fix articles 5972, secrets Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : secrets


fbi's unethical dogma reveals its own criminality & corruption (tags)

The modern day fbi is now revealed as dirty and murderous as the Nazi culture that the fbi/cia seek to perpetuate upon our world.

Why is KPFK still failing to thrive ? (tags)

KPFK is more than intimately tied to it's umbrella Pacifica, whose latest Executive Director has been 'fired' by some and who refuses to accept the factionalization that predominates these radio stations operations. But no actual factual information is ever available, not locally from KPFK and only malicious attacking blurbs are found online. Why do we who pay dearly to subscribe, to be members, to sponsor KPFK programs [tho not all pgrms would we chose to pay for given any free choices ] know NOTHING from our local source of 'news' and information? ?

Legitimizing Illegal Spying (tags)

police state

Secrets of the Communist Party of the Philippines (tags)

DR. MARIO Miclat’s “Secrets of the Eighteen Mansions: A Novel” (Manila: Anvil Publishing, 2010) reveals in rich detail many of the covert factors that contributed to the growth of one of our country’s biggest problems: the Communist Party of the Philippines.

Why I'm Posting Bail Money for Julian Assange (tags)

" The corporate owners have decimated newsrooms, making it impossible for good journalists to do their job. There's no time or money anymore for investigative journalism. Simply put, investors don't want those stories exposed. They like their secrets kept ... as secrets. I ask you to imagine how much different our world would be if WikiLeaks had existed 10 years ago. Take a look at this photo. That's Mr. Bush about to be handed a "secret" document on August 6th, 2001. Its heading read: "Bin Ladin Determined To Strike in US." And on those pages it said the FBI had discovered "patterns of suspicious activity in this country consistent with preparations for hijackings." Mr. Bush decided to ignore it and went fishing for the next four weeks. But if that document had been leaked, how would you or I have reacted? What would Congress or the FAA have done? Was there not a greater chance that someone, somewhere would have done something if all of us knew about bin Laden's impending attack using hijacked planes? But back then only a few people had access to that document. Because the secret was kept, a flight school instructor in San Diego who noticed that two Saudi students took no interest in takeoffs or landings, did nothing. Had he read about the bin Laden threat in the paper, might he have called the FBI? (Please read this essay by former FBI Agent Coleen Rowley, Time's 2002 co-Person of the Year, about her belief that had WikiLeaks been around in 2001, 9/11 might have been prevented.) Or what if the public in 2003 had been able to read "secret" memos from Dick Cheney as he pressured the CIA to give him the "facts" he wanted in order to build his false case for war? If a WikiLeaks had revealed at that time that there were, in fact, no weapons of mass destruction, do you think that the war would have been launched -- or rather, wouldn't there have been calls for Cheney's arrest?"

Understanding that which can only be felt (tags)

Make sure you read to the end Hence always rid yourself of desires in order to observe its secrets; But always allow yourself to have desires in order to observe its manifestations


Steps to Manifesting Your Ideal Life Over the past several weeks I’ve received dozens of email solicitations for books, CDs and videos that promise to reveal newly discovered techniques to improve my life

Eworlde's Hollywood Music Awards being sued for 7 counts of violations of the Law. (tags)

Allegations include misappropriation of trade secrets, theft of intellectual property, unfair business practices and other charges.

Secrets about the State Secrets Privilege (tags)

Four things wrong with the Bush administration's use of the State Secrets Privilege

Hypocrite-in-Chief Can't Lecture China on Rights (tags)

Bush himself has a pretty sorry record when it comes to violating civil liberties and basic human rights with a list that includes kidnapping, torture, indefinite detention without charge and even going after whistleblowers for “leaking state secrets.”

"Let Me Leave and Be Free", pleads Israeli whistleblower Vanunu. (tags)

Since April 21 2004 Mordechai Vanunu has been pleading for his freedom to leave Israel along with telling the Israeli government , and anyone else who will listen: 1. He told the truth about nuclear weapons 2. He has no more secrets to tell.

Poem to the Israeli Government: "I Have No More Secrets To Tell" (tags)

The ambiguously free man, Mordechai Vanunu

Secrets and Lies Becoming Commonplace (tags)

The initial refusal of President Bush to let his national security adviser appear under oath before the 9/11 Commission might have been in keeping with a principle followed by other presidents -- the principle being, according to Bush, that calling his advisers to testify under oath is a congressional encroachment on the executive branch's turf. (Never mind that this commission is not a congressional body, but one he created and whose members he handpicked.)


"Dubya" is owned by the Red Chinese Secret Police. He lives a fraudulent life, not as a "Christian family man", traveling around now, and since an early age, with his male sex-mate, Mayor of a sizeable southern city. And a sworn enemy of the U.S., Red China, is using this to blackmail Bush, compelling him to turn over U.S. financial, industrial, and MILITARY secrets. Fitting the U.S. Constitution's definition of TREASON. (Article Three, Section 3.)

israels secret weapon (tags)

for those who havent seen the BBC documentary that has israels govt in anti-semitic hysterics, here is the transcript

X-Files Movie Analysis, Exposing MJ-12 Savagery Via Slain Truthwarriors (tags)

Visit this all in one page, read the X-Files Movie Analysis, with supporting 'smoking gun links' including the Aids Flow Chart. Also former high level U.S. Military personel, gunned down, and infected with cancer for exposing very hidden secrets. See those secrets now. Tell a friend today, and spread this far and wide.

CA Appeals Court Rules DeCSS Legal (tags)

A California Appeals Court overturns a lower trial courts DeCSS injunction, ruling it a violation of First Amendment

Wheatons Dirty Little Secrets (tags)

Secrets cannot be kept forever....

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