fix articles 59735, if american Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : if american

if american

La domestication de l'espèce humaine (tags)

Via, voilà le via...

Promises, Promises: Obama Rebuffs Invites to Stand with [Wisconsin] Workers (tags)

Send Obama and the Democrats a message and change your voter registration status to "Green Party" or "Peace & Freedom"! (Last years' Prop. 14 eliminated partisan primary elections, so there's really isn't any reason left to be a registered Democrat). Postage-paid voter registration cards are available at most libraries and post offices -- fill out one today!

Good stiff drink (tags)


ADL’s Insidious Hate Crime Law (tags)

This last month there have been reports on the Internet that the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) was re-introduci ng a federal hate law called the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act. But the human reality is that you have a right to hate—it is part of your emotional makeup. You have a right to be who you are—a creature of feelings and thoughts and attitudes. Or to put it another way, you have a right to be a “sentient” being which includes the right to experience hatred. This law was designed to censor debate on the Zionist issue.

ADL’s Insidious Hate Crime Law (tags)

This last month there have been reports on the Internet that the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) was re-introduci ng a federal hate law called the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act. But the human reality is that you have a right to hate—it is part of your emotional makeup. You have a right to be who you are—a creature of feelings and thoughts and attitudes. Or to put it another way, you have a right to be a “sentient” being which includes the right to experience hatred. This law was designed to censor debate on the Zionist issue.

Your Human Right to Hate (tags)

You have a human and animal right to hatred. Man has been described by philosophers and anthropologists as a creature somewhere between an angel and an ape. But irrespective of how idealistic and divine some people and groups think mankind is capable—the fact is we, Homo sapiens, are creatures of animal impulse and ego defensiveness. You have a right to be who you are—a creature of feelings and thoughts and attitudes. Or to put it another way, you have a right to be a “sentient” being which includes the right to experience hatred.

The Tortured Language of War: Whitewashing Atroicites (tags)

If the deliberate slaughter of hundreds of civilians -- including more than a hundrend innocent children -- elicits such a timid, pathetic response from American-Arab human rights organizations--one cannot complain against the American media for being the Israeli government's apologists. If the ADC uses Orwellian language, covering up the Israeli government's heinous crimes -- can we really expect anything else from mainstream media?


Before Israel became a state in 1948, Jews world-wide were filled with the Zionist propaganda that Israel would be a homeland for all Jews, a refuge for persecuted Jews, a truly democratic country, and the fulfillment of Biblical prophecy.

Whistleblower or Drug Dealer? (tags)

Plaintiff Charles Schlund is suing George Bush for using high-tech TORTURE to silence him in order to prevent him from exposing *massive* high-level corruption in the U.S. government. The government claims that Charles Schlund is a drug user/dealer. Charles Schlund says that he does not use, sell or manufacture drugs. Who is telling the truth? Who is LYING? Charles Schlund's challenge to the U.S. government: TEST ME! Charles Schlund is willing to provide hair samples to be tested IN THE COURTROOM! His hair has not been cut in more than *ten* years. Any use of drugs in the last tens years could be detected. It is time for the government to put up or shut up. Are they willing to test him?

Keep Those Cards and Letters Comin’, Folks (tags)

Is there any chance of preventing the hammering of the last nail into America’s coffin on Coronation (formerly Inauguration) Day? Yes, but all care must be administered to our critically ill nation ere January 6, or she’s a goner for good. For more details, read on.

Heroic Fallujah (tags)

US imperialism hits a stumbling block in Fallujah and Iraq as a whole in its drive for global hegemony and corporate control.

China Expects the Collapse of the Dollar (tags)

Since 2001 the dollar has lost 40% of its value; half of the loss has occurred since April 2003. In 2004 alone, exports from China to the US rose 35%. China depends on American consumers asmuch as the US depends on China's financing of deficits.

The Sin of Gay Marriage (tags)

Despite the hysterical rhetoric of the Left, Christian activism is not based on fear or hatred or lust for power, but because (with love and honor toward God) we love our neighbors and want the best for them.

Unprincipled capitalism shouldn't be for export (tags)

The corporate scandals caused by a handful of U.S. companies have highlighted the importance of rigorously adhering to American principles and the rule of law.

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