ANYONE hits us, its the CRIMINAL government's fault. 'BRING IT ON?'

After Madrid attacks, Poland expects worst (tags)

The Madrid attacks have emboldened Polish critics of the war and have put an already fragile government, which has a 9 percent approval rating, on the defensive over its Iraq policy.

Join The Electronic Civil Disobedience Against Puppy Killers (tags)

On the 15th-19th of December there will be a Electronic Civil Disobedience (ECD) against Huntingdon Life Scienes Customer Yamanouchi. When Michele Rokke worked undercover at HLS in 1997 she reported that Yamanouchi were a customer. They were due to carry out a leg-breaking experiment on 37 beagles where their legs were due to be snapped with steel wire. An HLS worker joked about the dogs, saying “they should just break all their legs so they’ll be easier to work with.” He joked about how great it would be to move them from cage to cage if all their legs were broken

JFK, 9-11, and the REAL America: Tying It All Together (tags)

An organic reconsideration of US history and major "conspiracy theories" of the past 40 years, including those pertaining to the 9-11 attack, and how they shed light on America's present drift into fascism.

War on terrorism is a fraud (tags)

These are two fine articles from earlier that have been published on Independent Media Center. The first one is about the war on terrorism and the second one is about the oppressive system and what we can do together to make a real change. They interrelate. The first article lay out facts about the violent hegemony of US and the second article present concrete solutions to the situation. Please, take time to read them, print them and distribute them.

9/11 In Context: Plans and Counterplans (tags)

The Global Fascist Terror State has arrived, the fruit of decades of planning, propaganda and provocation. September 11 was its coming-out party, and for us, the last wake-up call.

Rome, 2 millions protest! What is really happening in Italy ? (tags)


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